Golden Eagle Award for Best Animation

Golden Eagle Award for Best Animated Feature Film
Awarded forBest Animated Featured Film of the Year
Presented byNational Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences of Russia
First awarded2002
Currently held byDmitry Geller for Mistress of the Copper Mountain (2020)
WebsiteOfficial site of the National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia

The Golden Eagle Award for Best Animated Feature Film (Russian: Золотой Орёл для лучший анимационный фильму) is one of twenty award categories presented annually by the National Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences of Russia. It is one of the Golden Eagle Awards, which were conceived by Nikita Mikhalkov as a counterweight to the Nika Award established in 1987 by the Russian Academy of Cinema Arts and Sciences.[1][2]

Each year the members of the academy choose three (except in the year 2002) nominees to award the best animated film and the film as a perception. The first animator to be awarded was Alexey Demin for the film Cats Under Rain (Кошки под дождем). The most recent award was made to Dmitry Geller for Mistress of the Copper Mountain, an animation based on the tale of the eponymous character. The most successful animation director is Alexey Demin, Alexander Tatarsky, and Konstantin Bronzit with two wins each. Inna Evlannikova (who won one award), Anatoly Prokhorov, and Maria Muat (both have not won) were nominated thrice. Other people with multiple nominations include Elena Pitkevich (with two nominations but no wins) and Svetlana Andrianova (winning one from two nominations).

Nomineess and awardees

Sign Meaning
The international title is not known
Bold Indicates the winner
Konstantin Bronzit animations were nominated in 2007, 2009, and 2019, the last time he received the award
Year Director International title National title Transliterated title
(per BGN/PCGN standard)
2002 Alexey Demin Cats Under Rain Кошки под дождем Koshka pod dozhdem [3][4]
2002 Dmitry Geller Greetings from Kislovodsk Привет из Кисловодска Privet iz Kislovodtska [3][4]
2003 Andrei Khrzhanovsky One and a Half of the Cat Полтора кота Poltora kota [5][6]
2003 Mikhail Aldashin Bukashkis Букашки Bukashki [5][6]
2003 Alexander Tatarsky, Valentin Telegin The Red Gate Rasemon Красные ворота Расёмон Krasniye vorota Rasyomon [5][6]
2004 Tatyana Ilina The Nutcracker Щелкунчик Shchelkunchik [7][8]
2004 Oleg KuznetsovIrina Rakitina How The Little Tiger Looked For The Stripes Как тигренок искал полоски Kak tigrenok iskal poloski [7][8]
2004 Maria Muat About a Little Mouse Про мышонка Pro myshonka [7][8]
2005 Alexander Tatarsky Mountain of Gems (film series) Гора самоцветов Gora samotsvetov [9][10]
2005 Natalya Orlova Kashtanka Каштанка Kashtanka [9][10]
2005 Andrey Uskakov Wings Крылья Kryl'ya [9][10]
2006 Ekaterina Mikhalkova The Captain's Daughter Капитанская дочка Kapitanskaya dochka [11][12]
2006 Anatoly Prokhorov GoGoRiki (film series) Смешарики Smeshariki [11][12]
2006 Alexandr Bubnov Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson Шерлок Холмс и Доктор Ватсон Sherlok Kholms i Doktor Watson [11][12]
2007 Alexander Tatarsky Mountain of Gems (film series) Гора самоцветов Gora samotsvetov [13][14]
2007 Anatoly Prokhorov GoGoRiki (film series) Смешарики Smeshariki [13][14]
2007 Konstantin Bronzit Lavatory Lovestory Уборная истроия – лиобовная история Ubornaya istoriya – liubovnaya istoriya [13][14]
2008 Elisaveta Skrovtsova Lullabies of the World (film series) Колыбельные мира Kolybel'nye mira [15][16]
2008 Ivan Maksimov Rain Down From Above Дождь сверху вниз Dozhd' sverkhu vniz [15][16]
2008 Georgi Gitis (unknown) Приключения Алёнушки и Ерёмы Priklyucheniya Alyonushki i Eryomy [15][16]
2009 Konstantin Bronzit The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs! Правдивая история о трех поросятах Pravdivaya istoriya o trekh prosyatakh [17][18]
2009 Anatoly Prokhorov GoGoRiki (film series) Смешарики Smeshariki [17][18]
2009 Irina Margolina, Elena Pitkevich (unknown) Роберт Шуман (письма) Robert Shuman (pis'ma) [17][18]
2010 Svyatoslav Ushakov, Inna Evlannikova Space Dogs Белка и Стрелка. Звёздные собаки Belka i strelka. Zvyozdniye Sobaki [19][20]
2010 Maria Muat (unknown) Непечальная история Nepechal'naya istoriya [19][20]
2010 Natalya Malgina, Sergey Seregin, Pavel Sukhikh, Oksana Kholodova (unknown) Рассказы А.П. Чехова Rasskazy A.P. Chekhova [19][20]
2011 Sergey Glezin (unknown) Три богатыря и Шамаханская царица Tri bogatyrya i Shamakhanskaya tsaritsa [21][22]
2011 Maria Muat (unknown) Метель Metel [21][22]
2011 Yulia Titova (unknown) Сергей Прокофьев Sergei Prokofyev [21][22]
2012 Elena Pitkevich (unknown) Бах Bakh [23][24]
2012 Aleksey Turkus (unknown) Заснеженный всадник Zasnezhennyi vsadnik [23][24]
2012 Ivan Maksimov Out of Play Вне игры Vne igry [23][24]
2013 Alexey Demin Hush, Grandma is Sleeping! Тише, бабушка спит Tishe, babushka spit [25]
2013 Mikhail Aldashin Immortal Бессмертный Bessmertnyy [25]
2013 Ivan Maximov Long Bridge of Desired Direction Длинный мост в нужную сторону Dlinnyy most v nuzhnuyu storonu [25]
2014 Vladimir Toropchin Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf 2 Иван Царевич и Серый Волк 2 Ivan Tsarevich i Seryy Volk 2 [26]
2014 Aleksandr Khramtsov, Inna Evlannikova, Vadim Sotskov Space Dogs: Adventure to the Moon Белка и Стрелка. Лунные приключения Belka i Strelka. Lunnyye priklyucheniya [26]
2014 Irina Kodyukova Chopin' Фредерик Шопен Frederik Shopen [26]
2015 Konstantin Feoktistov Three heroes. Horse Course Три богатыря. Ход конём Tri bogatyrya. Khod konom [27]
2015 Svetlana Andrianova A Little Star Звёздочка Zvozdochka [27]
2015 Sergey Antonov Serafima's Extraordinary Travel Необыкновенное путешествие Серафимы Neobyknovennoye puteshestviye Serafimy [27]
2016 Natalia Chernysheva Cat and Mouse Кот и мышь Kot i mysh' [28]
2016 Maksim Volkov Sheep and Wolves Волки и овцы: Бе-е-е-зумное превращение Chernysheva [28]
2016 Polina Minchenok Moroshka Морошка Moroshka [28]
2017 Svetlana Andrianova Two Trams Два трамвая Dva tramvaya [29]
2017 Yuriy Ryazanov, Yuriy Kulakov The Tale of Peter and Fevronia Сказ о Петре и Февронии Skaz o Petre i Fevronii [29]
2017 Vladimir Toropchin, Fyodor Dmitriev, Darina Shmidt Fantastic Journey to Oz Урфин Джюс и его деревянные солдаты Urfin Dzhyus i yego derevyannyye soldaty [29]
2018 Stanislav Sokolov Hoffmaniada Гофманиада Gofmaniada [30]
2018 Valentin Telegin (unknown) Матрос Пётр Кошка Matros Potr Koshka [30]
2018 Natalia Mirzoyan Five Minutes To Sea Пять минут до моря Pyat' minut do morya [30]
2019 Konstantin Bronzit He Can't Live Without Cosmos Он не может жить без космоса On ne mozhet zhit' bez kosmosa [31]
2019 Leonid Shmelkov Lola the Living Potato Лола живая картошка Lola zhivaya kartoshka [31]
2019 Zhanna Bekmambetova Tweet-tweet Чик-Чирик Chik-Chirik [31]
2020 Dmitry Geller Mistress of the Copper Mountain Хозяйка Медной горы Khozyayka Mednoy gory [32]
2020 Darina Schmidt, Konstantin Feoktistov Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf 4 Иван Царевич и Серый Волк 4 Ivan Tsarevich i Seryy Volk 4 [32]
2020 Inna Evlannikova, Aleksandr Khramtsov Space Dogs: Return to Earth Белка и Стрелка. Карибская тайна Belka i Strelka. Karibskaya tayna [32]


