List of assassinated people

This is a list of assassinations, sorted by location.

For the purposes of this article, an assassination is defined as the deliberate, premeditated murder of a prominent figure, often for religious, political or monetary reasons.


The Americas

Antigua and Barbuda

Date Victim(s) Method Assassin(s) Notes
December 7, 1710 Daniel Parke, British governor of the Leeward Islands Beating Several members of a mob. An angry mob captured Parke in his house, beat him severely, and dragged him out to die of his wounds.[1] His last words to his tormentors, as he lay dying, were reported as: "Gentlemen, you have no sense of honor left, pray have some of humanity."[2]


Date Victim(s) Assassin(s) Notes
1828 Manuel Dorrego, Governor of Buenos Aires Province Juan Lavalle
1835 Facundo Quiroga, Governor of La Rioja Province
1838 Alejandro Heredia, Governor of Tucumán Province
1841 José Cubas, Governor of Catamarca Province Mariano Maza
1841 Marco Avellaneda, Governor of Tucumán Province Mariano Maza
1861 Antonino Aberastain, Governor of San Juan Province
1870 Justo José de Urquiza, former president of Argentina and Governor of Entre Ríos Province
1908 Mariano Santillán, Jr., National Deputy for Santiago del Estero Province
1909 Ramón Falcón, chief of the National Police Simón Radowitzky Assassinated by anarchists as a retaliation for his brutal repression of workers.
1921 Amable Jones, Governor of San Juan Province
1929 Carlos Washington Lencinas, former Governor of Mendoza Province
1935 Enzo Bordabehere, National Senator for Santa Fe Province Ramón Valdez Cora Killed during a session of the Argentine Senate.
1969 Augusto Vandor, Metalworkers Union (UOM) Secretary General Killed in commando attack by the Ejército Nacional Revolucionario (National Revolutionary Army), a far-left Peronist splinter group.
1970 Pedro Aramburu, former de facto president of Argentina Executed by the Peronist guerrilla Montoneros in revenge for the abduction of Evita's body and for the execution of those implicated in a 1956 failed uprising, during Aramburu's dictatorship.
1970 José Alonso, CGT Secretary General Montoneros
1972 Oberdan Sallustro, Director of FIAT Argentina ERP
1973 José Ignacio Rucci, CGT Secretary General Montoneros
1973 Juan Manuel Irrazábal, Governor of Misiones Province Argentine Anticommunist Alliance Killed with Vice-Governor César Ayrault by bomb placed in Beechcraft Queen Air plane.
1974 Arturo Mor Roig, former Interior Minister Montoneros
1974 Carlos Mugica, Catholic Third World priest Rodolfo Almirón (Argentine Anticommunist Alliance)
1974 Rodolfo Ortega Peña, National Deputy for Buenos Aires Province Argentine Anticommunist Alliance
1974 Atilio López, former Vice-Governor of Córdoba Province Argentine Anticommunist Alliance
1974 Silvio Frondizi, University of Buenos Aires law professor Argentine Anticommunist Alliance
1974 Carlos Prats, exiled Chilean general, former Commander-in-chief of the Chilean Army Michael Townley Killed by the secret service of the Pinochet dictatorship
1975 Hipólito Acuña, National Deputy for Santa Fe Province Montoneros
1975 John Egan, U.S. Honorary Consul in Córdoba Montoneros
1975 Ramón Rojas, National Deputy for San Juan Province Fernando Otero Killed at the behest of Vineyard Workers' Federation (FOEVA) leader Delfor Ocampo.[3]
1975 Alberto Manuel Campos, Mayor of General San Martín Partido, Buenos Aires Province Montoneros
1976 Miguel Ragone, former Governor of Salta Province Army Gen. Luciano Menéndez Abducted and killed by right-wing task force made of up of Army and provincial police officers led by Menéndez.
1976 Zelmar Michelini, exiled Uruguayan senator, founder of the Broad Front Killed after the 1976 Argentine coup as part of Operation Condor involving the collaboration between military dictatorships in the Southern Cone.
1976 Héctor Gutiérrez Ruiz, exiled former speaker of the Uruguayan House of Representatives Killed alongside Zelmar Michelini
1976 Juan José Torres, exiled former military President of Bolivia Killed as part of Operation Condor
1976 Enrique Angelelli, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of La Rioja Luis Estrella Beaten to death after Angelelli's car was run off the road on orders from III Army Corps Chief Luciano Menéndez.
1977 Juan Carlos Casariego de Bel, Chief Foreign Investments Adviser at Economy Ministry Army Capt. Héctor Vérgez Casariego had objected to a $400 million payout for the nationalization of the bankrupt CIADE electric company - one of whose top shareholders was the Economy Minister, José Alfredo Martínez de Hoz.
1978 Miguel Tobías Padilla, Undersecretary for Coordination at Economy Ministry Montoneros
1985 Osvaldo Sivak, banker José Benigno Lorea, police officer Killed following ransom kidnapping by the Aníbal Gordon gang led by former Argentine Anticommunist Alliance operatives.
1997 José Luis Cabezas, photojournalist for leading Argentine news weekly Noticias. "Los Horneros" gang, led by Buenos Aires Provincial Police Inspector Gustavo Prellezo Killed on orders from businessman Alfredo Yabrán.
2019 Héctor Enrique Olivares, National Deputy for La Rioja Province Juan Jesús Fernández and Juan José Navarro Cádiz Killed in attack directed at Olivares' aide, Miguel Yadón (dead on arrival), by businessman Rafael Cano Carmona.


Date Victim(s) Assassin(s) Notes
1973 Richard Sharples, Governor of Bermuda Erskine "Buck" Burrows and Larry Tacklyn Shot outside Bermuda's Government House. Sharples's aide-de-camp Captain Hugh Sayers was also killed.


Date Victim(s) Assassin(s) Notes
1 January 1829 Pedro Blanco Soto, President of Bolivia
11 June 1849 Eusebio Guilarte, former acting President of Bolivia
23 October 1861 Jorge Córdova, former President of Bolivia
23 March 1865 Manuel Isidoro Belzu, former President of Bolivia
27 November 1872 Agustín Morales, President of Bolivia
27 February 1894 Hilarión Daza, former President of Bolivia
17 June 1917 José Manuel Pando, former President of Bolivia
21 July 1946 Gualberto Villarroel, President of Bolivia
24 May 1989 Elders Jeffrey Brent Ball and Todd Ray Wilson, LDS Missionaries
25 August 2016 Rodolfo Illanes, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Bolivia Protesting miners


Date Victim(s) Assassin(s) Notes
1915 Pinheiro Machado, Senator for Rio Grande do Sul
1930 João Pessoa Cavalcânti de Albuquerque, Governor of Paraíba João Duarte Dantas
1964 Adib Shishakli, exiled Syrian military dictator Nawaf Ghazaleh
1975 Vladimir Herzog, journalist
1976 Zuzu Angel, fashion designer and critic of the Military dictatorship in Brazil
1988 Francisco Alves "Chico" Mendes Filho, environmental activist Darci Alves da Silva Shot on the orders of the assassin's father, rancher Darly Alves da Silva
1996 Paulo César Farias, President Fernando Collor de Mello's campaign treasurer
2001 Antonio da Costa Santos, Mayor of Campinas
2002 Celso Daniel, Mayor of Santo André, São Paulo
2002 Tim Lopes, journalist Elias "Maluco" Pereira da Silva
André "Capeta" da Cruz Barbosa
Cláudio "Ratinho" Orlando do Nascimento
Maurício "Boizinho" de Lima Matias
Claudino "Xuxa" dos Santos Coelho
Elizeu "Zeu" Felício de Souza
Ângelo "Primo" da Silva
Reinaldo "Cadê" Amaral de Jesus
Fernando "Frei" Sátyro da Silva
Murdered by drug traffickers connected to Comando Vermelho and Amigos dos Amigos
2005 Dorothy Stang, American nun Raifran das Neves Sales Killed by business interests
2016 Kyriakos Amiridis, Greek ambassador to Brazil Françoise de Sousa Oliveira and Sergio Gomes Murdered by Gomes on the orders of Oliveira, and corpse burnt in an arson attack on a rental car.[4]
2018 Marielle Franco, human rights activist and City Councillor of Rio de Janeiro Ronald Paulo Alves Pereira and Adriano Magalhães da Nóbrega Assassination suspected to be linked with local militias[5]
2022 Marcelo Arruda, treasurer of the Workers' Party Jorge Guaranho Murdered by Guaranho because the photo of former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva seen on birthday party was target of fury


