Edmond Malassis

Cover of L'Ami Fritz (1909)
Illustration of La Fontaine's "The Ass Carrying Relics" from Fables Choisies (Paris, 1930)

Edmond Malassis (14 December 1874 – 3 September 1944) was a French painter and illustrator.

Vies des dames galantes (1934)


Edmond Malassis was born in the 10th arrondissement of Paris on 14 December 1874. He was a pupil of Gustave Moreau, and became a watercolourist.[1]

Malassis worked primarily in the first half of the 20th century. A prolific book illustrator, he did not do his own engravings.[2] In 1935, he exhibited at the galerie de l'Écale in the Faubourg Saint-Honoré, Paris.

He died in his home in the 7th arrondissement of Paris on 3 September 1944, aged sixty-nine.

Illustrated works

  1. Edmond Haraucourt, La Légende des sexes. Poèmes hystériques (Brussels, 1882)
  2. Balzac, La Belle Impéria (Paris: Louis Conard, 1903)
  3. Théodore de Banville, Gringoire, comedy in one act, in prose (Paris: Louis Conard, 1904)
  4. André Couvreur, Caresco surhomme, ou le voyage en Eucrasie, conte humain (Paris: Plon, 1904)
  5. Balzac, Les joyeuzetés du roy Loys le Unzième (Paris: Louis Conard, 1907)
  6. Erckmann-Chatrian, L'Ami Fritz (Paris: Louis Conard, 1909)
  7. Pierre Louÿs, Aphrodite, Mœurs antiques (Paris: M. H. Couderc de Saint-Chamant, 1910)
    • The original copy was illustrated by Claude-Charles Bourgonnier and Adolphe Giraldon. Malassis illustrated two copies.
  8. Anatole France, Le Crime de Sylvestre Bonnard (Paris: Carteret, 1921)
  9. Guy de Maupassant, La Morte (Paris, 1922)
    • A unique copy illustrated with original watercolours.
  10. Voltaire, Candide (Paris: Carteret, 1922)
  11. Charles Baudelaire, Amoenitates Belgicae, epigrams published by François Montel (Paris: Éditions Excelsior, 1925)
  12. Stendhal, L'Abbesse de Castro (Paris: Javal et Bourdeaux, 1930)
    • Copper-engraved by Delzers and Feltesse.
  13. La Fontaine, Fables choisies (Paris: Louis Connard, 1930–1933)
    • Illustrated by Fred Money, woodcuts in colours by André and Paul Baudier, decorative compositions by Pierre Laprade.
  14. Louis XI (attribution), Les Cent Nouvelles (Paris: P. Javal and Bourdeaux, 1931)
    • Originally engraved on copper by Lorrain.
  15. Brantôme, Les Vies des dames galantes (Paris: Le Vasseur et Cie, 1935)
  16. Théodore de Banville, Florise (Paris: A. and F. Ferroud, 1936)
  17. Richard Wagner, La Tétralogie, translated by Albert Pauphilet (Paris: Piazza, 1941)
  18. Joseph Bédier (adaptation), Le Roman de Tristan et Iseut (Paris: Piazza, 1942)



  1. ^ Osterwalder, ed. 1992, p. 743
  2. ^ Oliver, ed. 2011, n.p.
