ISO 3166-2:AZ

ISO 3166-2:AZ is the entry for Azerbaijan in ISO 3166-2, part of the ISO 3166 standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which defines codes for the names of the principal subdivisions (e.g., provinces or states) of all countries coded in ISO 3166-1.

Currently for Azerbaijan, ISO 3166-2 codes are defined for two levels of subdivisions:

The eleven municipalities have special status equal to the rayons. Şuşa, the disputed municipality, has been removed from the list.

Each code consists of two parts, separated by a hyphen. The first part is AZ, the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of Azerbaijan. The second part is either of the following:

  • two letters: autonomous republic and municipalities
  • three letters: rayons

Current codes

Subdivision names are listed as in the ISO 3166-2 standard published by the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency (ISO 3166/MA).

Click on the button in the header to sort each column.

Autonomous republic

Code Subdivision name (az) Subdivision name (en)[a]
AZ-NX Naxçıvan Nakhchivan

Municipalities and rayons

Code Subdivision name (az) Subdivision name (en)[a] Subdivision category Parent subdivision
AZ-ABS Abşeron Absheron rayon
AZ-AGC Ağcabədi Aghjabadi rayon
AZ-AGM Ağdam Aghdam rayon
AZ-AGS Ağdaş Agdash rayon
AZ-AGA Ağstafa Aghstafa rayon
AZ-AGU Ağsu Aghsu rayon
AZ-AST Astara Astara rayon
AZ-BAB Babək Babek rayon NX
AZ-BA Bakı Baku municipality
AZ-BAL Balakən Balakan rayon
AZ-BAR Bərdə Barda rayon
AZ-BEY Beyləqan Beylagan rayon
AZ-BIL Biləsuvar Bilasuvar rayon
AZ-CAB Cəbrayıl Jabrayil rayon
AZ-CAL Cəlilabad Jalilabad rayon
AZ-CUL Culfa Julfa rayon NX
AZ-DAS Daşkəsən Dashkasan rayon
AZ-FUZ Füzuli Fuzuli rayon
AZ-GAD Gədəbəy Gadabay rayon
AZ-GA Gəncə Ganja municipality
AZ-GOR Goranboy Goranboy rayon
AZ-GOY Göyçay Goychay rayon
AZ-GYG Göygöl Goygol rayon
AZ-HAC Hacıqabul Hajigabul rayon
AZ-IMI İmişli Imishli rayon
AZ-ISM İsmayıllı Ismayilli rayon
AZ-KAL Kəlbəcər Kalbajar rayon
AZ-KAN Kǝngǝrli Kangarli rayon NX
AZ-KUR Kürdəmir Kurdamir rayon
AZ-LAC Laçın Lachin rayon
AZ-LA Lənkəran Lankaran City municipality
AZ-LAN Lənkəran Lankaran rayon
AZ-LER Lerik Lerik rayon
AZ-MAS Masallı Masally rayon
AZ-MI Mingəçevir Mingachevir municipality
AZ-NA Naftalan Naftalan municipality
AZ-NV Naxçıvan Nakhchivan City municipality NX
AZ-NEF Neftçala Neftchala rayon
AZ-OGU Oğuz Oghuz rayon
AZ-ORD Ordubad Ordubad rayon NX
AZ-QAX Qax Gakh rayon
AZ-QAZ Qazax Gazakh rayon
AZ-QAB Qəbələ Gabala rayon
AZ-QOB Qobustan Gobustan rayon
AZ-QBA Quba Guba rayon
AZ-QBI Qubadlı Gubadlı rayon
AZ-QUS Qusar Gusar rayon
AZ-SAT Saatlı Saatly rayon
AZ-SAB Sabirabad Sabirabad rayon
AZ-SBN Şabran Shabran rayon
AZ-SAH Şahbuz Shahbuz rayon NX
AZ-SAL Salyan Salyan rayon
AZ-SMI Şamaxı Shamakhi rayon
AZ-SMX Samux Samukh rayon
AZ-SAD Sədərək Sadarak rayon NX
AZ-SA Şəki Shaki City municipality
AZ-SAK Şəki Shaki rayon
AZ-SKR Şəmkir Shamkir rayon
AZ-SAR Şərur Sharur rayon NX
AZ-SR Şirvan Shirvan municipality
AZ-SIY Siyəzən Siyazan rayon
AZ-SM Sumqayıt Sumgayit municipality
AZ-SUS Şuşa Shusha rayon
AZ-TAR Tərtər Tartar rayon
AZ-TOV Tovuz Tovuz rayon
AZ-UCA Ucar Ujar rayon
AZ-XAC Xaçmaz Khachmaz rayon
AZ-XA Xankəndi Stepanakert municipality
AZ-XIZ Xızı Khizi rayon
AZ-XCI Xocalı Khojaly rayon
AZ-XVD Xocavənd Khojavend rayon
AZ-YAR Yardımlı Yardimli rayon
AZ-YE Yevlax Yevlakh City municipality
AZ-YEV Yevlax Yevlakh rayon
AZ-ZAQ Zaqatala Zagatala rayon
AZ-ZAN Zəngilan Zangilan rayon
AZ-ZAR Zərdab Zardab rayon
  1. ^ a b For reference only, English name not included in the ISO 3166-2 standard.


The following changes to the entry have been announced in newsletters by the ISO 3166/MA since the first publication of ISO 3166-2 in 1998. ISO stopped issuing newsletters in 2013.

Newsletter Date issued Description of change in newsletter Code/Subdivision change
Newsletter I-2 2002-05-21 Correction of one code and four spelling errors. Notification of the rayons belonging to the autonomous republic Codes:
Naxçıvan: AZ-MMAZ-NX
Newsletter II-3 2011-12-13
Alphabetical re-ordering, name change of administrative places, first level prefix addition and source list update Subdivisions added:
AZ-KAN Kǝngǝrli
AZ-NV Naxçıvan (municipality)
Subdivisions deleted:
AZ-SS Şuşa
AZ-AB Əli Bayramlı → AZ-SR Şirvan
AZ-DAV Dəvəçi → AZ-SBN Şabran
AZ-XAN Xanlar → AZ-GYG Göygöl

The following changes to the entry are listed on ISO's online catalogue, the Online Browsing Platform:

Effective date of change Short description of change (en)
2015-11-27 Deletion of the romanization system; update List Source

See also

External links