List of compositions by Arnold Schoenberg

Schoenberg by Man Ray (1927)

The following is a list of all the compositions by Austrian composer Arnold Schoenberg.

Compositions with opus numbers

Op. No. Title Year(s) of composition
1 Zwei Gesänge [Two Songs] for baritone 1898
2 Vier Lieder [Four Songs] 1899/1900
3 Sechs Lieder [Six Songs] 1899/1903
4 Verklärte Nacht [Transfigured Night] 1899
5 Pelleas und Melisande 1902/03
6 Acht Lieder [Eight Songs] for soprano 1903/05
7 String Quartet No. 1, D minor 1904/05
8 Sechs Lieder [Six Songs] with orchestra 1903/05
9 Kammersymphonie [Chamber symphony] No. 1, E major 1906
10 String Quartet No. 2, F minor (with Soprano) 1907/08
11 Drei Klavierstücke 1909
12 Zwei Balladen [Two Ballads] 1906
13 Friede auf Erden [Peace on Earth] 1907
14 Zwei Lieder [Two Songs] 1907/08
15 15 Gedichte aus Das Buch der hängenden Gärten (15 Poems from The Book of the Hanging Gardens) by Stefan George 1908/09
16 Fünf Orchesterstücke [Five Pieces for Orchestra] 1909
17 Erwartung [Expectation], monodrama in one act, for soprano and orchestra 1909
18 Die glückliche Hand [The lucky hand], drama with music, for voices and orchestra 1910/13
19 Sechs kleine Klavierstücke [Six little piano pieces] 1911
20 Herzgewächse [Foliage of the heart] for soprano, celesta, harmonium, harp 1911
21 Pierrot Lunaire 1912
22 Four Orchestral Songs 1913/16
23 Fünf Stücke [Five Pieces] for Piano 1920/23
24 Serenade 1920/23
25 Suite for Piano 1921/23
26 Wind Quintet 1924
27 Vier Stücke [Four Pieces] 1925
28 Drei Satiren [Three Satires] 1925/26
29 Suite, for septet 1924/26
30 String Quartet No. 3 1927
31 Variations for Orchestra 1926/28
32 Von heute auf morgen [From today to tomorrow] opera in one act 1928
33 Zwei Klavierstücke [2 Piano Pieces] 1928/31
34 Begleitungsmusik zu einer Lichtspielscene [Accompaniment to a Film Scene] 1930
35 Sechs Stücke [Six Pieces] for male chorus 1930
36 Violin Concerto 1934/36
37 String Quartet No. 4 1936
38 Kammersymphonie [Chamber symphony] No. 2, E minor 1906/39
39 Kol nidre for chorus and orchestra 1938
40 Variations in D minor on a recitative for Organ 1941
41 Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte for voice, piano and string quartet 1942
42 Piano Concerto 1942
43a Theme and Variations for Band 1943
43b Theme and Variations for Orchestra 1943
44 Prelude to Genesis Suite for chorus and orchestra 1945
45 String Trio 1946
46 A Survivor from Warsaw 1947
47 Phantasy for violin and piano 1949
48 Three Songs 1933
49 Three Folksongs 1948
50a Dreimal tausend Jahre [Three times a thousand years] 1949
50b Psalm 130 "De profundis" 1950
50c Modern psalm unfinished

Works by genre




Vocal/choral orchestral

  • 6 Lieder [6 Songs] with orchestra, Op. 8 (1903/05)
  • Gurre-Lieder [Songs of Gurre] (1901/11)
  • 4 Lieder [4 Songs] for Voice and Orchestra, Op. 22 (1913/16)
  • Kol nidre for Chorus and Orchestra, Op. 39 (1938)
  • Prelude to Genesis Suite for Chorus and Orchestra, Op. 44 (1945)
  • A Survivor from Warsaw, Op. 46 (1947)


  • Theme and Variations, Op. 43a (1943)


