Georges Méliès filmography

Méliès (at left) in his Montreuil studio

Georges Méliès (1861–1938) was a French filmmaker and magician generally regarded as the first person to recognize the potential of narrative film.[1] He made about 520 films between 1896 and 1912,[2] covering a range of genres including trick films, fantasies, comedies, advertisements, satires, costume dramas, literary adaptations, erotic films, melodramas, and imaginary voyages.[3] His works are often considered as important precursors to modern narrative cinema, though some recent scholars have argued that Méliès's films are better understood as spectacular theatrical creations rooted in the 19th-century féerie tradition.[4]

After attending the first demonstration of the Lumière Brothers' Cinematographe in December 1895, he bought a film projector from the British film pioneer Robert W. Paul and began using it to project short films at his theater of illusions, the Théâtre Robert-Houdin, in Paris.[5] Having studied the principles on which Paul's projector ran, Méliès was able to modify the machine so that it could be used as a makeshift camera.[6] He began making his own films with it in May 1896, founded the Star Film Company in the same year, and built his own studio in Montreuil, Seine-Saint-Denis in 1897.[7] His films A Trip to the Moon (1902), The Kingdom of the Fairies (1903), and The Impossible Voyage (1904) were among the most popular films of the first few years of the twentieth century,[8] and Méliès built a second, larger studio in 1907.[9] However, a combination of difficulties—including American film piracy, standardized film prices set in 1908 by the Motion Picture Patents Company, and a decline in popularity of fantasy films—led eventually to Méliès's financial ruin and the closing of his studio.[10] His last films were made in 1912 under the supervision of the rival studio Pathé, and in 1922–23 Méliès sold his studios, closed the Théâtre Robert-Houdin, and discarded his own collection of his negative and positive prints. In 1925 he began selling toys and candy from a stand in the Gare Montparnasse in Paris.[9] Thanks to the efforts of film history devotées, especially René Clair, Jean George Auriol, and Paul Gilson, Méliès and his work were rediscovered in the late 1920s, and he was awarded the Legion of Honor in 1931.[11]

In the list below, Méliès's films are numbered according to their order in the catalogues of the Star Film Company. In Méliès's numbering system, films were listed and numbered according to their order of production, and each catalogue number denotes about 20 meters of film (thus, for example, A Trip to the Moon, at about 260 meters long, is listed as #399–411).[12] The original French release titles, as well as the original titles used in the US and UK versions of the Star Film catalogues, are listed in the body of the filmography; notable variant titles are provided in smaller text. The parenthetical descriptive subtitles used in the catalogues (e.g. scène comique) are also provided whenever possible. Films directed by Méliès but not originally released by the Star Film Company (such as The Coronation of Edward VII, released by Charles Urban, or The Conquest of the Pole, released by Pathé Frères) are also included. Where available, the list also includes information on whether each film survives, survives in fragmentary form, or is presumed lost. Unless otherwise referenced, the information presented here is derived from the 2008 filmography prepared by Jacques Malthête,[13] augmented by filmographies prepared in the 1970s by Paul Hammond[14] and John Frazer.[15]

