List of serial killers before 1900

The following is a list of serial killers i.e. a person who murders more than one person,[1] in two or more separate events over a period of time, for primarily psychological reasons[2][3] who began committing their crimes before 1900. This list does not include mass murderers, spree killers, war criminals, or members of democidal governments. This list is chronological by default, but can be re-ordered using the button at the top of each column.

Table of serial killers before 1900

Name Country Years active Claimed victims Notes
Liu Pengli Western Han 144–116 BC 100+[4] Prince of Jidong during the reign of the Emperor Jing, his uncle. Helped by slaves, he attacked civilians in his lands during the night, killing over a hundred. Although the court advised the Emperor to execute him, the emperor only reduced him to a commoner and exiled him to Shangyong (modern Zhushan County, Hubei Province).[5]
Anula of Anuradhapura Anuradhapura Kingdom 50–47 BC 5 Poisoned five husbands before holding the throne as queen regnant for five years, after which she was overthrown and burned alive.[6]
Dhu Shanatir Himyarite Kingdom 5th century AD 100+ Lured young royal boys into his home and sodomized them before throwing them out of a window. Stabbed by his last intended victim.[7]
Alice Kyteler Ireland 1302–1324 3–4 "The Witch of Kilkenny". Hiberno-Norman noblewoman prosecuted in the first modern witch trial in the British Isles, for the alleged poisoning of her four husbands, heresy and witchcraft. Fled to England, her ultimate fate unknown. Petronilla of Meath (her servant) was tortured and burned at the stake in her place.[8]
Gilles de Rais France 1432–1440 140+ French nobleman accused of torturing and murdering over 140 children.[9] Rais and several accomplices in the murders were hanged on 26 October 1440.[10]
Pierre Burgot and Michel Verdun France 1521 and before 6 A pair of Frenchmen who confessed to killing and eating several children. They claimed to have committed the murders in wolf form after making a pact with a witch coven. Burned at the stake.[11]
Peter Stumpp Holy Roman Empire c. 1564–1589 16 "The Werewolf of Bedburg". Confessed under torture to murdering and cannibalizing 14 children, including his son, and two pregnant women. Broken on the wheel, beheaded and burned.[12]
Peter Niers Holy Roman Empire c. 1566–1581 544 Bandit leader who confessed under torture to killing 544 people, including the murder of 24 women and the use of their unborn children in Black Magic. Broken on the wheel and quartered alive.[13]
Gilles Garnier France 1572 4 Hermit known as "The Werewolf of Dole". Confessed to strangling 4 children and eating their flesh.[14] Garnier was caught attacking a young boy and burned at the stake in 1573.[15]
Björn Pétursson Dano-Norwegian Iceland 1570–1596 9–18 Called Axlar-Björn ("Shoulder-Bear"). Farmer that robbed and killed people who traversed his land. Beheaded.[16]
Elizabeth Báthory Hungary 1585–1610 80–650[17] Known as "The Blood Countess"; tortured servant girls to death. Accomplices were executed and she was imprisoned until her death in 1614.[18]
Geordie Bourne England 1597 and earlier 7 Scottish bandit active in the East English March. Confessed to having killed seven Englishmen and "lain with above forty men's wives, what in England, what in Scotland". Executed by unknown means.[19]
Nicolas Damont France 1598 50 A French tailor accused of killing and eating 50 children in Châlons-en-Champagne whose remains had been found in his house. The brutality of the crimes and the accused's repeated psychotic episodes led authorities to accuse him of being a werewolf. Burned at the stake.[20]
Jean Grenier France 1603 50 A French youth who claimed to be a werewolf and confessed to having killed and eaten 50 children while in wolf form. Notably, he had not been tortured. Sentenced to confinement for life due to his youth and died in 1611.[21]
Catalina de los Ríos y Lisperguer Spanish Chile c. 1630 – c. 1660 40 Aristocrat nicknamed La Quintrala, possibly after the local red-flowered mistletoe (quintral) and because of her long red hair. Investigated for the deaths of 40 servants and slaves in her property, but never tried or convicted. Died of natural causes in 1665.[22]
Aqua Tofana (poison ring) Spanish Sicily
Papal States
1633–1651 100+ A group of female poisoners active in Palermo, Rome, and Naples. Ring leader was claimed to be Giulia Tofana although the only evidence of a poisoning ring is the executions of Teofania di Adamo (1633) and Girolama Spara (1659), claimed, respectively, to be the mother and daughter of Giulia Tofana.[23]
Melchior Hedloff Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth 1648?–1653 251 The "Melcher Shooter". Highwayman and alleged cannibal who was known for killing his victims with a rifle and then mutilating the corpses with a Turkish saber. Captured 1653 and executed in 1654 after confessing to 251 murders.[24][25]
Jasper Hanebuth Holy Roman Empire 1652 and earlier 19 Former mercenary in the Swedish Army turned highwayman who was active in Eilenriede forest, then outside Hanover. Usually shot people from a distance, before knowing if they had any money. Confessed to the murder of 19 people including his "robber bride", and was broken on the wheel.[26]
Catherine Monvoisin France 1660s–1679 1000–2500[27] Known as "La Voisin". Alleged sorceress, fortune-teller, cult leader and poisoner for hire who confessed under torture to the ritual murder of over a thousand infants in black masses.[27] Also tried to poison Louis XIV. She was convicted along with 35 others as part of the Affair of the Poisons, and burned at the stake in 1680.
