List of Paris councillors

This page presents the current and previous members of the Council of Paris, who are elected for a six-year term.

2014–2020 councillors

This list presents the 163 councillors of Council of Paris elected in the 2014 Paris municipal election.[1]

Summary table by arrondissement

Councillors by parties and arrondissements
Arrondissement Seats Majority Opposition Unregistered
1st 1 1
2nd 2 1 1
3rd 3 1 1 1
4th 2 2
5th 4 1 2 1
6th 3 2 1
7th 4 3 1
8th 3 3
9th 4 1 3
10th 7 4 1 1 1
11th 11 5 2 1 1 2
12th 10 4 1 2 1 1 1
13th 13 6 2 2 1 1 1
14th 10 5 1 1 1 1 1
15th 18 2 1 12 1 2
16th 13 1 8 2 1 1
17th 12 2 7 2 1
18th 15 6 3 2 1 1 1 1
19th 14 7 3 2 2
20th 14 7 2 2 2 1
TOTAL 163 55 16 13 5 2 51 10 6 4 1
Majority (91 seats) Opposition (71 seats) Unregistered (1 seat)


Arrondissement Name Party
1st Jean-François Legaret Union for a Popular Movement
2nd Jacques Boutault Europe Ecology – The Greens
Véronique Levieux Socialist Party
3rd Pierre Aidenbaum Socialist Party
Laurence Goldgrab Radical Party of the Left
Marie-Laure Harel Union for a Popular Movement
4th Christophe Girard Socialist Party
Karen Taieb Attias Socialist Party
5th Florence Berthout Union for a Popular Movement
Dominique Tiberi Miscellaneous right
Dominique Stoppa-Lyonnet Union for a Popular Movement
Marie-Christine Lemardeley Socialist Party
6th Jean-Pierre Lecoq Union for a Popular Movement
Marielle de Sarnez Democratic Movement
Alexandre Vesperini Union for a Popular Movement
7th Rachida Dati Union for a Popular Movement
Yves Pozzo di Borgo Union of Democrats and Independents
Emmanuelle Dauvergne Union for a Popular Movement
Thierry Hodent Union for a Popular Movement
8th Jeanne d'Hauteserre Union for a Popular Movement
Pierre Lellouche Union for a Popular Movement
Catherine Lecuyer Union for a Popular Movement
9th Delphine Bürkli Union for a Popular Movement
Jean-Baptiste de Froment Union for a Popular Movement
Gypsie Bloch Union for a Popular Movement
Pauline Véron Socialist Party
10th Rémi Féraud Socialist Party
Alexandra Cordebard Socialist Party
Didier Le Reste French Communist Party
Anne Souyris Europe Ecology – The Greens
Bernard Gaudillère Socialist Party
Yamina Benguigui Socialist Party
Déborah Pawlik Union for a Popular Movement
11th François Vauglin Socialist Party
Nawel Oumer Socialist Party
Patrick Bloche Socialist Party
Joëlle Morel Europe Ecology – The Greens
Philippe Ducloux Socialist Party
Hélène Bidard French Communist Party
Jean-François Martins Miscellaneous left
Mercedes Zuniga Socialist Party
David Belliard Europe Ecology – The Greens
Christian Saint-Étienne Union of Democrats and Independents
Leïla Diri Union of Democrats and Independents
12th Catherine Baratti-Elbaz Socialist Party
Jean-Louis Missika Miscellaneous left
Sandrine Charnoz Socialist Party
Christophe Najdovski Europe Ecology – The Greens
Catherine Vieu-Charier French Communist Party
Emmanuel Grégoire Socialist Party
Pénélope Komitès Socialist Party
Nicolas Bonnet-Oulaldj French Communist Party
Valérie Montandon Union for a Popular Movement
François Haab Democratic Movement
13th Jérôme Coumet Socialist Party
Anne-Christine Lang Socialist Party
Jean-Marie Le Guen Socialist Party
Emmanuelle Becker French Communist Party
Yves Contassot Europe Ecology – The Greens
Marie-Pierre de La Gontrie Socialist Party
Bruno Julliard Socialist Party
Annick Olivier Socialist Party
Jean-Noël Aqua French Communist Party
Marie Atallah Europe Ecology – The Greens
Buon Tan Miscellaneous left
Édith Gallois Union of Democrats and Independents
Patrick Trémège Union for a Popular Movement
14th Carine Petit Socialist Party
Pascal Cherki Socialist Party
Olivia Polski Socialist Party
Hervé Begué French Communist Party
Célia Blauel Europe Ecology – The Greens