Date Victim(s) Assassin(s) Notes
1868 Thomas D'Arcy McGee, Father of Canadian Confederation Patrick J. Whelan
1872 William End, Magistrate in northern New Brunswick He and his office set aflame by ex-convict.
1880 George Brown, Father of Canadian Confederation George Bennett
1914 William C. Hopkinson, immigration officer, British intelligence agent Mewa Singh, Ghadarite sympathizer
1970 Pierre Laporte, Deputy Premier and Minister of Labour of Quebec Bernard Lortie, Paul Rose, Jacques Rose, Francis Simard[6] Kidnapped and murdered by the FLQ.
1982 Atilla Altıkat, Turkish diplomat Assassinated by Armenian nationalists in Ottawa
March 10, 1993 Dino Bravo, wrestler Shot eleven times at his home in Vimont, Laval, Quebec. Believed to have been a result in his alleged role in illegal cigarette smuggling in Canada and his ties to the Cotroni Crime Family.


Date Victim(s) Assassin(s) Notes
1818 Luis Carrera and his brother Juan José Carrera, independence war heroes attributed to the head of the government, Bernardo O'Higgins
1818 Manuel Rodriguez, lawyer and guerrilla leader, considered one of the founders of independent Chile attributed to the head of the government, Bernardo O'Higgins
1837 Diego Portales, entrepreneur, statesman and Minister of War Colonel José Antonio Vidaurre
1970 René Schneider, Commander-in-Chief of the Chilean Army Was kidnapped and killed by far-right paramilitary squads, due to his opposition to any intervention of the armed forces to block the election of left-wing candidate Salvador Allende in 1970.
1971 Edmundo Pérez Zujovic, former Secretary of Interior Affairs
1973 Victor Jara, left-wing singer Killed after the coup of 1973.
1982 Eduardo Frei Montalva, former President of Chile and opponent of the Pinochet dictatorship Although he officially died by sepsis after a low-risk surgery, recent research suggests he was poisoned by the Dirección de Inteligencia Nacional. However, there is no absolute certainty about the real causes of his death.[7]
1982 Tucapel Jiménez, trade-unionist Killed by the military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet.[8]
1991 Jaime Guzmán, right-wing Senator and former adviser to the Pinochet dictatorship Killed by far-left guerrillas after the return of democracy.


Date Victim(s) Assassin(s) Notes
1830 Antonio José de Sucre, Venezuelan politician, statesman, soldier Juan Gregorio Sarria, José Erazo, and three peons
1861 José María Obando, former President
1914 Rafael Uribe Uribe, lawyer, journalist, diplomat, soldier
1948 Jorge Eliécer Gaitán, Liberal Party leader His assassination sparked the Bogotazo and served as a catalyst for La Violencia
1984 Carlos Toledo Plata, early leader of the M-19 guerrilla movement and member of the Chamber of Representatives of Colombia
1984 Rodrigo Lara Bonilla, Minister of Justice The assassination was ordered by the Medellin Cartel
1985 Tulio Manuel Castro Gil, Judge who had indicted Pablo Escobar
1985 Alfonso Reyes Echandia, Head of the Supreme Court. Killed during the Palace of Justice Siege.
1985 Fabio Calderon Botero, Supreme Court Justice Killed during the Palace of Justice Siege.
1985 Pedro Elias Serrano Abadia, Supreme Court Justice Killed during the Palace of Justice Siege.
1985 Dario Velasquez Gaviria, Supreme Court Justice Killed during the Palace of Justice Siege.
1985 Jose Eduardo Gnecco Correa, Supreme Court Justice Killed during the Palace of Justice Siege.
1985 Ricardo Medina Moyano, Supreme Court Justice Killed during the Palace of Justice Siege.
1985 Alfonso Patiño Rosselli, Supreme Court Justice. Killed during the Palace of Justice Siege.
1985 Carlos Medellin Forero, Supreme Court Justice Killed during the Palace of Justice Siege.
1985 Fanny Gonzalez Franco, Supreme Court Justice Killed during the Palace of Justice Siege.
1985 Dante Luis Fiorillo Porras, Supreme Court Justice Killed during the Palace of Justice Siege.
1985 Manuel Gaona Cruz, Supreme Court Justice Killed during the Palace of Justice Siege.
1985 Horacio Montoya Gil, Supreme Court Justice Killed during the Palace of Justice Siege.
1985 Carlos Horacio Uran Rojas, State Council Assistant Justice Killed during the Palace of Justice Siege.
1985 Lizandro Juan Romero Barrios, State Council Assistant Justice Killed during the Palace of Justice Siege.
1985 Emiro Sandoval Huertas, State Council Assistant Justice Killed during the Palace of Justice Siege.
1985 Julio Cesar Andrade Andrade, State Council Assistant Justice Killed during the Palace of Justice Siege.
1985 Jorge A Correa Echeverry, State Council Assistant Justice Killed during the Palace of Justice Siege.
1986 Guillermo Cano Isaza, Director of El Espectador newspaper The assassination was ordered by the Medellin Cartel
1987 Jaime Pardo Leal, Presidential candidate, leader of the Patriotic Union party
1987 Carlos Mauro Hoyos, Attorney General of Colombia The assassination was ordered by the Medellin Cartel.
1989 Teófilo Forero, National Organizing Secretary of the Colombian Communist Party
1989 Luis Carlos Galán, Presidential candidate, leader of the Colombian Liberal Party Jaime Rueda The assassination was ordered by the Medellin Cartel.
1989 Jorge Enrique Pulido, journalist, Director of Mundovision The assassination was ordered by the Medellin Cartel
1989 Waldemar Franklin Quintero, Commander of the Police of Antioquia The assassination was ordered by the Medellin Cartel
1990 Bernardo Jaramillo Ossa, Presidential candidate, leader of the Patriotic Union party[9] Andres Arturo Gutierrez
1990 Carlos Pizarro Leongómez, Presidential candidate, leader of the M-19 party
1991 Enrique Low Murtra, former Ambassador to Switzerland The assassination was ordered by the Medellin Cartel
December 2, 1993 Pablo Escobar, drug lord Search Bloc Killed during a shoot out in Medellín
July 2, 1994 Andrés Escobar, footballer Believed to have been killed by criminal figures who lost money on bets after scoring an own goal in the 1994 FIFA World Cup
1994 Manuel Cepeda Vargas, Senator, leader of the Patriotic Union party
1995 Alvaro Gómez Hurtado, former presidential candidate and director of El Nuevo Siglo newspaper FARC has claimed responsibility for the assassination[10]
1999 Jaime Garzón, journalist, activist and satirist
2000 Crispiniano Quiñones Quiñones, Colombian Army General Assassinated by members of FARC
2001 Consuelo Araújo, former Minister of Culture Assassinated by members of FARC
2003 Guillermo Gaviria Correa, Governor of Antioquia Assassinated by members of FARC
2003 Gilberto Echeverri Mejía, former Minister of Defense and adviser to Governor Gaviria (see above) Assassinated by members of FARC
2009 Luis Francisco Cuéllar, Governor of Caquetá Assassinated by members of FARC
2021 Germán Medina Triviño, former Governor of Caquetá Assassinated by members of FARC