  • Notturno for Harp and Strings, also known as Adagio für Streicher und Harfe (1896)
  • Serenade in D major (first movement; a scherzo, slow movement, and finale partially completed. 1896)
  • String Quartet
  • untitled work in D minor for violin and piano (unknown year)
  • Verklärte Nacht [Transfigured Night] (string sextet), Op. 4 (1899)
  • Ein Stelldichein [A Rendezvous] for Mixed Quintet (1905), fragment
  • Die eiserne Brigade [The Iron Brigade] for Piano Quintet (1916)
  • Serenade, for seven players, Op. 24 (1920/23)
  • Weihnachtsmusik [Christmas music] for two violins, cello, harmonium, and piano (1921)
  • Wind Quintet, Op. 26 (1924) 1. Schwungvoll, 2. Anmutig und heiter: Scherzando, 3. Etwas langsam, 4. Rondo
  • Suite for three clarinets (E, B, and bass), violin, viola, violoncello and piano, Op. 29 (1925) (with ossia flute and bassoon parts substituting for E and bass clarinet)
  • Sonata for violin and piano (1927) (a 43-bar fragment)
  • Suite for Strings in G Major in five movements (1934)
  • Fanfare on motifs of Die Gurre-Lieder (11 brass instruments and percussion) (1945)
  • String Trio, Op. 45 (1946)
  • Phantasy for violin and piano, Op. 47 (1949)


  • Drei Klavierstücke [3 Pieces] (1894)
  • 6 Stücke [6 Pieces] for 4 hands (1896)
  • Scherzo (Gesamtausgabe fragment 1) (ca. 1894)
  • Leicht, mit einiger Unruhe [Lightly with some restlessness], C minor (Gesamtausgabe fragment 2) (ca. 1900)
  • Langsam [Slowly], A major (Gesamtausgabe fragment 3) (1900/01)
  • Wenig bewegt, sehr zart [Calmly, very gentle], B major (Gesamtausgabe fragment 4) (1905/06)
  • 2 Stücke [2 Pieces] (Gesamtausgabe fragments 5a & 5b) (1909)
  • Drei Klavierstücke, Op. 11 (1909)
  • Stück [Piece] (Gesamtausgabe fragment 6) (1909)
  • Stück [Piece] (Gesamtausgabe fragment 7) (1909)
  • Stück [Piece] (Gesamtausgabe fragment 8) (ca. 1910)
  • Sechs kleine Klavierstücke, Op. 19 (1911)
  • Mäßig, aber sehr ausdrucksvoll [Measured, but very expressive] (Gesamtausgabe fragment 9) (March 1918)
  • Langsam [Slowly] (Gesamtausgabe fragment 10) (Summer 1920)
  • Stück [Piece] (Gesamtausgabe fragment 11) (Summer 1920)
  • Fünf Klavierstücke, Op. 23 (1923)
  • Langsame Halbe [Slow half-notes], B (Gesamtausgabe fragment 12) (1925)
  • Suite, Op. 25 (1921/23)
  • Klavierstück, Op. 33a (1929)
  • Klavierstück, Op. 33b (1931)
  • Quarter note = mm. 80 (Gesamtausgabe fragment 13) (February 1931)
  • Sehr rasch; Adagio [Very fast; Slowly] (Gesamtausgabe fragment 14) (July 1931)
  • Andante (Gesamtausgabe fragment 15) (10 October 1931)
  • Piece (Gesamtausgabe fragment 16) (after October 1933)
  • Moderato (Gesamtausgabe fragment 17) (April 1934?)
  • Organ Sonata (fragments) (1941)


  • Ei, du Lütte [Oh, you little one] (late 1890s)
  • Friede auf Erden [Peace on Earth], Op. 13 (1907)
  • Die Jakobsleiter [Jacob's Ladder] (1917/22, unfinished)
  • 3 Satiren [3 Satires], Op. 28 (1925/26)
  • 3 Volksliedsätze [3 Folksong Movements] (1929)
  • 6 Stücke [6 Pieces] for Male Chorus, Op. 35 (1930)
  • 3 Folksongs, Op. 49 (1948)
  • Dreimal tausend Jahre [Three Times a Thousand Years], Op. 50a (1949)
  • Psalm 130 "De profundis", Op. 50b (1950)
  • Modern Psalm, Op. 50c (1950, unfinished)