Hermano Sanches Ruivo Socialist Party
Caroline Mécary Miscellaneous left
Étienne Mercier Socialist Party
Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet Union for a Popular Movement
Éric Azière Union of Democrats and Independents
15th Philippe Goujon Union for a Popular Movement
Claire de Clermont-Tonnerre Union for a Popular Movement
Jean-François Lamour Union for a Popular Movement
Anne Tachene Union of Democrats and Independents
Yann Wehrling Democratic Movement
Sylvie Ceyrac Union for a Popular Movement
Pierre Charon Union for a Popular Movement
Pascale Bladier Union for a Popular Movement
Daniel-Georges Courtois Union for a Popular Movement
Maud Gatel Democratic Movement
Jean-Baptiste Menguy Union for a Popular Movement
Agnès Evren Union for a Popular Movement
François-David Cravenne Union for a Popular Movement
Anne-Charlotte Buffeteau Union for a Popular Movement
Franck Lefèvre Union for a Popular Movement
Anne Hidalgo Socialist Party
Claude Dargent Socialist Party
Dominique Versini Miscellaneous left
16th Danièle Giazzi Union for a Popular Movement
Claude Goasguen Union for a Popular Movement
Pierre Gaboriau Union for a Popular Movement
Céline Boulay-Esperonnier Union for a Popular Movement
Éric Hélard Union of Democrats and Independents
Michèle Assouline Miscellaneous right
Pierre Auriacombe Union for a Popular Movement
Béatrice Lecouturier Democratic Movement
Grégoire Chertok Union for a Popular Movement
Julie Boillot Union for a Popular Movement
Stéphane Capliez Union for a Popular Movement
Ann-Katrin Jego Union of Democrats and Independents
Thomas Lauret Socialist Party
17th Geoffroy Boulard Union for a Popular Movement
Brigitte Kuster Union for a Popular Movement
Bernard Debré Union for a Popular Movement
Catherine Dumas Union for a Popular Movement
Frédéric Péchenard Miscellaneous right
Valérie Nahmias Union of Democrats and Independents
Jean-Didier Berthault Union for a Popular Movement
Alix Bougeret Union for a Popular Movement
Jérôme Dubus Union for a Popular Movement
Olga Johnson Union of Democrats and Independents
Annick Lepetit Socialist Party
Patrick Klugman Socialist Party
18th Éric Lejoindre Socialist Party
Myriam El Khomri Socialist Party
Daniel Vaillant Socialist Party
Afaf Gabelotaud Socialist Party
Pascal Julien Europe Ecology – The Greens
Claudine Bouygues Socialist Party
Ian Brossat French Communist Party
Sandrine Mées Europe Ecology – The Greens
Jean-Bernard Bros Radical Party of the Left
Danièle Premel French Communist Party
Didier Guillot Socialist Party
Galla Bridier Europe Ecology – The Greens
Pierre-Yves Bournazel Union for a Popular Movement
Fadila Mehal Democratic Movement
Christian Honoré Miscellaneous right
19th François Dagnaud Socialist Party
Halima Jemni Socialist Party
Roger Madec Socialist Party
Colombe Brossel Socialist Party
Bernard Jomier Europe Ecology – The Greens
Léa Filoche Socialist Party
Sergio Tinti French Communist Party
Aurélie Solans Europe Ecology – The Greens
Nicolas Nordman Socialist Party
Fanny Gaillanne French Communist Party
Mao Peninou Socialist Party
Fatoumata Koné Europe Ecology – The Greens
Jean-Jacques Giannesini Union for a Popular Movement
Anne-Constance Onghena Union for a Popular Movement
20th Frédérique Calandra Socialist Party
Julien Bargeton Socialist Party
Antoinette Guhl Europe Ecology – The Greens
Jacques Baudrier French Communist Party
Virginie Daspet Socialist Party
David Assouline Socialist Party
Marinette Bache Socialist Party
Jérôme Gleizes Europe Ecology – The Greens
Raphaëlle Primet French Communist Party
Frédéric Hocquard Socialist Party
Nathalie Maquoi Socialist Party
Atanase Périfan Union for a Popular Movement
Nathalie Fanfant Union for a Popular Movement
Danielle Simonnet Left Party

