
Developer(s)Noriyuki Miyazaki
Initial releaseJanuary 31, 2007; 18 years ago (2007-01-31) (BSD 3-Clause)
Stable release
8.0.6[1] / November 20, 2024; 3 months ago (2024-11-20)
Written inC++
Operating systemMicrosoft Windows
Size4 MB
Available in44 languages
List of languages
English, Japanese, Russian, Chinese, etc.
LicenseMIT license

CrystalDiskMark is an open source disk drive benchmark tool for Microsoft Windows from Crystal Dew World. Based on Microsoft's MIT-licensed Diskspd tool,[2] this graphical benchmark is commonly used for testing the performance of solid-state storage.[3][4] It works by reading and writing through the filesystem in a volume-dependent way. It generates read/write speeds in sequential and random positions with varying numbers of queues and threads.[5] Solid-state drives tend to excel at random IO, as unlike hard drives, they do not need to seek for the specific position to read from or write to.[6]

There is a macOS clone version of it called AmorphousDiskMark developed by Katsura Shareware, named after the non-crystalline amorphous state of solids.[7]


Developer(s)Noriyuki Miyazaki
Initial releaseMay 22, 2008; 16 years ago (2008-05-22) (BSD 3-Clause)
Stable release
9.5.0[8] / November 20, 2024; 3 months ago (2024-11-20)
Written inC++
Operating systemMicrosoft Windows
Size5 MB
Available in44 languages
List of languages
English, Japanese, Russian, Chinese, etc.
LicenseMIT license

CrystalDiskInfo is an MIT-licensed S.M.A.R.T. utility for reading and monitoring disk drive status. Like CrystalDiskMark, this tool is designed with an emphasis around solid state devices, supporting NVMe connections in addition to the usual PATA and SATA. Other features include Intel RAID support, e-mail and sound warnings, and AAM/APM adjustment.[9]


It is a port of CrystalDiskMark for Mac OS X, published by Katsura Shareware,[10][11] developed by Twitter user polydron.[12]


It is a memory benchmarking programme for Mac OS X that uses CrystalDiskMark's user interface.[13]


Suisho Shizuku

Suisho Shizuku (Japanese: 水晶雫), illustrated by Kirino Kasumu (Japanese: 桐野霞) of Hermit Penguin,[14][15] produced by Bellche Tachibana (Japanese: 橘べるちぇ), and voiced by Hiromi Igarashi of Mausu Promotion,[16] is Crystal Dew World's first mascot, introduced in CrystalDiskMark 3.0.2 in 2012-10-26 as separate release.[17][18] The character's own web site was announced in 2014-01-10.[19] The character's Twitter account was opened in December 2013 Japan time,[20] but was only announced in 2014-08-28.[21] As of CrystalDiskInfo 7, she is voiced in Japanese in the special version.[22]

Shikuku editions of other Crystal Dew World software include CrystalDiskInfo since 5.0.0 (2012-06-16).[23]

Suisho Shizuku also has a crossover with Foxkonkochan (ふぉっくす紺子ちゃん),[24] a Foxconn mascot originally for authorized Foxconn Japanese dealer unistar, Inc.[25] (later Mediabank Corp (メディアバンク株式会社)) announced by the company in 2014-02-25[26]) designed by Nakano Tsukasa (永野つかさ) of e.l.fields, where both characters appear in a postcard that were included with purchases at selected stores in 2015-12-12.[27][28]

Kurei Kei/Pronama-chan

Kurei Kei (Japanese: 暮井 慧(くれいけい))/Pronama-chan (Japanese: プロ生ちゃん), a Pronama LLC mascot[29] designed by Ixy(いくしー) (Nareru! Systems Engineer illustrator), and voiced by Sumire Uesaka of KING RECORD CO., LTD.,[30][31] was the second mascot used in Crystal Dew World's software, introduced in CrystalDiskInfo 7.1.0 (2017-08-04).[32][33]

As part of CrystalDiskInfo Kurei Kei Edition premiere launch, CrystalDiskInfo Kurei Kei Edition x OLIOSPEC B2-sized posters were given away with purchases at OLIOSPEC in 2017-08-04,[34] with a CrystalDiskInfo Kurei Kei Edition theme images contest taking place between 2017-08-04 and 2017-10-01.[35][36] The contest's Ultimate prize was won by Kohaku Muro (Japanese: 琥珀むろ).[37]

Tsukumo Tokka

Virtual salesperson android Tsukumo Tokka (Japanese: バーチャル販売員・アンドロイドの九十九(ツクモ)トッカ), a Virtual Cast Shopping (Japanese: バーチャルキャストショッピング) (Project White Co., Ltd.'s online channel) mascot designed by ?,[38] was the third mascot used in Crystal Dew World's software, introduced in CrystalDiskMark 8.0.2 (2020-06-01).[17][39]

Suisho Aoi

Suisho Aoi mascot was introduced in CrystalDiskInfo 9.2.0, to celebrate Crystal Dew World's 25th anniversary.[40]

