Czech Biomass Association

The Czech Biomass Association (CZ Biom - Czech: České sdružení pro biomasu) is a NGO, which supports the development of phytoenergetics (energy from plant material) in the Czech Republic. Members of CZ BIOM are scientists, specialists, entrepreneurs, and activists interested in using biomass as an energy resource. CZ BIOM is a member of the European Biomass Association. [1] [2] [3] [4]


  1. ^ "Mezinárodní týden kompostování otevře veřejnosti provoz kompostáren. Nakopat si mohou i pytel kompostu" [International Composting Week open to the public operation of composting plants. They can also kick a bag of compost.]. (in Czech). Retrieved 2021-10-08.
  2. ^ Hosnedlová, Pavla (2021-02-26). "Unie se chystá na další zdanění uhlíku. Ve Švédsku už uhlíková daň funguje 30 let" [The Union is preparing for further carbon taxation. In Sweden, the carbon tax has been in place for 30 years.]. (in Czech). Retrieved 2021-10-08.
  3. ^ "Slavit může i Kateřina Jacques: Na spotřebu Česku by do konce roku stačila jen biomasa" [Kateřina Jacques can also celebrate: Only biomass would be enough for the Czech Republic's consumption by the end of the year.]. Blesk (in Czech). Retrieved 2021-10-08.
  4. ^ Zachová, Aneta (2021-03-04). "Německo uvalilo daň na topení zemním plynem. Měla by ji zavést celá EU, říká německý expert" [Germany has imposed a tax on natural gas heating. It should be introduced by the entire EU, says a German expert.]. (in Czech). Retrieved 2021-10-08.

External links