Marie-Madeleine-Marguerite d'Aubrey, Madame de Brinvilliers and Godin de Sainte-Croix France 1666–1670 3–50+[27] Lovers, they poisoned d'Aubrey's father and two brothers to inherit their estates, and an undetermined number of poor people in hospitals. Sainte-Croix died of natural causes in 1672, but d'Aubrey was tried, beheaded and burned at the stake in 1676. Her sensational trial led to the Affair of the Poisons.
Lewis Hutchinson British Jamaica 1760s–1773 43+ Scottish doctor and rancher known as "The Mad Master" and "The Mad Doctor of Edinburgh Castle". Shot and robbed passers-by of all types in his property, sometimes with the help of accomplices, after which the slaves threw the bodies in Hutchinson's Hole where they were devoured by animals. Hanged.[28]
Dorcas Kelly Ireland 1761 and earlier 1–5 Also known as "Darkey Kelly". Dublin brothel owner hanged and burned at the stake for the murder of a client. Four skeletons were found in her establishment after her execution.[29][30]
Darya Nikolayevna Saltykova Russia 1755–1762 38–147 Aristocrat who beat and tortured female serfs to death. Sentenced to life in prison in 1768, where she died of natural causes in 1801.[31]
Crown Prince Sado Joseon 1757–1762 100+ Serial rapist and killer who was also heir to King Yeongjo of Joseon. Sealed in a rice chest until he died eight days later.[32]
Luísa de Jesus Portugal 1772 and earlier 28–33 Luísa de Jesus (1750 – Coimbra, 1 July 1772), was accused of having murdered 33 abandoned children, taken from the "foundling wheel" in the town of Coimbra, Portugal. She only confessed to 28 of the homicides. She was mortified and insulted by crowds as she was led to the gallows, had her hands cut off, was then hanged, beaten with a club, and burned until she was reduced to ashes in a public execution. She was the last woman executed in Portugal.[33][34]
Klaas Annink, Anne Spanjers and Jannes Annink Netherlands 1774 and earlier 3 Family of robber-murderers active around Twente. Klaas (nicknamed "Huttenkloas") and his wife, Anne, were tried and executed in 1775.[35]
Thug Behram Mughal Empire
Oudh State[36]
1790–1840 125–931 Leader of the Thuggee cult of murder-robbers in central India, also known as Buhram Jemedar and the "King of the Thugs". Behram is often cited as one of the most prolific serial killers in History (if not the most) with up to 931 victims, although he only admitted to have been present for that many murders, committing 125 himself and witnessing 150 or more.[37] Thuggee victims were travellers that the Thuggees latched to and befriended before strangling them with a ceremonial handkerchief (rumal) and stealing their belongings. Hanged by officers of the East India Company as part of the British colonial Thuggee and Dacoity Suppression Acts, 1836–1848
Zhang Liangbi Qing dynasty 1796–1812 11 Elderly man from Anhui who sexually mutilated 16 children, killing 11 of them. Executed via death by a thousand cuts around 1812.[38]
Micajah and Wiley Harpe United States 1797–1803 40 Highwaymen and river pirates known as "Big" and "Little" Harpe, or the Harpe Brothers, who often killed people of all types for the thrill or minor slights without actual monetary gain, even babies. "Big" Harpe bashed his own infant daughter's head against a tree because her crying annoyed him; this was the only murder he claimed to feel sorry about. "Big" Harpe was shot and beheaded in 1799 by people who sought vengeance for the murder of a woman, while "Little" Harpe was arrested when he took fellow outlaw Samuel Mason's head to the authorities and tried to collect a bounty put on him in 1803, but was recognized, tried and hanged in 1804.[39]
Samuel Mason United States
Spanish Louisiana
1797–1803 20+ Highwayman and river pirate sometimes associated with the Harpe Brothers and other outlaws. After being arrested in Louisiana and turned over to American authorities, Mason overpowered his guards and escaped, but was shot in the process. His head was later given to the authorities by his accomplice Wiley Harpe who wished to collect the bounty on the fugitive Mason. It is unknown if Mason died of his injuries or Harpe killed him.[40]
Sophie Charlotte Elisabeth Ursinus Holy Roman Empire 1800–1803 3 Prussian aristocrat who poisoned her lover, husband, and aunt, and tried to poison an unhappy servant, always with arsenic. Sentenced to life in prison but pardoned in 1833. Died of natural causes three years later.[41]
Patty Cannon's gang United States 1802[42]–1829 4–400+[42] Kidnapped slaves and free blacks in the Delmarva Peninsula and sold them to slavers down south. Cannon, reportedly aroused by the sight of black males being beaten into submission, was arrested when four skeletons (three children, one male adult) were found buried in her property, though most of the gang's victims were probably rival white slavers. Cannon died in prison while awaiting trial, under unclear circumstances.[42]
Mary Bateman United Kingdom 1803–1808 1–4 "The Yorkshire Witch". Leeds career con woman and thief, hanged in 1809 for the arsenic poisoning of a married couple she had been scamming (the husband survived). Suspect in three more deaths.[43]
"Red Inn" murderers French Empire Kingdom of France 1805–1830 1?–50+? The owners, Pierre and Marie Martin, and a valet, Jean Rochette, were believed at the time to have murdered up to 50 or more travellers that stayed in their inn of Lanarce, Ardèche[44] to rob them, but were tried for only one murder that has been questioned since by historians. All three were guillotined in front of the inn in 1833.[45][46]
Anna Maria Zwanziger Confederation of the Rhine 1808–1809 4 Housekeeper who poisoned her employers with arsenic and nursed them back to health to gain their favor; three died. Sentenced to beheading in 1811, which she welcomed as the only way to keep herself from poisoning people.