See also


  1. ^ "History". Crystal Dew World [en]. 20 November 2024 [February 2018]. Retrieved 2025-02-13.
  2. ^ "CrystalDiskMark". Crystal Dew World [en]. 12 January 2018. Retrieved 6 April 2019. CrystalDiskMark 4-6 uses Microsoft DiskSpd (The MIT License).
  3. ^ "Adata XPG SX8200 Pro NVMe SSD review: Top-tier performance for a song". PCWorld. 14 December 2018. Retrieved 6 April 2019.
  4. ^ "Microsoft Surface Go with 64GB eMMC storage – How much slower is the $399 model?". Windows Central. 2 August 2018. Retrieved 6 April 2019.
  5. ^ "Main Window". Crystal Dew World [en]. 2 February 2018. Retrieved 6 April 2019.
  6. ^ "Understanding Solid State Drives (part two – performance)" (PDF). HP. 2008-10-27. Retrieved 2011-07-06.
  7. ^ "AmorphousDiskMark for macOS - measures storage read/write performance". katsurashareware. Retrieved 6 April 2019.
  8. ^ "History". Crystal Dew World [en]. 20 November 2024. Retrieved 2025-02-13.
  9. ^ "CrystalDiskInfo". Crystal Dew World. 12 January 2018. Retrieved 6 April 2019.
  10. ^ Katsura, Hidetomo. "AmorphousDiskMark - ストーレジデバイスの性能を MB/s と IOPS で測定".
  11. ^ "Mac版「CrystalDiskMark」? ベンチマークソフト「AmorphousDiskMark」が公開". 窓の杜. 26 October 2016.
  12. ^ hiyohiyo (2016-10-30). "AmorphousDiskMark – Crystal Dew Blog". Crystal Dew Blog (in Japanese). Retrieved 2024-11-16.
  13. ^ Katsura, Hidetomo. "AmorphousMemoryMark - メモリモジュールの性能を GB/s で測定".
  14. ^ "2012 works – hermit penguin". May 27, 2016. Archived from the original on 27 May 2016.
  15. ^ Kasumu, Kirino (2015-06-16). "Crystal Drop". Kirino Kasumu Official Website (in Japanese). Archived from the original on 2016-04-07. Retrieved 2024-11-16.
  16. ^ Tachibana, Bellche. "I live my life the way I want to". (in Japanese). Archived from the original on 2017-04-28. Retrieved 2024-11-16.
  17. ^ a b "History - Crystal Dew World [en]". February 1, 2018.
  18. ^ "CrystalDiskMark 3.0.2 Shizuku Edition". Crystal Dew Blog.
  19. ^ "水晶雫.com". January 10, 2014.
  20. ^ "水晶雫@SuishoShizuku". Archived from the original on 2022-02-23.
  21. ^ "公式 Twitter 開設!!". August 28, 2014.
  22. ^ "CrystalDiskInfo 7 Shizuku Edition". suishoshizuku. Archived from the original on 6 April 2019. Retrieved 6 April 2019. She can speak Japanese only.
  23. ^ "Software > CrystalDiskInfo > History". 28 January 2018.
  24. ^ Tsukasa, Nagano (2013-12-18). "Fox Konko-chan CD released♪ Download sales have begun!". elfields (in Japanese). Archived from the original on 2017-09-06. Retrieved 2024-11-16.
  25. ^ "e.l.fields ふぉっくす紺子ちゃんのお仕事履歴".
  26. ^ "地域活性化を萌えキャラがサポート!ふぉっくす紺子ちゃん、アキバ&PC業界応援キャラへ". Archived from the original on 2021-06-20.
  27. ^ Kasumu, Kirino (2015-12-11). "Distribution of collaboration postcards by Suisho Shizuku and Fox Konko". Kirino Kasumu Official Website (in Japanese). Archived from the original on 2016-05-26. Retrieved 2024-11-16.
  28. ^ "水晶雫&ふぉっくす紺子 コラボポストカード配布について". December 12, 2015.
  29. ^ "プロ生ちゃん(暮井 慧)". プロ生ちゃん(暮井 慧).
  30. ^ "プロフィール". プロ生ちゃん(暮井 慧). August 14, 2018.
  31. ^ Sendagi, Kazuhiro (2017-08-04). "Close coverage of Sumire Uesaka's voice recording for "Puro Nama-chan"". ASCII Corporation (in Japanese). Archived from the original on 2021-12-12. Retrieved 2024-11-16.
  32. ^ "CrystalDiskInfo 7.1.0-1 – Crystal Dew Blog". February 23, 2009.
  33. ^ 株式会社インプレス (2017-08-07). "「CrystalDiskInfo」に"プロ生ちゃん"モデルが登場! 5つのテーマとボイスを収録/"プロ生ちゃん"の声優を務める上坂すみれさんのサイン色紙をプレゼント". 窓の杜 (in Japanese). Retrieved 2024-11-16.
  34. ^ "HDD/SSD 診断ツール CrystalDiskInfo に Kurei Kei Edition が登場! プロ生ちゃんがボイスで健康状態をお知らせ". プログラミング生放送. August 4, 2017.
  35. ^ "CrystalDiskInfo イラストコンテスト 2017". CrystalDiskInfo イラストコンテスト 2017.
  36. ^ "声優 上坂すみれさんのサイン色紙プレゼントもあり! "CrystalDiskInfo Kurei Kei Edition"のボイス収録インタビュー - AKIBA PC Hotline!". May 16, 2022. Archived from the original on 16 May 2022.
  37. ^ "受賞作品・応募作品テーマ". CrystalDiskInfo イラストコンテスト 2017.
  38. ^ "九十九トッカ|pixivFANBOX".
  39. ^ "[NEW] Tsukumo Tokka Edition". June 2021.
  40. ^ "Suisho Aoi - Crystal Dew World [en]". November 20, 2023.