Jacobi elliptic function

In mathematics, the Jacobi elliptic functions are a set of basic elliptic functions. They are found in the description of the motion of a pendulum (see also pendulum (mathematics)), as well as in the design of electronic elliptic filters. While trigonometric functions are defined with reference to a circle, the Jacobi elliptic functions are a generalization which refer to other conic sections, the ellipse in particular. The relation to trigonometric functions is contained in the notation, for example, by the matching notation for . The Jacobi elliptic functions are used more often in practical problems than the Weierstrass elliptic functions as they do not require notions of complex analysis to be defined and/or understood. They were introduced by Carl Gustav Jakob Jacobi (1829). Carl Friedrich Gauss had already studied special Jacobi elliptic functions in 1797, the lemniscate elliptic functions in particular,[1] but his work was published much later.


The fundamental rectangle in the complex plane of

There are twelve Jacobi elliptic functions denoted by , where and are any of the letters , , , and . (Functions of the form are trivially set to unity for notational completeness.) is the argument, and is the parameter, both of which may be complex. In fact, the Jacobi elliptic functions are meromorphic in both and .[2] The distribution of the zeros and poles in the -plane is well-known. However, questions of the distribution of the zeros and poles in the -plane remain to be investigated.[2]

In the complex plane of the argument , the twelve functions form a repeating lattice of simple poles and zeroes.[3] Depending on the function, one repeating parallelogram, or unit cell, will have sides of length or on the real axis, and or on the imaginary axis, where and are known as the quarter periods with being the elliptic integral of the first kind. The nature of the unit cell can be determined by inspecting the "auxiliary rectangle" (generally a parallelogram), which is a rectangle formed by the origin at one corner, and as the diagonally opposite corner. As in the diagram, the four corners of the auxiliary rectangle are named , , , and , going counter-clockwise from the origin. The function will have a zero at the corner and a pole at the corner. The twelve functions correspond to the twelve ways of arranging these poles and zeroes in the corners of the rectangle.

When the argument and parameter are real, with , and will be real and the auxiliary parallelogram will in fact be a rectangle, and the Jacobi elliptic functions will all be real valued on the real line.

Since the Jacobian elliptic functions are doubly periodic in , they factor through a torus – in effect, their domain can be taken to be a torus, just as cosine and sine are in effect defined on a circle. Instead of having only one circle, we now have the product of two circles, one real and the other imaginary. The complex plane can be replaced by a complex torus. The circumference of the first circle is and the second , where and are the quarter periods. Each function has two zeroes and two poles at opposite positions on the torus. Among the points , , , there is one zero and one pole.

The Jacobian elliptic functions are then doubly periodic, meromorphic functions satisfying the following properties:

  • There is a simple zero at the corner , and a simple pole at the corner .
  • The complex number is equal to half the period of the function ; that is, the function is periodic in the direction , with the period being . The function is also periodic in the other two directions and , with periods such that and are quarter periods.
Elliptic Jacobi function '"`UNIQ--postMath-00000040-QINU`"', '"`UNIQ--postMath-00000041-QINU`"'
Jacobi elliptic function
Elliptic Jacobi function '"`UNIQ--postMath-00000043-QINU`"', '"`UNIQ--postMath-00000044-QINU`"'
Jacobi elliptic function
Elliptic Jacobi function '"`UNIQ--postMath-00000046-QINU`"', '"`UNIQ--postMath-00000047-QINU`"'
Jacobi elliptic function
Elliptic Jacobi function '"`UNIQ--postMath-00000049-QINU`"', '"`UNIQ--postMath-0000004A-QINU`"'
Jacobi elliptic function
Plots of four Jacobi Elliptic Functions in the complex plane of , illustrating their double periodic behavior. Images generated using a version of the domain coloring method.[4] All have values of equal to .


The elliptic functions can be given in a variety of notations, which can make the subject unnecessarily confusing. Elliptic functions are functions of two variables. The first variable might be given in terms of the amplitude , or more commonly, in terms of given below. The second variable might be given in terms of the parameter , or as the elliptic modulus , where , or in terms of the modular angle , where . The complements of and are defined as and . These four terms are used below without comment to simplify various expressions.