Hester Rebecca Nepping First French Empire 1811 3 Dutch woman who poisoned three people with arsenic. Publicly guillotined along with her accomplices in front of the Nieuwmarkt in Amsterdam.
John Williams United Kingdom 1811 7 Irish sailor who murdered two families and their servants in London's East End by bashing their heads with a hammer and cutting their throats. Hanged himself in prison while awaiting trial.[27]
Gesche Gottfried Bremen
1813–1827 15 Believed today to have suffered of Munchausen syndrome by proxy, as she poisoned several of her relatives and friends with arsenic for no apparent reason. Last person publicly executed in Bremen, where she was beheaded in 1831.[47]
Konstantin Sazonov [ru] Russia 1814–1816 6–7 Servitor at Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. He killed six or seven persons at 1814–1816.[48]
Juan Severino Mallari Philippines 1816–1826 57 (as confessed) Mallari was a Filipino Catholic priest during the Spanish colonial period from Barangay San Nicolas in the town of Magalang, Pampanga. He became the parish priest of Magalang, Pampanga in 1816 and believed that his mother was hexed (kulam is the local Filipino term), which became his motive for the killings. He believed killing people could cure his mother's ailments. It is possible that around this time Mallari's peers noticed signs of his mental instability. The Spanish colonial government executed Mallari by hanging.[49][50][51][52][53]
Samuel Green and William Ash United States
British North America
1817–1821 30 Itinerant burglars, robbers, and counterfeiters, sometimes acting in solitary and others in association. Green, considered "America's first Public enemy number one", was also a rapist and the more violent and prolific killer of the two, while Ash helped him escape from prison multiple times. While serving a sentence for burglary, Green beat a fellow prisoner to death with an iron rod for informing the guards of an upcoming escape plan, and was hanged as a result in 1822.[54]
Thomas Jeffries (or Jeffrey) Australia
New South Wales Van Diemen's Land
1820–1826 1–8 Navy deserter, robber and conman deported to Australia in 1820. He escaped the penal colony with four other convicts in 1825. While on the run, the party broke into a hut and later the Tibbs settlement. Here they killed one man, severely injured another and kidnapped Mrs Tibbs and her baby. Jeffries himself is known to have murdered the Tibbs infant before likely assaulting Mrs Tibbs and letting her go. Following this the escapees retreated to deeper bush land. Jeffries then killed one of the men searching for him, Magnus Bakie. Facing starvation, they killed one of the party for food before joining up with bushranger gangs. Hanged.[55][56]
Alexander Pearce Australia 1822–1823 2–5 Irishman deported in 1819 to Tasmania. He escaped the convict settlement with seven other convicts in 1824 into the Bush. The group was led by Robert Greenhill because he was the only one with a weapon - the axe used to kill members of the party for food when starvation ensued (ironically in a region abundant with edible plants and other bush tucker). After the first such murder for survival (unlikely to have been committed by the undersized weaponless Pearce), 3 of the seven decamped. Pearce escaped being the second of the party murdered for food before one of the remaining three was fatally bitten by a snake. Only Pearce and Greenhill remained. Pearce was the only one left alive to reach the eastern settlements. Pearce was recaptured and sent back to Macquaire Harbor convict settlement as his claims of murder and cannibalism weren't believed, and escaped soon after with another convict, Thomas Cox. This time Pearce killed and ate his companion in less than ten days, when he surrendered voluntarily to the authorities. It is difficult to justify calling Pearce a serial killer as he only killed two people on his own and was at most one of Greenhill's accomplices in two earlier survival murders. However, if more than fictional sensationalism to sell newspapers, his reported last words of “Man's flesh is delicious. It tastes far better than fish or pork" suggest he may have become one had he lived.

Hanged in 1824.[55][57]

William Burke and William Hare United Kingdom 1828 16 Lured, intoxicated and murdered people to sell their bodies to Dr. Robert Knox who used them in his anatomy classes at Edinburgh Medical School. Their usual method was compressing the chest of the victims in a process henceforth known as "burking". Hare was given immunity in exchange for testifying against Burke, who was hanged in 1829, while Knox was never prosecuted. Burke's fiancée was also tried but her implication was found not proven.[58]
Thomas Griffiths Wainewright United Kingdom 1830 1–4 Writer and painter believed to have poisoned his sister-in-law to collect a life insurance he recently purchased, and possibly also his uncle, mother-in-law and a friend. Having fled to France, he was arrested upon his return to Britain in 1837, but could not be prosecuted for lack of evidence. Instead he was tried for, and found guilty of, an unrelated case of forgery, for which he was exiled to Tasmania, where he died of natural causes in 1847.[59]
Rebecca Smith United Kingdom 1831–1849 8 Convicted of poisoning her one-month-old baby Richard. After her conviction she admitted to having poisoned seven previous children, which resulted in the death sentence being passed despite the jury's recommendation of mercy. Hanged in 1849.[60]
John Bishop and Thomas Williams United Kingdom 1831 3 Called the "London Burkers". Copycats of Burke and Hare that were active in London.[61] Hanged.[62]
Delphine LaLaurie United States 1831–1834 2–4 New Orleans socialite that tortured and maimed slaves. Seven chained and mutilated slaves were rescued after a fire broke out in LaLaurie's mansion, of which two died of their injuries shortly after, and three buried skeletons were later discovered in her property (according to witnesses, one had died in an accident). The case caused outrage in Louisiana but LaLaurie fled to France and was never prosecuted.[63] Died of natural causes between 1842 and 1849.