2008–2014 councillors

Councillor Party affiliation Arrondissement
Berthout, Florence UMP 1st
Legaret, Jean-François UMP 1st
Raoul, Loïg[a] PS 1st
Boutault, Jacques EELVA 2nd
Schapira, Pierre PS 2nd
Wieviorka, Sylvie PS 2nd
Aidenbaum, Pierre PS 3rd
Caron-Thibault, Gauthier PS 3rd
Montacié, Camille PS 3rd
Girard, Christophe PS 4th
Guidi, Claire[b] PS 4th
Roger, Vincent UMP 4th
Bach, Marie-Chantal UMP 5th
Cohen-Solal, Lyne PS 5th
Saint-Étienne, Christian NC 5th
Tiberi, Jean UMP 5th
Bertrand, Geneviève NC 6th
Lecoq, Jean-Pierre UMP 6th
Lévy, Romain PS 6th
Dati, Rachida UMP 7th
Dauvergne, Emmanuelle UMP 7th
Dumont, Michel UMP 7th
Namy-Caulier, Martine UMP 7th
Pozzo di Borgo, Yves NC 7th
Lebel, François UMP 8th
Lellouche, Pierre UMP 8th
Merigot de Treigny, Martine UMP 8th
Bravo, Jacques PS 9th
Bürkli, Delphine UMP 9th
Morel, Claire[c] PS 9th
Véron, Pauline PS 9th
Asmani, Lynda[d] NC 10th
Dubarry, Véronique EELVA 10th
Féraud, Rémi PS 10th
Gaudillère, Bernard PS 10th
Lhostis, Alain PCF 10th
Trostiansky, Olga PS 10th
Assouline, Daniel PS 11th
Bidard, Hélène PCF 11th
Bloche, Patrick PS 11th
Capelle, Liliane PS 11th
Ducloux, Philippe PS 11th
Errecart, Maïté PS 11th
Flam, Mireille PS 11th
Martinet, Stéphane[e] PS 11th
Sarre, Georges Non-registered (MRC) 11th
Tissot, Claude-Annick UMP 11th
Vauglin, François PS 11th
Blumenthal, Michèle PS 12th
Charnoz, Sandrine PS 12th
Corbière, Alexis PG 12th
Missika, Jean-Louis PS 12th
Montandon, Valérie UMP 12th
Najdovski, Christophe EELVA 12th
Rey, Gérard[f] NC 12th
Sautter, Christian PS 12th
Taïeb, Karen PS 12th
Vieu-Charier, Catherine PCF 12th
Montandon, Valérie[g] UMP 1th
Barthe, Marie-Annick PS 13th
Becker, Emmanuelle PCF 13th
Bros, Jean-Bernard PS 13th
Contassot, Yves EELVA 13th
Coumet, Jérôme PS 13th
Cuignache-Gallois, Edith NC 13th
de La Gontrie, Marie-Pierre PS 13th
Julliard, Bruno PS 13th
Lang, Anne-Christine PS 13th
Le Guen, Jean-Marie PS 13th
Moine, Philippe PS 13th
Olivier, Annick PS 13th
Trémège, Patrick UMP 13th
Arrouze, Aline PCF 14th
Carrère-Gée, Marie-Claire UMP 14th
Cherki, Pascal PS 14th
Christienne, Odette PS 14th
Dutrey, René EELVA 14th
Martins, Jean-François[h] Non-registered (MoDem) 14th
Mercier, Étienne[i] PS 14th
Polski, Olivia PS 14th
Pourtaud, Danièle PS 14th
Sanches Ruivo, Hermano PS 14th
Alayrac, Gilles PS 15th
Bruno, Catherine NC 15th
Charon, Pierre UMP 15th
Cherioux de Soultrait, Joëlle UMP 15th
Courtois, Daniel-Georges UMP 15th
d'Aboville, Gérard UMP 15th
Dargent, Claude PS 15th
de Clermont-Tonnerre, Claire UMP 15th
Fonlladosa, Ghislène[j] UMP 15th
Goujon, Philippe UMP 15th
Hidalgo, Anne PS 15th
Lalem, Fatima PS 15th
Lamour Jean-François UMP 15th
Macé de Lepinay, Hélène UMP 15th
Menguy, Jean-Baptiste UMP 15th
Poirault-Gauvin, Géraldine UMP 15th
Tachene, Anne NC 15th
Alphand, David UMP 16th
Auriacombe, Pierre UMP 16th
Boulay-Esperonnier, Céline UMP 16th