The twelve Jacobi elliptic functions are generally written as where and are any of the letters , , , and . Functions of the form are trivially set to unity for notational completeness. The “major” functions are generally taken to be , and from which all other functions can be derived and expressions are often written solely in terms of these three functions, however, various symmetries and generalizations are often most conveniently expressed using the full set. (This notation is due to Gudermann and Glaisher and is not Jacobi's original notation.)

Throughout this article, .

The functions are notationally related to each other by the multiplication rule: (arguments suppressed)

from which other commonly used relationships can be derived:

The multiplication rule follows immediately from the identification of the elliptic functions with the Neville theta functions[5]

Also note that:

Definition in terms of inverses of elliptic integrals

Model of the Jacobi amplitude (measured along vertical axis) as a function of independent variables u and the modulus k

There is a definition, relating the elliptic functions to the inverse of the incomplete elliptic integral of the first kind. These functions take the parameters and as inputs. The that satisfies

is called the Jacobi amplitude:

In this framework, the elliptic sine sn u (Latin: sinus amplitudinis) is given by

and the elliptic cosine cn u (Latin: cosinus amplitudinis) is given by

and the delta amplitude dn u (Latin: delta amplitudinis)[note 1]

In the above, the value is a free parameter, usually taken to be real such that , and so the elliptic functions can be thought of as being given by two variables, and the parameter . The remaining nine elliptic functions are easily built from the above three (, , ), and are given in a section below.

In the most general setting, is a multivalued function (in ) with infinitely many logarithmic branch points (the branches differ by integer multiples of ), namely the points and where .[6] This multivalued function can be made single-valued by cutting the complex plane along the line segments joining these branch points (the cutting can be done in non-equivalent ways, giving non-equivalent single-valued functions), thus making analytic everywhere except on the branch cuts. In contrast, and other elliptic functions have no branch points, give consistent values for every branch of , and are meromorphic in the whole complex plane. Since every elliptic function is meromorphic in the whole complex plane (by definition), (when considered as a single-valued function) is not an elliptic function.

However, the integral inversion above defines a unique single-valued real-analytic function in a real neighborhood of if is real. There is a unique analytic continuation of this function from that neighborhood to . The analytic continuation of this function is periodic in if and only if (with the minimal period ), and it is denoted by in the rest of this article.

Jacobi also introduced the coamplitude function:


The Jacobi epsilon function can be defined as[7]

and relates the incomplete elliptic integral of the first kind to the incomplete elliptic integral of the second kind (with parameter ):

The Jacobi epsilon function is not an elliptic function. However, unlike the Jacobi amplitude and coamplitude, the Jacobi epsilon function is meromorphic in the whole complex plane (in both and ).

The Jacobi zn function is defined by

It is a singly periodic function which is meromorphic in . Its minimal period is . It is related to the Jacobi zeta function by

Note that when , that then equals the quarter period .

Definition as trigonometry: the Jacobi ellipse

Plot of the Jacobi ellipse (x2 + y2/b2 = 1, b real) and the twelve Jacobi elliptic functions pq(u,m) for particular values of angle φ and parameter b. The solid curve is the ellipse, with m = 1 − 1/b2 and u = F(φ,m) where F(·,·) is the elliptic integral of the first kind (with parameter ). The dotted curve is the unit circle. Tangent lines from the circle and ellipse at x = cd crossing the x-axis at dc are shown in light grey.

are defined on the unit circle, with radius r = 1 and angle arc length of the unit circle measured from the positive x-axis. Similarly, Jacobi elliptic functions are defined on the unit ellipse,[citation needed] with a = 1. Let


For each angle the parameter

(the incomplete elliptic integral of the first kind) is computed. On the unit circle (), would be an arc length. The quantity is related to the incomplete elliptic integral of the second kind (with modulus ) by[8]

and therefore is related to the arc length of an ellipse. Let be a point on the ellipse, and let be the point where the unit circle intersects the line between and the origin . Then the familiar relations from the unit circle:

read for the ellipse:

So the projections of the intersection point of the line with the unit circle on the x- and y-axes are simply and . These projections may be interpreted as 'definition as trigonometry'. In short:

For the and value of the point with and parameter we get, after inserting the relation:

into: that:

The latter relations for the x- and y-coordinates of points on the unit ellipse may be considered as generalization of the relations for the coordinates of points on the unit circle.