Costa Rica

Date Victim(s) Assassin(s) Notes
August 23, 1938 Ricardo Moreno Cañas, doctor and politictian, and surgeon Carlos Echandi Beltrán Cortés Killed as revenge for a failed surgery the two doctors had operated on Cortes. Moreno was shot to death inside his home, while Echandi was shot to death outside his door. Cortes also killed canadian Arthur Maynard that same day.[11][12]


Date Victim(s) Assassin(s) Notes
May 8, 1935 Antonio Guiteras, Revolutionary Socialist leader


Date Victim(s) Assassin(s) Notes
May 5, 2013 Helmin Wiels, leader of the Sovereign People party. Elvis Kuwas

Dominican Republic

Date Victim(s) Assassin(s) Notes
July 26, 1899 Ulises Heureaux, president of the Dominican Republic
November 19, 1911 Ramón Cáceres, president of the Dominican Republic
May 30, 1961 Rafael Leónidas Trujillo, Dominican Republic dictator Shot in ambush
February 16, 1973 Francisco Alberto Caamaño Deñó, military officer and former de facto leader
June 6, 2022 Orlando Jorge Mera, Environment Minister Favsto Miguel de Jesús Cruz de la Mota[citation needed] Shot


Date Victim(s) Assassin(s) Notes
1875 Gabriel García Moreno, President of Ecuador Faustino Rayo Shot outside Quito Cathedral, owing to his pro-religious views.
1999 Jaime Hurtado and Pablo Tapia, communist legislators Killed in Quito
July 24, 2023 Agustín Intriago, Mayor of Manta[13]
August 9, 2023 Fernando Villavicencio, Presidential candidate and former legislator Killed at a campaign rally in Quito[14]

El Salvador

Date Victim(s) Assassin(s) Notes
1913 Manuel Enrique Araujo, President of El Salvador
1975 Roque Dalton, poet and revolutionary
1977 Rutilio Grande García, S.J., Roman Catholic priest
1977 Alfonso Navarro Oviedo, Roman Catholic priest
1978 Ernesto Barrera, Roman Catholic priest
1979 Octavio Ortiz Luna, Roman Catholic priest
1979 Rafael Palacios, Roman Catholic priest
1979 Alirio Napoleón Macías, Roman Catholic priest
1980 Óscar Arnulfo Romero, Archbishop of San Salvador Killed by right-wing death squad
1980 Enrique Álvarez Córdova and five other leaders of the opposition Democratic Revolutionary Front (FDR) Captured and killed by government aligned security forces.
1980 Ita Ford, Maura Clarke, Dorothy Kazel, and Jean Donovan, American Roman Catholic nuns Killed by the National Guard of El Salvador.
1983 Marianella García Villas,[15] human rights lawyer and activist Killed by the Salvadoran Armed Forces
1983 Albert Schaufelberger, senior U.S. Naval representative
1989 Ignacio Ellacuría, Roman Catholic Jesuit priest Killed by Atlácatl Battalion of the Salvadoran Army.
1989 Ignacio Martín-Baró, Roman Catholic Jesuit priest Killed by Atlácatl Battalion of the Salvadoran Army.
1989 Segundo Montes, Roman Catholic Jesuit priest Killed by Atlácatl Battalion of the Salvadoran Army.
1989 María Cristina Gómez, teacher and community leader


Date Victim(s) Assassin(s) Notes
1983 Maurice Bishop, Prime Minister of Grenada Killed along with seven other politicians and businessmen in a coup that led to the United States invasion of Grenada a few days later
1983 Jacqueline Creft, Minister of Education and Women's Affairs and domestic partner of Prime Minister Maurice Bishop Killed along with Bishop and six other politicians and businessmen in a coup that led to the United States invasion of Grenada a few days later


Date Victim(s) Assassin(s) Notes
1898 José María Reina Barrios, President of Guatemala
1957 Carlos Castillo Armas, President of Guatemala[16] killed by bodyguard
1970 Karl von Spreti, West German ambassador in Guatemala
1979 Alberto Fuentes Mohr, Social Democratic Party leader
1979 Manuel Colom Argueta, Mayor of Guatemala City
1980 Hugo Rolando Melgar Melgar, Law professor at San Carlos University and leftist leader Efrain Rios Montt regime Ambushed on his way to work by the Guatemalan Army
1993 Jorge Carpio Nicolle, journalist and founder of the National Centre Union
1998 Juan José Gerardi Conedera, Auxiliary Bishop of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Santiago de Guatemala
2012 Valentín Leal, legislator and former Governor of Alta Verapaz
2013 Carlos Castillo Medrano, Mayor of Jutiapa


Date Victim(s) Assassin(s) Notes
18 November 1978 Leo Ryan, Member of the US House of Representatives Members of the People's Temple in Jonestown Shot to death in Guyana while investigating human rights violations by members of the People's Temple.
13 June 1980 Walter Rodney, Guyanese historian and political figure
22 April 2006 Satyadeow Sawh, Agriculture Minister Murdered along with his brother, sister and a security guard, by masked gunmen dressed in military fatigues


Date Victim(s) Assassin(s) Notes
17 October 1806 Jean-Jacques Dessalines, Emperor of Haiti
28 July 1915 Vilbrun Guillaume Sam, President of Haiti Killed by a mob
14 July 1963 Clément Barbot, aide to President François Duvalier Killed after launching a failed coup
11 September 1993 Antoine Izméry, businessman and Lavalas supporter
14 October 1993 Guy Malary, minister of justice
3 April 2000 Jean Dominique, journalist
14 July 2005 Jacques Roche, journalist
7 July 2021 Jovenel Moïse, President of Haiti Killed by Colombian mercenaries posing as US Drug Enforcement Administration agents. See Assassination of Jovenel Moïse


Date Victim(s) Assassin(s) Notes
1862 José Santos Guardiola, President of Honduras
1966 Maximiliano Hernández Martínez, former President of El Salvador
2008 Mario Fernando Hernández, deputy speaker of the National Congress for the Liberal Party
2016 Berta Cáceres, environmental and indigenous rights activist David Castillo, former military intelligence officer
2021 Francisco Gaitán, Mayor of Cantarranas Wilfredo Velásquez


