Golden Lotus Award for Best Supporting Actress

Golden Lotus Award for Best Supporting Actress (simplified Chinese: 金莲花奖最佳女配角; traditional Chinese: 金蓮花獎最佳女配角) is the main category of Competition of Golden Lotus Awards. Awarding to supporting actress(es) who have outstanding performance in motion pictures.

Award winners and nominees


2009 (1st)

Year Winner and nominees
Winner and nominees
English title Original title
2009 Yang Meng 杨萌 White Mountain 《天山雪》
Xu Qing 许晴 The Founding of a Republic 《建国大业》
Wang Ji 王姬 Ma Wen's Battle 《马文的战争》


2010 (2nd)

Year Winner and nominees
Winner and nominees
English title Original title
2010 Sharon Xie 谢润 A Tibetan Love Song 《康定情歌》[1]
Liu Zi 刘孜 You and Me 《我和你》
Che Yongli 车永莉 A Singing Fairy 《寻找刘三姐》
Karen Joy Morris 莫文蔚 Go Lala Go! 《杜拉拉升职记》

2011 (3rd)

Year Winner and nominees
Winner and nominees
English title Original title
2011 Irene Wan 温碧霞 Heroes 《英雄·喋血》
Rose Chen 陈嘉桓 The Woman Knight of Mirror Lake 《竞雄女侠·秋瑾》
Ma Yili 马伊琍 Tracks Kong Lingxue 《跟踪孔令学》
Yang Tongshu 杨童舒 The Count of Destiny 《极峰迷情》
Lü Liping 吕丽萍 Traffic Jam 《堵车》

2012 (4th)

Year Winner and nominees
Winner and nominees
English title Original title
2012 Gigi Leung 梁咏琪 Seasons of Life 《四季人生》
Carmen Masola 卡门·玛索拉 One Night To Be Star 《一夜成名》
Ju Wenpei 居文沛 Deng En Ming's Childhood 《少年邓恩铭》
Siqin Gaowa 斯琴高娃 Yang Guang's Happy Life 《杨光的快乐生活》

2013 (5th)

Year Winner and nominees
Winner and nominees
English title Original title
2013 Gillian Chung 钟欣桐 Ip Man: The Final Fight 《叶问:终极一战》
Annie Yi 伊能静 The Assassins 《铜雀台》
Irene Wan 温碧霞 Triad 《扎职》
Ady An 安以轩 Saving General Yang 《忠烈杨家将》

2014 (6th)

Year Winner and nominees
Winner and nominees
English title Original title
2014 Feng Bo 冯波 Black Mirror 《少女灵异日记》[2]
Yu Nan 余男 Beijing Love Story 《北京爱情故事》
Song Ji-hyo 宋孝智 708090 《708090之深圳恋歌》
Ding Jiali 丁嘉丽 Coming Home 《归来》
Michelle Bai 白冰 Kung Fu Jungle 《一个人的武林》

2015 (7th)

Year Winner and nominees
Winner and nominees
English title Original title
2015 Jessica Hsuan 宣萱 The Kid from the Big Apple 《我来自纽约》
Karena Ng 吴千语 Ip Man 3 《叶问3》
Nana Ou-yang 欧阳娜娜 To the Fore 《破风》
Gigi Leung 梁咏琪 Wong Ka Yan 《王家欣》
Xu Qing 许晴 Mr. Six 《老炮儿》

2016 (8th)

Year Winner and nominees
Winner and nominees
English title Original title
2016 Ariel Aisin-Gioro 爱新觉罗·启星 When We Were Young 《不朽的时光》
Yan Ni 闫妮 Good Luck, Dad 《让我怎么相信你》
Victoria Song 宋茜 My Best Friend's Wedding 《我最好朋友的婚礼》
Karen Mok 莫文蔚 A Chinese Odyssey Part Three 《大话西游3》
Amber Kuo 郭采洁 Lord of Shanghai 《上海王》
Pan Hong 潘虹 Kill Time 《谋杀似水年华》

2017 (9th)

Year Winner and nominees
Winner and nominees
English title Original title
2017 Zhao Jing 赵静 I Am A Doctor 《我是医生》
Li Muzi 李木子 Doctor's Mind 《你若安好》
Yan Ni 闫妮 The Wasted Times 《罗曼蒂克消亡史》
Zheng Shuang 郑爽 Wu Kong 《悟空传》
Guan Xiaotong 关晓彤 A Paper Marriage 《一纸婚约》


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