Jacques Lassaigne

Jacques Lassaigne (Born: Paris, December 17, 1911- Died: February 10, 1983) was a French art historian, an art critic who served as president of the International Association of Art Critics from 1966 to 1969, and a museum curator acting as chief curator of the Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris from 1971 to 1978.[1][2] He was a prolific author who wrote numerous volumes of scholarly books on the subject art history, notably in collaboration with the publisher Albert Skira and his publishing house Editions D'Art Albert Skira in the 1950s and 1960s, many of which have been translated into English, Italian, German, and Spanish and published internationally.[3] Jacques Lassaigne's books and museum exhibitions, with accompanying catalogues and essays, constitute a significant contribution to art history and have consistently been reference and cited by innumerable subsequent researchers and historians for decades (including but not limited to:[4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72][73]).

A partial list of books sole authored by Jacques Lassaigne

  • Daumier (1938), Hyperion Press (French and European Publications, Inc.), Paris, France (New York, NY), 168 pp.
  • Toulouse Lautrec (1946) Hyperion Press, Paris, 167 pp.
  • Cent chefs d'oeuvre des peintres de l'École de Paris (1947), Éditions de la Galerie Charpentier, Paris, 211 pp.
  • Goya (1948), Hyperion Press, Paris, 79 pp.
  • Eugéne Delacroix (1950), Les Editions Braun et Cie, Paris, 20 pp.
  • Spanish Painting I: From the Catalan Frescos to El Greco (1952), Editions D'Art Albert Skira, Geneva, 138 pp.
  • Spanish Painting II: From Velazquez to Picasso (1952), Editions D'Art Albert Skira, Geneva, 148 pp.
  • Lautrec: Biographical and Critical Studies (1953), Editions D'Art Albert Skira, Geneva, 121 pp.
  • Dictionnaire de la Peinture Moderne (1954), [Editor J. Lassaigne]. Hazan, Paris.
  • Dufy: Biographical and Critical Studies (1954), Editions D'Art Albert Skira, Geneva, 119 pp.
  • Flemish Painting I: The Century of Van Eyck (1957), Editions D'Art Albert Skira, Geneva, 183 pp.
  • Matisse: Biographical and Critical Study (1959), Editions D'Art Albert Skira, Geneva, 139 pp.
  • Miro: Biographical and Critical Study (1963), Editions D'Art Albert Skira, Geneva, 143 pp.
  • Kandinsky: Biographical and Critical Study (1964), Editions D'Art Albert Skira, Geneva, 131 pp.
  • Marc Chagall: the Ceiling of the Paris Opera: Sketches, Drawings, and Paintings (1966), Frederick A. Praeger Publishers, New York, 89 pp.
  • Chagall: Unpublished Drawings (1968), Editions D'Art Albert Skira, Geneva, 95 pp.
  • Impressionism (1969), Heron, London, 208 pp.
  • El Greco (1973), Thames and Hudson, London, 264 pp.
  • Les Ménines: Vélasquez: Musée du Prado (1973), Office Du Livre, Fribourg, Suisse, 57 pp.
  • Un entretien avec Georges Braque (1973), XXe Siècle, 41.
  • Vincent Van Gogh (1974), Diffusion Princesse, Paris, 95 pp.
  • Toulouse-Lautrec And The Paris Of The Cabarets (1975), Lamplight Pub, New York. 99 pp.
  • Francisco Zúñiga: Sculpture, Drawings, Lithographs (1982), by Francisco Zúñiga; Jacques Lassaigne. Brewster Fine Arts Ltd., New York, 124 pp.

A partial list of books co-authored by Jacques Lassaigne

  • History of Modern Painting, Vol. II (1950), by M. Raynal, H. Bolliger, J. Lassaigne, A. Rüdlinger, and G. Schmidt. Editions D'Art Albert Skira, Geneva, 151 pp.