Date Victim(s) Assassin(s) Notes
June 29, 1520 Motecuhzoma II Xocoyotl, Emperor of the Aztec Alliance
February 14, 1831 Vicente Guerrero, former President of Mexico Lured, captured, and executed by firing squad in a plot orchestrated by conservative political rivals in Cuilapan, Oaxaca.
November 13, 1863 Ignacio Comonfort Ambushed and killed by conservative guerillas during the Second French Intervention in Mexico near Chamacueros, Guanajuato (present-day Comonfort).
February 22, 1913 Francisco I. Madero, President of Mexico[16] Killed in a coup along with Vice-president José María Pino Suárez. See Ten Tragic Days.
March 7, 1913 Abraham González, revolutionary, governor of Chihuahua and mentor to Pancho Villa Officers under President Victoriano Huerta
October 7, 1913 Belisario Dominguez, Senator of the Congress of the Union for Chiapas Officers under President Victoriano Huerta Abducted and shot in Mexico City under orders from Huerta after giving a memorable speech in the Senate denouncing him.
April 10, 1919 Emiliano Zapata, revolutionary Officers under Colonel Jesús Guajardo Shot at Hacienda de San Juan in Chinameca, Morelos
May 20, 1920 Venustiano Carranza, President of Mexico[16] Killed in a revolt led by Álvaro Obregón
July 20, 1923 Francisco "Pancho" Villa, revolutionary[17] Unknown Shot while being driven in an open car at Parral, Chihuahua. His bodyguards Rafael Madreno and Claro Huertado were also killed.
January 3, 1924 Felipe Carrillo Puerto, Governor of Yucatán Murdered as part of a plot by rogue army officers as part of a larger rebellion waged by former interim president Adolfo de la Huerta beginning the previous year. Executed by firing squad alongside three of his brothers, Wilfrido, Benjamin, and Edesio, and eight of their friends in Mérida, Yucatán.
June 10, 1924 Salvador Alvarado, revolutionary and former Governor of Yucatan Killed in an ambush near Palenque, Chiapas in retaliation for supporting the rebellion of Adolfo de la Huerta against Alvaro Obregon
July 17, 1928 Álvaro Obregón, President-elect[17] José de León Toral Killed by a pro-Catholic sympathizer as part of the Cristero War
January 10, 1929 Julio Antonio Mella, Cuban revolutionary Unknown
August 20, 1940 Leon Trotsky, exiled Russian communist leader[17] Ramón Mercader, an agent of the NKVD posing as a journalist Killed by penetrating head injury from an ice axe in his residence in Coyoacan, Mexico City.
June 3, 1974 Octavio Muciño, footballer Jaime Antonio Muldoon Barreto Shot at a Guadalajara restaurant after a physical altercation. Muldoon Barreto then fled to Spain and was never charged upon his return to Mexico in 1980, which was widely attributed to the influence and power possessed by the Muldoon Barreto family within the Mexican government.
May 30, 1984 Manuel Buendía, journalist and political columnist Suspected that figures within the PRI wanted him killed.
February 9, 1985 Enrique Camarena, U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration Agent Abducted and killed by the Guadalajara Cartel with the assistance of figures within the Mexican government and law enforcement agencies
February 7, 1986 Carlos Loret de Mola Mediz, journalist and former Governor of Yucatán
May 16, 1992 Chalino Sánchez, singer-songwriter Executed on a farm in Culiacán, Sinaloa by two men posing as police officers hours after he had received a death threat via a note live on stage, the two men are believed to have been associated with the local cartel.
May 24, 1993 Juan Jesús Posadas Ocampo, Roman Catholic Cardinal of Guadalajara Sinaloa Cartel boss, Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán may have also been involved. Shot at Guadalajara Airport, along with 6 other people, by the Tijuana Cartel using the San Diego-based Logan Heights Gang, either after his car was misidentified as belonging to the Sinaloa cartel or to silence Posadas regarding his denunciation of possible connections between government and drug cartels; some recent speculation that an anti-church group was involved.
March 23, 1994 Luis Donaldo Colosio, Presidential candidate of the Partido Revolucionario Institucional[9] Mario Aburto Assassinated at a campaign rally in the Lomas Taurinas neighborhood of Tijuana.
September 28, 1994 José Francisco Ruiz Massieu, Secretary-General of the Partido Revolucionario Institucional Daniel Aguilar Treviño Shot while leaving a PRI party meeting in Mexico City. PRI deputy Fernando Rodríguez González confessed to authorities that he hired Aguilar Treviño and his cousin to commit the murder. Aguilar Treviño confessed that he was paid US$500,000 (equivalent to that of $1,038,026.32 in 2023) by Rodríguez González himself to commit the crime.
June 7, 1999 Paco Stanley, comedian Luis Alberto Salazar Vega
October 19, 2001 Digna Ochoa, human rights lawyer
June 22, 2004 Francisco Ortiz Franco, contributing editor to Zeta Magazine
May 8, 2008 Édgar Eusebio Millán Gómez, Commissioner of the Federal Preventive Police
June 19, 2010 Jesús Manuel Lara Rodríguez, Mayor of Guadalupe, Chihuahua
June 28, 2010 Rodolfo Torre Cantú, former member of the Chamber of Deputies and gubernatorial candidate in Tamaulipas
October 17, 2016 Vicente Bermúdez Zacarías, federal judge Unknown Killed by a gunman approaching behind him in broad daylight while out on a morning jog in Metepec, State of Mexico. Suspect fled the scene with an accomplice nearby. No clear motive has been established in Bermúdez Zacarías' murder, but may be possibly linked to his role as presiding judge in Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán's extradition process, or his complaints against fellow colleagues and court predecessors for judicial irregularities. In October 2019, his ex-wife Marisol Macías Gutiérrez was arrested for allegedly masterminding her ex-husband's murder in a scheme to claim his life insurance plan.
June 8, 2018 Fernando Purón Johnston, former mayor of Piedras Negras, Coahuila Shot while leaving a debate hall while running for Mexico's general election.[18]
December 18, 2020 Aristóteles Sandoval, former Governor of Jalisco Saúl Alejandro Rincón Godoy (El Chopa), was later gunned down by Mexican military forces nearby. Gunned down while having dinner at a local restaurant in Puerto Vallarta.


Date Victim(s) Assassin(s) Notes
February 21, 1934 Augusto César Sandino, Nicaraguan revolutionary National Guard members led by Anastasio Somoza García
September 21, 1956 Anastasio Somoza García, President of Nicaragua[9] Rigoberto López Pérez
January 10, 1978 Pedro Joaquín Chamorro Cardenal, newspaper editor and anti-Somoza opposition leader
February 16, 1991 Enrique Bermúdez, founder and former commander of the Contras


Date Victim(s) Assassin(s) Notes
January 2, 1955 José Antonio Remón Cantera, President of Panama Killed at racetrack by machine gun[16]
July 31, 1981 Omar Efraín Torrijos Herrera, Maximum Leader of the Revolution and de facto leader of Panama Alleged to be the United States by Manuel Noriega and his attorney Likely killed in an aircraft accident by a radio detonated bomb –– but not confirmed. Much speculation has existed surrounding this incident, and few confirmed sources.
September 13, 1985 Hugo Spadafora, guerrilla fighter and political activist Manuel Noriega (suspected)


Date Victim(s) Assassin(s) Notes
April 12, 1877 Juan Bautista Gill, President of Paraguay Killed in a plot instigated by Juan Silvano Godoi
December 31, 1878 Cirilo Antonio Rivarola, former President of Paraguay
September 17, 1980 Anastasio Somoza Debayle, exiled former President of Nicaragua 7 Sandinistas
March 23, 1999 Luis María Argaña, vice president of Paraguay Ambushed[9]


Date Victim(s) Assassin(s) Notes
26 June 1541 Francisco Pizarro, Spanish conquistador Killed in a power struggle between fellow conquistadores
23 November 1871 Mariano Melgarejo, exiled former President of Bolivia
26 July 1872 Jose Balta, President of Peru Ordered shot by Tomás Gutiérrez in retaliation for his brother's death
26 July 1872 Tomás Gutiérrez, interim President of Peru Killed by a mob
2 February 1873 Mariano Herencia Zevallos, former interim President of Peru
16 November 1878 Manuel Pardo, former President of Peru and President of the Peruvian Senate
30 April 1933 Luis M. Sánchez Cerro, president of Peru Abelardo de Mendoza Shot by a member of the suppressed American Popular Revolutionary Alliance
15 February 1992 María Elena Moyano, a community organizer in Villa El Salvador


Date Victim(s) Assassin(s) Notes
8 December 1982 Bram Behr, journalist Victim of the December murders
8 December 1982 Eddy Hoost, former Minister of Justice and Police Victim of the December murders
8 December 1982 André Kamperveen, athlete and former minister Victim of the December murders
8 December 1982 Gerard Leckie, academic Victim of the December murders
8 December 1982 Surendre Rambocus, military officer Victim of the December murders

