Jussi Leino

Frans Johannes (Jussi, FJ) Leino (October 14, 1894 in Lieto – April 27, 1960 in Kaarina) was a Finnish lawyer and Social Democrat Member of Parliament.[1]

Leino's parents were farmworker Frans Henrik Leino and Alma Simola. He became a student in 1915 and graduated with a degree in law in 1919. Leino was a partner in the law firm Leino & Leino in Turku from 1919 to 1960.[1]

Leino was a Member of Parliament from 1924 to 1929, representing the southern constituency of Turku County. He was the presidential elector in the 1925 presidential election. Leino was also a member of the Turku City Council.[1]

During the Continuation War, Leino participated in the activities of the Finnish National Socialist Labor Organisation, founded by Teo Snellman, and the Organisation of National Socialists, led by Yrjö Raikas , and he also published books on Nazism. In the autumn of 1944, Leino was arrested by the State Police together with many other Finnish Nazi leaders.[2]

Jussi Leino was married to Marta Maria Raunio in 1916–1934 and from 1935 to Oili Tuulikki Tuominen.[1]


  • Kansallissosialismi maailmanhistoriallisen kehityksen tuloksena (National Socialism as the result of world historic development). Otava 1941
  • Kansallissosialistisia mietelauseita (National Socialist aphorisms). Suomen kansallissosialistisen työväenpuolueen Turun p.o., Turku 1942
  • Suomalainen kansallissosialismi luo uuden Sammon : Suomen uusi ohjelma (Finnish National Socialism creates the new Sampo: New program for Finland); kirj. Jussi Leino ja Teo Snellman. Suomen kansallissosialistinen työjärjestö, Helsinki 1942


  1. ^ a b c d Jussi Leino. Suomen kansanedustajat. Eduskunta
  2. ^ Aapo Roselius, Oula Silvennoinen, Marko Tikka (10 February 2016). Suomalaiset fasistit. WSOY. ISBN 9789510417058.{cite book}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)