List of films

# English title(s) French title Status
- 1896 -
1 Playing Cards Une partie de cartes Survives
2 Conjuring Séance de prestidigitation Survives[16]
3 Smarter Than the Teacher (1st bicycle lesson) Plus fort que le maître (leçon de bicyclette) Lost
4 Gardener Burning Weeds Jardinier brûlant des herbes Lost
5 A Merry-go-Round Les Chevaux de bois Lost
6 Watering the Flowers (comical subject) L'Arroseur Lost
7 The Washerwomen Les Blanchisseuses Lost
8 Arrival of a Train at Vincennes Station Arrivée d'un train (gare de Vincennes) Lost
9 The Rag-Picker, or a Good Joke Une bonne farce (le chiffonnier) Lost
10 Place de l'Opéra, 1st view (Paris) Place de l'Opéra (1er aspect) Lost
11 Place du Théâtre-Français (Paris) Place du Théâtre-Français Lost
12 A Little Rascal Un petit diable Lost
13 Coronation of a Village Maiden (French customs) Couronnement de la rosière Lost
14 Baby and Young Girls Bébé et Fillettes Lost
15 Post No Bills Défense d'afficher Survives
16 Steamboats on River Seine Bateaux-Mouches sur la Seine Lost
17 Place de l'Opéra, 2d view (Paris) Place de l'Opéra (2e aspect) Lost
18 Boulevard des Italiens (Paris) Boulevard des Italiens Lost
19 Academy for Young Ladies Un lycée de jeunes filles Lost
20 Bois de Boulogne (Touring Club, Paris) Bois de Boulogne (Touring Club) Lost
21 Bois de Boulogne (Porte de Madrid, Paris) Bois de Boulogne (Porte de Madrid) Lost
22 The Rescue on the River (1st part) Sauvetage en rivière (1re partie) Lost
23 The Rescue on the River (2d part) Sauvetage en rivière (2e partie) Lost
24 French Regiment Going to the Parade Le Régiment Lost
25 Gipsies at Home Campement de bohémiens Lost
26 A Terrible Night Une nuit terrible
27 Unloading the Boat (Havre) Déchargement de bateaux (Le Havre) Lost
28 The Beach at Villers in a Gale (France) Plage de Villers par gros temps Lost
29 The Docks at Marseilles (France) Les Quais à Marseille Lost
30 Beach and Pier at Trouville (France) Jetée et plage de Trouville (1re partie) Lost
31 Boat Leaving the Harbor of Trouville Barque sortant du port de Trouville Lost
32 Beach and Pier at Trouville (2d part) Jetée et plage de Trouville (2e partie) Lost
33 Market Day (Trouville) Jour de marché à Trouville Lost
34 Panorama of Havre Taken From a Boat Panorama du Havre (pris d'un bateau) Lost
35 Arrival of a Train (Joinville Station) Arrivée d'un train (gare de Joinville) Survives[18]
36 A Soldier's Unlucky Salutation Salut malencontreux
Also known as Salut malencontreux d'un déserteur[14][15]
37 A Lightning Sketch (Mr. Thiers) Dessinateur express (M. Thiers) Lost
38 Blacksmith in His Workshop Les Forgerons (vue d'atelier) Lost
39 A Janitor in Trouble Tribulations d'un concierge Lost
40 Sea Bathing Baignade en mer Lost
41 Children Playing on the Beach Enfants jouant sur la plage Lost
42 Conjurer Making Ten Hats in Sixty Seconds Dix Chapeaux en soixante secondes Survives[b]
43 Sea Breaking on the Rocks Effet de mer sur les rochers Lost
44 A Serpentine Dance Danse serpentine Fragment?[b]
45 Miss de Vère (English jig) Miss de Vère (gigue anglaise) Fragment?[b]
46 Automobiles Starting on a Race Départ des automobiles Lost
47 A Naval Review at Cherbourg Revue navale à Cherbourg Lost
48 The Czar and His Cortège Going to Versailles Cortège du Tzar allant à Versailles Lost
49 Towing a Boat on the River Les Haleurs de bateaux Lost
50 The Czar's Cortège in the Bois de Boulogne Cortège du Tzar au Bois de Boulogne Lost
51 Closing Hours at Vibert's Perfume Factory (Paris) Sortie des ateliers Vibert Lost
52 The Potter's Cart La Voiture du potier Lost
53 The Mysterious Paper Le Papier protée Lost
54 Place de la Concorde (Paris) Place de la Concorde Lost
55 St. Lazare Railroad Station (Paris) La Gare Saint-Lazare Lost
56 Manoeuvres of the French Army Grandes Manœuvres Lost
57 A Lightning Sketch (Chamberlain) Dessinateur (Chamberlain) Lost
58 Place de la Bastille (Paris) Place de la Bastille Lost
59 Tide Rising Over the Breakwater Marée montante sur brise-lames Lost
60 Return to the Barracks Retour au cantonnement Lost
61 A Lightning Sketch (H.M. Queen Victoria) Dessinateur (Reine Victoria) Lost
62 French Officers' Meeting Réunion d'officiers Lost
63 The Pier at Tréport During a Storm (France) Tempête sur la jetée du Tréport Lost
64 The Bivouac Le Bivouac Lost
65 Threshing-Machine Worked by Power
Also known as Threshing Machines Worked by Power[14][15]
Batteuse à vapeur Lost
66 Sacks Up! Sac au dos! Lost
67 Breaking up of the Territorial Army (France) Libération des territoriaux Lost
68 Officers of French Army Leaving Service Départ des officiers Lost
69 Place Saint-Augustin (Paris) Place Saint-Augustin Lost
70 The Vanishing Lady Escamotage d'une dame chez Robert-Houdin Survives
71 The Fakir (a Hindoo mystery) Le Fakir (mystère indien) Lost
72 A Badly Managed Hotel L'Hôtel empoisonné Lost
73 A Lightning Sketch (Von Bismarck) Dessinateur (Von Bismarck) Lost
74 The Peeping Toms Les Indiscrets Lost
75 Tom Old Boot (a grotesque dwarf) Tom Old Boot (nain grotesque) Lost
76 A Quarrel in a Café Une altercation au café Lost
77 The Drunkards Les Ivrognes Lost
- 1896–1897 -
78–80 The Haunted Castle (US)
The Devil's Castle (UK)
Le Manoir du diable Survives
81 An Up-to-Date Dentist Chicot, dentiste américain Lost
82 A Nightmare Le Cauchemar Survives
- 1897 -
83–84 The Mardi Gras Procession (Paris, 1897) Le Cortège du Bœuf gras passant place de la Concorde Lost
85 The Mardi Gras Procession (Paris, 1898) [sic] Cortège du Bœuf gras, boulevard des Italiens Lost
86 A Farm Yard Une cour de ferme Lost
87 Military Apprentices Les Apprentis militaires Lost
88 Comedian Paulus Singing "Derrière l'Omnibus" Paulus chantant: Derrière l'omnibus Lost
89 Comedian Paulus Singing "Coquin de Printemps" Paulus chantant: Coquin de printemps Lost
90 Comedian Paulus Singing "Duelliste Marsellais" Paulus chantant: Duelliste marseillais Lost
91 Firemen on Parade Défilé des pompiers Lost
92 Dancing Girls (Jardin de Paris) Danseuses au Jardin de Paris Lost
93 An Imaginary Patient Le Malade imaginaire Lost
94 A Funny Mahometan Le Musulman rigolo Lost
95 An Hallucinated Alchemist L'Hallucination de l'alchimiste Lost
96 The Devil's Castle (US)
The Haunted Castle (UK)
Le Château hanté Survives[21]
97–98 Mid-Lent Procession in Paris Cortège de la Mi-Carême Lost
99 Battle With Confetti Bataille de confettis Lost
100 On the Roofs Sur les toits (cambrioleurs et gendarmes) Survives
101 D. Devant, Conjurer D. Devant (prestidigitation) Fragment?[b]
102 The School for Sons-in-law L'École des gendres Lost
103–104 War Episodes Épisode de guerre Lost
105 The Last Cartridges Bombardement d'une maison (reconstitution de la scène des Dernières Cartouches) Survives
106 The Surrender of Tournavos La Prise de Tournavos Survives
107 Execution of a Spy Exécution d'un espion Lost
108 Massacre in Crete Massacres en Crète Lost
109 A Dangerous Pass (Mont Blanc) Passage dangereux (Mont-Blanc) Lost
110 Sea Fighting in Greece Combat naval en Grèce Survives
111 Gugusse and the Automaton Gugusse et l'Automate Lost
112 Between Dover and Calais
Also known as Between Calais and Dover[15][21]
Entre Calais et Douvres Survives
113 Peeping Tom at the Seaside L'Indiscret aux bains de mer Lost
114 Behind the Scenes Dans les coulisses (scène comique dans un théâtre) Lost
115 A Potterymaker Tourneur en poterie Lost
116 The Grasshopper and the Ant La Cigale et la Fourmi Lost
117 A Balloon Ascension (very comical) Ascension d'un ballon Lost
118–120 Laboratory of Mephistopheles Le Cabinet de Méphistophélès Lost
121 The Barber and the Farmer Figaro et l'Auvergnat Survives[22]
122–123 The Bewitched Inn L'Auberge ensorcelée Survives
124 Auguste and Bibb Auguste et Bibb Lost
125 A Twentieth Century Surgeon Chirurgien américain Lost
126 The Charcoal Man's Reception Arlequin et Charbonnier Lost
127 A Private Dinner En cabinet particulier Lost
128 After the Ball Après le bal (le tub) Survives
129 A Hypnotist at Work (US)
While Under a Hypnotist's Influence (UK)
Le Magnétiseur Lost
130–131 An Irritable Model Le Modèle irascible Lost
132 Dancing in a Harem Danse au sérail Unknown[c]
133 Slave Trading in a Harem Vente d'esclaves au harem Lost
134 Fighting in the Streets in India Combat dans une rue aux Indes Lost
135 Attack of an English Blockhouse Attaque d'un poste anglais Lost
136 Boxing Match Match de boxe (professeurs de l'École de Joinville) Fragment?[b]
137 A Drunkard's Dream Vision d'ivrogne Lost
- 1897–1898 -
138 Faust and Marguerite Faust et Marguerite Lost[d]
139 Place de l'Opéra, 3d view (Paris) Carrefour de l'Opéra Lost
140–141 Black Art (US)
Devilish Magic (UK)
Magie diabolique Lost
- 1898 -
142 A Novice at X-Rays Les Rayons X Lost
143 Collision and Shipwreck at Sea Collision et Naufrage en mer Lost
144–145 The Blowing up of the "Maine" in Havana Harbor Quais de La Havane (Explosion du cuirassé Le Maine) Lost
146 A View of the Wreck of the "Maine" Visite de l'épave du Maine Lost
147 Divers at Work on the Wreck of the "Maine" (US)
Divers at Work on a Wreck Under Sea (UK)
Visite sous-marine du Maine (plongeurs et poissons vivants) Survives
148 Fencing at the Joinville School Assaut d'escrime (École de Joinville) Fragment?[b]
149 A Clumsy Mason Le Maçon maladroit Lost
150 Defending the Fort at Manila (US)
Defending the Fort (UK)
Combat naval devant Manille Lost
151 Panorama from Top of Moving Train
Also known as Panorama from Top of a Moving Train[15][21]
Panorama pris d'un train en marche (ponts et tunnels) Survives
152 A Soldier's Tedious Duty Corvée de quartier accidentée Lost
153 The Magician (US)
Black Magic (UK)
Le Magicien Survives
154 A Soldier's French Leave Sorti sans permission Lost
155 The Famous Box Trick Illusions fantasmagoriques Survives
156 Pygmalion and Galatea Pygmalion et Galathée Survives
157 Shooting the Chutes Montagnes russes nautiques Lost
158 Damnation of Faust Damnation de Faust Lost[d]
159 Adventures of William Tell Guillaume Tell et le Clown Survives
160–162 The Astronomer's Dream, or the Man in the Moon La Lune à un mètre (1—l'observatoire; 2—la Lune; 3—Phœbé)
Also known as L'Homme dans la Lune[14]
163 West Point
Also known as Fresh Paint[14]
Prenez garde à la peinture Lost
164 The Cave of the Demons La Caverne maudite Lost
165 The Artist's Dream Rêve d'artiste Lost
166 The Painter's Studio Atelier d'artiste (farce de modèles) Lost
167 The Four Troublesome Heads Un homme de têtes
Also known as Un homme de tête[14][15][21]
168 The Cripple Lady (US)
The Triple Lady (UK)
Dédoublement cabalistique Lost
- 1898–1899 -
169 Temptation of St. Anthony Tentation de saint Antoine Survives
170 The Beggar's Dream Rêve du pauvre Lost
171 A Dinner Under Difficulties Salle à manger fantastique Survives
- 1899 -
172 Fantastical Illusions Création spontanée
Also known as Illusions fantastiques[14]
173–174 Funeral of Felix Faure Funérailles de Félix Faure (1—char; 2—les troupes) Lost
