List of senators of Aube

Location of Aube in France

Following is a list of senators of Aube, people who have represented the department of Aube in the Senate of France.

Third Republic

Senators for Aube under the French Third Republic were:[1]

  • Amédée Gayot (1876–1880)
  • Jean Masson de Mortefontaine (1876–1885)
  • Émile Gayot (1880–1909)
  • Antoine Tezenas (1885–1896)
  • Eugène Rambourgt (1896–1914)
  • Alphonse Renaudat (1897–1930)
  • Henri Castillard (1909–1927)
  • Louis Mony (1920–1926)
  • Alexandre Israël (1927–1937)
  • Raymond Armbruster (1927–1945)
  • Victor Lesaché (1930–1938)
  • René Converset (1937–1945)
  • Fernand Monsacré (1939–1944)

Fourth Republic

Senators for Aube under the French Fourth Republic were:[2]

  • Gustave Alric (1946–1959)
  • François Patenôtre (1948–1959)

Fifth Republic

Senators for Aube under the French Fifth Republic:[3][4]

Name In office Group or party Notes
Gustave Alric 1959–1967 Républicains et Indépendants Died 17 October 1967
François Patenôtre 1959–1971 Républicains et Indépendant
Henri Terré 1968–1978 Union des Républicains et des Indépendants Died in office 13 October 1978
Pierre Labonde 1971–1981 Républicains et Indépendants Died 22 November 1981
Jean David 1978–1980 Union Centriste des Démocrates de Progrès Replaced Henri Terré on 14 November 1978
Robert Galley 1980 Rassemblement pour la République Joined the cabinet 1 November 1980
Henri Portier 1980–1989 Rassemblement pour la République Replaced Robert Galley on 2 November 1980
Bernard Laurent 1981–1994 Union Centriste Replaced Pierre Labonde on 23 November 1981
Died in office 15 July 1994
Philippe Adnot from 1989 Mouvement libéral et modéré
Yann Gaillard 1994–2014 Union pour un Mouvement Populaire Replaced Bernard Laurent on 16 July 1994
François Baroin 2014–2017 The Republicans (LR) Resigned 30 September 2017
Évelyne Perrot From 2017 none Elected 17 December 2017

