Economic and Social Committee

European Economic and Social Committee
Formation1958; 66 years ago (1958)
TypeAdvisory body to the European Union
PurposeRepresent employers, employees and various interest groups
HeadquartersJacques Delors building, Brussels,  Belgium
Coordinates50°50′26″N 4°22′38″E / 50.8405°N 4.3772°E / 50.8405; 4.3772
Secretary General
Gianluca Brunetti
Oliver Röpke

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is a consultative body of the European Union (EU) established in 1958. It is an advisory assembly composed of representatives from employers' associations, workers' unions (trade unions) and civil society organisations. Its seat, which it shares with the Committee of the Regions, is the Jacques Delors building on Belliardstraat / Rue Belliard 99 in Brussels.

Once known by the acronym "EcoSoc", the body is now referred to as the "EESC", to avoid confusions with the United Nations ECOSOC.


The European Economic and Social Committee was established by the Treaty of Rome of 1957 in order to unite different economic interest groups to establish a Single Market. The creation of this committee gave them an institution to allow their voices to be heard by the European Commission, the Council and the European Parliament. The EESC declares itself to be "a bridge between Europe and organised civil society".[1]

It is mandatory for the committee to be consulted on those issues stipulated in the Treaties and in all cases where the institutions deem it appropriate. The Treaty of Maastricht considerably enlarged the committee's domain. Its influence now extends to matters such as social policy, social and economic cohesion, environment, education, health, customers protection, industry, Trans-European Networks, indirect taxation and structural funds. On certain issues the EESC works in partnership with the Committee of the Regions.

In latest years, the committee has taken up the challenge of civil society, opening up its forum to representatives of all sectors, developing two complementary missions:

  • Involving civil society organisations more in the European venture, at both national and European level,
  • Boosting the role of civil society organisations in non-member countries or country groupings where the committee is furthering structured dialogue with civil society organisations, and promoting the creation of consultative structures based on its experiences, not least in the countries applying for EU membership, the Mediterranean partner countries, African, Caribbean and Pacific countries, India, China, Latin America (Mercosur) and Brazil.


It is mandatory for the committee to be consulted on those issues stipulated in the Treaties and in all cases where the institutions deem it appropriate. The EESC may also be consulted on an exploratory basis by one of the other institutions, and under Rule 29(2) of its Rules of Procedure may issue opinions on its own initiative.[2] Around 15% of its opinions are own-initiative opinions.

Own-initiative and exploratory opinions often raise the awareness of decision-making bodies, and of the commission in particular, about subjects which have hitherto barely attracted their attention, if at all. Exploratory opinions drawn up at the request of other institutions before the commission has even drafted its proposals enable the various components of organised civil society represented within the EESC to express the expectations, concerns and needs of grassroots stakeholders.

The Committee adopts on average 170 opinions a year on a wide range of subjects concerning European integration. It therefore plays an active role in the processes of shaping Community policies and preparing Community decisions.


Currently, EESC membership numbers 329 (same as the Committee of the Regions).[3] The number of members per EU state varies according to the population of each state (see table below for state-by-state membership figures; the breakdown is the same for the Committee of the Regions). Members of the EESC are divided into three groups of equal number, employers, employees and a third group of various other changing interests such as: farmers, consumer groups, professional associations and so on.

Members are appointed by the council (by qualified majority) following nominations made by the government of the respective Member State. However, once appointed, the members are completely independent of their governments. They have a renewable term of office of five years. The President of the EESC, elected for a 2+12-year term, is Oliver Röpke (since 2023),[4] and the previous presidents were Christa Schweng (2020–2023) Luca Jahier (2018–2020) Georges Dassis (2015–2018) and Henri Malosse (2013–2015).[5]

State Members State Members State Members
 Germany 24  Belgium 12  Ireland 9
 Hungary 12  Croatia 9  France 24
 Portugal 12  Lithuania 9  Italy 24
 Sweden 12  Latvia 7  Spain 21
 Bulgaria 12  Slovenia 7  Poland 21
 Austria 12  Estonia 7  Romania 15
 Slovakia 9  Cyprus 6  Netherlands 12
 Denmark 9  Luxembourg 6  Greece 12
 Finland 9  Malta 5  Czech Republic 12
Total 329


Selected own-initiative opinions include:

