
Perityle emoryi
Scientific classification Edit this classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Eudicots
Clade: Asterids
Order: Asterales
Family: Asteraceae
Subfamily: Asteroideae
Tribe: Perityleae
Subtribe: Peritylinae
Genus: Perityle
  • Monothrix Torr.
  • Galinsogeopsis Sch.Bip.
  • Correllia A.M.Powell
  • Pappothrix (A.Gray) Rydb.
  • Laphamia A.Gray
  • Leptopharynx Rydb.
  • Closia J.Rémy
  • Laphamia sect. Pappothrix A.Gray
  • Nesothamnus Rydb.
  • Perityle sect. Pappothrix (A.Gray) A.M.Powell

Perityle is a genus of flowering plants in the daisy family.[2][3][4] They are known generally as rock daisies.[5]

Perityle is a variable genus, with its members sharing few characteristics. They include small herbs to spreading shrubs and most bear yellow or white daisylike flower heads. The fruit is generally a flat seed with thickened margins which may or may not have a pappus or scales. Plants of this genus are native to North and South America.[5]

  • Perityle aglossa A.Gray
  • Perityle angustifolia (A.Gray) Shinners
  • Perityle aurea Rose
  • Perityle bisetosa (Torr. ex A.Gray) Shinners
  • Perityle californica Benth.
  • Perityle canescens Everly
  • Perityle carmenensis A.M.Powell
  • Perityle castillonii I.M.Johnst.
  • Perityle cernua (Greene) Shinners
  • Perityle ciliata (L.H.Dewey) Rydb.
  • Perityle cinerea (A.Gray) A.M.Powell
  • Perityle coahuilensis A.M.Powell
  • Perityle cochisensis A.M.Powell
  • Perityle congesta (M.E.Jones) Shinners
  • Perityle cordifolia (Rydb.) S.F.Blake
  • Perityle coronopifolia A.Gray
  • Perityle crassifolia Brandegee
  • Perityle cuneata Brandegee
  • Perityle discoidea (Phil.) Johnston
  • Perityle dissecta (Torr.) A.Gray
  • Perityle emoryi Torr.
  • Perityle feddemae McVaugh
  • Perityle fosteri A.M.Powell
  • Perityle gentryi A.M.Powell
  • Perityle gilensis (M.E.Jones) J.F.Macbr.
  • Perityle glaucescens B.L.Turner
  • Perityle gracilis (M.E.Jones) Rydb.
  • Perityle grandifolia Brandegee
  • Perityle hofmeisteria Rydb.
  • Perityle huecoensis A.M.Powell
  • Perityle incana A.Gray
  • Perityle intricata (Brandegee) Shinners
  • Perityle inyoensis (Ferris) A.M.Powell
  • Perityle jaliscana A.Gray
  • Perityle lemmonii (A.Gray) J.F.Macbr.
  • Perityle leptoglossa Harv. & Gray ex Harv. & A.Gray
  • Perityle lindheimeri (A.Gray) Shinners
  • Perityle lineariloba Rydb.
  • Perityle lloydii B.L.Rob. & Fernald
  • Perityle lobata (Rydb.) I.M.Johnst.
  • Perityle megalocephala (S.Watson) J.F.Macbr.
  • Perityle microcephala A.Gray
  • Perityle microglossa Benth.
  • Perityle montana (A.M.Powell) B.G.Baldwin
  • Perityle palmeri S.Watson
  • Perityle parryi A.Gray
  • Perityle pennellii B.L.Turner
  • Perityle quinqueflora (Steyerm.) Shinners
  • Perityle rosei Greenm.
  • Perityle rupestris (A.Gray) Shinners
  • Perityle saxicola (Eastw.) Shinners
  • Perityle scopulorum (M.E.Jones) A.M.Powell & B.L.Turner
  • Perityle socorrosensis Rose
  • Perityle stansburyi (A.Gray) J.F.Macbr.
  • Perityle staurophylla (Barneby) Shinners
  • Perityle stevensii B.L.Turner
  • Perityle tenella (M.E.Jones) J.F.Macbr.
  • Perityle trichodonta S.F.Blake
  • Perityle turneri A.M.Powell
  • Perityle vandevenderi B.L.Turner
  • Perityle vaseyi J.M.Coult.
  • Perityle vigilans Spellenb. & A.M.Powell
  • Perityle villosa (S.F.Blake) Shinners


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