Trinidad and Tobago

Date Victim(s) Assassin(s) Notes
1 December 1699 José de León y Echales, Spanish governor of Trinidad Killed during the Arena Massacre
1 August 1990 Leo Des Vignes, MP Killed during the Jamaat al Muslimeen coup attempt
10 June 1995 Selwyn Richardson, former Attorrney-General
4 May 2014 Dana Seetahal, senator

United States

Date Victim(s) Assassin(s) Notes
May 8, 1815 David Ramsay, Delegate of the United States Continental Congress William Linnen Shot on Broad Street in Charleston, South Carolina with a Horseman's Pistol.
November 7, 1837 Elijah Parish Lovejoy, minister, editor, and abolitionist Killed by a pro-slavery mob.
June 22, 1839 Major Ridge, Cherokee leader Bird Doublehead and James Foreman Killed by a group of people who blamed Ridge, who signed the Treaty of New Echota, for the deaths of 4,000 Cherokees on the Trail of Tears. His son, John, and his nephew, Elias Boudinot, were also killed.
June 27, 1844 Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism Armed mob killed him and his brother, Hyrum, at the Carthage, Illinois, jail.
April 14, 1865 Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States John Wilkes Booth Was shot while watching the play Our American Cousin in the presidential box at Ford's Theater in Washington D.C. Lincoln died the next morning on April 15 across the street in a boarding house. Booth and accomplice David Herold hid in a barn in Virginia. Herold surrendered. When Booth refused to go out, the troops set the barn on fire. Booth remained inside the barn but was fatally shot in the neck by Union soldier Boston Corbett.
October 22, 1868 James M. Hinds, U.S. Representative from Arkansas George Clark Killed by a Ku Klux Klan member as part of intimidation of Republicans.
July 2, 1881 James A. Garfield, President of the United States Charles J. Guiteau Shot by Guiteau while waiting for a train at a Washington train station. Garfield did not die until September 19, 1881.
July 14, 1881 Billy the Kid, Outlaw Pat Garrett Shot by Garrett after a 2 month long manhunt in Fort Sumner, New Mexico Territory.
March 18, 1882 Morgan Earp, Sheriff Shot while playing billiards at the Campbell & Hatch Billiard Parlor in Tombstone, Arizona by Cowboys in retaliation for the Earp Brothers' killings of previous Outlaws.
April 3, 1882 Jesse James, Outlaw Robert Ford and Charles Ford Shot in the back of the head in St. Joseph, Missouri.
October 15, 1890 David Hennessy, Police Chief of New Orleans
June 8, 1892 Robert Ford, Outlaw Edward Capehart O'Kelley Shot in the neck with a shotgun while in his tent saloon in Creede, Colorado.
October 28, 1893 Carter Harrison Sr., Mayor of Chicago Patrick Eugene Prendergast Killed after assailant was rejected for appointment to a patronage position.
February 3, 1900 William Goebel, Governor of Kentucky Unknown political opponents Uncertain, but killed in the context of a disputed, fraudulent election.
September 6, 1901 William McKinley, President of the United States Leon Czolgosz Czolgosz shot McKinley while he was shaking hands at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York. Died on September 14.
October 21, 1905 Tomasso Petto, mobster in the Morello Crime Family Giuseppe de Primo (suspected) Shot while walking home from a butcher shop in the village of Browntown, Pennsylvania.
December 30, 1905 Frank Steunenberg, Governor of Idaho Harry Orchard Killed by a mining company informant in an attempt to cast blame on a labor union.
June 25, 1906 Stanford White, prominent architect Harry Kendall Thaw Thaw had harbored an obsessive hatred of White, believing he had blocked Thaw's access to the social elite of New York. White had also had a previous relationship with Thaw's wife, the model and chorus girl Evelyn Nesbit.
February 29, 1908 Pat Garrett, Old West lawman, customs agent Jesse Wayne Brazel (suspected) Shot while traveling from Las Cruces, New Mexico.
May 11, 1921 Anthony D'Andrea, mafia boss Shot while entering his apartment in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois.
November 6, 1928 Arnold Rothstein, crime boss Shot at Park Central Hotel at Seventh Avenue in Manhattan, New York and died 2 days later at the Stuyvesant Polyclinic Hospital.
March 6, 1933 Anton Cermak, Mayor of Chicago Giuseppe Zangara Disputed; suspected of striking Cermak instead of intended target President Franklin Roosevelt.
September 8, 1935 Huey Long, U.S. Senator from Louisiana and a potential 1936 U.S. presidential candidate Carl Weiss Shot with a handgun in the abdomen after attending a meeting at the State Capital building to help pass "House Bill Number One" by the son-in-law of Long's long-time opponent, Judge Benjamin Henry Pavy, and died two days later. Weiss was shot and killed by Long's bodyguards.
January 11, 1943 Carlo Tresca, anarchist organizer
June 20, 1947 Bugsy Siegel, mobster Shot while reading a newspaper in Virginia Hill's home in Beverly Hills, California.
April 19, 1951 Philip Mangano, Caporegime and Vincent "The Executioner" Mangano, Head of the Mangano Crime Family Albert Anastasia (suspected) Both brothers disappeared on April 19, 1951, with Philip's being discovered in a marshland area of Jamaica Bay in Brooklyn on the same day having been shot three times, while Vincent's was never discovered. Both were presumed to have been killed on the orders of family underboss Albert Anastasia.
October 25, 1957 Albert Anastasia, crime boss of the Murder, Inc. Corporation Vito Genovese and Carlo Gambino Shot multiple times while in the barber shop of the Park Sheraton Hotel at 56th Street and 7th Avenue in Midtown Manhattan
February 9, 1960 Adolph Coors III, heir to the Coors Brewing Company Joseph Corbett, Jr. Murdered in failed kidnap-for-ransom attempt.
June 12, 1963 Medgar Evers, African-American U.S. civil rights activist and leader of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in Mississippi.[9] Byron De La Beckwith Shot by a Ku Klux Klan member, who was convicted in 1994.
November 22, 1963 John F. Kennedy, President of the United States Lee Harvey Oswald Shot while traveling in a motorcade in Dallas, Texas. See Assassination of John F. Kennedy
November 24, 1963 Lee Harvey Oswald, assassin of John F. Kennedy Jack Ruby Shot on live television in the basement of the Dallas police department.
June 21, 1964 James Chaney, Andrew Goodman & Michael Schwerner, civil rights activists Ku Klux Klan Abducted and executed by members of the Ku Klux Klan for their work on the Freedom Summer campaign in an attempt to get African-Americans to register to vote in Neshoba County, Mississippi.
February 21, 1965 Malcolm X, black Muslim leader Talmadge Hayer, a member of the Nation of Islam Killed in a Manhattan banquet room as he began a speech. See Assassination of Malcolm X
January 10, 1966 Vernon Dahmer, President of the Forrest County chapter of NAACP The White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan lead by Samuel Bowers His home in Hattiesburg, Mississippi was fire bombed on the night of January 10, 1966 by the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan leaving Dahmer severely burnt before ultimately dying from smoke inhalation and severe burns to his lungs.
August 25, 1967 George Lincoln Rockwell, leader of the American Nazi Party John Patler, a former aide Shot in the chest as he was leaving a laundromat.