  • The History of Modern Painting Vol III (1950), M. Raynal, J. Lassaigne, W. Schmalenbach, A. Rudilinger, and H. Bollinger. Editions D'Art Albert Skira, Geneva, 209 pp.
  • The Fifteenth Century, Van Eyck to Botticelli (1955) by J. Lassaigne and G. C. Argan. Editions D'Art Albert Skira, Geneva, 235 pp.
  • Venice (1956), by M. Brunetti, T. Pignatti, R. Pallucchini, and J. Lassaigne. Editions D'Art Albert Skira, Geneva, 155 pp.
  • Flemish Painting II: From Bosch to Rubens (1958), by J. Lassaigne, and R. L. Delevoy. Editions D'Art Albert Skira, Geneva, 201 pp.
  • Marc Chagall: drawings and water colors for the ballet (1969), by M. Chagall and J. Lassaigne. Tudor Publishing Company, New York, 155 pp.
  • Tout l'oeuvre peint de Degas (1974). J. Lassaigne and F. Minervino. Flammarion, Paris 152 pp.
  • Vieira da Silva (1978), by J. Lassaigne and G. Weelen. Éditions Cercle d'art. 343 pp.
  • Rufino Tamayo (1982), by O. Paz and J. Lassaigne. Rizzoli International Publications.


  1. ^ "Jacques Lassaigne (1911-1983)".
  2. ^ "La personne Jacques Lassaigne - Centre Pompidou". www.centrepompidou.fr. Archived from the original on 2016-03-04.
  3. ^ Corisande Evesque. Albert Skira et ses livres d’art (1948-1973). Histoire. 2015. ffdumas-01256888
  4. ^ Cooper , H., & Cooper, D. (1952). Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publisher, New York.
  5. ^ Mack, G. (1953). Toulouse-Lautrec. Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., New York
  6. ^ Tomasch, E. J. (1956). Figure drawing. Kansas State University.
  7. ^ May, G. (1959). Diderot et Baudelaire, critiques d'art. Droz, Genève.
  8. ^ Walker, R. M. (1960). The Demon of the Portinari Altarpiece. The Art Bulletin, 42(3), 218-219.
  9. ^ Limbour, G. (1961). André Beaudin. Harcourt, Brace and World, New York.
  10. ^ Borès, F., & Grenier, J. (1961). Borès. Harcourt, Brace and World, New York.
  11. ^ McClinton, K. M. (1962). Christian church art through the ages. Macmillan Publishers, London.
  12. ^ Sérullaz, M. (1963). Les plus beaux dessins français du 19e siècle . Chene.
  13. ^ Lucki, E. (1965). History of the Renaissance: Literature and art. University of Utah Press.
  14. ^ Ferber, S. (1966). Peter Bruegel and the Duke of Alba. Journal of University of Chicago Renaissance News, 19(3), 205-219.
  15. ^ Koch, R. A. (1967). Copies of Roger van der Weyden's" Madonna in Red. Record of the Art Museum, Princeton University, 26(2), 47-58.
  16. ^ Galloway, JC (1967). Modern Art: The Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries . WC Brown Company.
  17. ^ Rhein, G. W. (1969). The Paintings and Drawings of Jan'Flower'Bruegel. Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers, New York.
  18. ^ Miró, J., Sweeney, J. J., Gomis, J., Català-Roca, F., & Vallès, J. P. (1970). Joan Miró. Polígrafa, Barcelona.
  19. ^ Werner, A. (1970). Chagall: watercolors and gouaches. Watson-Guptill Publications, New York.
  20. ^ Elsen, A. E., & Matisse, H. (1972). The Sculpture of Henri Matisse. Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers, New York.
  21. ^ Robb, D. M. (1973). The art of the illuminated manuscript. A.S. Barnes.
  22. ^ Distel, A., Dayez, A., Hoog, M., & Moffett, C. S. (1974). Impressionism: A Centenary Exhibition. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
  23. ^ Gauthier, M. (1976). Renoir. Flammarion.
