List of Gothic queens

The names of only a few of the queens of the Visigoths are known. As the Gothic monarchy was elective, all queens were such only as consorts of their husbands.

In his Chronicon John of Biclarum styles Goisuintha "queen" (regina) under the years 579 and 589. The wife of Reccared I subscribed to the canons of the Third Council of Toledo as "I, Baddo, glorious queen" (ego Baddo, gloriosa regina). There are at least three published studies on queenship among the Visigoths.

List of queens


  • José Orlandis Rovira, "La reina en la monarquía visigoda", Anuario de Historia del Derecho Español 27–8 (1957–58): 109–35.
  • E. García Zueco, "Una aproximación a la figura de la Reina visigoda", Memorana, II (1998).
  • Amancio Isla Frez, "Reinas de los godos", Hispania 64 (2004).