Elizabeth Van Valkenburgh United States 1833–1845 2 Poisoned two alcoholic husbands with arsenic. Hanged in 1846.[64]
Hélène Jégado France 1833–1851 23–36 Kleptomaniac domestic servant who robbed and poisoned her employers and relatives with arsenic and antimony. She poisoned during two different periods separated by ten years, 1833 to 1841 and her final spree in 1851. Because the statute of limitations for the first spree had already run out, she was only tried for three murders and three attempts and guillotined in 1852.[65]
Pierre François Lacenaire France 1834–1835 2 Poet, army defector and thief. Helped by two accomplices, Lacenaire stabbed a former prison cellmate and his mother in Paris, and later attacked a bank employee that survived. They intended to rob the victims but none of the hits produced any money. While in prison for an unrelated offense, one of the accomplices, Victor Avril, blamed Lacenaire for the murders, and Lacenaire reacted by making a detailed confession that ensured both Lacenaire and Avril would be found guilty and executed. Lacenaire's response and his willingness to answer letters and receive visitors in prison, along with the publication of his memoirs, made him a celebrity. The two men were guillotined in 1836.[66]
Burnham Poisoners United Kingdom 1835 3 A group of three consisting of two women (Catherine Frary and Frances Billing) and one man (Peter Taylor) who plotted to poison their respective spouses. In 1835 they poisoned four people with arsenic in Burnham Market, killing three; Frary's husband Robert, Taylor's wife Mary and a young girl named Harriet Southgate who was killed to disguise Robert Frary's death as being from natural causes. All three were hanged at Norwich Castle.[67]
John Lynch New South Wales 1835–1841 9–10 "The Berrima Axe Murderer". Irish convict turned bushranger who killed his victims with a single hatchet blow to the back of the head. His acquittal at a murder trial in 1835, while his two accomplices were hanged, had convinced him that God approved of his crimes. Hanged in 1842.
Diogo Alves Portugal 1836–1841 70+ Serial killer, who murdered 70 people in Águas Livres Aqueduct between 1836 until his execution in 1841, thus earning the title "Aqueduct Murderer".[68] He was sentenced to death and hanged on February 19, 1841. The head of the killer was separated from the body and placed in a flask to preserve it for scientific purposes, where it is now a tourist attraction.[69]
Sarah Dazley United Kingdom 1840–1843 1–3 Hanged for the murder of her second husband, who was poisoned with arsenic. Believed to have poisoned her first husband and child as well.[70]
John Johnston (or Johnson) United States 1843–? 300+ Mountain man called "Liver-Eating Johnson" and Dapiek Absaroka ("Crow Killer" in Apsáalooke). Moved to the Rocky Mountains with frontiersman John Hatcher in 1843; the two killed four Arapaho and Hatcher taught Johnson to scalp them. In 1847, his pregnant wife, a member of the Flathead Nation, was killed and scalped by Crow warriors. Johnson is said to have embarked then on a vendetta against the Crow Nation that lasted for years and during which he murdered, scalped and ate the livers of 300 Crow warriors, although Thrapp (1991) considers this number inflated and incompatible with the Crow population at the time.[71] Died of natural causes in 1900.[72]
Manuel Blanco Romasanta Spain 1844–1852 9–14 "The Werewolf of Allariz". While on the run from his first murder (a constable killed over a debt), Romasanta assumed a new identity and offered his services as a mountain guide to women and children, whom he murdered, later selling their clothing (and according to rumor, also making soap made from their body fat). Following his arrest, he confessed to 13 murders, which he claimed were committed involuntarily during his transformation into a wolf as a result of a curse.[21] He was found guilty of nine and sentenced to die by garrote. This was changed to life in prison following a petition by doctors who wished to study him further. He died in jail in 1863.[73]
Edward Rulloff United States 1844–1870 2–7 Called "The Genius Killer" and "The Man of Two Lives". Medical doctor and philologist who had a parallel career as an armed robber and con man. Tried for the murder of his wife and daughter in 1846, he was given ten years for kidnapping because neither body was ever found; he was arrested again in 1870 for the murder of a clerk during a robbery. Hanged in 1871.[74]
Sarah Chesham United Kingdom 1845-1849 1–4 Poisoned her husband Richard with arsenic in 1849. She could only be convicted of attempted murder because it could not be proved if Richard had died from the poison or from tuberculosis. She had also been tried for three other arsenic poisonings which had occurred in 1845 but had been acquitted due to lack of evidence. Hanged in 1851.[75]
Hendrikje Doelen Netherlands 1845–1846 3 Killed her husband, an old woman who was living with the couple, and her daughter with arsenic. Died in prison after 8 days of detention.
William Palmer United Kingdom 1846?–1855 1–10 Gambling-addicted physician who poisoned friends and relatives with strychnine and ammonia, usually to collect life insurances or to keep money that the victims lent him; also suspected in the death of four of his newborns. Tried for one murder and hanged in 1856.[76]
Juhani Aataminpoika Grand Duchy of Finland 1849 12 Serial killer, who murdered 12 people in southern Finland between October and November in 1849, and he was also known by nickname "Kerpeikkari", which means 'executioner'. He was initially sentenced to death, but the sentence was changed by order of the Emperor to 40 lashes and life imprisonment in Suomenlinna. He has been characterized as the first serial killer in Finland.[77][78]
Boone Helm United States
British Columbia
1851–1864 8–24+ Desperado active through western North America who killed several men in alcohol-induced fights or to rob them. Engaged in survival cannibalism at least once. Hanged.[79]
Mary Ann Cotton United Kingdom c. 1852–1873 21 Poisoned her husbands, lovers and children with arsenic. Hanged.[citation needed]
Catherine Wilson United Kingdom 1854[42]–1862 1–8 Nurse believed to have poisoned her husband and 7 patients with colchicum (plus a failed attempt, with sulphuric acid), but tried for only one. Last woman publicly hanged in London.[80]
Martin Dumollard France 1855–1861 3–30+ Lured women to Lyon with promises of work and then killed them. Tried and guillotined in 1862. His wife, Marie-Anne Martinet, was found guilty of assisting him and sentenced to 20 years of hard labor in a women's prison.[81] She died in 1875.