175–176 Robbing Cleopatra's Tomb Le Sacrilège (1—l'attentat; 2—résurrection de Cléopâtre)
Also known as Cléopâtre[23]
177–178 The Bridegroom's Dilemma Le Coucher de la mariée ou Triste nuit de noces
Advertised as a scène comique[24]
179 A Political Duel Duel politique Lost
180 An Extraordinary Wrestling Match Luttes extravagantes Lost[25]
181 The Wandering Minstrel Richesse et Misère ou la Cigale et la Fourmi Lost
182 The Sentry's Stratagem L'Ours et la Sentinelle Lost
183 An Up-to-Date Conjurer (US)
An Up-to-Date Conjuror (UK)
Also known as The Conjurer (English)[21] and L'Impressionniste fin de siècle (French)[14]
L'Illusionniste fin de siècle Survives[f]
184 Murder Will Out Le Spectre Lost
185–187 The Devil in a Convent (US)
"The Sign of the Cross", or the Devil in a Convent (UK)
Le Diable au couvent (1. Les nonnes, le sermon. 2. Les démons, le sabbat. 3. Le clergé, l'exorcisme) Survives
188 Haggard's "She"—The Pillar of Fire Danse du feu
Also known as La colonne de feu[27]
189 The Spanish Inquisition—Cremation La Crémation (le supplice, le miracle) Lost
190 A Midnight Episode Un bon lit Unknown[a]
191 The Slippery Burglar Force doit rester à la loi Lost
192 A Drop Too Much Pickpocket et Policeman Lost
193 A Lively Cock-Fight (US)
A Lively Cock Fight (UK)
Combat de coqs Lost
194–195 The Clown and Automobile (US)
The Clown and Motor Car (UK)
Automaboulisme et Autorité (scène comique clownesque) Fragment[28]
196 A Mysterious Portrait
Also known as The Mysterious Portrait[21]
Le Portrait mystérieux (grande nouveauté photographique extraordinaire) Survives
197 Absent-Minded Lecturer Le Conférencier distrait Lost
198 The Philosopher's Stone La Pierre philosophale Lost
199 Cagliostro's Mirror Le Miroir de Cagliostro (miroir avec apparitions mystérieuses) Lost
200 Neptune and Amphitrite Neptune et Amphitrite (illusion mythologique sur mer) Lost
201 Bird's-Eye View of St. Helier (Jersey) Panorama du port de Saint-Hélier (île de Jersey) Lost
202 Steamer Entering the Harbor of Jersey Entrée du paquebot Victoria dans le port de Jersey Lost
203 Passengers Landing at Harbor of Granville Débarquement des voyageurs, port de Granville Lost
204 Christ Walking on the Water Le Christ marchant sur les flots (exécuté sur mer véritable) Lost
205 Summoning the Spirits Évocation spirite
Advertised as a scène à transformations[29]
206 Dreyfus Court Martial—Arrest of Dreyfus (US)
Arrest of Dreyfus, 1894 (UK)
Dictée du bordereau (arrestation de Dreyfus) Survives
207 Devil's Island—Within the palisade (US)
Dreyfus at Devil's Island—Within the palisade (UK)
La Case de Dreyfus à l'île du Diable Survives
208 Dreyfus Put in Irons (US)
Dreyfus Put in Irons—Inside Cell at Devil's Island (UK)
Dreyfus mis aux fers (la double boucle) Survives
209 Suicide of Colonel Henry Suicide du colonel Henry Survives
210 Landing of Dreyfus at Quiberon (US)
Landing of Dreyfus from Devil's Island (UK)
Débarquement de Dreyfus à Quiberon Survives
211 Dreyfus Meets His Wife at Rennes (US)
Dreyfus in Prison of Rennes (UK)
Entrevue de Dreyfus et de sa femme (prison de Rennes) Survives
212 The Attempt Against the Life of Maitre Labori (US)
The Attempt Against Maitre Labori (UK)
Attentat contre Me Labori Survives
213 The Fight of Reporters at the Lycée (US)
The Fight of Journalists at the Lycee (UK)
Suspension d'audience (bagarre entre journalistes) Survives
214–215 The Court Martial at Rennes Le Conseil de guerre en séance à Rennes Survives
216 The Degradation of Dreyfus (US)
The Degradation of Dreyfus in 1894 (UK)[g]
La Dégradation Survives[31]
217 Dreyfus Leaving the Lycée for Jail (US)
Officers and Dreyfus Leaving the Lycee (UK)[h]
Dreyfus allant du lycée de Rennes à la prison Survives[31]
218 The Human Pyramid La Pyramide de Triboulet
Advertised as a tableau sensationnel pour coloris[32]
219–224 Cinderella Cendrillon Survives
225 The Snow Man La Statue de neige
Advertised as a scène comique[33]
226–227 The Mysterious Knight Le Chevalier mystère Survives
228–229 The Lightning Change Artist (US)
The Chameleon Man (UK)
L'Homme protée Lost
230–231 The Interrupted Honeymoon Charmant voyage de noces Lost
232 Panorama of River Seine[i] Panorama de la Seine (les travaux de l'exposition de 1900: le Vieux-Paris, rive droite) Lost
233 Panorama of River Seine[i] Panorama de la Seine (les travaux de l'exposition de 1900: les palais en construction, rive gauche) Lost
- 1899–1900 -
234 Addition and Subtraction Tom Whisky ou l'Illusionniste toqué Survives[21]
235 The Railroad Pickpocket
May have been released in the UK as The Railway Pickpocket[14]
Fatale Méprise (scène comique en wagon) Lost
236 An Intruder Behind the Scenes Un intrus dans une loge de figurantes Lost
237–240 The Miracles of Brahmin (US)
The Miracles of the Brahmin (UK)
Les Miracles du Brahmine Survives
- 1900 -
241 Scullion's Joke on the Chef Farces de marmitons Lost
242 The Three Bacchants (US)
The Three Bacchantes (UK)
Les Trois Bacchantes Lost
243 The Cook's Revenge La Vengeance du gâte-sauce Survives
244 The Misfortunes of an Explorer Les Infortunes d'un explorateur ou les Momies récalcitrantes Survives
245 Paris Exposition, 1900—"La Porte Monumentale" La Porte Monumentale Unknown[j]
246 Paris Exposition, 1900—Moving Panorama, 1 Panorama mouvant pris du trottoir roulant (le Champ-de-Mars) Unknown[j]
247 Paris Exposition, 1900—Moving Panorama, 2 Panorama mouvant pris du trottoir roulant (l'esplanade des Invalides) Unknown[j]
248 Paris Exposition, 1900—Moving Panorama, 3 Panorama mouvant pris du trottoir roulant (la rue des Nations) Unknown[j]
249 Paris Exposition, 1900—Details Connected With the Moving Sidewalk Détail du trottoir roulant Unknown[j]
250 Paris Exposition, 1900—The Moving Sidewalk La Plate-forme roulante Unknown[j]
251 Paris Exposition, 1900—Panoramic View, taken while boating on the River Seine.—Army and Navy Pavilions Vue panoramique prise en bateau sur la Seine (le pavillon des armées de Terre et de Mer) Unknown[j]
252 Paris Exposition, 1900—Panoramic View, taken while boating on the River Seine.—Foreign palaces Vue panoramique faisant suite à la précédente (les palais étrangers) Unknown[j]
253 Paris Exposition, 1900—Panoramic View, taken while boating on the River Seine.—Old Paris Vue panoramique prise en bateau sur la Seine (panorama général du Vieux Paris) Unknown[j]
254 Paris Exposition, 1900—The Avenue of the Champs Elysées.—Palaces of Fine Arts Porte d'entrée de l'Exposition sur l'avenue des Champs-Élysées Unknown[j]
255 Paris Exposition, 1900—Panoramic View from the Electric Railway Vue panoramique prise à l'avant du train électrique Unknown[j]
256 Paris Exposition, 1900—Panoramic Excursion Round the Champs Elysées Panorama circulaire des Champs-Élysées (Palais des Beaux-Arts) Unknown[j]
257 Paris Exposition, 1900—Panoramic Circular Tour; "Les Invalides" Panorama circulaire (les Invalides) Unknown[j]
258 Paris Exposition, 1900—Circular Panorama; Champ de Mars Panorama circulaire (pris du centre du Champ-de-Mars) Unknown[j]
259 Paris Exposition, 1900—Trocadero Panorama circulaire (pris du centre du jardin du Trocadéro) Unknown[j]
260 Paris Exposition, 1900—Iéna Bridge Panorama circulaire de la Seine (pont d'Iéna) Unknown[j]
261 Paris Exposition, 1900—From the Trocadero Panorama semi-circulaire (pris du sommet des tours du Trocadéro) Unknown[j]
262–263 The One Man Band L'Homme-Orchestre Survives
264–275 Joan of Arc Jeanne d'Arc Fragment[36]
276–278 The Seven Capital Sins Les Sept Péchés capitaux Lost
279 The Tricky Prisoner Le Prisonnier récalcitrant Lost
280 Unknown title
281–282 The Rajah's Dream, or the Bewitched Wood Le Rêve du Radjah ou la Forêt enchantée Survives
283 The Two Blind Men Les Deux Aveugles Lost
284 The Artist and the Mannikin L'Artiste et le Mannequin Survives
285–286 The Wizard, the Prince and the Good Fairy (US)
The Sorcerer, the Prince, and the Good Fairy (UK)
Le Sorcier, le Prince et le Bon Génie Survives
287 Don't Move Ne bougeons plus! Lost
288 The Dangerous Lunatic Le Fou assassin Lost
289–291 The Magic Book Le Livre magique Survives
292 Thanking the Audience Vue de remerciements au Public Lost
293 The Up-to-Date Spiritualism Spiritisme abracadabrant Survives
294 The Triple Conjuror and the Living Head L'Illusioniste double et la Tête vivante Survives[21]
295–297 The Miser's Dream of Gold (US)
The Miser, or the Gold Country (UK)
Le Songe d'or de l'avare Lost
298–305 The Christmas Dream Rêve de Noël
Advertised as a féerie cinématographique à grand spectacle en 20 tableaux[37]
306 Crying and Laughing Gens qui pleurent et Gens qui rient Unknown[k]
307–308 Coppelia, the Animated Doll Coppelia ou la Poupée animée Lost
309–310 Fat and Lean Wrestling Match (US)
The Wrestling Sextette (UK)
Nouvelles Luttes extravagantes Survives
311 A Fantastical Meal Le Repas fantastique Survives
312–313 Going to Bed Under Difficulties (US)
An Increasing Wardrobe (UK)
Le Déshabillage impossible Survives
314 Eight Girls in a Barrel (US)
The Danaid's Barrel (UK)
Le Tonneau des Danaïdes Survives
315 The Man With Wheels in His Head (US)
The Gouty Patient (UK)
Le Malade hydrophobe Unknown[l]
316 Practical Joke in a Bar Room (US)
A Practical Joke in a Bar Room (UK)
Une mauvaise plaisanterie Lost
317 The Doctor and the Monkey Le Savant et le Chimpanzé
318–319 The Conjurer With Hundred Tricks (US)
The Conjuror With a Hundred Tricks (UK)
L'Homme aux cent trucs Lost
320–321 The Clown Versus Satan Guguste et Belzébuth Lost
322 How He Missed His Train Le Réveil d'un monsieur pressé Survives
323–324 Twentieth Century Surgery La Chirurgie de l'avenir Lost
325–326 What Is Home Without the Boarder La Maison tranquille
Advertised as a scène comique[40]
327 China Versus Allied Powers (US)
China Versus the Allied Nations (UK)
Le Congrès des Nations en Chine Lost
328 The Balloonist's Mishap Les Mésaventures d'un aéronaute Lost
329–331 The Bewitched Dungeon La Tour maudite
Advertised with the subtitle Transformations[41]
Untitled advertising films[m] Lost
- 1900–1901 -
332–333 The Brahmin and the Butterfly La Chrysalide et le Papillon d'or
Also known as Le Brahmane et le Papillon[14]
334 The Triple-Headed Lady Bouquet d'illusions Survives[43]
335–336 Dislocation Extraordinary
Also known as Extraordinary Illusions[15][21]
Dislocation mystérieuse Survives
337–344 Red Riding Hood Le Petit Chaperon rouge
Advertised as a pièce féerique à grand spectacle en 12 tableaux[44]
- 1901 -
345–347 The Magician's Cavern (US)
The Magician's Cavern/The House of Mystery (UK)
L'Antre des esprits Survives
348–349 A Maiden's Paradise Le Chimiste repopulateur Lost
350–351 The Bachelor's Paradise Chez la sorcière Survives
352–353 The Temple of the Sun Le Temple de la Magie Lost
354 Painless Dentistry (US)
Harmless Dentistry (UK)
Le Charlatan Unknown[c]
355 Fun in Court (US)
Contempt of Court (UK)
Une noce au village Lost
356 A Good Trick (US)
The Fierce Charger and the Knight (UK)
Le Chevalier démontable et le Général Boum Lost
357–358 Excelsior! (US)
