Committee for State Security of the Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic

Corner House, the headquarters of the organization.

Committee for State Security of the Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic (Latvian: Latvijas Padomju Sociālistiskās Republikas Valsts drošības komiteja; (Russian: Комитет государственной безопасности Латвийской ССР) or KGB of LSSR (Latvian: VDK) was the secret police and state security organization of the Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic.[1] It was controlled by the Soviet KGB and was established on April 10, 1954 and dissolved on August 24, 1991.

The chairmen of the KGB of LSSR were:


  1. ^ Decree on the Committee for State Security of USSR in the Republic of Latvia. Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Latvia
  2. ^ Cīņa. 1954.g. 2.jūnijs, Nr.129, 2.lpp.
  3. ^ "Latvian Government Commission for KGB Research"
  4. ^ Latvijas Padomju Sociālistiskās Republikas Augstākās Padomes un Valdības Ziņotājs. Ведомости Верховного Совета И Правительства Латвийской Советской Социалистической Республики (Turpmāk: Ziņotājs). 1963.g. 7.februāris, Nr.6, 552., 559.lpp.
  5. ^ Ziņotājs. Ведомости. 1980.g. 4.decembris, Nr.49, 1821., 1834.lpp.
  6. ^ "Latvian Government Commission for KGB Research"
  7. ^ Ziņotājs. Ведомости. 1980.g. 4.decembris, Nr.49, 1821., 1834.lpp.
  8. ^ Ziņotājs. Ведомости. 1984.g. 31.maijs, Nr.22, 783., 793.lpp.
  9. ^ "Latvian Government Commission for KGB Research"
  10. ^ Ziņotājs. Ведомости. 1984.g. 31.maijs, Nr.22, 783., 793.lpp.
  11. ^ Ziņotājs. Ведомости. 1990.g. 15.marts, Nr.11, 652., 687.lpp.
  12. ^ "Latvian Government Commission for KGB Research"
  13. ^ Ziņotājs. Ведомости. 1990.g. 15.marts, Nr.11, 652., 687.lpp.
  14. ^ "Latvian Government Commission for KGB Research"
  15. ^ Organized Crime, Intelligence Services, and the Bank of New York Money Laundering Scandal
  16. ^ San Francisco bank linked to laundering probe at Bank of New York
  17. ^ Privatization plays important role in Latvian capital market
  18. ^ Крах банка "Балтия"
  19. ^ АО САКАРУ БАНКА (Латвия)