  • Opinion on the Value and supply chain development in a European and global context (adopted 25 April 2007) which argued that EU and member state agencies should work to improve the environment in which "initial and intermediate companies" operate within supply chains. Initialised as "IICs", a term which was "coined specifically for this opinion", the opinion refers to the relatively less visible, generally smaller or medium sized enterprises, at the lower tiers of supply chains, operating at early stages of the value creation process, often in innovative ways, and playing an important role in employment. The opinion notes that there is "no established definition of IICs" and that attitudes to such companies vary across member states and regions.[6][7]
  • Towards an ILO standard against gender-based violence at work (16 September 2015) [8]


In a report reviewing 50 years of the EESC,[9] C.S. Dimitrioulas cited Jacques Delors as saying that EESC contributions from 1958 to 2008 on civil and social matters were "remarkable". Dimitrioulas commented: "Thanks to its membership and unique role in the EU’s institutional framework, the Committee will in future have special responsibility for making a reality of participatory democracy and for working towards the development of structured dialogue between organised civil society and Union institutions."

The Lisbon Treaty has confirmed the EESC's role and influence. According to proponents of the EESC: "Indeed, significant prospects for the development of participatory democracy are opened through Article 11 of the new Treaty on the European Union, which lays the foundations for the future establishment of a genuine structured civil dialogue at European level alongside the political dialogue between the EU and its Member States and the social dialogue with the social partners, thereby ensuring sustainable participation of organised civil society in the European political process. In this context, the EESC has a particular responsibility in bringing participatory democracy to life. In view of its membership and role, as laid down in the Treaties, and in partnership with the other institutions, the Committee's purpose is to be even more in the future the means of developing participatory democracy and civil dialogue at Union level."[citation needed]

In October 2020 reappointment of a Polish business representative Jacek Krawczyk for another five-year term as a member of the EESC became a target of harsh criticism as the EESC faced pressure to better prevent harassment in the organization. Mr. Krawczyk was himself accused of psychological harassment and is prosecuted by Belgian authorities.[10] Besides that, the conduct of Jacek Krawczyk has been investigated by the EU’s anti-fraud office OLAF.[11] MEPs therefore rejected the EESC’s 2018 financial accounts over its failure to deal with the issue of harassment. According to the words of MEP Tomáš Zdechovský, who led the budget discharge procedure, the EESC was not able to answer questions regarding its various mistakes and take measures which would make MEPs believe that this particular institution is able to protect the interests of European citizens.[12]

Overall usefulness of the EESC has also been questioned recently. While the number of administrative staff has decreased from 727 in 2013 to 668 in 2019 and the number of opinions has gone down, the annual EESC's budget has continued to grow.[13] Czech MEP Tomáš Zdechovský said, that “very few lawmakers are reading the opinions of this committee. The impact is close to zero.” He also described the EESC as “a zombie committee that lost its purpose but still lives on.”[13]

See also


  1. ^ "Secretary-General - European Economic and Social Committee". European Economic and Social Committee. 22 June 2018.
  2. ^ Consolidated version of the Rules of Procedure of the European Economic and Social Committee — On 14 July 2010 the European Economic and Social Committee adopted the consolidated version of its Rules of Procedure
  3. ^ Council Decision (EU) 2019/853 of 21 May 2019 determining the composition of the European Economic and Social Committee
  4. ^ "The President - EESC". Retrieved 17 May 2018.
  5. ^ "Former EESC Presidents". 14 February 2010. Retrieved 17 May 2018.
  6. ^ European Economic and Social Committee, Value and supply chain development, adopted 25 April 2007, accessed 31 January 2021
  7. ^ Official Journal of the European Union, Value and supply chain development, C168, Volume 50, 20 July 2007, pages 3-11, accessed 14 January 2022
  8. ^ European Economic and Social Committee, Towards an ILO standard against gender-based violence at work, published 16 September 2015, accessed 31 January 2021
  9. ^ The European Economic and Social Committee 50 years of participatory democracy, C.S. Dimitrioulas Scientific Direction, European Economic and Social Committee Brussels 2008
  10. ^ Von der Burchard, Hans (29 October 2020). "'Zombie committee' member accused of harassment to be reappointed". Retrieved 7 May 2023.
  11. ^ Von der Burchard, Hans (28 October 2020). "The EU's €140M 'zombie committee' faces pressure to reform". Retrieved 7 May 2023.
  12. ^ Von der Burchard, Hans (20 October 2020). "Parliament rejects accounts of troubled EU social committee". Retrieved 7 May 2023.
  13. ^ a b Von der Burchard, Hans (28 October 2020). "The EU's €140M 'zombie committee' faces pressure to reform". Retrieved 7 May 2023.

External links