Lydia Sherman United States 1858[82]–1871 11 "The Derby Poisoner". Confessed to poisoning three husbands and seven children with arsenic.[83] Died in prison.
Thomas D. Carr United States 1860s–1869 1–15 Carr murdered a teenage girl named Louisa Fox in 1869, for which he was sentenced to death. Before his execution in 1870 he admitted to 14 other murders, although many of his statements were of dubious accuracy.[84][85]
Edward William Pritchard United Kingdom 1863?–1865 2–3 Doctor who poisoned his wife and mother-in-law with antimony; also a suspect in the death of a maid who had officially died in a fire two years earlier. Hanged.[86]
The Bloody Espinosas United States 1863 8[87] Gang formed first by Neomexicano road bandit brothers Felipe Nerio and José Vivián Espinosa, and after José Vivián's death by Felipe Nerio and nephew José Vicente, who acted in Conejos County, Colorado. Following a skirmish with the U.S. Army, the Espinosas declared war on the United States and decided to kill as many Anglos as they could, until they were tracked and killed by adventurer Tom Tobin and soldiers of Fort Garland.[87]
Dan Morgan New South Wales
1864–1865 3 Violent bushranger who robbed railroad stations and shot hostages without necessity; one railroad worker and two police sergeants died. Shot dead in a standoff with Victoria police.[88]
Thomas and John Clarke New South Wales 1861–1867 5 Violent bushranger brothers who robbed travelers and farms and shot and killed five police officers. Their activities led to the passing of the Felons Apprehension Act of 1866 that allowed citizens to kill bushrangers on sight. Hanged.[89]
Joseph Eisele United States 1867 3 German-born emigrant who murdered three people and attempted to kill a fourth over a seven-month period in 1867. Hanged in 1868.[90]
Matti Haapoja Finland
Russian Empire
1867–1894 3–10 Known to have killed 3 in Finland and suspected of 7 more murders, 5 of them in Siberia, to which he had been exiled in the 1880s. Also wounded 6 people. Killed himself in prison in 1895.[91][92]
"Wild" Bill Longley United States 1869–1878 32 Racist gunfighter who claimed to have killed 32 people, most of whom were unarmed blacks and Mexicans. Hanged for the murder of a childhood friend.[93]
Margaret Waters United Kingdom 1870 and earlier 19 Baby farmer who drugged and starved children in her care. Convicted of one murder and hanged.[94]
Juan Díaz de Garayo Spain 1870–1879 6 Known as El Sacamantecas ("The Fat Extractor"). Strangled women after having sex with them—first willingly, then by force. Garroted in 1881.[95]
Jesse Pomeroy United States 1871–1874 2 Called "The Boy Fiend" and "The Inhuman Scamp". Beginning at age 12, he lured younger children and tortured them for his sexual pleasure, killing two. Youngest person sentenced to death by the state of Massachusetts, later changed to life in prison under solitary confinement which was only lifted in 1917. Died in prison in 1932 of natural causes.[96]
The Bloody Benders United States 1872–1873 10–12[42] Family of four who owned an inn and small general store in Labette County in southeastern Kansas from 1871 to 1873. They murdered around 11 clients, using a mallet and a knife to rob them.[42] They fled when their crimes were discovered.[97] Their fate is unknown, although two members of the posse that found the bodies made deathbed confessions decades later where they claimed to have tracked down and murdered the family.[42]
Baptistine Philip France 1871–1878 3 Fatally poisoned her employer, uncle-in-law, and husband with arsenic for monetary gain. Sentenced to life in prison in 1879.[98]
Stephen D. Richards United States 1876–1878 6–9+ "The Nebraska Fiend". Confessed to killing two men, one woman and her three children, in all cases but one to rob the victims. Hanged in 1879.[99][100]
Bochum Serial Sex Murderer Germany 1878–1882 8 Raped, strangled and mutilated women walking or working alone in the country. Wilhelm Schiff was found guilty of three murders and beheaded in January 1882, but the crimes continued until May of that year. Moral panic over the serial killings contributed to the full restoration of capital punishment in the German states by 1885, after a hiatus of ten to fifteen years.[101]
Victor Prévost France 1867–1879 2–4 Former butcher and policeman known as "The Butcher of the Chapel". Was charged with the murders of two people, with an additional two other murders suspected. Killed his victims for profit via blunt force trauma before disemboweling them. Later executed via guillotine on 19 January 1880.[102]
Thomas Neill Cream Canada
United States
United Kingdom
1879–1892 5–8 Doctor known as "The Lambeth Poisoner". Poisoned one man and several women with chloroform and strychnine, attempting to frame and then blackmail other men for the murders in some cases. Allegedly confessed to be Jack the Ripper before his execution by hanging in 1892, although he was in prison at the time of the Ripper murders.[103]
Amelia Dyer United Kingdom 1879–1896 6–400+ Baby farmer who strangled the babies in her care. Hanged.[104]
Catherine Flannagan and Margaret Higgins United Kingdom 1880–1883 4–8[42] "The Black Widows of Liverpool". Killed at least 4 people by poisoning in order to obtain insurance money. Hanged in 1884.[105]
Maria Swanenburg Netherlands 1880–1883 27–90+ Killed at least 27 people by poisoning with arsenic, suspected of over 90 deaths. She murdered for the victims' insurance or inheritance. Sentenced to life in prison, she died in 1915.[106]
Robert Butler New Zealand
1880–1905 1–4 Irish-born burglar and highwayman. Arrested in 1880 for the murder-robbery of a family of three in Dunedin, but acquitted because all evidence was circumstantial. Hanged years later in Queensland for shooting a man.[107]
Francisco Guerrero Mexico 1880–1908[108][109] 21 Known as El Chalequero ("The Vests Man"). An open misogynist, between 1880 and 1888 he raped and killed 20 women in Mexico City, often claimed to be prostitutes, strangling them or cutting their throats, in some cases also decapitating them. He then threw their bodies in the Consulado river. Tried for one murder and another attempt, his initial death sentence was changed to 20 years in prison and was indulted in 1904. In 1908, he raped and murdered an old woman and was again given the death penalty, but died in prison of natural causes before he could be executed. Guerrero predates Jack the Ripper by eight years.