April 4, 1968 Martin Luther King Jr., U.S. civil rights activist[9] James Earl Ray[19] Ray pleaded guilty but later recanted, while a 1999 civil trial convicted restaurant owner Loyd Jowers and 'unknown others', while also noting that 'governmental agencies were parties' to the plot.[20] See Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.
June 5, 1968 Robert F. Kennedy, U.S. Senator from New York and a leading 1968 Democratic presidential candidate Sirhan Sirhan Shot after giving a speech after winning the California primary. Died 26 hours later on June 6. Sirhan was convicted on April 17, 1969, and less than a week later was sentenced to death.[21] The sentence was commuted to life in prison in 1972 after the California Supreme Court, in its decision in California v. Anderson, invalidated all pending death sentences imposed in California prior to 1972.
June 13, 1969 Clarence 13X, religious leader, founder of the Five-Percent Nation Was killed in an ambush while in the lobby of his apartment building in New York City.
August 9, 1969 Sharon Tate, actress; Jay Sebring, celebrity hairstylist; Abigail Folger, coffee heiress; and her boyfriend, Wojciech Frykowski The Manson Family All were stabbed multiple times at Tate’s home in Los Angeles, California.
August 10, 1969 Leno LaBianca, supermarket executive LaBianca and his wife, Rosemary, were stabbed multiple times at their home in Los Angeles, California.
December 4, 1969 Fred Hampton, deputy chairman of the Black Panther Party Chicago Police Department, with involvement by the Federal Bureau of Investigation Killed by the Chicago Police Department in a raid. The status of this as an assassination is somewhat disputed; however many sources see this as an assassination or at least a politically motivated extrajudicial execution, with support from the FBI's COINTELPRO program.[22][23][24][25][26][27]
November 6, 1973 Marcus Foster, School District Superintendent in Oakland, CA Donald DeFreeze, Joe Remiro and Russ Little Killed by members of the Symbionese Liberation Army.
June 30, 1974 Alberta Williams King, mother of Martin Luther King Jr., and Edward Boykin, church deacon Marcus Chenault Killed while her husband was preaching at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia.
November 13, 1974 Karen Silkwood, nuclear whistleblower and union activist Run off the road while on her way to provide documents to The New York Times about negligent safety and security at a nuclear-waste reprocessing facility in Cimarron, Oklahoma.
September 21, 1976 Orlando Letelier, Chilean ambassador to the United States during the administration of President Salvador Allende Michael Townley Killed along with his American assistant, Ronni Moffitt, by a car bomb placed by Chilean DINA agents.
June 29, 1978 Bob Crane, actor and musician Found beaten to death in Scottsdale, Arizona.
November 27, 1978 Harvey Milk, San Francisco Supervisor, first openly gay elected official in the US, and gay rights activist, and George Moscone, mayor of San Francisco Dan White, former San Francisco Supervisor who opposed Milk's advocacy See Moscone–Milk assassinations
May 29, 1979 John H. Wood Jr., District Judge Charles Harrelson Shot dead in the parking lot of his townhouse in San Antonio, Texas by Harrelson who was hired by drug dealer Jamiel Chagra.
March 21, 1980 Angelo "The Gentle Don" Bruno, Boss of the Philadelphia Crime Family Antonio Caponigro (alleged) Shot in the back of the head with a shotgun while waiting at the intersection of 10th Street and Snyder Avenue in the Lower Moyamensing neighborhood in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His murder is credited with sparking the 4 year Philadelphia Mob War which went on to claim over 20 lives.
April 18, 1980 Antonio Caponigro, Consigliere Philadelphia Crime Family Executed by the Commission along with his brother-in-law for their involvement in the death of Angelo Bruno, their bodies were found in the trunk of a car in The Bronx battered and naked.
October 28, 1980 Frank Sindone, loan shark Philadelphia Crime Family Found dead in an alley behind a variety store in South Philadelphia after being shot three times in the head for his involvement in the death of Angelo Bruno.
December 8, 1980 John Lennon, British musician, member of The Beatles Mark David Chapman Shot and killed by a former fan of the Beatles, who grew to resent Lennon due to statements and actions that he perceived as anti-Christian (most prominently Lennon's joke that the Beatles were "more popular than Jesus") and hypocritical. See Murder of John Lennon.
March 15, 1981 Philip "The Chicken Man" Testa, crime boss of the Philadelphia Crime Family Peter Casella & Frank Narducci Sr. (allegedly) Blown up by a nail bomb while entering his twin house on 2117 Porter Street in South Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
March 30, 1981 Thor Nis Christiansen, serial killer Stabbed to death in the exercise yard at Folsom State Prison by an unknown assailant likely due to the severe sexual nature of his murders.
July 13, 1981 Ken McElroy, attempted murderer, pedophile, criminal The Town of Skidmore, Missouri Shot in broad daylight while sitting in his truck in front of Main Street in Skidmore, Missouri in front of a crowd of 30-46 people.
September 19, 1981 Frank Piccolo, caporegime Paul Castellano (suspected) Shot to death in a telephone booth on a street in Bridgeport on the orders of Paul Castellano for his encroachment on the Genovese Crime Family's control of rackets in Connecticut.
May 13, 1982 Frank Monte, Consigliere Harry Riccobene Shot with a sniper rifle in South Philadelphia on the orders of high-ranking crime boss Harry Riccobene during the Scarfo-Riccobene Gang War.
January 10, 1983 Roy DeMeo, mobster The Gambino Crime Family Found dead in the trunk of his car in the parking lot of the Veruna Boat Club in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn having been shot multiple times.
January 20, 1983 Allen Dorfman, insurance agency owner, consultant to IBT the Chicago Mafia (alleged) Shot to death in the parking lot of the Lincolnwell Hyatt in Lincolnwood, Illinois.
June 18, 1984 Alan Berg, radio talk-show host Jean Craig, David Lane, Bruce Pierce, and Richard Scutari Killed by members of the white nationalist group The Order.
October 15, 1984 Henry Liu, Taiwanese-American writer Wu Tun and Tung Kuei-sen Allegedly killed by Kuomintang agents.
September 14, 1984 Salvatore Testa, underboss for the Philadelphia Crime Family Nicodemo Scarfo Shot dead on the side of the road in Gloucester Township, New Jersey on the orders of the current boss Nicodemo Scarfo.
October 11, 1985 Alex Odeh, Arab anti-discrimination group leader Irv Rubin, Robert Manning, Andy Green, Keith Fuchs (suspected) Killed when a bomb exploded in his Santa Ana, California office.
December 16, 1985 Paul Castellano, crime boss of the Gambino Crime Family and Thomas Bilotti, mobster John Gotti Shot to death in an unsanctioned hit at Sparks Steak House in Midtown Manhattan on East 46th Street near Third Avenue.
February 19, 1986 Barry Seal Luis Carlos Quintero-Cruz, Miguel Vélez, Bernardo Antonio Vázquez and other members of the Medellín Cartel Shot 6x outside of the Salvation Army Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and died almost instantaneously.[28]