The following table summarizes the expressions for all Jacobi elliptic functions pq(u,m) in the variables (x,y,r) and (φ,dn) with

Jacobi elliptic functions pq[u,m] as functions of {x,y,r} and {φ,dn}
c s n d
c 1
s 1
n 1
d 1

Definition in terms of Jacobi theta functions

Jacobi theta function description

Equivalently, Jacobi's elliptic functions can be defined in terms of his theta functions. If we abbreviate as , and respectively as (the theta constants) then the theta function elliptic modulus k is . We define the nome as in relation to the period ratio. We have

where .

Edmund Whittaker and George Watson defined the Jacobi theta functions this way in their textbook A Course of Modern Analysis:[9]

The Jacobi zn function can be expressed by theta functions as well:

where denotes the derivative with respect to the first variable.

Elliptic integral and elliptic nome

Since the Jacobi functions are defined in terms of the elliptic modulus , we need to invert this and find in terms of . We start from , the complementary modulus. As a function of it is

Let us define the elliptic nome and the complete elliptic integral of the first kind:

These are two identical definitions of the complete elliptic integral of the first kind:

An identical definition of the nome function can me produced by using a series. Following function has this identity:

Since we may reduce to the case where the imaginary part of is greater than or equal to (see Modular group), we can assume the absolute value of is less than or equal to ; for values this small the above series converges very rapidly and easily allows us to find the appropriate value for . By solving this function after q we get:[10][11][12]

Where SW(n) is sequence A002103 in the OEIS.

Definition in terms of Neville theta functions

The Jacobi elliptic functions can be defined very simply using the Neville theta functions:[13]

Simplifications of complicated products of the Jacobi elliptic functions are often made easier using these identities.

Jacobi transformations

The Jacobi imaginary transformations

Plot of the degenerate Jacobi curve (x2 + y2/b2 = 1, b = ∞) and the twelve Jacobi Elliptic functions pq(u,1) for a particular value of angle φ. The solid curve is the degenerate ellipse (x2 = 1) with m = 1 and u = F(φ,1) where F(·,·) is the elliptic integral of the first kind. The dotted curve is the unit circle. Since these are the Jacobi functions for m = 0 (circular trigonometric functions) but with imaginary arguments, they correspond to the six hyperbolic trigonometric functions.

The Jacobi imaginary transformations relate various functions of the imaginary variable i u or, equivalently, relations between various values of the m parameter. In terms of the major functions:[14]: 506 

Using the multiplication rule, all other functions may be expressed in terms of the above three. The transformations may be generally written as . The following table gives the for the specified pq(u,m).[13] (The arguments are suppressed)

Jacobi Imaginary transformations
c s n d
c 1 i ns nc nd
s i sn 1 i sc i sd
n cn i cs 1 cd
d dn i ds dc 1

Since the hyperbolic trigonometric functions are proportional to the circular trigonometric functions with imaginary arguments, it follows that the Jacobi functions will yield the hyperbolic functions for m=1.[5]: 249  In the figure, the Jacobi curve has degenerated to two vertical lines at x = 1 and x = −1.