Sarah Jane Robinson United States 1881-1886 8-11 Irish-American woman who poisoned members of her family and two other people. Died in prison in 1906 while serving a life sentence.[110]
West Ham Child Killer United Kingdom 1881-1890 4 Responsible for the "West Ham Vanishings" in which four young girls were abducted and presumed murdered in similar circumstances in the West Ham area. The bodies of two victims, Clara Sutton and Amelia Jeffs, were recovered. The perpetrator was never identified.[111]
Émile Dubois France
1882–1905 6 French criminal and murderer who killed six people in three different countries. He was captured in 1905 and, after a trial, found guilty of the murders committed in Chile and executed by four riflemen on 26 March 1907.[112]
Hugo Schenk Austria 1883 4–6 Schenk and accomplice Karl Schlossarek were hanged for four counts of murder in 1884. They would lure housemaids into isolated areas and rob and rape them before weighting them down rivers or gorges with stones.[113]
Servant Girl Annihilator United States 1884–1885 8 Unidentified killer, also nicknamed "The Austin Axe Murderer". Abducted women from their bedrooms at night, raped and killed them, hitting them with an axe or stabbing them with a knife or other iron implement, always in the head. Two husbands sleeping with their wives were dispatched first with a single strike from an axe (one died) but children, when present, were usually not harmed. The first five women targeted were black servants sleeping in cabins; the last two, white women in houses.[114] Some sources name Nathan Elgin (1866–1886), an African-American cook shot by police while he was assaulting a girl, as the likely culprit.[115][116]
Martha Needle Victoria
South Australia
1885–1894 5 Poisoned her husband and three children, and her new fiancé's two brothers (one of whom survived) with arsenic. Hanged.[117]
Jane Toppan United States 1885–1901 31 Nurse who confessed to poisoning 31 people in her care and lying in bed with them as they died for her own sexual gratification. Found not guilty by reason of insanity and committed to a mental hospital in which she remained for the rest of her life.[118]
Mary Ann Britland United Kingdom 1886 3 She murdered her daughter, her husband, and the wife of her lover with mouse poison, and was hanged for her crimes.[119]
Thames Torso Murderer United Kingdom 1887–1889 4 Unidentified killer who left the dismembered remains of victims in or near the Thames River.
The Kelly Family United States 1887 11+ The Kelly Family was a family of serial killers who operated near a Kansas town called Oak City between August and December 1887. The family consisted of William Kelly (55); his wife Kate; his son Bill, also called 'Billy' (20) and daughter, Kit (18). Originally from Pennsylvania, the family is believed to have murdered 11 wealthy travelers, akin to the Bloody Benders a decade earlier. Killed by vigilantes.[120]
Sarah Whiteling United States 1888 3 German-born poisoner who murdered her husband and two children in the span of three months. Executed in 1889.[121]
Albert Schmidt New South Wales 1888-1890 3+ A German immigrant who murdered at least three travelling companions from 1888 to 1890 before execution in 1890. Also known as "The Wagga Murderer."[122]
Jack the Ripper United Kingdom 1888–1891? 5–11 Unidentified killer who stabbed at least five prostitutes and mutilated four in the Whitechapel and Spitalfields districts of London.[123] Several suspects have been named over the years.
Johann Otto Hoch United States
Austria-Hungary (alleged)
France (alleged)
United Kingdom (alleged)
1888?–1905 1–50+ German con man who married women under false identities, swindled and poisoned them with arsenic. Hanged in 1906 for one murder, but suspected to have committed between 15 and 55.[124]
Minnie Dean New Zealand 1889?–1895 3+ Baby farmer hanged for the murder of three infants that were found buried in her property.[125] Only woman executed in the History of New Zealand.
Baba Anujka  Kingdom of Yugoslavia 1890s–1928 150 Anujka was an accomplished amateur chemist from the village of Vladimirovac, Yugoslavia (modern day Serbia). She poisoned at least 50 people and possibly as many as 150 in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Was sentenced to 15 years in prison in 1929 but released after eight years due to old age.[126]
Marianna Skublińska Russia 1890 and earlier 50-75 A Russian baby farmer who was arrested after a fire at her nursery was extinguished, revealing the dead bodies of at least 50 babies concealed at various points around the house. Police suspected her of having disposed of up to 75 babies. She could not be convicted due to lack of evidence, but was sentenced to penal servitude for allegedly burning the house down for insurance.[127]
H. H. Holmes United States
1891[128]–1894 1–9 Holmes was convicted and sentenced to death for the murder of his accomplice and business partner Benjamin Pitezel. It is believed he killed three of the Pitezel children, as well as 3 mistresses, the child of one of the said mistresses and the sister of another.