April 13, 1986 Frank DeCicco, underboss of the Gambino Crime Family Victor Amuso & Anthony Casso Killed while on a visit to Castellano loyalist James Failla in Dyker Heights, Brooklyn under the orders of Vincent Gigante and Anthony Corallo of the Lucchese Family.
April 29, 1986 Alejandro González Malavé, undercover policeman Killed in Bayamón, Puerto Rico.
June 13, 1986 Vladimir Reznikov, gangster Joseph Testa & Anthony Senter Ambushed and shot dead by Testa in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, New York City while collecting money owed to him for a fraudulent gas license.
August 22, 1989 Huey Newton, founder of the Black Panther Party Tyrone Robinson Killed by member of the Black Guerrilla Army (BGA).
December 16, 1989 Robert Vance, Federal Appeals Judge Walter Leroy Moody Moody was convicted in 1991 of sending Judge Vance a mail-bomb as a personal vendetta; however, attorney Daniel Sheehan has claimed Judge Vance was assassinated to influence the outcome of the Iran-Contra litigation Avrignan v. Hull.
November 5, 1990 Meir David Kahane, Member of the Israeli Knesset, founder of the JDL and the Kach Party, Zionist El Said Nosair Killed by an Arab gunman in a Manhattan hotel who was found guilty of conspiracy charges linking him to Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman, "the blind sheik", Al Qaeda's point man in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Kahane's assassination was Al Qaeda's first act of terror on US soil.
April 13, 1991 Bobby Boriello, mobster Frank Lastorino Shot seven times outside his home on Bay 29th Street Bensonhurst, Brooklyn on the orders of Lucchese Crime Family underboss Anthony Casso.
May 21, 1991 Ioan P. Culianu, Romanian historian of religion, culture, and ideas Killed at the University of Chicago where he taught at the University of Chicago Divinity School Swift Hall, allegedly due to opposition to his writings.
March 10, 1993 David Gunn, abortion provider Michael F. Griffin Shot outside his clinic.
July 29, 1994 John Britton, physician, abortion provider Paul Jennings Hill Shot at his clinic.
March 31, 1995 Selena Quintanilla-Pérez, singer and songwriter Yolanda Saldívar Shot in Corpus Christi, Texas by fan club manager.
September 30, 1995 Stretch, rapper Ronald Washington (suspected) Shot four times in the back during a car chase before crashing at 112th Avenue and 209th Street in Queens, New York.
September 13, 1996 Tupac Shakur, rapper Orlando Anderson (suspected) Shot in Las Vegas after leaving a boxing match.
March 9, 1997 Christopher "Notorious B.I.G." Wallace, rapper Wardell Fouse (suspected) Shot in Los Angeles.
July 15, 1997 Gianni Versace, fashion designer Andrew Cunanan Shot on his home's front steps in Miami.
October 19, 1998 Tommy Burks, member of the Tennessee Senate Byron (Low Tax) Looper Shot and killed on his property in Cookeville, Tennessee by his Republican Party opponent a month before the election.
October 23, 1998 Barnett Slepian, physician, abortion provider James Charles Kopp Shot in his kitchen.
February 15, 1999 Big L, rapper Gerard Woodley (suspected) Killed in a Drive-By-Shooting after being shot nine times at 45 West 139th Street, New York City.
October 30, 2002 Jam Master Jay, rapper Karl Jordan Jr. & Ronald Washington (suspected) Shot dead in his recording studio on Merrick Boulevard in Jamaica, Queens, New York City.
July 23, 2003 James E. Davis, member of the New York City Council Othniel Askew Shot in the torso while introducing Askew on the balcony of the New York City Hall.
November 23, 2003 Adolfo Bruno, caporegime with the Genovese crime family Arthur Nigro Shot five times in the parking lot of the Society of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Club in Springfield, Massachusetts after a hit had been ordered by the acting boss of the Genovese crime family Arthur Nigro.
November 1, 2004 Mac Dre, rapper Anthony "Fat Tone" Watkins (alleged) After performing a show in Kansas City, Missouri along with other Thizz Entertainment members the groups Van was shot at by an unknown assailant while traveling on U.S. Route 71 causing the van to crash and Mac Dre was later pronounced dead at the scene from a bullet wound to the neck.
December 8, 2004 Dimebag Darrell, musician Nathan Gale Shot while performing onstage at the Alrosa Villa Nightclub in Columbus, Ohio.
April 19, 2005 Blade Icewood, rapper Murdered while at the car wash on West 7 Mile Road and Faust Street on the West Side of Detroit, Michigan after an unknown assailant pulled up on his Range Rover and fired 17 rounds into the passenger's side.
January 1, 2007 Darrent Williams, football player Crips Gang Members Killed in a drive-by-shooting after an unknown assailant pulled up next to his rented Hummer H2 limousine in downtown Denver, Colorado.
August 2, 2007 Chauncey Bailey, Oakland Tribune journalist Devaughndre Broussard Shot on the street in Oakland.
February 7, 2008 Mike Swoboda, Mayor of Kirkwood, Missouri Charles "Cookie" Thornton See Kirkwood City Council shooting
April 20, 2008 VL Mike, rapper Shot multiple times while exiting his vehicle on 4700 block of Miles Drive in New Orleans, Louisiana and later died at University Hospital.
May 31, 2009 George Tiller, physician Scott Roeder Shot by anti-abortion extremist as he ushered at his church.
July 1, 2010 Lele El Arma Secreta, rapper, drug trafficker LA ONU Found with 24 gunshot wounds in a car in Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico. Believed to have been ordered by LA ONU, a group he had allegedly been a member of according to the United States Department of Justice.
January 8, 2011 John Roll, Chief Judge Jared Lee Loughner Shot by Loughner along with his main target Gabrielle Giffords in a supermarket parking lot in Casas Adobes, Arizona during the Congress on Your Corner meeting.
June 17, 2015 Clementa C. Pinckney, South Carolina Senator Dylann Roof Shot and killed by Roof during the Charleston Church Shooting in South Carolina.
June 10, 2016 Christina Grimmie, singer Kevin Loibl Shot while signing autographs in Orlando, Florida.
June 18, 2018 Jahseh "XXXTentacion" Onfroy, rapper and singer Michael Boatwright Shot while in his car in Deerfield, Florida.
June 18, 2018 Jimmy Wopo, rapper Killed during a drive-by-shooting in Pittsburgh's Hill District neighborhood in Pennsylvania and died an hour later at UPMC Presbyterian.
October 30, 2018 Whitey Bulger, crime boss of the Winter Hill Gang Fotios Geas, Paul J. DeCologero & Sean McKinnon (accused) Found beaten to death with a padlock-sock and a shiv in his wheelchair after being transferred to the United States Penitentiary, Hazelton, West Virginia.
March 31, 2019 Nipsey Hussle, rapper and producer Eric Ronald Holder, Jr. Shot in front of his clothing store, Marathon Clothing, in South Los Angeles.
November 11, 2020 MO3, rapper Kewon Dontrell White & Devin Maurice Brown Hunted down and shot to death while he was driving on the Interstate 35 in Dallas, Texas.
November 17, 2021 Young Dolph, rapper Justin Johnson, Cornelius Smith & Shundale Barnett (suspected) Shot twenty two times while picking up cookies for his mother at Makeda's Homemade Butter Cookies in Memphis, Tennessee.
February 18, 2023 David G. O'Connell, Catholic bishop Carlos Medina (alleged) Shot at his home in Los Angeles, California.