Debré, Bernard UMP 16th
Dreyfuss, Laurence[k] UMP 16th
Gaboriau, Pierre UMP 16th
Giazzi, Danièle UMP 16th
Goasguen, Claude UMP 16th
Harel, Marie-Laure UMP 16th
Helard, Éric[l] NC 16th
Hoffenberg, Valérie UMP 16th
Mano, Jean-Yves PS 16th
Sachs, Valérie NC 16th
Benessiano, Hervé UMP 17th
Berthault, Jean-Didier UMP 17th
Coudert, Thierry UMP 17th
de Panafieu, Françoise UMP 17th
Douvin, Laurence UMP 17th
Dubus, Jérôme NC 17th
Dumas, Catherine UMP 17th
Gachet, Isabelle PS 17th
Gasnier, Fabienne NC 17th
Klugman, Patrick PS 17th
Kuster, Brigitte UMP 17th
Lepetit, Annick PS 17th
Stein, Richard UMP 17th
Bournazel, Pierre-Yves UMP 18th
Bouygues, Claudine PS 18th
Brossat, Ian PCF 18th
Caffet, Jean-Pierre PS 18th
Decorte, Roxane UMP 18th
Delanoë, Bertrand PS 18th
El Khomri, Myriam PS 18th
Fournier, Danielle EELVA 18th
Garel, Sylvain EELVA 18th
Goldgrab, Laurence PS 18th
Guillot, Didier PS 18th
Le Strat, Anne PS 18th
Pigeon, Frédérique PS 18th
Vaillant, Daniel PS 18th
Brossel, Colombe PS 19th
Dagnaud, François PS 19th
Filoche, Léa PS 19th
Giannesini, Jean-Jacques UMP 19th
Jemni, Halima PS 19th
Madec, Roger PS 19th
Markovitch, Daniel PS 19th
Onghena, Anne-Constance UMP 19th
Peninou, Mao PS 19th
Richard, Firmine PS 19th
Stievenard, Gisèle PS 19th
Vuillermoz, Jean PCF 19th
Assouline, David PS 20th
Bache, Marinette PS 20th
Bargeton, Julien PS 20th
Baupin, Denis EELVA 20th
Benguigui, Yamina PS 20th
Bouakkaz, Hamou PS 20th
Calandra, Frédérique PS 20th
Charzat, Michel EELVA 20th
Daspet, Virginie PS 20th
Giboudeaux, Fabienne EELVA 20th
Lopez, Katia EELVA 20th
Mansat, Pierre PCF 20th
Simonnet, Danielle PG 20th


  1. ^ Loïg Raoul replaced Seybah Dagoma who resigned 6 December 2012 following her election to the National Assembly.
  2. ^ Claire Guidi replaced Dominique Bertinotti who was appointed 16 May 2012 to the government.
  3. ^ Claire Morel replaced Philippe Torreton who resigned in November 2010.
  4. ^ A member of the Union for a Popular Movement group until April 2010.
  5. ^ Stéphane Martinet replaced Pascale Boistard who resigned on 20 September 2012 following her election to the National Assembly.
  6. ^ Gérard Rey replaced Christine Lagarde who was appointed 5 July 2011 to be Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund.
  7. ^ Valérie Montandon replaced Vincent Casa who died 15 January 2011. Vincent Casa had replaced Jean-Marie Cavada who resigned 16 December 2010.
  8. ^ Jean-François Martins replaced Marielle de Sarnez who resigned in April 2010.
  9. ^ Étienne Mercier replaced Pierre Castagnou who died 24 February 2009.
  10. ^ Ghislène Fonlladosa replaced Alain Destrem who resigned in July 2012.
  11. ^ Laurence Dreyfuss replaced Pierre-Christian Taittinger who died 27 September 2009.
  12. ^ A member of the Union for a Popular Movement group until April 2010.

See also
