List of European countries by average wage

This is the map and list of European countries by monthly average wage (annual divided by 12 months) gross and net income (after taxes) average wages for full-time employees in their local currency and in euros. The chart below reflects the average (mean) wage as reported by various data providers. The salary distribution is right-skewed, therefore more than 50% of people earn less than the average gross salary. Thus, the median figures provided further below might be more representative than averages.

These figures will shrink after income tax is applied. In certain countries, actual incomes may exceed those listed in the table due to the existence of grey economies. In some countries, social security, contributions for pensions, public schools, and health are included in these taxes.


Net average monthly salary

The countries and territories have a net average monthly salary of:

above €3,000
€2,000 to €2,999
€1,000 to €1,999
€500 to €999
below €500

Gross average monthly salaries

The countries and territories on the map have gross average monthly salaries (taxable income) of:

above €5,000
€3,000 to €4,999
€2,000 to €2,999
€1,000 to €1,999
below €1,000

Net average monthly salary (adjusted for living costs in PPP)

The countries and territories on the map have a net average monthly salary (adjusted for living costs in PPP) of:

above $4,000
$3,000 to $3,999
$2,000 to $2,999
$1,499 to $1,999
below $1,500

European and transcontinental countries by monthly average wage

State Net in local currency Gross in local currency Exchange
Date (Quarter) Gross in Net in € Net PPP in Int$[1][2]
Albania Albania ALL 53,939[3] ALL 66,014[3] 0.00939[4] 2022-Q4 620 507 1,140
Armenia Armenia ֏ 173,108[5] ֏ 239,742[6] 0.0024[7] 2022-Q3 576 416 1,051
Austria European Union Austria €2,807[8] €4,104[8] 1 2021 4,104 2,807 3,904
Azerbaijan GUAM Organization for Democracy and Economic Development Azerbaijan ₼ 659[9] ₼ 766[10] 0.55[11] 2022-Q1 423 364 1,189
Belarus Belarus BYN 1,682[12] BYN 1,933[13] 0.287[14] 2023-07 555 483 1,722
Belgium European Union Belgium €2,463[15] €3,832[16] 1 2022-Q3 3,832 2,463 3,450
Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina BAM 1,275[17] BAM 1,967 [18] 0.5113[19] 2023-Q2 1,006 652 1,943
Bulgaria European Union Bulgaria BGN 1,519[20] BGN 1,957[21] 0.5113[22] 2023-Q2 1,001 777 2,102
Croatia European Union Croatia €1,163[23] €1,614[24] 1 2023-Q2 1,614 1,163 2,511
Cyprus European Union Cyprus €1,904[25] €2,217[26] 1 2023-Q1 2,217 1,904 3,358
Czech Republic European Union Czech Republic CZK 34,531[27] CZK 43,193[28] 0.0412[29] 2023-Q2 1,780 1,423 2,519
Denmark European Union Denmark DKK 30,971[30] DKK 45,481[31][32] 0.134[33] 2021 6,093 4,149 4,894
Estonia European Union Estonia €1,545[34] €1,981[35] 1 2023-06 1,981 1,545 2,452
Finland European Union Finland €2,634[36] €3,734[37] 1 2021-Q1 3,734 2,634 3,467
France European Union France €2,464[38] €3,530[39] 1 2022-Q2 3,530 2,464 3,556