The Jacobi real transformations

The Jacobi real transformations[5]: 308  yield expressions for the elliptic functions in terms with alternate values of m. The transformations may be generally written as . The following table gives the for the specified pq(u,m).[13] (The arguments are suppressed)

Jacobi real transformations
c s n d

Other Jacobi transformations

Jacobi's real and imaginary transformations can be combined in various ways to yield three more simple transformations .[5]: 214  The real and imaginary transformations are two transformations in a group (D3 or anharmonic group) of six transformations. If

is the transformation for the m parameter in the real transformation, and

is the transformation of m in the imaginary transformation, then the other transformations can be built up by successive application of these two basic transformations, yielding only three more possibilities:

These five transformations, along with the identity transformation (μU(m) = m) yield the six-element group. With regard to the Jacobi elliptic functions, the general transformation can be expressed using just three functions:

where i = U, I, IR, R, RI, or RIR, identifying the transformation, γi is a multiplication factor common to these three functions, and the prime indicates the transformed function. The other nine transformed functions can be built up from the above three. The reason the cs, ns, ds functions were chosen to represent the transformation is that the other functions will be ratios of these three (except for their inverses) and the multiplication factors will cancel.

The following table lists the multiplication factors for the three ps functions, the transformed m's, and the transformed function names for each of the six transformations.[5]: 214  (As usual, k2 = m, 1 − k2 = k12 = m′ and the arguments () are suppressed)

Parameters for the six transformations
Transformation i cs' ns' ds'
U 1 m cs ns ds
I i m' ns cs ds
IR i k −m'/m ds cs ns
R k 1/m ds ns cs
RI i k1 1/m' ns ds cs
RIR k1 −m/m' cs ds ns

Thus, for example, we may build the following table for the RIR transformation.[13] The transformation is generally written (The arguments are suppressed)

The RIR transformation
c s n d
c 1 k' cs cd cn
s sc 1 sd sn
n dc ds 1 dn
d nc ns nd 1

The value of the Jacobi transformations is that any set of Jacobi elliptic functions with any complex-valued parameter m can be converted into another set for which 0 ≤ m ≤ 1 and, for real values of u, the function values will be real.[5]: p. 215 

The Jacobi hyperbola

Plot of the Jacobi hyperbola (x2 + y2/b2 = 1, b imaginary) and the twelve Jacobi Elliptic functions pq(u,m) for particular values of angle φ and parameter b. The solid curve is the hyperbola, with m = 1 − 1/b2 and u = F(φ,m) where F(·,·) is the elliptic integral of the first kind. The dotted curve is the unit circle. For the ds-dc triangle, σ =  sin(φ)cos(φ).

Introducing complex numbers, our ellipse has an associated hyperbola:

from applying Jacobi's imaginary transformation[13] to the elliptic functions in the above equation for x and y.

It follows that we can put . So our ellipse has a dual ellipse with m replaced by 1-m. This leads to the complex torus mentioned in the Introduction.[15] Generally, m may be a complex number, but when m is real and m<0, the curve is an ellipse with major axis in the x direction. At m=0 the curve is a circle, and for 0<m<1, the curve is an ellipse with major axis in the y direction. At m = 1, the curve degenerates into two vertical lines at x = ±1. For m > 1, the curve is a hyperbola. When m is complex but not real, x or y or both are complex and the curve cannot be described on a real x-y diagram.

Minor functions

Reversing the order of the two letters of the function name results in the reciprocals of the three functions above:

Similarly, the ratios of the three primary functions correspond to the first letter of the numerator followed by the first letter of the denominator:

More compactly, we have

where p and q are any of the letters s, c, d.

Periodicity, poles, and residues

Plots of the phase for the twelve Jacobi Elliptic functions pq(u,m) as a function complex argument u, with poles and zeroes indicated. The plots are over one full cycle in the real and imaginary directions with the colored portion indicating phase according to the color wheel at the lower right (which replaces the trivial dd function). Regions with absolute value below 1/3 are colored black, roughly indicating the location of a zero, while regions with absolute value above 3 are colored white, roughly indicating the position of a pole. All plots use m = 2/3 with K = K(m), K′ = K(1 − m), K(·) being the complete elliptic integral of the first kind. Arrows at the poles point in direction of zero phase. Right and left arrows imply positive and negative real residues respectively. Up and down arrows imply positive and negative imaginary residues respectively.