The Prince of Magicians (UK)
Excelsior! Survives
359 Off to Bloomingdale Asylum (US)
Off to Bedlam (UK)
L'Omnibus des toqués ou Blancs et Noirs
Also known as Échappés de Charenton[14]
360 The Sacred Fountain La Fontaine sacrée ou la Vengeance de Bouddha Lost
361–370 Blue Beard Barbe-Bleue Survives
371–372 A Hat With Many Surprises (US)
The Hat of Many Surprises (UK)
Le Chapeau à surprises Survives
373 A Phrenological Burlesque (US)
The Phrenologist and the Lively Skull (UK)
Phrénologie burlesque Lost
374–375 The Dragon Fly La Libellule Lost
376–378 The Trials of a Schoolmaster L'École infernale Lost
379–380 The Dream of a Hindu Beggar Le Rêve du paria (sujet artistique) Lost
381 The Elastic Battalion Le Bataillon élastique (cocasserie fantastique) Lost
382–383 The Man With the Rubber Head (US)
A Swelled Head (UK)
L'Homme à la tête en caoutchouc Survives
- 1901–1902 -
384–385 The Devil and the Statue (US)
The Gigantic Devil (UK)
Le Diable géant ou le Miracle de la Madone
Advertised as a grande nouveauté[46]
386 The Dwarf and the Giant (US)
The Long and Short of It (UK)
Nain et Géant Survives
387–389 The Cabinet Trick of the Davenport Brothers (US)
The Mysterious Cabinet (UK)
L'Armoire des frères Davenport Lost
- 1902 -
390 Wine Cellar Burglars (US)
The Burglars in the Wine Cellar (UK)
Les Piqueurs de fûts Lost
391 The Colonel's Shower Bath (US)
The Painter's Mishap in the Barracks (UK)
Douche du colonel Survives
392–393 Prolific Magical Egg (US)
The Egg in Black Art (UK)
L'Œuf du sorcier
Also known as L'Oeuf Magique Prolifique[14][47]
394–396 The Dancing Midget (US)
Marvellous Egg Producing With Surprising Developments (UK)
La Danseuse microscopique Survives
397 The Eruption of Mount Pelee (US)
The Terrible Eruption of Mount Pelée and Destruction of St. Pierre, Martinique (UK)
Éruption volcanique à la Martinique Survives
398 The Catastrophe of the Balloon "Le Pax" Catastrophe du Ballon Le Pax Lost
399–411 A Trip to the Moon (US)
Trip to the Moon (UK)
Voyage dans la Lune Survives
412 The Shadow-Girl (US)
Twentieth Century Conjuring (UK)
La Clownesse fantôme Survives[21]
Urban[n] The Coronation of Edward VII[48] Le Sacre d'Édouard VII Survives
413–414 The Treasures of Satan (US)
The Devil's Money Bags (UK)
Les Trésors de Satan Survives
415–416 The Human Fly L'Homme-Mouche Survives
417–418 Marvellous Suspension and Evolution (US)
Marvellous Suspension and Evolutions (UK)
La Femme volante Survives
419 An Impossible Balancing Feat (US)
An Impossible Feat of Balancing (UK)
L'Équilibre impossible Survives
420–421 Drunkard and Inventor (US)
What Befell the Inventor's Visitor (UK)
Le Pochard et l'Inventeur Lost
422–425 Up-to-Date Surgery (US)
Sure Cure for Indigestion (UK)
Une indigestion
Advertised as a scène comique;[49] also known as Chirurgie fin de siècle[14]
426–429 Gulliver's Travels Among the Lilliputians and the Giants (US)
Gulliver's Travels—In the land of the Lilliputians and the Giants (UK)
Le Voyage de Gulliver à Lilliput et chez les Géants
Also known as Voyages de Gulliver[14]
430–443 Robinson Crusoe Les Aventures de Robinson Crusoé Fragment[50]
- 1902–1903 -
444 The Enchanted Basket La Corbeille enchantée Unknown[o]
445–448 The Marvellous Wreath (US)
The Marvellous Hoop (UK)
La Guirlande merveilleuse Survives
449–450 Beelzebub's Daughters (US)
The Women of Fire (UK)
Les Filles du diable Lost[p]
451–452 Misfortune Never Comes Alone (US)
Accidents Never Happen Singly (UK)
Un malheur n'arrive jamais seul Survives
- 1903 -
453–457 The Cake Walk Infernal (US)
The Infernal Cake Walk (UK)
Le Cake-Walk infernal Survives
458–459 The Mysterious Box (US)
The Shallow Trick Box (UK)
Also known as The Shallow Box Trick[14]
La Boîte à malice Survives
460–461 The Queen's Musketeers (US)
The Musketeers of the Queen (UK)
Les Mousquetaires de la reine Lost
462–464 The Enchanted Well Le Puits fantastique Survives
465–469 The Inn Where No Man Rests (US)
The Inn of "Good Rest" (UK)
L'Auberge du bon repos Survives
470–471 The Drawing Lesson, or the Living Statue La Statue animée
Advertised as a scène Louis XV à trucs[53]
472 The Mystical Flame La Flamme merveilleuse Survives
473–475 The Witch's Revenge (US)
The Sorcerer's Revenge (UK)
Le Sorcier Survives
476 The Oracle of Delphi L'Oracle de Delphes Survives
477–478 A Spiritualistic Photographer Le Portrait spirite Survives
479–480 The Melomaniac Le Mélomane Survives
481–482 The Monster Le Monstre Survives
483–498 Fairyland, or the Kingdom of the Fairies (US)
The Wonders of the Deep, or Kingdom of the Fairies (UK)
Also known as The Kingdom of the Fairies[15][21] and The Kingdom of Fairies[54]
Le Royaume des fées Survives
499–500 The Infernal Caldron and the Phantasmal Vapors (US)
The Infernal Cauldron (UK)
Le Chaudron infernal Survives
501–502 The Apparition, or Mr. Jones' Comical Experience With a Ghost (US)
The Ghost and the Candle (UK)
Also known as Apparitions[21]
Le Revenant Survives
503–505 Jupiter's Thunderbolts, or the Home of the Muses
Also known as Jupiter's Thunderballs[21]
Le Tonnerre de Jupiter Survives
506–507 Ten Ladies in One Umbrella (US)
Ten Girls in One Umbrella (UK)
Also known as Ten Ladies in an Umbrella[21]
La Parapluie fantastique Survives
508–509 Jack Jaggs and Dum Dum (US)
The Rival Music Hall Artistes (UK)
Tom Tight et Dum Dum Survives
510–511 Bob Kick, the Mischievous Kid Bob Kick, l'enfant terrible Survives
512–513 Extraordinary Illusions (US)
The 20th Century Illustrationist (UK)
Illusions funambulesques Survives
514–516 Alcofrisbas, the Master Magician (US)
The Enchanter (UK)
L'Enchanteur Alcofribas Survives
517–519 Jack and Jim (US)
Comical Conjuring (UK)
Jack et Jim Survives
520–524 The Magic Lantern (US)
The Magic Lantern, or the Bioscope in the Toy Shop (UK)
La Lanterne magique Survives
525–526 The Ballet-Master's Dream (US)
The Dream of the Ballet Master (UK)
Le Rêve du maître de ballet Survives
527–533 The Damnation of Faust (US)
The Condemnation of Faust (UK)
Faust aux enfers Survives
534–535 The Terrible Turkish Executioner, or It Served Him Right (US)
What Befell the Turkish Executioner (UK)
Le Bourreau turc Survives
536–537 A Burlesque Highway Robbery in "Gay Paree" (US)
The "Apaches"—Parisian hooligans (UK)
Les Apaches Lost
538–539 A Moonlight Serenade, or the Miser Punished (US)
Pierrot and the Moon (UK)
Au clair de la Lune ou Pierrot malheureux Survives
- 1904 -
540–541 Tit for Tat, or a Good Joke With My Head (US)
"Tit for Tat"—The head in a case (UK)
Un prêté pour un rendu (une bonne farce avec ma tête) Survives
542–544 A Wager Between Two Magicians, or Jealous of Myself (US)
A Juggling Contest Between Two Magicians (UK)
Match de prestidigitation Survives[55]
545 Every Man His Own Cigar Lighter Un peu de feu, S.V.P. Fragment[45]
546 The Invisible Siva (US)
The Invisible Sylvia [sic] (UK)
Siva l'invisible Lost
547–549 The Bewitched Trunk (US)
The Enchanted Trunk (UK)
Le Coffre enchanté (scène merveilleuse et comique) Survives
550–551 The Fugitive Apparitions (US)
Short Lived Apparitions (UK)
Les Apparitions fugitives Survives
552–553 The Untamable Whiskers (US)
The King of the Mackerel Fishers (UK)
Le Roi du maquillage Survives
554–555 The Clockmaker's Dream (US)
The Dream of the Clock Maker (UK)
Le Rêve de l'horloger Survives
556–557 The Imperceptible Transmutations (US)
Imperceptible Transformation (UK)
Les Transmutations imperceptibles Survives
558–559 A Miracle Under the Inquisition (US)
A Miracle of the Inquisition (UK)
Un miracle sous l'inquisition Survives
560–561 Benvenuto Cellini, or A Curious Evasion (US)
Benvenuto Cellini, or the Curious Elopement (UK)
Benvenuto Cellini ou Curieuse Évasion Survives
562–574 Faust and Marguerite (US)
Faust (UK)
Damnation du docteur Faust Survives
575–577 The Fake Russian Prophet (US)
The Merry Prophet of Russia (UK)
Le Joyeux Prophète russe (fantaisie russo-japonaise) Lost
578–580 Tchin-Chao, the Chinese Conjurer (US)
The Chinese Juggler (UK)
Le Thaumaturge chinois Survives
581–584 The Wonderful Living Fan (US)
The Wonderful Living Fan—Fine (UK)
Le Merveilleux Éventail vivant Survives
585–588 The Cook in Trouble (US)
Cookery Bewitched (UK)
Sorcellerie culinaire (scène clownesque) Survives
589–590 The Devilish Plank (US)
The Devil's Plank (UK)
La Planche du diable Survives
591–592 The Impossible Dinner (US)
The Impossible Dinner—Burlesque (UK)
Le Dîner impossible Lost[d]
593–595 The Mermaid La Sirène Survives
596–597 The Mischances of a Drunkard (US)
The Drunkard's Mishaps (UK)
Les Mésaventures de M. Boit-sans-Soif Survives[56]
598–602 The Providence of the Waves, or the Dream of a Poor Fisherman (US)
The Fisher's Guardian Angel (UK)
La Providence de Notre-Dame-des-Flots Lost
603–605 Uncle Rube's Birthday (most comical and amusing) (US)
Practical Joke on a Yokel (UK)
La Fête au père Mathieu Lost
606–625 The Barber of Sevilla
Also known as The Barber of Sevilla, or the Useless Precaution[14] and The Barber of Seville[15]
Le Barbier de Séville Lost
626–627 The Animated Costumes (US)
Animated Costumes (UK)
Les Costumes animés Lost
628–631 Simple Simon's Surprise Party (US)
Bill Bailey's Dinner (UK)
Les Invités de M. Latourte
Also known as Une Bonne Surprise[14]
632–633 The Astonishing Frame (US)
The Magic Frame (UK)
Le Cadre aux surprises Lost
634–636 The Wonderful Rose-Tree (US)
The Magical Rose Tree (UK)
Le Rosier miraculeux Survives[57]
637–638 The Shadow Lady (US)
The Enchanted Cupboard (UK)
La Dame fantôme Lost
639–640 A Wedding by Correspondence (US)
Marriage by Correspondence (UK)
Mariage par correspondance Lost
641–659 An Impossible Voyage (US)
Whirling the Worlds (UK)
Also known as The Impossible Voyage[21][58]
Voyage à travers l'impossible Survives
660–661 Supplementary Section of the "Impossible Voyage" Supplément Voyage à travers l'impossible Unknown[q]
662–664 The Wandering Jew Le Juif errant Survives
665–667 The Firefall (US)
Cascade of Fire (UK)
La Cascade de feu Survives
668 The Grotto of Surprises (US)
Grotto of Surprises (UK)
La Grotte aux surprises Lost
669–677 The Christmas Angel (US)
The Beggar Maiden (UK)
Détresse et Charité
Also known as L'Ange de Noël[15]
- 1905 -
678–679 The Living Playing Cards Les Cartes vivantes Survives
680–682 The King of Sharpshooters Le Roi des tireurs Lost
683–685 The Black Imp Le Diable noir Survives
686–689 The Crystal Casket
Also known as The Magic Dice[21]
Le Phénix ou le Coffret de cristal Fragment[21]
690–692 The Lilliputian Minuet Le Menuet lilliputien Fragment[60]
693–695 A Mesmerian Experiment Le Baquet de Mesmer Survives
696–698 Mr. Dauber and the Whimsical Picture Le Peintre Barbouillard et le Tableau diabolique Lost
699–701 The Venetian Looking-Glass Le Miroir de Venise
Advertised as une mésaventure de Schylock[61]
702–704 The Chloroform Fiends Les Chevaliers du chloroforme
Advertised as a scène burlesque[62]
705–726 The Palace of the Arabian Nights Le Palais des mille et une nuits Survives