Georgia (country) GUAM Organization for Democracy and Economic Development Georgia ₾1,233[40] ₾1,541[41] 0.35[42] 2022-Q2 538 426 1,225
Germany European Union Germany €2,831[43] €4,375[44] 1 2023-Q1 4,375 - without addons 2,831 3,582
Greece European Union Greece €1,098[45] €1,381[46] 1 2023-Q2 1,381 1,098 2,230
Hungary European Union Hungary HUF 398,800[47] HUF 577,900[48] 0.002622[49] 2023-Q1 1,515 1,016 2,505
Iceland Iceland ISK 490,000[50][51] ISK 721,000[52] 0.00689[53] 2018 4,969 3,377 3,296
Republic of Ireland European Union Ireland €3,086[54] €4,002[55] 1 2023-Q1 4,002 3,086 4,029
Italy European Union Italy €1,740[56] €2,479[57][58] 1 2022-Q1 2,479 1,740 2,802
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan ₸ 294,308[59] ₸ 365,502[60] 0.00198[61] 2023-Q2 731 589 1,416
Kosovo Kosovo €446[62] €521[62] 1 2022 521 446 1,242
Latvia European Union Latvia €1,128 €1,545[63] 1 2023-Q2 1,545 1,128 2,113
Liechtenstein Liechtenstein CHF 6,695[64] CHF 6,852[65] 1.0525[66] 2020 7,212 7,046 6,000
Lithuania European Union Lithuania €1,241[67] €2,000[68] 1 2023-Q2 2,000 1,241 2,548
Luxembourg European Union Luxembourg €3,699[69] €5,411[70] 1 2020 5,411 3,699 4,321
Malta European Union Malta €1,335[71] €1,706[72] 1 2022-Q3 1,706 1,335 2,459
Moldova GUAM Organization for Democracy and Economic Development Moldova MDL 9,749.74[73] MDL 12,175.9[74] 0.05174 [75] 2023-Q2 630 504 1,291
Montenegro Montenegro €799[76] €995 1 2023-08 995 799 2,023
Netherlands European Union Netherlands €3,145[77] €4,191[78] 1 2022-Q1 4,191 3,145 4,199
North Macedonia North Macedonia MKD 34,364[79] MKD 51,387[80] 0.0162[81] 2022-Q3 832 557 1,767
Norway Norway NOK 38,950[82] NOK 53,150[83] 0.0869[84] 2022-Q3 4,620 3,386 3,627
Poland European Union Poland PLN 5,419[85] PLN 7,465[86] 0.2246[87] 2023-Q3 1,675 1,215 2,652
Portugal European Union Portugal €1,212[88][89] €1,679[90] 1 2022-Q2 1,679 1,212 2,220
Romania European Union Romania RON 4,531[91] RON 7,258[91] 0.20238[92] 2023-08 1,469 917 2,232
Russia Russia ₽ 62,135[93] ₽ 71,419[94] 0.009729[95] 2023-07 695 605 1,968
San Marino San Marino €3,237[96] €3,237 1 2023-09 3,237 3,237 5,066
Serbia Serbia RSD 83,781[97] RSD 115,664[97] 0.008525[98] 2023-07 986 714 1,747
Slovakia European Union Slovakia €1,073[99] €1,419[100] 1 2023-Q2 1,419 1,073 1,884
Slovenia European Union Slovenia €1,442[101] €2,222 1 2023-Q2 2,222 1,442 2,475
Spain European Union Spain €1,910[102] €2,471[103] 1 2023-Q2 2,471 1,910 3,148
Sweden European Union Sweden SEK 34,450[104] SEK 46,548[105] 0.0866[106] 2023-07 4,034 2,985 3,937
Switzerland Switzerland CHF 5,247[107] CHF 6,665[108] 1.0525[66] 2020 7,015 5,522 5,232
TurkeyTurkey ₺ 14,900[109] ₺ 25,300[110] 0.034[111] 2023-09 860 506 2,403
Ukraine GUAM Organization for Democracy and Economic Development Ukraine ₴ 11,734[112] ₴ 14,577[113] 0.026[114] 2022-Q1 380 306 1,297
United Kingdom United Kingdom £2,139[115] £2,682[116] 1.15[117] 2023-08 3,091 2,465 3,127

a Excluding social and private benefits

Average monthly gross wage (1998–2018)

