Grassmann graph

Grassmann graph
Named afterHermann Grassmann
Diametermin(k, nk)
Table of graphs and parameters

In graph theory, Grassmann graphs are a special class of simple graphs defined from systems of subspaces. The vertices of the Grassmann graph Jq(n, k) are the k-dimensional subspaces of an n-dimensional vector space over a finite field of order q; two vertices are adjacent when their intersection is (k – 1)-dimensional.

Many of the parameters of Grassmann graphs are q-analogs of the parameters of Johnson graphs, and Grassmann graphs have several of the same graph properties as Johnson graphs.

Graph-theoretic properties

  • Jq(n, k) is isomorphic to Jq(n, nk).
  • For all 0 ≤ d ≤ diam(Jq(n,k)), the intersection of any pair of vertices at distance d is (kd)-dimensional.
  • The clique number of Jq(n,k) is given by an expression in terms its least and greatest eigenvalues λ min and λ max:
[citation needed]

Automorphism group

There is a distance-transitive subgroup of isomorphic to the projective linear group .

In fact, unless or , ; otherwise or respectively.[1]

Intersection array

As a consequence of being distance-transitive, is also distance-regular. Letting denote its diameter, the intersection array of is given by where:

  • for all .
  • for all .


  • The characteristic polynomial of is given by

See also


  1. ^ a b Brouwer, Andries E. (1989). Distance-Regular Graphs. Cohen, Arjeh M., Neumaier, Arnold. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. ISBN 9783642743436. OCLC 851840609.