Franz and Rosalie Schneider Austria 1891 3–6 Married couple who lured women, robbed them and then sexually assaulted or murdered them. They were convicted of three murders but evidence suggests a total of six victims.[129]
Frederick Bailey Deeming United Kingdom
1891 6 Killed his wife and four children (cutting their throats, except one daughter that was strangled) and buried their bodies in concrete under a rented house in Rainhill, England. He then fled with his mistress to Windsor, Victoria, where he bludgeoned her and cut her throat, and also buried the body in concrete in another rented house. The discovery of the last body led to his arrest and the uncovering of the ones in Rainhill, attracting the attention of the international press, which considered him the possible identity of Jack the Ripper. Hanged in 1892.[130]
John and Sarah Makin New South Wales 1892 and earlier[131] 12–13 Baby farmers who murdered infants in their care. John was hanged in 1893 but Sarah's death sentence was commuted to life imprisonment and hard labor. She was paroled in 1911 and died seven years later of natural causes.
Lizzie Halliday United States
Ireland (alleged)
1893?–1906 5–8 "The Worst Woman on Earth". Acquitted of killing her stepson by burning down their New York family home in 1893. After her husband disappeared the following year, a search of their farm found the bodies of two women in the hayloft who had been shot to death; the husband's mutilated body was found under the floorboards of the house a few days later. Halliday was convicted of the murders, becoming the first woman sentenced to die in the electric chair, but her sentence was later commuted to being interned in an asylum after she was found to be insane. In 1906, she killed an asylum's nurse with a pair of scissors. Another stepson claimed that Halliday had confided to him that she had murdered a previous husband in Belfast, but had concealed the crime successfully.[132][133] Died in 1918.
Louise Vermilya United States 1893–1911 9 Believed to have poisoned seven relatives and two boarders with arsenic in Chicago for economic gain. May have attempted suicide with arsenic while in home arrest in 1911,[134] if so she survived and saw all charges dismissed in 1915.[135]
Frances Knorr Victoria c. 1894 2 Baby farmer hanged for the murder of two babies that were found buried in her property.[136]
Harry T. Hayward United States 1894 and earlier 1–4 "The Minneapolis Svengali." Gambler and serial arsonist who confessed to three other unreported murders after being found guilty of one. Hanged in 1895.[137]
Diogo Figueira da Rocha Empire of Brazil 1894–1897 50+ Brazilian career criminal and serial killer acting within São Paulo at the end of the 19th century. He is supposedly responsible for more than 50 murders between 1894 and 1897. Tucked away in the far west of the state, he was hunted down by government task forces and was pronounced dead in 1897 after a shootout with the authorities on the banks of the Mojiguaçu River. The corpse, however, has never been recovered.
Joseph Vacher France 1894–1897 11–27+ Mentally ill vagrant known as "The French Ripper" and the "Ripper of the South-East", although he was also active in central and northern France. Raped, stabbed and disembowelled women, teenage boys and girls who worked alone in the countryside. Guillotined in 1898.
Theodore Durrant United States 1895 2 "The Demon of the Belfry". San Francisco sunday school teacher who raped and strangled two women who rebuffed his romantic advances, then abandoned their bodies in the church's library and bell chamber. Took part in the search for the first victim and suggested that she had been kidnapped and taken out of town. Hanged in 1898.[138]
Cayetano Domingo Grossi Argentina 1896–1898 5 The first known serial killer in Argentine history. Italian immigrant who murdered five of his own neonatal children, who had been born as the result of his rape of his two stepdaughters. Executed by firing squad in Buenos Aires, in 1900.
Belle Gunness United States 1896?–1908? 21–42+ Murderer for profit who killed her relatives, employees and several suitors that she contacted through lonely hearts ads in Norwegian language newspapers of the Midwest, dismembering and burying most under a chicken coop in La Porte, Indiana. The 1900 strychnine poisoning of Gunness' first husband is often reported as her first murder, but the deaths of two of her children in 1896 and 1898 (who were insured) manifested similar symptoms. Reported dead, along with her three remaining children, in a fire that destroyed her farmhouse in 1908, even though the children's bodies contained strychnine and the woman's body found next to them was decapitated and smaller than Gunness'. Several people claimed to see her alive in the following years.[139]
George Chapman United Kingdom 1897–1902 3 Poisoned three of his mistresses with tartar emetic. Suspected at the time of his execution by hanging in 1903 to be the real identity of Jack the Ripper.[140]

Unconfirmed serial killers

The existence of the following serial killers is dubious or contradicts the accepted historical record:

Name Country Time Period Notes
Poison ring Roman Republic 331 BC According to Livy, there is a story that several Roman men died in what was believed to be a plague, until a servant woman revealed that they had been poisoned by a conspiracy of matrons. According to this story, twenty patrician women arrested admitted to preparing concoctions but claimed that they were medicinal; when they drank it themselves to prove it, (at their own suggestion), they died immediately. The story states that a total of 170 matrons were arrested. Livy says that "their act was regarded as a prodigy, and suggested madness rather than felonious intent".[141]
Andrew Christie Scotland 1320–1339 Called "Christie-Cleek". Purported Perth butcher turned road bandit, murderer and cannibal during a severe famine.[142]
Christman Genipperteinga Holy Roman Empire 1568–1581 Claimed German bandit who was executed for 964 murders, according to a 1581 pamphlet. Possibly inspired by real bandit Peter Niers, who confessed under torture to 544 deaths and was executed in the same year, although similar characters appear in German fairy tales and folk songs from before that time.[143]
Sawney Bean's clan Scotland 1575–1600 Claimed cannibal family that robbed, killed and ate travellers in a cave of Bennane Head, until their manhunt and execution by James VI. Contemporary documents make no reference to the hundreds of disappearances and murders said to have been carried by Bean's clan, which was probably inspired by the earlier legend of Christie-Cleek.[144]
Simeon Fleischer Holy Roman Empire 1581 and before Supposedly married and murdered women in order to steal their money. Confessed under torture to 19 murders before being executed by being torn apart with red-hot pincers over a three-day period. The only account of the case comes from an unsigned pamphlet of dubious historicity which relates the life of Fleischer and fellow medieval serial killers Christman Genipperteinga and Peter Niers.