  • Gedenken (Es steht sein Bild noch immer da) [Remembrance (His picture is still there)] (1893/1903?)
  • "In hellen Träumen hab' ich dich oft geschaut" [In vivid dreams so oft you appeared to me] (1893)
  • 12 erste Lieder [12 First songs] (1893/96)
  • "Ein Schilflied (Drüben geht die Sonne scheiden)" [A bulrush song (Yonder is the sun departing)] (1893)
  • "Warum bist du aufgewacht" [Why have you awakened] (1893/94)
  • "Waldesnacht, du wunderkühle" [Forest night, so wondrous cool] (1894/96)
  • "Ecloge (Duftreich ist die Erde)" [Eclogue (Fragrant is the earth)] (1896/97)
  • "Mädchenfrühling (Aprilwind, alle Knospen)" [Maiden's spring (April wind, all abud)] (1897)
  • "Mädchenlied (Sang ein Bettlerpärlein am Schenkentor)" [Maiden's song (A pair of beggars sang at the pub's door)] (1897/1900)
  • "Mailied (Zwischen Weizen und Korn)" [May song (Between wheat and grain)]
  • "Nicht doch! (Mädel, lass das Stricken)" [But no! (Girl, stop knitting)] (1897)
  • 2 Gesänge [2 Songs] for baritone, Op. 1 (1898)
  • 4 Lieder [4 Songs], Op. 2 (1899)
  • 6 Lieder [6 Songs], Op. 3 (1899/1903)
  • "Die Beiden (Sie trug den Becher in der Hand)" [The two (She carried the goblet in her hand)] (1899)
  • "Mannesbangen (Du musst nicht meinen)" [Men's worries (You should not think)] (1899)
  • "Gruss in die Ferne (Dunkelnd über den See)" [Hail from afar (Darkened over the sea)] (August 1900). Text by Hermann Lingg (1868)
  • 8 Brettllieder [8 Cabaret songs] (1901)
  • "Deinem Blick mich zu bequemen" [To submit to your sweet glance] (1903)
  • 8 Lieder [8 Songs] for soprano, Op. 6 (1903/05)
  • 2 Balladen [2 Ballads], Op. 12 (1906)
  • 2 Lieder [2 Songs], Op. 14 (1907/08)
  • 15 Gedichte aus Das Buch der hängenden Gärten [15 Poems from The book of the Hanging Gardens] by Stefan George, Op. 15 (1908/09)
  • "Am Strande" [At the seashore] (1909)
  • Herzgewächse [Foliage of the heart] for high soprano (with harp, celesta & harmonium) Op. 20 (1911)
  • Pierrot lunaire, Op. 21 (1912) (reciter with 5 instruments)
  • "Petrarch-Sonnet" from Serenade, Op. 24 (1920/23) (bass with 7 instruments)
  • 4 Deutsche Volkslieder [4 German folksongs] (1929)
  • Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte for voice, piano and string quartet, Op. 41 (1942). Based on Lord Byron's poem of the same name.
  • 3 Songs, Op. 48 (1933)