in EUR
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
 Albania - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 325 343 346 365 396
 Armenia - 35 46 49 50 53 66 91 120 159 194 189 207 208 219 269 287 323 328 326 303
 Austria - - - - - - 2,988 3,086 3,191 3,277 3,410 3,492 3,540 3,625 3,728 3,817 3,880 3,973 4,081 4,164 4,261
 Belgium - 2,238 2,293 2,401 2,441 2,531 2,662 2,703 2,766 2,837 2,936 3,027 3,103 3,192 3,258 3,300 3,414 3,445 3,489 3,558
 Bosnia and Herzegovina 232 257 276 306 337 367 382 407 444 488 569 616 622 650 660 660 659 659 665 675 697
 Bulgaria 94 103 115 123 132 140 150 166 184 220 279 311 331 351 374 396 420 449 485 530 586
 Croatia - - 638 677 724 743 798 844 906 961 1,044 1,051 1,054 1,049 1,048 1,048 1,042 1,058 1,030 1,080 1,139
 Cyprus - - - - - 1,468 1,507 1,561 1,636 1,699 1,801 1,870 1,915 1,967 1,988 1,945 1,892 1,882 1,879 1,892 1,939
 Czech Republic - - 371 422 504 516 547 616 690 755 906 883 944 995 997 964 936 975 1,027 1,126 1,243
 Denmark - - - - - - - - - - - 5,799 4,960 5,037 5,144 5,190 5,246 5,331 5,412 5,531 5,626
 Estonia - - 314 352 393 430 466 516 601 725 825 784 792 839 887 949 1,005 1,065 1,146 1,221 1,310
 Finland - - - - - - - 2,555 2,634 2,734 2,876 2,971 3,040 3,109 3,206 3,284 3,308 3,333 3,368 3,395 3,465
 Georgia - - - 51 55 52 66 90 125 161 244 239 253 271 336 350 349 357 359 353 376
 Germany 2,447 2,518 2,551 2,617 2,701 2,783 2,846 2,901 2,950 3,023 3,103 3,141 3,227 3,311 3,391 3,449 3,527 3,612 3,703 3,771 3,880
 Hungary 281 305 337 403 504 541 578 638 648 736 792 712 735 763 771 777 770 800 845 961 1,035
 Iceland - - - - - - - - - - 3,358 2,461 2,662 2,850 3,036 3,239 3,636 4,183 4,963 5,865 5,645
 Ireland - - - - - - - - - - 3,682 3,698 3,697 3,669 3,708 3,726 3,736 3,755 3,803 3,867 3,966
 Kazakhstan - 91 107 131 140 137 168 206 258 313 343 327 397 441 528 540 508 513 377 409 400
 Kosovo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 431 444 482 510 519 528 558
 Latvia 190 201 213 227 246 274 300 350 430 566 682 655 633 660 685 716 765 818 859 926 1,004
 Lithuania - - 281 285 294 311 333 370 433 522 623 596 576 593 615 646 677 714 774 840 924
 Luxembourg - - - - - - - 3,647 3,776 3,909 4,051 4,168 4,276 4,376 4,487 4,616 4,734 4,811 4,848 5,007 5,143
 Malta - -
 Moldova - - 35 47 54 57 72 84 103 124 165 177 181 196 223 225 224 221 231 274 325
 Montenegro - - 158 176 251 271 303 326 433 497 609 643 715 722 727 726 723 725 751 765 766
 North Macedonia - - - - - - - - 378 396 430 491 495 500 501 500 510 525 535 549 579
 Norway - 2,709 2,911 3,069 3,511 3,406 3,374 3,642 3,793 4,025 4,149 4,044 4,584 4,889 5,298 5,251 5,064 4,758 4,661 4,751 4,753
 Poland 319 404 480 562 553 501 505 591 636 711 837 717 807 825 841 870 904 932 928 1,003 1,076
 Portugal 678 700 729 - 817 850 878 907 934 963 1,008 1,034 1,075 1,084 1,095 1,093 1,093 1,097 1,108 1,133 1,170
 Romania 149 118 142 162 170 177 202 275 325 418 478 435 452 467 463 489 524 575 626 706 965
 Serbia - - - - 218 255 283 307 377 485 561 470 460 517 508 537 524 506 516 544 580
 Slovakia - - 379 410 485 510 566 614 656 719 773 745 769 786 805 824 858 883 912 954 1,013
 Slovenia - - - - - - - 1,157 1,213 1,285 1,391 1,439 1,495 1,525 1,525 1,523 1,540 1,556 1,585 1,627 1,682
 Spain [118] - - 1,443 1,493 1,550 1,670 1,718 1,764 1,832 1,937 2,014 2,065 2,126 2,157 2,169 2,183 2,206 2,204 2,213 2,243 2,295
 Sweden 2,083 2,203 2,403 2,302 2,412 2,499 2,586 2,617 2,701 2,790 2,821 2,627 2,977 3,210 3,423 3,538 3,452 3,420 3,463 3,499 3,373
 Ukraine 55 41 46 65 75 77 89 126 164 195 234 175 214 239 296 309 221 173 183 237 276
 United Kingdom - 2,660 3,054 3,163 3,262 3,068 3,220 3,342 3,445 3,522 3,172 2,904 3,021 3,033 3,268 3,177 3,371 3,773 3,442 2,451 2,389