In the complex plane of the argument u, the Jacobi elliptic functions form a repeating pattern of poles (and zeroes). The residues of the poles all have the same absolute value, differing only in sign. Each function pq(u,m) has an "inverse function" (in the multiplicative sense) qp(u,m) in which the positions of the poles and zeroes are exchanged. The periods of repetition are generally different in the real and imaginary directions, hence the use of the term "doubly periodic" to describe them.

The Jacobi amplitude and the Jacobi epsilon function are quasi-periodic:

where is the complete elliptic integral of the second kind with parameter .



The double periodicity of the Jacobi elliptic functions may be expressed as:

where α and β are any pair of integers. K(·) is the complete elliptic integral of the first kind, also known as the quarter period. The power of negative unity (γ) is given in the following table:

c s n d
c 0 β α + β α
s β 0 α α + β
n α + β α 0 β
d α α + β β 0

When the factor (−1)γ is equal to −1, the equation expresses quasi-periodicity. When it is equal to unity, it expresses full periodicity. It can be seen, for example, that for the entries containing only α when α is even, full periodicity is expressed by the above equation, and the function has full periods of 4K(m) and 2iK(1 − m). Likewise, functions with entries containing only β have full periods of 2K(m) and 4iK(1 − m), while those with α + β have full periods of 4K(m) and 4iK(1 − m).

In the diagram on the right, which plots one repeating unit for each function, indicating phase along with the location of poles and zeroes, a number of regularities can be noted: The inverse of each function is opposite the diagonal, and has the same size unit cell, with poles and zeroes exchanged. The pole and zero arrangement in the auxiliary rectangle formed by (0,0), (K,0), (0,K′) and (K,K′) are in accordance with the description of the pole and zero placement described in the introduction above. Also, the size of the white ovals indicating poles are a rough measure of the absolute value of the residue for that pole. The residues of the poles closest to the origin in the figure (i.e. in the auxiliary rectangle) are listed in the following table:

Residues of Jacobi Elliptic Functions
c s n d
c 1
n 1
d -1 1

When applicable, poles displaced above by 2K or displaced to the right by 2K′ have the same value but with signs reversed, while those diagonally opposite have the same value. Note that poles and zeroes on the left and lower edges are considered part of the unit cell, while those on the upper and right edges are not.

Special values

Setting gives the lemniscate elliptic functions and :

When or , the Jacobi elliptic functions are reduced to non-elliptic functions:

Function m = 0 m = 1

For the Jacobi amplitude, and where is the Gudermannian function.

In general if neither of p,q is d then .


Half Angle formula

K formulas

Half K formula

Third K formula

To get x3, we take the tangent of twice the arctangent of the modulus.

Also this equation leads to the sn-value of the third of K:

These equations lead to the other values of the Jacobi-Functions:

Fifth K formula

Following equation has following solution:

To get the sn-values, we put the solution x into following expressions:

Relations between squares of the functions

Relations between squares of the functions can be derived from two basic relationships (Arguments (u,m) suppressed):

where m + m' = 1. Multiplying by any function of the form nq yields more general equations:

With q = d, these correspond trigonometrically to the equations for the unit circle () and the unit ellipse (), with x = cd, y = sd and r = nd. Using the multiplication rule, other relationships may be derived. For example:

Addition theorems

The functions satisfy the two square relations (dependence on m suppressed)

From this we see that (cn, sn, dn) parametrizes an elliptic curve which is the intersection of the two quadrics defined by the above two equations. We now may define a group law for points on this curve by the addition formulas for the Jacobi functions[3]

The Jacobi epsilon and zn functions satisfy a quasi-addition theorem:

Double angle formulae can be easily derived from the above equations by setting x = y.[3] Half angle formulae[13][3] are all of the form:


Jacobi elliptic functions as solutions of nonlinear ordinary differential equations

The derivatives of the three basic Jacobi elliptic functions are:

