
Démophon is a French-language opera by the composer Johann Christoph Vogel, first performed at the Académie Royale de Musique (the Paris Opera) on 15 September 1789. The libretto is by Philippe Desriaux. The second and last of Vogel's operas to be staged, it was premiered after the composer's death at the age of 32 the previous year.


Cast Voice type Premiere
Démophon, King of Thrace basse-taille (bass-baritone) Martin-Joseph Adrien
Timante, son of Démophon, secretly married to Dircée tenor Étienne Lainez
Dircée soprano Marie-Wilhelmine de Roussellois
Narbal tenor/baritone François Lays
Adraste basse-taille (bass-baritone) Châteaufort
Un coryphée basse-taille Pierre-Charles Le Roux (the younger)[1]
Le grand prêtre (the high priest) basse-taille (bass-baritone) Dufresne
Diane (the goddess Diana) soprano Burette
Une coryphée soprano Mullot (or Mulot)
Chorus: Priests, warriors and people of Thrace


  1. ^ Le Roux was a former member of the Choir numbered among the tailles (bari-tenors) (cf. composition of the Choirs reported in the original libretto of Antonio Salieri's Tarare).