Date Victim(s) Assassin(s) Notes
February 19, 1868 Bernardo P. Berro, former President of Uruguay
February 19, 1868 Venancio Flores, former President of Uruguay
August 25, 1897 Juan Idiarte Borda, President of Uruguay Avelino Arredondo Shot by a supporter of José Batlle y Ordóñez
February 23, 1965 Herberts Cukurs, Latvian aviator and fugitive war criminal Mossad Killed for his role in the Holocaust in Latvia
August 10, 1970 Dan Mitrione, U.S. Office of Public Safety advisor Tupamaros
November 15, 1992 Eugenio Berríos, Chilean chemist who worked for the DINA during the Pinochet dictatorship Chilean Government Killed in Uruguay by Chilean secret services for "knowing too much".


Date Victim(s) Assassin(s) Notes
June 4, 1830 Antonio José de Sucre, independence leader
November 13, 1950 Carlos Delgado Chalbaud, President of Venezuela[16] Rafael Simón Urbina
November 13, 1950 Rafael Simón Urbina, opponent of President Juan Vicente Gómez and assassin of President Carlos Delgado Chalbaud
October 21, 1952 Leonardo Ruiz Pineda, member and one of the founders of Acción Democrática Dirección de Seguridad Nacional Assassinated by dictator Marcos Pérez Jiménez's political police[29]
November 18, 2004 Danilo Anderson, state prosecutor
May 17, 2011 Wilfred Iván Ojeda, journalist
April 2, 2012 Jesús Aguilarte, governor of Apure
October 1, 2014 Robert Serra, member of the National Assembly
May 6, 2016 Germán Mavare, A New Era politician
January 15, 2018 Óscar Alberto Pérez, Venezuelan rebel leader and Investigator for the Cuerpo de Investigaciones Científicas, Penales y Criminalísticas. Venezuelan National Guard
October 8, 2018 Fernando Albán, Justice First councilman Bolivarian Intelligence Service In May 2021, Nicolás Maduro's Attorney General, Tarek William Saab, admitted that Albán did not commit suicide, as initially reported by government officials, but was killed.[30]
March 6, 2019 Alí Domínguez, journalist
October 16, 2019 Edmundo Rada, Popular Will councilman Special Action Forces officers suspected of the killing.[31][32]





Date Victim(s) Assassin(s) Notes
2 June 1802 Pemulwuy, Aboriginal resistance fighter Henry Hacking Shot and killed by British sailor Henry Hacking under orders by Governor Phillip Gidley King
12 February 1894 William Paisley, Mayor of Burwood, New South Wales William Redfearn Murder-suicide by Redfearn
23 June 1975 Shirley Finn, brothel keeper, nightclub operator and socialite Possibly killed in retaliation for being a whistle blower.
4 July 1975 Juanita Nielsen, newspaper publisher, journalist and urban heritage activist Disappeared. Ruled a murder at a 1983 coronial inquest.
15 July 1977 Donald Mackay, anti-drugs campaigner
17 December 1980 Şarık Arıyak, Turkish Consul General Justice Commandos of the Armenian Genocide
10 January 1989 Colin Winchester, Assistant Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police
5 September 1994 John Newman, New South Wales State Member for Cabramatta Phuong Ngo, local club owner and political opponent

New Caledonia

Date Victim(s) Assassin(s) Notes
May 4, 1989 Jean-Marie Tjibaou, Kanak independence leader Djubelly Wéa


Date Victim(s) Assassin(s) Notes
July 16, 1999 Luagalau Levaula Kamu, Minister of Public Works Eletise Leafa Vitale, son of the victim's disgraced predecessor Leafa Vitale


Date Victim(s) Assassin(s) Notes
June 30, 1985 Haruo Remeliik, President of Palau Unknown

Solomon Islands

Date Victim(s) Assassin(s) Notes
August 20, 2002 Augustine Geve, Minister for Youth, Women and Sports Ronnie Cawa, Francis Lela, Harold Keke

West Papua

Date Victim(s) Assassin(s) Notes
April 26, 1984 Arnold Ap, songman and ethnomusicologist Shot in back by an Indonesian military unit upon release from prison[33]
March 14, 1996 Thomas Wainggai, Independence leader Allegedly poisoned by Indonesian intelligence officers in Cipinang prison.[33]
November 10, 2001 Theys Eluay, West Papuan Independence movement leader Assassinated by Kopassus officers after attending a military dinner in Jayapura[33]
December 16, 2009 Kelly Kwalik, West Papuan guerrilla leader Assassinated by Detachment 88 officers in Timika[33]
June 14, 2012 Mako Tabuni, Chairman of the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) Assassinated by Detachment 88 officers in Jayapura[34]

See also


  1. ^ Parker, Matthew (2011). The sugar barons : family, corruption, empire, and war in the West Indies. New York: Walker & Co. ISBN 978-0-8027-7799-7. OCLC 759854065.
  2. ^ Fischer, David Hackett (1989). Albion's seed : four British folkways in America. New York: Oxford University Press. p. 319. ISBN 0-19-503794-4. OCLC 20012134. Archived from the original on 2022-01-26. Retrieved 2022-09-22.
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  7. ^ Délano, Manuel (27 December 2009). "Veneno para un magnicidio". El País. Archived from the original on 2022-09-21. Retrieved 2012-01-29.
  8. ^ "Habla Mayor (R) Carlos Herrera Jimenez, procesado por el Caso Tucapel". 2008-01-17. Archived from the original on 2008-01-17. Retrieved 2012-01-29.
  9. ^ a b c d e f World Almanac 2004, p156
  10. ^ "Farc asume responsabilidad en homicidio de Álvaro Gómez Hurtado y en otros cinco casos". Archived from the original on 2022-03-18. Retrieved 2022-05-07.
  11. ^ "Muere un hombre, nace un mito" [A man dies, a myth is born]. La Nación. 27 Feb 2023. Archived from the original on 12 Jan 2010. Retrieved 27 Feb 2023.
  12. ^ "Ricardo Moreno Cañas". Lectorí Archived from the original on 2016-07-02. Retrieved 2010-02-11.
  13. ^ "In Ecuador, the mayor of the city of Manta is assassinated in a brazen attack". NBC. 24 July 2023. Retrieved 25 August 2023.
  14. ^ "Fernando Villavicencio: Candidate in Ecuador's presidential election shot dead". BBC. 10 August 2023. Retrieved 10 August 2023.
  15. ^ Téllez, Carmen Helena (2001), "Machado, Marianella", Oxford Music Online, Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/gmo/9781561592630.article.46813, archived from the original on 2022-09-21, retrieved 2021-01-26
  16. ^ a b c d e World Almanac 1967, p257
  17. ^ a b c World Almanac 1982, p750
  18. ^ "Mexican politician shot dead by lurking assassin as he posed for selfie". Daily Mirror. June 11, 2018. Archived from the original on June 19, 2020. Retrieved March 17, 2020.
  19. ^ Some conspiracy theories dispute this
  20. ^ "Complete Transcript of 1999 MLK, Jr. Assassination Conspiracy Trial". Archived from the original on 2022-04-26. Retrieved 2022-09-22.
  21. ^ "Sirhan Sirhan Kept Behind Bars". CBS. 2003-03-06. Archived from the original on 2013-10-05. Retrieved 2008-05-18.
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  23. ^ Martin, Alison (2020-12-02). "This week in history: Fred Hampton's murder makes headlines". Chicago Sun-Times. Archived from the original on 2021-02-13. Retrieved 2021-01-15.
  24. ^ Lee, William (3 December 2019). "In 1969, charismatic Black Panthers leader Fred Hampton was killed in a hail of gunfire. 50 years later, the fight against police brutality continues". Archived from the original on 2021-01-09. Retrieved 2021-01-15.
  25. ^ Haas, Jeffrey (2011). The Assassination of Fred Hampton: How the FBI and the Chicago Police Murdered a Black Panther. Lawrence Hill Books. ISBN 978-1569767092.
  26. ^ Taylor, G. Flint, Founding Partner, People's Law Office (2012-12-05). "'Nothing but a Northern Lynching': The Assassination of Fred Hampton". HuffPost. Archived from the original on 2021-05-14. Retrieved 2021-01-15.{cite web}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  27. ^ "The Assassination · The Assassination of Fred Hampton · Digital Chicago". Archived from the original on 2020-11-02. Retrieved 2021-01-15.
  28. ^ Gugliotta, Guy; Leen, Jeff (1989). Kings of Cocaine: Inside the Medellín Cartel - An Astonishing True Story of Murder, Money and International Corruption. New York: Simon and Schuster. ISBN 978-0-671-64957-9.
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  30. ^ "Tarek Saab asegura que hay "falta de transparencia" en proceso de CPI". Analítica (in Spanish). 2021-05-01. Retrieved 2021-05-12.
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  32. ^ "Venezuela wins seat on U.N. rights council despite U.S. opposition". Reuters. 2019-10-17. Retrieved 2019-10-19.
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