These can be used to derive the derivatives of all other functions as shown in the table below (arguments (u,m) suppressed):

c s n d
c 0 −ds ns −dn sn −m' nd sd
s dc nc 0 cn dn cd nd
n dc sc −cs ds 0 m cd sd
d m' nc sc −cs ns m cn sn 0

With the addition theorems above and for a given m with 0 < m < 1 the major functions are therefore solutions to the following nonlinear ordinary differential equations:

  • solves the differential equations and
  • solves the differential equations and
  • solves the differential equations and

The Jacobi amplitude provides a non-trivial solution of the differential equation describing the exact motion of a simple pendulum. In particular,

A function which solves the above pendulum differential equation with initial angle is

Expansion in terms of the nome

Let the nome be , , and let . Then the functions have expansions as Lambert series

when .

For the Jacobi amplitude,

where and .

Bivariate power series expansions have been published by Schett.[16]

Fast computation

The theta function ratios provide an efficient way of computing the Jacobi elliptic functions. There is an alternative method, based on the arithmetic-geometric mean and Landen's transformations:[6]


where . Define

where . Then define

for and a fixed . If

for , then

as . This is notable for its rapid convergence. It is then trivial to compute all Jacobi elliptic functions from the Jacobi amplitude on the real line.

In conjunction with the addition theorems for elliptic functions (which hold for complex numbers in general) and the Jacobi transformations, the method of computation described above can be used to compute all Jacobi elliptic functions in the whole complex plane.

Another method of fast computation of the Jacobi elliptic functions via the arithmetic–geometric mean, avoiding the computation of the Jacobi amplitude, is due to Herbert E. Salzer:[17]




as .

Approximation in terms of hyperbolic functions

The Jacobi elliptic functions can be expanded in terms of the hyperbolic functions. When is close to unity, such that and higher powers of can be neglected, we have:[18][19]

  • sn(u):
  • cn(u):
  • dn(u):

For the Jacobi amplitude,

Continued fractions

Assuming real numbers with and the nome , with elliptic modulus . If , where is the complete elliptic integral of the first kind, then holds the following continued fraction expansion[20]

Known continued fractions involving and with elliptic modulus are

For , :[21] pg. 374

For , :[21] pg. 375

For , :[22] pg. 220

For , :[21] pg. 374

For , :[21] pg. 375

Inverse functions

The inverses of the Jacobi elliptic functions can be defined similarly to the inverse trigonometric functions; if , . They can be represented as elliptic integrals,[23][24][25] and power series representations have been found.[26][3]

Map projection

The Peirce quincuncial projection is a map projection based on Jacobian elliptic functions.