727–731 A Crazy Composer Le Compositeur toqué Survives
732–737 The Tower of London Le Tour de Londres ou les Derniers Moments d'Anne de Boleyn Lost
738–739 The Enchanted Sedan Chair La Chaise à porteurs enchantée Survives
740–749 An Adventurous Automobile Trip Le Raid Paris–Monte-Carlo en automobile
Also known as Le Raid Paris–Monte-Carlo en deux heures[15][21]
750–752 The Mysterious Island L'Île de Calypso
Advertised with the subtitle Ulysse et le géant Polyphème[15]
753–755 Unexpected Fireworks Un feu d'artifice improvisé Survives
756–775 Rip's Dream La Légende de Rip Van Vinckle [sic] Survives
776–779 The Angler's Nightmare, or A Policeman's Troubles Le Cauchemar du pêcheur ou l'Escarpolette fantastique Lost
780–783 Life-Saving Up-to-Date Le Système du docteur Souflamort Lost
784–785 The Scheming Gambler's Paradise Le Tripot clandestin Survives
786–788 The Inventor Crazybrains and His Wonderful Airship (US)
Fantastical Air Ship (UK)
Le Dirigeable fantastique ou le Cauchemar d'un inventeur Survives
- 1906 -
789–790 A Mix-up in the Gallery Une chute de cinq étages Survives
791–806 Chimney Sweep Jack le ramoneur Fragment[63]
807–809 Professor Do-mi-sol-do, the Luny Musician Le Maestro Do-Mi-Sol-Do Survives
810–812 Old and New Style Conjurers La Magie à travers les âges Lost
813–817 Who Looks, Pays! L'Honneur est satisfait Lost
818–820 The Tramp and the Mattress Makers La Cardeuse de matelas Survives
821–823 The Hilarious Posters Les Affiches en goguette Survives
824–837 A Desperate Crime Les Incendiaires
Also known as Histoire d'un crime[14]
838–839 Punch and Judy L'Anarchie chez Guignol Fragment[21]
840–842 A Spiritualist Meeting Le Fantôme d'Alger Lost
843–845 A Roadside Inn L'Hôtel des voyageurs de commerce ou les Suites d'une bonne cuite Survives
846–848 Soap Bubbles Les Bulles de savon animées Survives
849–870 The Merry Frolics of Satan Les Quat'Cents Farces du diable Survives
871–873 A Seaside Flirtation Le Rastaquouère Rodriguez y Papaguanas Lost
874–876 The Mysterious Retort (US)
The Alchemist and the Demon (UK)
L'Alchimiste Parafaragaramus ou la Cornue infernale Survives
877–887 The Witch La Fée Carabosse ou le Poignard fatal
Advertised as a grande légende fantastique bretonne en 20 tableaux[65]
888–905 Robert Macaire and Bertrand Robert Macaire et Bertrand, les rois de cambrioleurs Survives
[r] No English release Vers les étoiles Lost
- 1907 -
906–908 A Mischievous Sketch Le Carton fantastique Lost
909–911 Rogues' Tricks (US)
The Burglar's Bath (UK)
La Douche d'eau bouillante Survives
912–924 Under the Seas Deux Cents Milles sous les mers ou le Cauchemar du pêcheur
Also known as Deux cent mille lieues sous les mers[14][15]
925–928 The Skipping Cheeses Les Fromages automobiles Survives
929–935 How Bridget's Lover Escaped Le Mariage de Victorine
Also known as Le Mariage de Victoire[14]
936–950 Tunneling the English Channel Le Tunnel sous la Manche ou le Cauchemar anglo-français
Also known as Le Tunnel sous la Manche ou le Cauchemar franco-anglais[14][15]
951–955 A New Death Penalty La Nouvelle Peine de mort Lost
956–960 Drink! A Great Temperance Story Le Delirium tremens ou la Fin d'un alcoolique Lost
961–968 The Eclipse
Also known as The Eclipse, or the Courtship of the Sun and the Moon[15][21]
Éclipse du Soleil en pleine Lune Survives
969–973 The Bewildering Cabinet Le Placard infernal Lost
974–979 Chopin's Funeral March Burlesqued (US)
Oh, That Band (UK)
La Marche funèbre de Chopin Lost
980–987 Hamlet Prince of Denmark Hamlet Lost
988–994 A Forester Made King Bernard le bûcheron ou le Miracle de saint Hubert Lost
995–999 Shakespeare Writing "Julius Caesar" La Mort de Jules César (Shakespeare) Lost
1000–1004 Sightseeing Through Whisky Pauvre John ou les Aventures d'un buveur de whisky Survives
1005–1009 Good Glue Sticks La Colle universelle Survives
1010–1013 Satan in Prison Satan en prison Survives
1014–1017 Delirium in a Studio Ali Barbouyou et Ali Bouf à l'huile Survives
1018–1022 Bakers in Trouble La Boulangerie modèle Lost
1023–1029 An Angelic Servant (US)
Jewel of a Servant (UK)
La Perle des servantes Lost
1030–1034 The Knight of Black Art Le Tambourin fantastique Survives
1035–1039 In the Bogie Man's Cave La Cuisine de l'ogre Survives[21]
1040–1043 The King and the Jester François Ier et Triboulet Survives
1044–1049 The Good Luck of a "Souse" Il y a un dieu pour les ivrognes Fragment[68]
- 1908 -
1050–1065 Humanity Through Ages
Also known as Humanity Through the Ages[14][15]
La Civilization à travers les âges Lost
1066–1068 Justinian's Human Torches
Also known as Justinian's Human Torches 548 A.D.[21]
Torches humaines Survives[21]
1069–1072 The Genii of Fire Le Génie du feu Survives
1073–1080 Why That Actor Was Late No French release Survives
1081–1085 The Dream of an Opium Fiend Le Rêve d'un fumeur d'opium Survives
1086–1090 A Night With Masqueraders in Paris Nuit de carnaval Lost
1091–1095 Long Distance Wireless Photography (US)
Electrical Photographer (UK)
La Photographie électrique à distance Survives
1096–1101 The Prophetess of Thebes La Prophétesse de Thèbes Fragment[21]
1102–1103 In the Barber Shop Salon de coiffure Survives
1104–1108 A Mistaken Identity Le Quiproquo
Advertised with the subtitle comique[69]
1109–1113 A Lover's Hazing Mariage de raison et Mariage d'amour Lost
1116–1123 A Fake Diamond Swindler L'Habit ne fait pas Lemoine ou Fabricant de diamants Lost
1124–1131 Curiosity Punished La Curiosité punié ou le Crime de la rue de Cherche-Midi à quatorze heures Lost
1132–1145 No Trifling With Love
Also known as The New Lord of the Village[15][21]
Le Nouveau Seigneur du village
Advertised as a scène comique à spectacle;[70] also known as On ne badine pas avec l'amour[14]
1146–1158 The Miser L'Avare Fragment[71]
1159–1165 Sideshow Wrestlers Le Conseil du pipelet ou Un tour à la foire
Advertised with the subtitle bouffonnerie extravagante[71]
1166–1172 Pranks With a Fake Python Le Serpent de la rue de la Lune Lost
1173–1175 Up-to-Date Clothes Cleaning High-Life Taylor (un complet modern style; originalité) Lost
1176–1185 The Broken Violin Lully ou le Violon brisé
Advertised with the subtitle très artistique; spécial pour coloris; anecdote Louis XIV en 4 tableaux, avec ballet[72]
1186–1189 Hunting the Teddy Bear Tartarin de Tarascon (une chasse à l'ours comique) Lost
1190 The Little Peace Maker Le Trait d'union
Advertised as a gracieuse scène artistique avec apparition[73]
1191–1198 A Love Tragedy in Spain Rivalité d'amour Lost
1199–1217 Mishaps of the New York–Paris Race Le Raid New York–Paris en automobile Lost
1218–1226 The Mystery of the Garrison Sortie sans permission Lost
1227–1232 The Woes of Roller Skaters
Also known as The Woes of Roller Skates[15][21]
No French release Survives
1233–1237 The Magic of Catchy Songs No French release Lost
1238–1245 The Forester's Remedy No French release Lost
1246–1249 Love and Molasses
Also known as His First Job[21]
No French release
Known as Amour et mélasse[21]
1250–1252 The Mischances of a Photographer No French release
Known as Les Mésadventures d'un photographe[21]
1253–1257 The Indian Sorcerer Le Fakir de Singapour Survives
1258–1265 Two Crazy Bugs No French release Lost
1266–1268 A Tricky Painter's Fate (US)
A Railway Passenger's Ruse (UK)
No French release Survives
1269–1275 The Hotel Mix-Up
Also known as At the Hotel Mix-Up[14][15]
No French release Lost
1276–1282 Oriental Black Art No French release Lost
1283–1287 Two Talented Vagabonds Le Jugement du garde champêtre Lost
1288–1293 French Interpreter Policeman
Also known as French Cops Learning English[15][21]
No French release Survives
1294–1300 Fun With the Bridal Party Le Mariage de Thomas Poirot Lost
1301–1309 Not Guilty Anaïc ou le Balafré Survives
1310–1313 Buncoed Stage Johnnie Pour l'étoile S.V.P. Fragment[74]
1314–1325 A Grandmother's Story Conte de la grand-mère et Rêve de l'enfant
Also known as Au pays des Jouets[14]
1326–1328 The Helping Hand Pour les p'tiots
Also known as Le Main secourable[14]
1329–1336 The Old Footlight Favorite Trop vieux! Lost
1337–1346 The Wonderful Charm (US)
The Marvellous Fountain (UK)
La Fontaine merveilleuse Lost
1347–1352 Honeymoon in a Balloon (US)
The Ascension of a Communicant (UK)
L'Ascension de la rosière
Also known as Voyage de noces en ballon[14]
1353–1366 A Rude Awakening (US copyright title)
The Duke's Good Joke (US release title)[76]
Pochardiana ou le Rêveur éveillé Lost
1367–1371 Incident from Don Quixote (US)
Magic Armour (UK)
La Toile d'araignée merveilleuse
Also known as Aventures de Don Quichotte[14]
1372–1385 No English release
Known as The Fairy Dragonfly[77]
La Fée Libellule ou le Lac enchanté Lost
1386–1393 No English release Moitié de polka Lost
1394–1407 The Fortune Favors the Brave
Also known as The Genii of the Bells[14]
Le Génie des cloches ou le Fils du sonneur Lost
1408–1415 Hypnotist's Revenge No French release Lost
1416–1428 No English release
Known as Pharmaceutical Hallucinations[21]
Hallucinations pharmaceutiques ou le Truc du potard Survives
1429–1441 No English release
Known as The Good Sheperdess and the Evil Princess[21]
La Bonne Bergère et la Mauvaise Princesse Fragment[78]
1442–1459 The Living Doll La Poupée vivante Lost
1460–1466 Seein' Things Fin de réveillon Lost
1467–1475 Unknown title(s) Lost
[s] No English release
Known as The Frozen Policeman[79]
L'Agent gelé Survives
[s] Tribulation or the Misfortunes of a Cobbler No French release Survives
- 1909 -
1476–1485 The Doctor's Secret Hydrothérapie fantastique
Also known as Le Secret du Médécin[14]
1486–1494 Unknown title(s) Lost
1495–1501 The Fiendish Tenant
Also known as The Diabolic Tenant[15][21]
Le Locataire diabolique Survives
1502–1507 No English release Un homme comme il faut Lost
1508–1512 No English release
Known as Whimsical Illusions[15][21]
Les Illusions fantaisistes Survives
1513–1521 If I Were King Si j'étais roi!!! Lost
1522–1529 No English release
Known as King of the Mediums[80]
Le Roi des médiums (apparitions fantômatiques) Lost
1530–1533 The Spider and the Butterfly Papillon fantastique Fragment[45]
1534–1535 No English release La Gigue merveilleuse Lost
- 1910 -
No films[t]
- 1911 -
1536–1547 No English release
Known as Baron Munchausen's Dream[15][21]
Les Hallucinations du baron de Münchausen
Also known as Les Aventures de baron de Munchhausen[21]
1548–1556 No English release
Known as The Diabolical Church Window[45]
Le Vitrail diabolique (magie vénitienne) Fragment[81]
- 1912 -
Pathé[u] No English release
Known as The Conquest of the Pole[15][21]
À la conquête du Pôle Survives
Pathé No English release
Known as Cinderella or the Glass Slipper[15][21]
Cendrillon ou la Pantoufle merveilleuse Survives
Pathé No English release
Known as The Knight of the Snow[21] and The Knight of the Snows[15]
Le Chevalier des Neiges Survives
[v] No English release
Known as The Voyage of the Bourrichon Family[21]
Le Voyage de la famille Bourrichon Survives