Annie Palmer Jamaica 1827–1831 Legendary figure who supposedly poisoned three husbands and a number of lovers and tortured slaves to death for sexual pleasure before being killed in a slave uprising in 1831. The story was recorded as historical fact by some writers, but modern research has proved it to be a complete fiction.[145]
Don Vincente Spain 1834–1836 Bibliomaniac ex-monk and librarian said to have killed ten men in Barcelona in order to steal unique books and add them to his collection, sentenced for his crimes to die by garrote. The story, first published as an anonymous article in an 1836 Parisian newspaper, was reprinted as a true story in France for a century, while remaining largely unknown in Spain.[146]
Swiatek Austrian Galicia 1846-1849 According to a book by Sabine Baring-Gould, Swiatek was a homeless beggar who murdered and cannibalized a 14-year-old girl in 1849. After his arrest he admitted to killing and eating five other people, and evidence was found linking him to at least 14 murders. Committed suicide before trial.[147]
Polly Bartlett United States 1868 Co-proprietor of "Bartlett's Inn", which was a scam she ran with her father Jim to lure Businessman and other white, male travelers with valuables, most often gold. They were seduced by Polly into sex, who fed them steaks and whiskey laced with arsenic to kill them, before their valuables were lifted from their person. The father of one victim called the police to the site, who found the bodies buried in the stables after the Barletts fled. An attempted victim shot Jim and arrested Polly, who was shot and killed in her prison cell by one of the father's employees, who was never charged.[148] The story originated in a 1963 article in Real West magazine and is now generally considered to be a folk tale rather than actual history.[149]
Agnus McVee, Jim McVee and Al Riley Canada 1875–1885 Family claimed to have owned a hotel and store on the Cariboo Road of British Columbia during the Cariboo Gold Rush, where they killed miners for their gold and kidnapped women and forced into sex trafficking against their will until their arrest and death in prison in New Westminster. The story comes from a single source and there are no records of disappearances in the area at the time of the murders nor existing death certificates of the supposed serial killers apprehended.[150]

See also


  1. ^ Hough, Richard M.; McCorkle, Kimberly D. (2016). American Homicide. SAGE Publications. ISBN 978-1439138854. Archived from the original on 20 January 2021. Retrieved 2 September 2020. [...] Serial killing has been defined by different researchers or groups as either two or more, three or more or even four or more people killed over at least one month with a cooling off period between each of the murders.
  2. ^ Macmillan Encyclopedia of Death and Dying entry on "Serial Killers" Archived 5 November 2007 at the Wayback Machine (2003) by Sandra Burkhalte Chmelir
  3. ^ A serial killer is most commonly defined as a person who kills three or more people for psychological gratification; reliable sources over the years agree. See, for example:
    • "Serial killer". The Free Dictionary. Retrieved 15 June 2016. A person who murders 3+ people over a period of > 30 days, with an inactive period between each murder, and whose motivation for killing is largely based on psychological gratification.
    • Holmes, Ronald M.; Holmes, Stephen T. (1998). Contemporary Perspectives on Serial Murder. SAGE Publications. p. 1. ISBN 978-0-7619-1421-1. Retrieved 15 June 2016. Serial murder is the killing of three or more people over a period of more than 30 days, with a significant cooling-off period between the murders [...] The baseline number of three victims appears to be most common among those who are the academic authorities in the field. The time frame also appears to be an agreed-upon component of the definition.
    • Wayne Petherick (2005). Serial Crime: Theoretical and Practical Issues in Behavioral Profiling. Academic Press. p. 190. ISBN 978-0-08-046854-9. Retrieved 15 June 2016. Three killings seem to be required in the most popular operational definition of serial killing since they are enough to provide a pattern within the killings without being overly restrictive.
    • R. Barri Flowers (2012). The Dynamics of Murder: Kill or Be Killed. CRC Press. p. 195. ISBN 978-1-4398-7974-0. Retrieved 15 June 2016. In general, most experts on serial murder require that a minimum of three murders be committed at different times and usually different places for a person to qualify as a serial killer.
    • Harold Schechter (2012). The A to Z Encyclopedia of Serial Killers. Simon and Schuster. p. 73. ISBN 978-1-4391-3885-4. Retrieved 15 June 2016. Most experts seem to agree, however, that to qualify as a serial killer, an individual has to slay a minimum of three unrelated victims.
  4. ^ Wainio, Wade. "Thoughts on Liu Pengli, the Han Dynasty's Serial Killer Prince". Criminal.
  5. ^ Qian Sima (2013). Records of the Grand Historian. Columbia University Press. p. 387. ISBN 978-0-231-52107-9.
  6. ^ The Mahavamsa, Chapter XXXIV
  7. ^ Lawrence Senelick (1990). "Murderers" (PDF). In Wayne R. Dynes (ed.). Encyclopedia of Homosexuality. p. 851. Retrieved 16 December 2012.
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