  1. ^ "Nikita Mikhalkov". Russkiy Mir Foundation Information Service. Archived from the original on 2011-07-27. Retrieved 2011-02-08.
  2. ^ "Nika Awards (Russian Oscars®)". Filmmovement. Archived from the original on 2011-01-24. Retrieved 2011-02-28.
  3. ^ a b НОМИНАНТЫ ПРЕМИИ «ЗОЛОТОЙ ОРЕЛ» ЗА 2002 ГОД [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2002] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Archived from the original on 2011-09-28. Retrieved 2011-02-08.
  4. ^ a b Золотой Орел 2002 [Golden Eagle 2002] (in Russian). Retrieved 2011-02-23.
  5. ^ a b c НОМИНАНТЫ ПРЕМИИ «ЗОЛОТОЙ ОРЕЛ» ЗА 2003 ГОД [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2003] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Archived from the original on 2011-09-28. Retrieved 2011-02-08.
  6. ^ a b c Золотой Орел 2003 [Golden Eagle 2003] (in Russian). Retrieved 2011-02-23.
  7. ^ a b c НОМИНАНТЫ ПРЕМИИ «ЗОЛОТОЙ ОРЕЛ» ЗА 2004 ГОД [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2004] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Archived from the original on 2011-09-28. Retrieved 2011-02-08.
  8. ^ a b c Золотой Орел 2004 [Golden Eagle 2004] (in Russian). Retrieved 2011-02-23.
  9. ^ a b c НОМИНАНТЫ ПРЕМИИ «ЗОЛОТОЙ ОРЕЛ» ЗА 2005 ГОД [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2005] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Archived from the original on 2011-09-28. Retrieved 2011-02-08.
  10. ^ a b c Золотой Орел 2005 [Golden Eagle 2005] (in Russian). Retrieved 2011-02-23.
  11. ^ a b c НОМИНАНТЫ ПРЕМИИ «ЗОЛОТОЙ ОРЕЛ» ЗА 2006 ГОД [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2006] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Archived from the original on 2011-09-28. Retrieved 2011-02-08.
  12. ^ a b c Золотой Орел 2006 [Golden Eagle 2006] (in Russian). Retrieved 2011-02-21.
  13. ^ a b c НОМИНАНТЫ ПРЕМИИ «ЗОЛОТОЙ ОРЕЛ» ЗА 2007 ГОД [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2007] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Archived from the original on 2011-09-28. Retrieved 2011-02-08.
  14. ^ a b c Золотой Орел 2007 [Golden Eagle 2007] (in Russian). Retrieved 2011-02-23.
  15. ^ a b c НОМИНАНТЫ ПРЕМИИ «ЗОЛОТОЙ ОРЕЛ» ЗА 2008 ГОД [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2008] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Archived from the original on 2011-09-28. Retrieved 2011-02-08.
  16. ^ a b c Золотой Орел 2008 [Golden Eagle 2008] (in Russian). Archived from the original on 2013-05-01. Retrieved 2011-02-23.
  17. ^ a b c НОМИНАНТЫ ПРЕМИИ «ЗОЛОТОЙ ОРЕЛ» ЗА 2009 ГОД [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2009] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Archived from the original on 2011-09-28. Retrieved 2011-02-08.
  18. ^ a b c Золотой Орел 2009 [Golden Eagle 2009] (in Russian). Retrieved 2011-02-23.
  19. ^ a b c НОМИНАНТЫ ПРЕМИИ «ЗОЛОТОЙ ОРЕЛ» ЗА 2010 ГОД [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2010] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Archived from the original on 2011-09-28. Retrieved 2011-02-08.
  20. ^ a b c Золотой Орел 2010 [Golden Eagle 2010] (in Russian). Retrieved 2011-02-23.
  21. ^ a b c НОМИНАНТЫ ПРЕМИИ «ЗОЛОТОЙ ОРЕЛ» ЗА 2011 ГОД [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2011] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Archived from the original on 2013-10-07. Retrieved 2013-10-05.
  22. ^ a b c Золотой Орел 2011 [Golden Eagle 2011] (in Russian). Retrieved 2013-10-05.
  23. ^ a b c НОМИНАНТЫ ПРЕМИИ «ЗОЛОТОЙ ОРЕЛ» ЗА 2012 ГОД [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2012] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Archived from the original on 2013-10-07. Retrieved 2013-10-05.
  24. ^ a b c Золотой Орел 2012 [Golden Eagle 2012] (in Russian). Retrieved 2013-10-05.
  25. ^ a b c НОМИНАНТЫ ПРЕМИИ «ЗОЛОТОЙ ОРЕЛ» ЗА 2013 ГОД [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2013] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Retrieved 2021-10-27.
  26. ^ a b c НОМИНАНТЫ ПРЕМИИ «ЗОЛОТОЙ ОРЕЛ» ЗА 2014 ГОД [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2014] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Retrieved 2021-10-27.
  27. ^ a b c НОМИНАНТЫ ПРЕМИИ «ЗОЛОТОЙ ОРЕЛ» ЗА 2015 ГОД [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2015] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Retrieved 2021-10-27.
  28. ^ a b c НОМИНАНТЫ ПРЕМИИ «ЗОЛОТОЙ ОРЕЛ» ЗА 2016 ГОД [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2016] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Retrieved 2021-10-27.
  29. ^ a b c НОМИНАНТЫ ПРЕМИИ «ЗОЛОТОЙ ОРЕЛ» ЗА 2017 ГОД [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2017] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Retrieved 2021-10-27.
  30. ^ a b c НОМИНАНТЫ ПРЕМИИ «ЗОЛОТОЙ ОРЕЛ» ЗА 2018 ГОД [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2018] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Retrieved 2021-10-27.
  31. ^ a b c НОМИНАНТЫ ПРЕМИИ «ЗОЛОТОЙ ОРЕЛ» ЗА 2019 ГОД [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2019] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Retrieved 2021-10-27.
  32. ^ a b c НОМИНАНТЫ ПРЕМИИ «ЗОЛОТОЙ ОРЕЛ» ЗА 2020 ГОД [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2020] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Retrieved 2021-10-27.

External links