Miscellaneous films

Later projects

Following the revival of interest in Méliès and his work in the late 1920s, he took part in several film projects:

  • On 16 December 1929, a "Gala Méliès" was held at the Salle Pleyel in Paris in honor of the filmmaker. At the end of the program, after a screening of some of Méliès's films from the 1900s, a new film was projected, described by Méliès's granddaughter Madeleine Malthête-Méliès as follows:
Calling upon the method perfected by Méliès twenty-four years earlier … which allowed action to move from the screen to the stage … the Gala organizers asked him to shoot a very short film; we see him suddenly appear on the screen … Lost in the streets of Paris, he is looking everywhere for the Salle Pleyel … on the wall he sees an enormous Gala poster bearing his picture … He dives head first into the poster. Suddenly, the lights go on in the hall [where the film was projected]. The screen rises and uncovers, in the middle of the stage, a frame to which is nailed the poster we have just seen. Suddenly the paper rips apart and Méliès appears in the flesh.[84]
  • In 1933, Jean Aurenche and Jacques B. Brunius asked Méliès to make an advertising film for the Régie des Tabacs of France.[2] Méliès's contribution, his final completed work as a film director, was a 28-second sequence featuring two uses of the stop substitution effect. It was reused in Brunius's 1939 film Violons d'Ingres.[85]
  • In the autumn of 1937, Méliès began work on a new film, Le Métro fantôme, with a scenario by Jacques Prévert. However, Méliès died on 21 January 1938 and the project was not completed.[2]

Dubiously attributed films

The following films are listed without cited sources in the 1974 filmography by Paul Hammond[14] and its revision by John Frazer,[15] but not in the more complete 2008 filmography by Jacques Malthête.[13] None of the following films have catalogue numbers, and all of them, if they existed to begin with, are presumed lost.