  24. ^ Wind, B. (1976). Annibale Carracci's “Scherzo”: The Christ Church Butcher Shop. The Art Bulletin, 58(1), 93-96.
  25. ^ Aubert, M. (1977). Henri Sauvage, peintre et humaniste blésois: 1853-1912. Le Château.
  26. ^ Dorival, B. (1979). Robert/Sonia Delaunay: exposition. Musée National d'Art Moderne, Tokyo.
  27. ^ Vogt, P. (1980). Expressionism: German Painting, 1905-1920. Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers, New York.
  28. ^ Garnier, G., & Marchesseau, D.(1981). Amedeo Modigliani: 1884-1920. Musée d'art moderne de la Ville de Paris.
  29. ^ Guratzsch, H. (1981). Dutch and Flemish Painting. Vilo Publishing.
  30. ^ Stewart, J. D. (1983). Hidden Persuaders': Religious Symbolism in van Dyck's Portraiture With a Note on Dürer's' Knight, Death and the Devil. RACAR: Revue d'art canadienne/Canadian Art Review, 57-68.
  31. ^ Matthews, T. H. (1983). Criteria in Spanish Art. University of Durban-Westville.
  32. ^ Rewald, J. (1983). The John Hay Whitney Collection. National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.
  33. ^ Brewster, J., Zúñiga, F., & Chernow, B. (1984). Zúñiga, the complete graphics, 1972-1984. Pub. Marketing Enterprises.
  34. ^ Fineberg, J. D. (1984). Kandinsky in Paris, 1906-1907. University of Michigan Research Press, Ann Arbor.
  35. ^ Knapp, B. L. (1985). Word/image/psyche. University Alabama Press.
  36. ^ Pariser, D. (1987). The juvenile drawings of Klee, Toulouse-Lautrec, and Picasso. Visual Arts Research, 53-67.
  37. ^ De Paz, A. (1988). La ragione ei mostri: Goya o della condizione umana (Vol. 4). Liguori.
  38. ^ Nebel, C. (1988). The dark side of creativity: Blocks, unfinished works and the urge to destroy. Whitston Publishing Company.
  39. ^ Le Targat, F., de Toulouse-Lautrec, H., & Barré, A. (1988). Toulouse-Lautrec. Editions Cercle d'art, Paris.
  40. ^ O'Brian, J. (1988). Degas to Matisse: The Maurice Wertheim Collection. Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers, New York.
  41. ^ de Lasarte, J. A. (1990). Catalan Painting: The Fascination of Romanesque. Rizzoli International Publications.
  42. ^ Parisot, C. (1990). Modigliani, catalogue raisonné: dessins, aquarelles. Editions Graphis Arte.
  43. ^ Pariser, D. (1991). Normal and unusual aspects of juvenile artistic development in Klee, Lautrec, and Picasso. Creativity Research Journal, 4(1), 51-65.
  44. ^ De Paz, A., & Lozano, M. G. (1992). La revolución romántica: poéticas, estéticas, ideologías. Tecnos.
  45. ^ Gromaire, F., Chibret-Plaussu, F., & Dorival, B. (1993). Marcel Gromaire: la vie et l'oeuvre: catalogue raisonné des peintures. Bibliothèque des arts.
  46. ^ Galicka, I., & Sygietyńska, H. (1994). Odkrywanie sztuki, sztuka odkrywania . Instytut Sztuki PAN.
  47. ^ Alpers, S., Brown, J., & Cohen, T. (1995). Otras Meninas (Vol. 9). Ediciones Siruela, Madrid.
  48. ^ Seljuq, A. (1996). European Fine Arts and the Muslim World (Vol. 10). Area Study Centre for Europe, University of Karachi.
  49. ^ Tazartes, M. (1996). Velázquez. Giunti Editore.