  • O daß der Sinnen doch so viele sind! [Oh, the senses are too numerous!] (Bärenreiter I) (April? 1905) (4 voices)
  • Wenn der schwer Gedrückte klagt [When the sore oppressed complains] (Bärenreiter II) (April? 1905) (4 voices)
  • Wer mit der Welt laufen will [He who wants to run with the world] (for David Bach) (Bärenreiter XXI) (March 1926; July 1934) (3 voices)
  • Canon (Bärenreiter IV) (April 1926) (4 voices)
  • Von meinen Steinen [From my stones] (for Erwin Stein) (Bärenreiter V) (December 1926) (4 voices)
  • Arnold Schönberg beglückwünschst herzlichst Concert Gebouw [Arnold Schoenberg congratulates the Concert Gebouw affectionately] (Bärenreiter VI) (March 1928) (5 voices)
  • Mirror canon with two free middle voices, A major (Bärenreiter VIII) (April 1931) (4 voices)
  • Jedem geht es so [No man can escape] (for Carl Engel) (Bärenreiter XIII) (April 1933; text 1943) (3 voices)
  • Mir auch ist es so ergangen [I, too, was not better off] (for Carl Engel) (Bärenreiter XIV) (April 1933; text 1943) (3 voices)
  • Perpetual canon, A minor (Bärenreiter XV) (1933) (4 voices)
  • Mirror canon, A minor (Bärenreiter XVI) (1933) (4 voices)
  • Es ist zu dumm [It is too dumb] (for Rudolph Ganz) (Bärenreiter XXII) (September 1934) (4 voices)
  • Man mag über Schönberg denken, wie man will [One might think about Schoenberg any way one wants to] (for Charlotte Dieterle) (Bärenreiter XXIII) (1935) (4 voices)
  • Double canon (Bärenreiter XXV) (1938) (4 voices)
  • Mr. Saunders I owe you thanks (for Richard Drake Saunders) (Bärenreiter XXVI) (December 1939) (4 voices)
  • I am almost sure, when your nurse will change your diapers (for Artur Rodzinsky on the birth of his son Richard) (Bärenreiter XXVIII) (March 1945) (4 voices)
  • Canon for Thomas Mann on his 70th birthday (Bärenreiter XXIX) (June 1945) (2 violins, viola, violoncello)
  • Gravitationszentrum eigenen Sonnensystems [You are the center of gravity of your own solar system] (Bärenreiter XXX) (August 1949) (4 voices)

Transcriptions and arrangements

  • Bach: Chorale prelude on "Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele" [Deck thyself, oh dear soul], BWV 654 (arr. 1922: orchestra)
  • Bach: Chorale prelude on "Komm, Gott Schöpfer, Heiliger Geist" [Come, God, Creator, Holy ghost], BWV 631 (arr. 1922: orchestra)
  • Bach: Prelude and fugue in E major "St Anne", BWV 552 (arr. 1928: orchestra)
  • Brahms: Piano quartet in G minor, Op. 25 (arr. 1937: orchestra)
  • Busoni: Berceuse élégiaque, Op. 42 (arr. 1920: flute, clarinet, string quintet, piano, harmonium)
  • Denza: Funiculì, Funiculà (arr. 1921: voice, clarinet, mandolin, guitar, violin, viola, violoncello)
  • Mahler: Das Lied von der Erde [The Song of the Earth] (arr. Arnold Schoenberg & Anton Webern, 1921; completed by Rainer Riehn, 1983: soprano, flute & piccolo, oboe & English horn, clarinet, bassoon & contrabassoon, horn, harmonium, piano, 2 violins, viola, violoncello, double bass)
  • Mahler: Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen [Songs of a Wayfarer] (arr. 1920: voice, flute, clarinet, harmonium, piano, 2 violins, viola, violoncello, double bass, percussion)
  • Monn: Concerto for cello in G minor, transcribed and adapted from Monn's Concerto for harpsichord (1932/33)
  • Max Reger: Eine romantische Suite [A Romantic Suite], Op. 125 (arr. Arnold Schoenberg & Rudolf Kolisch, 1919/1920: flute, clarinet, 2 violins, viola, violoncello, harmonium for 4 hands, piano for 4 hands)
  • Schubert: Rosamunde, Fürstin von Zypern Incidental music, D. 797 (arr. 1903?: piano for 4 hands)
  • Schubert: Ständchen [Serenade], D. 889 (arr. 1921: voice, clarinet, bassoon, mandolin, guitar, 2 violins, viola, violoncello)
  • Sioly: Weil i a alter Drahrer bin [For I'm a real old gadabout] (arr. 1921: clarinet, mandolin, guitar, violin, viola, violoncello)
  • Johann Strauss II: Kaiser-Walzer [Emperor Waltz], Op. 437 (arr. 1925: flute, clarinet, 2 violins, viola, violoncello, piano)
  • Johann Strauss II: Rosen aus dem Süden [Roses from the South], Op. 388 (arr. 1921: harmonium, piano, 2 violins, viola, violoncello)
  • Johann Strauss II: Lagunenwalzer [Lagoon Waltz], Op. 411 (arr. 1921: harmonium, piano, 2 violins, viola, violoncello)

See also

External links