Gross, net and PPS (2000–2018)

Average monthly salary
Gross EUR Net EUR Net PPP in $
2000 2005 2009 2014 2018 2000 2005 2009 2014 2018 2000 2005 2009 2014 2018
 Albania 325 396
 Armenia 46 91 189 287 303
 Azerbaijan 105 266 426 271
 Belgium 2,293 2,703 3,027
 Bosnia and Herzegovina 276 407 616 659 697 190 275 404 424 449 616 846 1,099 1,194 1,252
 Bulgaria 115 166 311 420 580 90 130 244 329 450 384 490 750 1,018 1,325
 Croatia 638 844 1,051 1,042 1,139 436 591 724 725 842 1,010 1,236 1,386 1,502 1,755
 Cyprus 1,561 1,870 1,895 1,939
 Czech Republic 371 547 883 936 1,243
 Estonia 314 516 784 1,005 1,310 246 411 637 799 1,098 676 981 1,264 1,445 1,900
 Finland 2,555 2,971 3,308 3,465
 France 1,626 1,825 2,003 2,194 1,844 2,107 2,342 2,676
 Georgia 90 239 349 376
 Hungary 337 638 712 770 1,035 215 416 442 504 688 613 928 1,017 1,209 1,627
 Iceland 5,393 3,665
 Ireland 3,698 3,736 3,966
 Italy 1,771 2,074 2,262 2,381 2,464
 Kazakhstan 107 206 327 508 400
 Kosovo 482 558 430 498
 Latvia 213 350 655 765 1,004 154 250 486 560 742 478 649 1,006 1,118 1,455
 Lithuania 281 370 596 677 924 201 266 464 527 720 506 690 1,067 1,166 1,548
 Montenegro 158 326 643 723 766 97 213 463 477 511 456 745 1,251 1,321 1,320
 North Macedonia 491 510 579 168 206 326 347 395 591 727 1,095 1,130 1,200
 Poland 480 623 766 957 1,134
 Portugal 729 907 1,034 1,093 1,170
 Romania 142 275 435 524 965 107 212 321 382 579 472 684 877 1,014 1,474
 Russia 86 245 423 665 574 75 213 368 578 499 265 584 1,157 1,346 1,647
 Slovakia 379 614 745 858 1,013
 Slovenia 1,157 1,439 1,540 1,682 736 930 1,005 1,093 1,206 1,440 1,656 1,815
 Serbia 307 470 524 580 210 338 380 420 267 690 949 1,101 1,204
 Spain 1,443 1,764 2,065 2,206 2,295
 Sweden 2,403 2,617 2,627 3,452 3,373
 United Kingdom
 Ukraine 46 126 175 221 276

See also


  1. ^ Source: PPPs and exchange rates. "Conversion rates - Purchasing power parities (PPP) - OECD Data". Retrieved 2022-03-09.
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  116. ^ "Average weekly earnings in Great Britain: October 2023".
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External links