English title French title Date Length
No English title Paulus chantant: Père la Victoire 1897 20m/65 ft
No English title Paulus chantant: En revenant d'la revue 1897 20m/65 ft
Seek and Thou Shalt Find No French title January 1908 27m/88 ft
No English title Le Traitment 706/Guérison de l'obésité en 5 minutes[w] September 1910 124m/390 ft
No English title Le Mousquetaire de la Reine 1910 Unknown
No English title Le Conte du vieux Talute 1910 Unknown
No English title Les sept barres d'or 1910 Unknown
No English title Galatée 1910 Unknown
No English title L'Homme aux mille inventions 1910 Unknown

Misattributed films

The following films by other directors have occasionally been erroneously credited to Méliès:

Title Year Actual director Studio
Magic Roses[45] 1906 Segundo de Chomón[45] Pathé
The Red Spectre[86] 1907 Segundo de Chomón[87] Pathé
Excursion to the Moon[45] 1908 Segundo de Chomón[45] Pathé
Cinderella Up-to-Date[15] 1909 Gaston Méliès[88] Star Film
The Count's Wooing[15] 1909 Gaston Méliès[89] Star Film
For Sale—A Baby[14] 1909 Gaston Méliès[90] Star Film
For the Cause of Suffrage[15] 1909 Gaston Méliès[91] Star Film
Mr. and Mrs. Duff[15] 1909 Gaston Méliès[92] Star Film
A Tumultuous Elopement[15] 1909 Gaston Méliès[93] Star Film
Bessie's Ride[94] 1911 Gaston Méliès[95] Star Film
Changing Cooks[94] 1911 Gaston Méliès[95] Star Film
Mary's Stratagem[94] 1911 Gaston Méliès[95] Star Film
Mexican As It Is Spoken[94] 1911 Gaston Méliès[95] Star Film
The Mission Waif[94] 1911 Gaston Méliès[95] Star Film
The Ranch Man's Debt of Honor[94] 1911 Gaston Méliès[95] Star Film
Right or Wrong[94] 1911 Gaston Méliès[95] Star Film
Red Cloud's Secret[94] 1911 Gaston Méliès[95] Star Film
The Stolen Grey[94] 1911 Gaston Méliès[95] Star Film
His Terrible Lesson[94] 1911 Gaston Méliès[95] Star Film
Tommy's Rocking Horse[94] 1911 Gaston Méliès[95] Star Film
The Ghost of Sulphur Mountain[94] 1912 Gaston Méliès[95] Star Film
The Prisoner's Story[94] 1912 Gaston Méliès[95] Star Film



  1. ^ a b Malthête's 2008 filmography lists No. 26, Une nuit terrible, as surviving and No. 190, Un bon lit, as lost. However, Méliès's great-great-granddaughter, Pauline Méliès, published findings in 2013 suggesting that the film previously believed to be No. 26 is actually No. 190, and that the actual No. 26 survives in two print copies. If this hypothesis is true, both films survive.[17]
  2. ^ a b c d e f g A flipbook, published by Léon Beaulieu in the late 1890s, was rediscovered in the 2010s[19] and has been tentatively identified as a fragment of the film.[20]
  3. ^ a b The Méliès scholar John Frazer was unable to obtain a print, but speculated that a fragment may survive in Budapest.[15]
  4. ^ a b c Paul Hammond reported in 1974 that the film had survived,[14] but it is classified as lost in John Frazer's 1979 revision of Hammond's filmography[15] as well as in Jacques Malthête's 2008 filmography.[13]
  5. ^ Listed as lost by Malthête,[13] but believed by Frazer to survive in a private collection.[23]
  6. ^ Two distinct versions, with different scenery, slightly different actions, and a different featured dancer, are known to survive.[26]
  7. ^ Numbered 217 in British catalogues[30]
  8. ^ Numbered 216 in British catalogues[30]
  9. ^ a b Films #232 and #233 were released as a single film, #232–233, in American catalogues.[34]
  10. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q Listed as lost by Malthête,[34] but believed by Frazer to survive in a private collection.[35]
  11. ^ Listed as lost by Malthête,[38] but believed by Frazer to survive in a private collection.[39]
  12. ^ The Méliès scholar John Frazer was unable to obtain a print, but speculated that a copy may survive in Belgrade.[15]
  13. ^ In addition to his other films, it was also around 1900 that Méliès produced 15–20 advertising films. Though they were not included in the Star Film catalogues, the products advertised are known to have included tortoiseshell combs, Bornibus mustard, Dewar's whiskey, Le Bock Orbec beer, Sirop de Picon, Veuve C. Brunot shoe polish, Robert baby food, and Vicat insecticide. Other products probably advertised by Méliès were Mystère corsets, Falières phosphate, Nestlé flour, Xour lotion, Moritz beer, Pilocarpine anti-balding tonic, Delion hats, Menier and Poulain chocolate, and Éclipse shoe polish.[42]
  14. ^ Not sold through the Star Films catalogues; commissioned and distributed by (and produced with the collaboration of) Charles Urban of the Warwick Trading Company[48]
  15. ^ Frazer saw this film at the Museum of Modern Art in the 1970s,[51] but Malthête's 2008 filmography lists it as lost.[13]
  16. ^ Frazer described what he thought to be a surviving fragment of this film,[51] but it was in fact another Méliès film, The Firefall. In turn, the film Frazer labels The Firefall was a film by Ferdinand Zecca.[52]
  17. ^ Frazer discovered and examined this film at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in the 1970s,[59] but Malthête's 2008 filmography lists it as lost.[13]
  18. ^ Not sold in the Star Films catalogues; commissioned by Émile and Vincent Isola for use in a 1906 ballet-féerie titled Vers les étoiles[66]
  19. ^ a b Catalogue number unknown
  20. ^ In 1910, Méliès temporarily stopped production at his film studio in order to tour Europe with a stage magic spectacle, Les Fantômes du Nil.[9]
  21. ^ Made under the supervision of Pathé and distributed by that company[82]
  22. ^ Supervised by Pathé, but the film was taken out of Méliès's control and was never released[83]
  23. ^ Not listed in Frazer's filmography