See also


  1. ^ If and is restricted to , then can be also written as


  1. ^ Armitage, J. V.; Eberlein, W. F. (2006). Elliptic Functions (First ed.). Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-78078-0. p. 48
  2. ^ a b Walker, Peter (2003). "The Analyticity of Jacobian Functions with Respect to the Parameter k". Proceedings of the Royal Society. 459 (2038): 2569–2574. Bibcode:2003RSPSA.459.2569W. doi:10.1098/rspa.2003.1157. JSTOR 3560143. S2CID 121368966.
  3. ^ a b c d e Olver, F. W. J.; et al., eds. (2017-12-22). "NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions (Release 1.0.17)". National Institute of Standards and Technology. Retrieved 2018-02-26.
  4. ^ "cplot, Python package for plotting complex-valued functions". GitHub.
  5. ^ a b c d e f Neville, Eric Harold (1944). Jacobian Elliptic Functions. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  6. ^ a b Sala, Kenneth L. (November 1989). "Transformations of the Jacobian Amplitude Function and Its Calculation via the Arithmetic-Geometric Mean". SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis. 20 (6): 1514–1528. doi:10.1137/0520100.
  7. ^ Reinhardt, W. P.; Walker, P. L. (2010), "Jacobian Elliptic Functions", in Olver, Frank W. J.; Lozier, Daniel M.; Boisvert, Ronald F.; Clark, Charles W. (eds.), NIST Handbook of Mathematical Functions, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-19225-5, MR 2723248.
  8. ^ Carlson, B. C. (2010), "Elliptic Integrals", in Olver, Frank W. J.; Lozier, Daniel M.; Boisvert, Ronald F.; Clark, Charles W. (eds.), NIST Handbook of Mathematical Functions, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-19225-5, MR 2723248.
  9. ^ Whittaker and Watson (1990) pp. 469–470
  10. ^ "A002103 - OEIS". Retrieved 2023-05-28.
  11. ^ "Series Expansion of EllipticNomeQ differs from older Mathematica Version". Retrieved 2023-05-28.
  12. ^ R. B. King, E. R. Canfield (1992-08-01), "Icosahedral symmetry and the quintic equation", Computers & Mathematics with Applications, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 13–28, doi:10.1016/0898-1221(92)90210-9, ISSN 0898-1221, retrieved 2023-05-28
  13. ^ a b c d e f "Introduction to the Jacobi elliptic functions". The Wolfram Functions Site. Wolfram Research, Inc. 2018. Retrieved January 7, 2018.
  14. ^ Whittaker, E.T.; Watson, G.N. (1940). A Course in Modern Analysis. New York, USA: The MacMillan Co. ISBN 978-0-521-58807-2.
  15. ^ "Elliptic Functions: Complex Variables".
  16. ^ Schett, Alois (1976). "Properties of the Taylor series expansion coefficients of the Jacobian Elliptic Functions". Math. Comp. 30 (133): 143–147. doi:10.1090/S0025-5718-1976-0391477-3. MR 0391477. S2CID 120666361.
  17. ^ Salzer, Herbert E. (July 1962). "Quick calculation of Jacobian elliptic functions". Communications of the ACM. 5 (7): 399. doi:10.1145/368273.368573. S2CID 44953400.
  18. ^ Reinhardt, W. P.; Walker, P. L. (2010), "Jacobian Elliptic Functions", in Olver, Frank W. J.; Lozier, Daniel M.; Boisvert, Ronald F.; Clark, Charles W. (eds.), NIST Handbook of Mathematical Functions, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-19225-5, MR 2723248.
  19. ^ Reinhardt, W. P.; Walker, P. L. (2010), "Jacobian Elliptic Functions", in Olver, Frank W. J.; Lozier, Daniel M.; Boisvert, Ronald F.; Clark, Charles W. (eds.), NIST Handbook of Mathematical Functions, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-19225-5, MR 2723248.
  20. ^ N.Bagis.(2020)."Evaluations of series related to Jacobi elliptic functions". preprint https://www.researchgate.net/publication/331370071_Evaluations_of_Series_Related_to_Jacobi_Elliptic_Functions
  21. ^ a b c d H.S. Wall. (1948). "Analytic Theory of Continued Fractions", Van Nostrand, New York.
  22. ^ Perron, O. (1957). "Die Lehre von den Kettenbruchen", Band II, B.G. Teubner, Stuttgart.
  23. ^ Reinhardt, W. P.; Walker, P. L. (2010), "§22.15 Inverse Functions", in Olver, Frank W. J.; Lozier, Daniel M.; Boisvert, Ronald F.; Clark, Charles W. (eds.), NIST Handbook of Mathematical Functions, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-19225-5, MR 2723248.
  24. ^ Ehrhardt, Wolfgang. "The AMath and DAMath Special Functions: Reference Manual and Implementation Notes" (PDF). p. 42. Archived from the original (PDF) on 31 July 2016. Retrieved 17 July 2013.
  25. ^ Byrd, P.F.; Friedman, M.D. (1971). Handbook of Elliptic Integrals for Engineers and Scientists (2nd ed.). Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
  26. ^ Carlson, B. C. (2008). "Power series for inverse Jacobian elliptic functions" (PDF). Mathematics of Computation. 77 (263): 1615–1621. Bibcode:2008MaCom..77.1615C. doi:10.1090/s0025-5718-07-02049-2. Retrieved 17 July 2013.


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