Fedir Androshchuk

Fedir Androshchuk (Ukrainian: Федір Олександрович Андрощук; born February 20, 1970, in Kyiv) is a Ukrainian archaeologist specialist in the field of Scandinavian studies, director of the National Museum of the History of Ukraine since 2020, member of the executive board of the European Association of Archaeologists since 2022.[1]


Fedir Androschuk was born on February 20, 1970, in the city of Kyiv.

In 1988, he entered the Faculty of History of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, which he graduated in 1995. During 1987–1988, 1990–1996, he worked at the NASU Institute of Archaeology of Ukraine. He led the Shestovitsky and Kaniv expeditions of Taras Shevchenko National University (1993, 1996–1997). From 1996 to 2000, he worked as a teacher at the Department of Archeology and Museum Studies of the same university.[2]


  • 2016 – Certificate of thanks from the Minister of Culture of Ukraine for facilitating the return of the "Viking Sword" to Ukraine.[3]
  • 2023 – Individual Archaeological Heritage Prize of the European Association of Archaeologists for leadership in the protection of Ukrainian archaeological heritage during the war, for commitment to raise awareness about the importance of archaeological heritage in these difficult moments and for overall professional and scientific profile.[4]



  1. Від вікінгів до Русі. — Київ: Laurus, 2022.[5]
  2. Десятинна церква — відома та невідома. — Київ: Laurus, 2021.[6]
  3. Гаральд Суворий — останній вікінг. — Київ: Laurus, 2020.
  4. Осеберг: загадки королевского кургана. — Київ: Laurus, 2017.
  5. Images of Power: Byzantium and Nordic Coinage, Paris-Kyiv 2016, c. 995–1035.
  6. Byzantium and the Viking World (Studia Byzantina Upsaliensia 18). Co-edited with Jonathan Shepard and Monica White, Uppsala 2016.
  7. Swords and Social Aspects of Weaponry in Viking Age societies, Stockholm 2014.
  8. Vikings in the East: Essays on the Contacts along the Road to Byzantium, Uppsala 2013.
  9. Мечи викингов. — Київ, 2013.
  10. Скандинавские древности Южной Руси. Каталог. — Paris, 2012.
  11. Нормани і слов'яни у Подесенні. Моделі культурної взаємодії доби раннього середньовіччя. — Київ, 1999.


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