  1. ^ Cook, David A. (1981), A History of Narrative Film, New York: W. W. Norton & Company, p. 13, ISBN 0393013707
  2. ^ a b c Malthête & Mannoni 2008, p. 88
  3. ^ Hammond 1974, p. 8
  4. ^ Gaudreault, André; Le Forestier, Laurent (2011), Méliès, carrefour des attractions (academic conference program), Centre culturel international de Cerisy-la-Salle, retrieved 23 July 2013
  5. ^ Frazer 1979, pp. 33–35
  6. ^ Malthête & Mannoni 2008, pp. 301–302
  7. ^ Malthête & Mannoni 2008, p. 9
  8. ^ Solomon 2011, p. 3
  9. ^ a b c Malthête & Mannoni 2008, p. 10
  10. ^ Frazer 1979, pp. 46–48
  11. ^ Frazer 1979, pp. 55–56
  12. ^ Solomon 2011, p. 7
  13. ^ a b c d e f Malthête & Mannoni 2008, pp. 334–356
  14. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag Hammond 1974, pp. 134–148
  15. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai Frazer 1979, pp. 241–255
  16. ^ Mannoni, Laurent, "[Film lithographique] da Une séance de prestidigitation di Georges Méliès", Il Cinema Ritrovato, Cineteca di Bologna, retrieved 1 October 2016
  17. ^ Méliès, Pauline (2013), "A-t-on retrouvé 15 secondes d'un film de Georges Méliès?", Georges Méliès site officiel, retrieved 30 December 2013
  18. ^ Hutchinson, Pamela (22 October 2020), "What the flip! The chance discovery that's uncovered treasures of the very earliest cinema", The Guardian
  19. ^ Lecointe, Thierry; Byrne, Robert (2019), "Léon Beaulieu's Pocket Cinematograph",, San Francisco Silent Film Festival, retrieved 25 April 2020
  20. ^ San Francisco Silent Film Festival (2019), "Léon Beaulieu Flipbooks",, retrieved 25 April 2020
  21. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an Méliès, Georges (2008), Georges Méliès: First Wizard of Cinema (DVD; short film collection), Los Angeles: Flicker Alley, ISBN 978-1893967359
  22. ^ Bromberg, Serge (2006), "Figaro et l'Auvergnat", Giornate Database, Pordenone Silent Film Festival, retrieved 17 December 2017
  23. ^ a b Frazer 1979, p. 74
  24. ^ Malthête & Mannoni 2008, p. 94
  25. ^ Gianetto, Claudia (2012), "[Nouvelles Luttes extravagantes]", Giornate Database, Pordenone Silent Film Festival
  26. ^ Solomon, Matthew (Fall 2012), "Georges Méliès: First Wizard of Cinema (1896-1913)/Georges Méliès Encore: New Discoveries (1896-1911)", Moving Image, 12 (2): 187–192, doi:10.5749/movingimage.12.2.0187, ISSN 1532-3978, JSTOR 10.5749/movingimage.12.2.0187
  27. ^ Pitts, Michael R. (2015). RKO Radio Pictures Horror, Science Fiction and Fantasy Films, 1929–1956. Jefferson, NC: McFarland. p. 284.
  28. ^ Cinémathèque Française (2011), Deux films de Georges Méliès: Robinson Crusoé et Automaboulisme et autorité, retrieved 12 June 2013
  29. ^ Malthête & Mannoni 2008, p. 96
  30. ^ a b Malthête & Mannoni 2008, p. 340
  31. ^ a b Frazer 1979, p. 76
  32. ^ Malthête & Mannoni 2008, p. 101
  33. ^ Malthête & Mannoni 2008, p. 104
  34. ^ a b Malthête & Mannoni 2008, p. 341
  35. ^ Frazer 1979, p. 81
  36. ^ Malthête & Mannoni 2008, p. 106
  37. ^ Malthête & Mannoni 2008, p. 108
  38. ^ Malthête & Mannoni 2008, p. 342
  39. ^ Frazer 1979, p. 85
  40. ^ Malthête & Mannoni 2008, p. 112
  41. ^ Malthête & Mannoni 2008, p. 113
  42. ^ Malthête & Mannoni 2008, p. 343
  43. ^ "Bouquet d'illusions", Il Cinema Ritrovato, Cineteca di Bologna, retrieved 25 June 2017
  44. ^ Malthête & Mannoni 2008, p. 117
  45. ^ a b c d e f g h i Méliès, Georges (2010), Georges Méliès: Encore (DVD; short film collection), Los Angeles: Flicker Alley, ISBN 978-1893967564
  46. ^ Malthête & Mannoni 2008, p. 124
  47. ^ Vilas-Boas, Eric; Maher, John, eds. (October 5, 2020). "The 100 Sequences That Shaped Animation". Vulture. It was at the studio that Méliès made over 500 shorts, including his most famous work Le Voyage Dans la Lune (A Trip to the Moon) and not as well known but just as beloved works such as L'Œuf du Sorcier (1902), also known as The Prolific Magical Egg. The film, directed by and starring Méliès, is an example of early stop-motion SFX as the film sees the magician make an egg appear in a deft sleight of hand and then grow the egg until it turns into not one but three giant heads, which then merge into a goblinesque facade.
  48. ^ a b Frazer 1979, p. 100
  49. ^ Malthête & Mannoni 2008, p. 134
  50. ^ Hutchinson, Pamela (10 October 2012), "Georges Méliès's Robinson Crusoé film resurfaces in Pordenone", The Guardian, retrieved 26 January 2014
  51. ^ a b Frazer 1979, p. 103
  52. ^ Essai de reconstitution du catalogue français de la Star-Film; suivi d'une analyse catalographique des films de Georges Méliès recensés en France, Bois d'Arcy: Service des archives du film du Centre national de la cinématographie, 1981, p. 209, ISBN 2903053073, OCLC 10506429
  53. ^ Malthête & Mannoni 2008, p. 146
  54. ^ Abel, Richard (2005): Encyclopedia of Early Cinema, p 125
  55. ^ Agence France-Presse (11 October 2016), "'Lost' movie by silent film pioneer unearthed at Czech film archive", The Guardian, retrieved 12 October 2016
  56. ^ Méliès, Georges (2011), Georges Méliès (DVD; short film collection), Issy-les-Moulineaux: StudioCanal
  57. ^ Bromberg, Serge (2017), "Le Rosier miraculeux", Le Giornate del Cinema Muto, Pordenone Silent Film Festival, retrieved 21 March 2018
  58. ^ Frazer 1979, p. 145
  59. ^ Frazer 1979, p. 149
  60. ^ Malthête & Mannoni 2008, p. 176
  61. ^ Malthête & Mannoni 2008, p. 178
  62. ^ Malthête & Mannoni 2008, p. 179
  63. ^ Malthête & Mannoni 2008, p. 194
  64. ^ Malthête & Mannoni 2008, p. 196
  65. ^ Malthête & Mannoni 2008, p. 204
  66. ^ Malthête & Mannoni 2008, p. 209
  67. ^ Malthête & Mannoni 2008, p. 215
  68. ^ Malthête & Mannoni 2008, p. 227
  69. ^ Malthête & Mannoni 2008, p. 234
  70. ^ Malthête & Mannoni 2008, p. 235
  71. ^ a b Malthête & Mannoni 2008, p. 236
  72. ^ a b Malthête & Mannoni 2008, p. 238
  73. ^ Malthête & Mannoni 2008, p. 239
  74. ^ Malthête & Mannoni 2008, p. 254
  75. ^ Malthête & Mannoni 2008, p. 255
  76. ^ Malthête, Jacques (October 1982), "Sur les traces des 'Star' Films disparus", Les dossiers de la cinémathèque, vol. 10, pp. 52–67
  77. ^ Lentz, Harris M. (2000), Science Fiction, Horror & Fantasy Film and Television Credits, vol. 2, Jefferson, NC: McFarland, p. 1087
  78. ^ Malthête & Mannoni 2008, p. 272
  79. ^ Gordon, Rae Beth (2001), Why the French Love Jerry Lewis: From Cabaret to Early Cinema, Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, p. xvi, ISBN 9780804738941
  80. ^ Young, R. G. (1997), The Encyclopedia of Fantastic Film: Ali Baba to Zombies, New York: Applause, p. 531, ISBN 9781557832696
  81. ^ Malthête & Mannoni 2008, p. 284
  82. ^ Frazer 1979, p. 52
  83. ^ Frazer 1979, p. 53
  84. ^ Gaudreault 2011, p. 45
  85. ^ Mény, Jacques (1997), "Méliès imaginé ou images de Méliès au cinéma et à la télévision", in Malthête, Jacques; Marie, Michel (eds.), Georges Méliès, l'illusionniste fin de siècle?: actes du colloque de Cerisy-la-Salle, 13–22 août 1996, Paris: Presses de la Sorbonne nouvelle, p. 386, ISBN 2878541405
  86. ^ Frazer 1979, p. 189
  87. ^ "Le Spectre rouge – Segundo de Chomón – 1907", Filmographie Pathé, Fondation Jérôme Seydoux-Pathé, 9 October 2008
  88. ^ Bennett, Carl (20 April 2012), "Cinderella Up-to-Date", Progressive Silent Film List, Silent Era
  89. ^ Bennett, Carl (5 April 2010), "The Count's Wooing", Progressive Silent Film List, Silent Era
  90. ^ Malthête, Jacques (October 1982), "Sur les traces des 'Star' Films disparus", Les dossiers de la cinémathèque, vol. 10, pp. 52–67
  91. ^ Bennett, Carl (22 December 2009), "For the Cause of Suffrage", Progressive Silent Film List, Silent Era
  92. ^ Bennett, Carl (16 October 2008), "Mr. and Mrs. Duff", Progressive Silent Film List, Silent Era
  93. ^ Bennett, Carl (12 May 2010), "A Tumultuous Elopement", Progressive Silent Film List, Silent Era
  94. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Rège, Philippe (2010), Encyclopedia of French Film Directors, vol. I, Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, p. 710, ISBN 9780810869394
  95. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Hammond 1974, pp. 149–151


  • Frazer, John (1979), Artificially Arranged Scenes: The Films of Georges Méliès, Boston: G. K. Hall & Co., ISBN 0816183686
  • Gaudreault, André (2011), "Theatricality, Narrativity, and Trickality: Reevaluating the Cinema of Georges Méliès", in Solomon, Matthew (ed.), Fantastic Voyages of the Cinematic Imagination: Georges Méliès's Trip to the Moon, Albany: State University of New York Press, pp. 31–47, ISBN 9781438435817
  • Hammond, Paul (1974), Marvellous Méliès, London: Gordon Fraser, ISBN 0900406380
  • Malthête, Jacques; Mannoni, Laurent (2008), L'oeuvre de Georges Méliès, Paris: Éditions de La Martinière, ISBN 9782732437323
  • Solomon, Matthew (2011), "Introduction", in Solomon, Matthew (ed.), Fantastic Voyages of the Cinematic Imagination: Georges Méliès's Trip to the Moon, Albany: State University of New York Press, pp. 1–24, ISBN 9781438435817

External links