Eastern Pauwasi languages

East Pauwasi
East Pauwasi River
Western New Guinea, Papua New Guinea
Linguistic classificationPauwasi
  • East Pauwasi

The East Pauwasi languages are a family of Papuan languages spoken in north-central New Guinea, on both sides of the Indonesia-Papua New Guinea border. They may either form part of a larger Pauwasi language family along with the Western Pauwasi languages, or they could form an independent language family.[1]


According to Timothy Usher, the East Pauwasi languages, which seem to form a dialect chain, are:[2]

East Pauwasi River
  • Zorop (Yafi)
  • Emem–Karkar

Usher also identified the Karkar (Yuri) language as Pauwasi.

Vocabulary comparison

The following basic vocabulary words are from Voorhoeve (1971, 1975),[3][4] as cited in the Trans-New Guinea database:[5]

Language Emem Zorop Tebi Towei
head yebikol məndai məndini mindimna
hair yebipai mepai məndini-teke; məndini- teke mindi-teke
ear waigi faʔa
eye yu dji; ji ei; i ei
nose məŋai məndi
tooth jokol djurai; jurai kle kəreser
tongue metaləp klemalbo
leg puke fu(ŋi) puŋwa popnoa
louse yemare jemar; yemar mi
dog ende jendru; yendru
pig fər sər
bird olmu awe lumu; olmu yemu
egg yen sen alani; membi jek
blood mobe mob teri; təri edefi
bone kolk əndai gwane; gwano pana
skin abe fou; wu ser ser
breast muam mamu
tree nare; walti nare; war; wiŋgu wejalgi; weyalgi wemu
man yube arab toŋkwar tokwar
woman elim keke
sun yəmar djəmar; jemar maʔa yimap
moon djunk wuluma
water ende djewek; yender ai eye
fire yau dau; ju we we
stone yomei andrur kwola mafi
road, path mai fiaʔa
name ei awei; djei; jei kini ken
eat fer fel; fer ne nembra
one gərakam aŋgətəwam; əŋətəwam kərowali giona
two anəŋgiar anəŋgar kre krana


Some lexical reconstructions of Proto-East Pauwasi by Usher (2020) are:[2]

gloss Proto-East Pauwasi
head/hair *mɛ
leaf/hair *mbVwai
ear *wVpi
eye *ji
nose *mɛi
seed/tooth *jɔ
tongue *mɜtaɺVp
foot/leg *mbu
blood *mɜp
bone *ŋgVɺ
skin/bark *apV, *jipi
breast *mɵ̝m
louse *jəmVɺ
pig *pVɺ
bird *and
egg *jVn
tree *naɺV, *waɺ
man/husband *jɵ̝pɛ
woman *VɺVm[i]
sun/sky *jəmaɺ
moon *juŋg
water *Vnd
fire/wood *jau
stone *mbVɺi
path *mVwai
name i
eat/drink *pɜɺ
one *aŋgVtamb
two *anVŋg


  1. ^ Foley, William A. (2018). "The Languages of the Sepik-Ramu Basin and Environs". In Palmer, Bill (ed.). The Languages and Linguistics of the New Guinea Area: A Comprehensive Guide. The World of Linguistics. Vol. 4. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. pp. 197–432. ISBN 978-3-11-028642-7.
  2. ^ a b NewGuineaWorld
  3. ^ Voorhoeve, C.L. "Miscellaneous Notes on Languages in West Irian, New Guinea". In Dutton, T., Voorhoeve, C. and Wurm, S.A. editors, Papers in New Guinea Linguistics No. 14. A-28:47-114. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University, 1971. doi:10.15144/PL-A28.47
  4. ^ Voorhoeve, C.L. Languages of Irian Jaya: Checklist. Preliminary classification, language maps, wordlists. B-31, iv + 133 pages. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University, 1975. doi:10.15144/PL-B31
  5. ^ Greenhill, Simon (2016). "TransNewGuinea.org - database of the languages of New Guinea". Retrieved 2020-11-05.

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