  50. ^ Wohlgemuth, A. (1996). Honoré Daumier: Kunst im Spiegel der Karikatur von 1830 bis 1870. P. Lang.
  51. ^ Tucker, M. (1997). Rogier van der Weyden's Philadelphia'Crucifixion. The Burlington Magazine, 139(1135), 676-683.
  52. ^ Berry, C. A. (1998). Juan Bautista Maino's Adoration of the Shephears: An Analysis of Iconography, Iconology, and Style. Doctoral dissertation, University of North Texas, Denton.
  53. ^ Leitzke, A. (2001). The image of the Orient in French painting: from Napoleon's campaign in Egypt to the German-French War . Tectum Verlag DE
  54. ^ Reid, D. K. (2004). Thinking and Writing about Art History. Pearson Prentice Hall Publisher, Upper Saddle River.
  55. ^ Swartz, P. H. (2005). Time Versus Space: A Relationship Between Music and the Visual Arts as Revealed in Petr Eben's Okna and Marc Chagall's Jerusalem Windows Doctoral dissertation, University of Cincinnati.
  56. ^ Persin, P. G., & Beaudin, A. (2007). André Beaudin. Art inprogress.
  57. ^ Morris, S. (2008). Vincent Van Gogh: Visionary Landscapes. Crescent Moon Publishing, Kent.
  58. ^ Potter, P. (2008). How comes it, Rocinante, you’re so lean?”“I’m underfed, with overwork I’m worn. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 14(9), 1505.
  59. ^ Reiner, N. N. B. (2008). A poética de Manoel de Barros e a relação homem-vegetal. Doctoral dissertation, Universidade de São Paulo.
  60. ^ Utley, G., & Gual, M. (2008). Olvidando a Velázquez: Las Meninas: Barcelona, Museu Picasso. Ajuntament de Barcelona, Institut de Cultura.
  61. ^ Hill, A. K. (2011). A Comparative Analysis of Louis Durey and Francis Poulenc's Setting of Selections from Le Bestiaire by Guillaume Apolliniare. Honors Thesis Varson-Newman University.
  62. ^ Landry, W. (2011). How Crafts Matter: Mapping the Terrain of Crafts Study. Doctoral Dissertation, Concordia University.
  63. ^ Lane, RJ (2012). The Routledge concise history of Canadian literature . Routledge.
  64. ^ Freitag, W. M. (2013). Art books: a basic bibliography of monographs on artists. Routledge.
  65. ^ Tschumi, C. (2013). Un corpus de références utile à l'enseignement des arts visuels. Doctoral Dissertation, Haute école pédagogique du canton de Vaud, Lausanne.
  66. ^ López Martín, F. (2014). El Greco in contemporary painting and the "mass media". Universidad de Huelva.
  67. ^ Martín Albo, J. (2015). Reflections on the viceregal skull and its relationship with the contemporary. Visual Imaginary, 5(9), 94-103.
  68. ^ Contador, A. (2015). Attendre: de la disponibilité dans l'être. Doctoral Dissertation, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne-Paris
  69. ^ Mozolevskaya, I. A. (2015). Honore Daumier: the theme of street theater in the context of thinking about the fate of the artist. Bulletin of St. Petersburg University. Series 15. Arts, (1).
  70. ^ Nelson, N. (2015). Synaesthesia, Harmony and Discord in the Work of Kandinsky, W., Schoenberg, A. Arcadia Education, Glenside.
  71. ^ Housefield, J. (2016). Playing with Earth and Sky: Astronomy, Geography, and the Art of Marcel Duchamp. Dartmouth College Press.
  72. ^ Panagiotakes, NM (2016). El Greco-The Cretan Years . Routledge.
  73. ^ Cerme˜no Mediavilla, E. (2017). A theory of information processing for machine visual perception: inspiration from psychology, formal analysis and applications. Doctor of Philosophy Thesis, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid.