List of Special Response Units

This is a list of active police tactical units.


Police tactical units are specialized units of a police force tasked with resolving high risk / critical incidents, including:

  • high risk armed offender / suspect searches / apprehensions including arrest warrants[1]
  • high risk search warrants involving an armed / dangerous offender / suspect[1]
  • siege / barricade incidents involving an armed offender / suspect[1]
  • domestic counter-terrorism incidents such as hostage rescue and / or armed intervention (including units that may be granted authority for overseas operations)[1]

In the United States, police tactical units are known by the generic term Special Weapons And Tactics (SWAT) team (other countries have adopted this term).[2] In Australia, the term police tactical group is used for police tactical units.[3] The European Union uses the term special intervention unit for national counter terrorist police tactical units.[4]

For military special forces / special operations forces, see list of military special forces units.


Interior Ministry



Sûreté Nationale
Gendarmerie Nationale


Argentine Federal Police
Argentine National Gendarmerie
  • Equipo Antiterrorista (Anti-Terrorist Team)
  • Scorpion Group - Formerly the Escuadrón Especial de la Gendarmería Nacional
  • Sección Operaciones Especiales de Monte de Gendarmería Nacional "Groupe Monte" ('National Gendarmarie Jungle Special Operations Section')
  • Unidad Especial de Lucha Contra Narcotraficante (UELCON)
Local and other units


National Security Service
Police of Armenia
  • Police tactical unit


Australian Federal Police
New South Wales Police Force
Northern Territory Police
Queensland Police
South Australia Police
Tasmania Police
Victoria Police
Western Australia Police
New South Wales Corrective Services
Western Australia Department of Corrective Services
  • Special Operations Group (SOG)


Federal Ministry of the Interior
  • EKO Cobra - Special operations and counterterrorism unit
Federal Police
Justizwache (Penitentiary police)


Ministry of Internal Affairs


Royal Bahamas Police Force
  • Security and Intelligence Branch





Federal Police
Local Police
  • Anti-Robbery Brigade Brussels


Bolivian Police Force
  • Unidad Tactica de Operaciones Policiales (UTOP) - Tactical Response Unit
  • Fuerza especial de lucha contra el narcotráfico (FELCN) - Bolivian anti-narcotics force
  • Fuerza especial de lucha contra el crimen (FELCC) - Bolivian anti-criminal force

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian Police Force
Other units


Botswana Police Service


Ministry of Interior

Bulgarian Gendarmerie
  • Counter-Terrorist Squads


Federal Police Department
  • Comando de Operações Táticas (COT) - is a specialized counter terrorism unit with headquarters in Brasília[11]
  • Grupos de Pronta Intervenção (GPI) - are SWAT like tactical units that supports local operations. Each state has its own G.P.I. unit
Polícia Militar
Policia Civil


Royal Brunei Police Force
  • Special Operations Squad (SOS; Malay: Pasukan Gerak Khas — PGK)


Federal units
Provincial and Municipal units
Other units


Carabineros de Chile

Chilean Investigation Police (Policía de Investigaciones de Chile)

  • Equipo de Reacción Táctica Antinarcóticos (ERTA; 'Antinarcotics Tactical Response Team')

Gendarmería de Chile (Prison Service)

  • Sección de Operaciones Tácticas (SOT; 'Tactical Operations Section')

People’s Republic of China

Given the numerous police tactical units, only a few examples are listed below.

People's Police

People's Armed Police

Taiwan (Republic of China)

National Police Agency (NPA)
  • Security Police First Corps Special Operations Group
  • Criminal Investigation Bureau Special Task Unit
  • Thunder Squad (Local SWAT Units)
Coast Guard Administration


National Police of Colombia
  • (COPES) Comandos de Operaciones Especiales (Special Operations Commandos)
  • (JUNGLA) Jungle
  • (GOES) Grupo de Operaciones Especiales (Special operations group) (SWAT equivalent)


Special Police
  • Lučko Anti-Terrorist Unit (ATJ Lučko)
  • Special Police Units (SJP Split "BATT", SJP Rijeka "AJKULA", SJP Osijek "ORAO")
  • Riot Police Units- EPZ (Ekipa za Posebne Zadaće) tactical platoon within Intervention/riot police


Cyprus Police

Czech Republic

Police of the Czech Republic
  • Útvar rychlého nasazení [ÚRN/URNA] Rapid Reaction Unit, national police CT unit
  • Krajská zásahová jednotka - [KZJ] 8 regional police intervention units
Celní správa České republiky
  • Skupina operativního nasazení - [SON]


Københavns Politi (Copenhagen Police Department)
  • Udrykningssektionen (First Response Unit)


  • GOE - Grupo de Operaciones Especiales (Police)
  • GIR - Grupo de Intervención y Rescate (Police)


Ministry of Interior
Central Security Forces


Estonian Police
  • K-Commando (Special unit of the Central Crime Police)


Fiji Police Force

  • Police National Operations Support Unit[54][55]
  • Police Special Response Unit (PSRU) [56] [57]


Police of Finland


National Police
  • Recherche Assistance Intervention Dissuasion (RAID). RAID is composed of a central unit based in Bièvres (near Paris) and 13 regional branches named Antennes du RAID. The 13 Regional branches are located in metropolitan and overseas France and were formerly known as GIPNs.
  • Brigade anticommando (BRI-BAC). The Paris Police Prefecture (PP) anti-terrorism task force. It is activated in emergency situations. BRI-BAC is primarily composed of personnel from the Paris Police Prefecture Brigade de recherche et d'intervention (BRI-PP) (from the Judiciary Police directorate) with reinforcements from other PP units. Although the official name of the unit when activated is Brigade anticommando, it is often simply referred to by the press as BRI (which can be confusing as there are BRIs in each region of France).

In an emergency situation, BRI-BAC and RAID can also form a task-force called FIPN (Force d'intervention de la Police nationale), under the command of the RAID commander.

  • Groupe d'Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale (GIGN; "National Gendarmerie Intervention Group"). GIGN is composed of a central unit based in Versailles-Satory, near Paris and 14 regional branches based in metropolitan and overseas France which are known as Antennes du GIGN (AGIGN).
  • Pelotons spécialisé de protection de la Gendarmerie (PSPG). 20 units primarily dedicated to protecting the French civilian nuclear sites. Can be engaged as tactical units in a secondary role.
Helicopter support for GIGN and RAID
  • Groupe interarmées d'hélicoptères (GIH). A joint army/air force helicopter unit belonging to COS (Commandement des opérations spéciales : Special operations command). Its primary role is support of GIGN and RAID.
Ministry of Justice
  • ERIS [fr] (Regional Intervention and Security Team). Unit under the command of the carceral administration, formed partially by the GIGN, to intervene inside prison in case of particular events (riots, mutiny, evasion, terrorism).


Ghana Police Service
  • National SWAT Unit[58]


State Security Service of Georgia

  • Counterterrorist Center
  • Special Operations Center

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia

  • Counter Intelligence Department[59]
  • Special Emergency and Situations Management Center[60]
  • Central Anti Crime Department[59]
  • Regional Special Task Divisions[59][61]

Special State Protection Service (SSPS)

  • Tactical Response Group




Greek Police
Greek Coast Guard
  • Special Operations Teams (OEA)


Haitian National Police
  • Le Groupe d'Intervention de la Police Nationale d'Haïti (GIPNH) - National Police Intervention Group

Hong Kong

Hong Kong Police Force
Hong Kong Correctional Services
  • Correctional Emergency Response Team (CERT)
  • Regional Response Team (RRT)



Icelandic Police
  • Víkingasveitin ('Viking Squad') - Special Operations Unit of the National Commissioner


Law Enforcement in India



Protective Service Unit


Indonesian National Police (POLRI)

Directorate General of Customs and Excise (Bea Cukai)

  • "Customs Tactical Unit" also known as "CTU" is the special unit of the Indonesian Customs

Maritime Security Agency (Bakamla)

  • "Maritime Rapid Reaction Unit" (Unit Reaksi Cepat Laut) abbreviated as URCL.[70]


Iranian Police


Iraqi Police


Garda Síochána (National Police)


Israel Police
Israel Border Police
Israel Prison Service
Israel Defense Force


Carabinieri (National Gendarmerie)
Polizia di Stato (State Civil Police)
Polizia Penitenziaria (Penitentiary Police )
  • Gruppo Operativo Mobile (GOM)
Guardia di Finanza (Border and Financial Police)


Jamaica Constabulary Force


Security Bureaus of Prefectural police headquarters (supervised by the National Police Agency Security Bureau)
Criminal Investigation Bureaus of Prefectural police headquarters
  • Special Investigation Team (SIT) - Akita/Iwate/Ibaraki/Miyagi/Fukushima/Tochigi/Tokyo/Shizuoka/Aichi/Mie/Fukuoka/Nagasaki[72]
  • Martial Arts Attack Team (MAAT) - Osaka[72]
  • Assault Response Team - Chiba[72]
  • Special Tactical Section - Saitama[72]
  • Special Investigation Section - Kanagawa[72]
  • Technical Special Team - Aomori[72]
  • Hostage Rescue Team - Hiroshima
Japan Coast Guard
  • Special Security Team (SST) - national-level maritime counter-terrorism teams
  • Special Riot Squads (特別警備隊, Tokubetsu-keibi-tai, "Tokkei-tai") - regional-level riot control and special reaction teams


General Directorate Of Gendarmerie
  • Unit 14
  • GID Special Unit


  • Recce special warfare Kenya
  • ATPU (Anti terror police Unit)
  • SOG (Special Organized Group)
  • RDU (Rapid Deployment Unit)A.F SWAT And SAT-Special Assault Team)


  • Alpha (Elite police unit)
  • Kalkan (Special Armed Unit)
  • GSKN (Special Unit)
  • GSIN (Special Unit)
  • Shumkar (Special police unit)
  • Sher (Anti-terrorist special unit)
  • SOBR (Fast reaction unit)

South Korea (Republic of Korea)

Korean National Police Agency

  • Special Operation Unit (SOU)
    • Seoul Metropolitan Police SOU
    • Busan Metropolitan Police SOU
    • Daegu Metropolitan Police SOU
    • Daejeon Metropolitan Police SOU
    • Gwangju Metropolitan Police Agency SOU
    • Incheon Metropolitan Police SOU
    • Jeju Provincial Police SOU
    • Gyeonggi Bukbu Police Agency SOU
    • Gyeonggi Nambu Provincial Police Agency SOU
    • Gyeongnam Provincial Police Agency SOU
    • Gyeongbuk Provincial Police SOU
    • Sejong City Police SOU
    • Jeonbuk Provincial Police SOU
    • Chungnam Provincial Police SOU
    • Jeonnam Provincial Police SOU
    • Gangwon Provincial Police Agency SOU

Korea Coast Guard (KCG)

  • Sea Special Attack Team (SSAT)

Presidential Security Service (PSS)

  • Counter Assault Team (CAT)

ROK Military Police (MP)

  • Special Duty Team (SDT)


  • NJSI - Special Intervention Unit
  • NJSO - Special Operation Unit
  • NJRSH - Rapid Response Unit


  • Kuwait Special Force (Al Quwat Al Khasa)
  • Kuwait Swat team


State Police of Latvia
  • Special Tasks Battalion (Latvian: Speciālo Uzdevumu Bataljons) former as Special Tasks Battalion "ALFA"
  • Counter-terrorist unit "OMEGA" (Latvian: Pretterorisma vienība "OMEGA")


Lebanese Internal Security Forces Directorate




Police Department

  • ARAS - Lithuanian Police Anti-terrorist Operations Unit (Lithuanian: Lietuvos policijos antiteroristinių operacijų rinktinė)
  • Mobile Squads - Lithuanian Public Police Tactical Support, Riot Control, and Crimesupression units (Lithuanian: Lietuvos viešosios policijos mobilus būrys)

State Border Guard Service

  • SPS "Perkūnas" - Special Purpose Unit "Perkunas" (Lithuanian: Specialios Paskirties Skyrius "Perkūnas") former as Special Purpose Squad (VSAT SPB)

Public Security Service

  • ORKA - Operative Reaction Counterattack Squad (Lithuanian: Viešojo Saugumo Tarnybos Operatyvus Kontratakos Būrys)

Dignitary Protection Service

  • Tactical Support Unit - (Lithuanian: Vadovybės Apsaugos Tarnybos Taktinės Paramos Skyrius)


Grand Ducal Police


Public Security Police Force of Macau
  • Police Tactical Intervention Unit
    • Special Operations Team (GOE)
Correctional Services Bureau
  • Tactical Response Unit


Royal Malaysia Police
Malaysia Coast Guard
Other federal government agencies


Maltese Police
  • Rapid Intervention Unit (RIU) and Special Intervention Unit (SIU)


Guardia Nacional


National Police Agency (Mongolia)
  • Special Response Unit
  • SWAT
  • Rot-35 (Street and Lineage F1amily)
Internal Troops of Mongolia


Royal Gendarmerie

National Police

  • Bureau central des investigations judiciaire (B.C.I.J)


Myanmar Police Force

  • Special Weapons and Tactics (S.W.A.T)


Namibian Police Force


Nationale Politie (National Police)
  • Dienst Speciale Interventies (Special Intervention Service) - Collection of joint, on-call or part-time basis SWAT teams recruiting from police, military police and army (but falling under civilian police command). The Service consists of four Units:
    • Aanhoudings- en Ondersteuningsteams (Arrest and Support Teams) - High-risk arrests, protection of undercover police officers and secret agents and supporting investigation work.
    • Unit Interventie (Intervention Unit) - Small-scale high-risk operations, deployed in situations involving heavy firearms, explosions, hazardous substances and/or suicidal gunmen.
    • M-Squadron (Marine Intervention Unit), also known by the name of its main component, NLMARSOF - Large-scale counter-terrorism operations. Capable of land, air, amphibious, marine and submarine operations and responsible for operations in large aircraft and buildings and installations at sea. Called in when the Unit Interventie can no longer handle the situation, which makes it the ultimate special law enforcement unit of the Netherlands.
    • Unit Expertise en Operationele Ondersteuning (Expertise and Operational Support Unit) - Sniper teams. Police and army each provide one half of the snipers.
  • Dienst Bewaken & Beveiliging (Guard & Security Service) - VIP security, most notably the royal family, politicians and diplomats.
  • Mobiele Eenheid (ME) (Mobile Unit) - Part-time non-lethal riot police. When not deployed, officers serve as regular police.
Koninklijke Landmacht (Royal Army)
  • Korps Commandotroepen (KCT) - Responsible for counter-terrorism and special operations in foreign countries.
Koninklijke Marechaussee (Royal Military Constabulary)
  • Brigade Speciale Beveiligingsopdrachten (Special Protection Tasks Brigade) - Very high-risk arrests, infiltration and VIP security. Unlike the secret agents of the AIVD, its undercover police officers are allowed to carry weapons.
  • Bijstandseenheid (Support Unit) - Various SWAT duties and, most notably, serving as heavy riot police and internal security force cleared to use lethal force if necessary to restore public order.
Dienst Justitionele Inrichtingen (Custodial Institutions Agency)
  • Intern Bijstand Team (Internal Support Team) - Low-risk prison riot squads and backup teams for regular prison officers, available around the clock at every institution
  • Dienst Vervoer en Ondersteuning (Transport and Support Service) - In addition to the offices and training facilities of the Agency, also consists out of:
    • Landelijke Bijzondere Bijstandseenheid (National Special Support Unit) - High-risk prison riot, shakedown and evacuation unit. Also includes canine units and escorts for when prisoners have to go to hospitals.
    • Bijzonder Ondersteunings Team (BOT) (Special Support Team) - High-risk prisoner transport.

New Zealand

New Zealand Police


Policia Nacional-DOEP
  • Tácticas y Armas Policiales de Intervención y Rescate (TAPIR)
  • Departamento de Intervención Rápida (GIR)


Nigeria Police Force
  • Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) - counter terrorist unit
  • Rapid Response Squad (RRS)
  • Criminals Investigation Department (CID)
  • Special Anti-Cultism Squad (SACS)
  • Anti-Riot Squad
  • Nigerian Mobile Police Force
  • Anti-Bomb Squad.
State Security Service (Nigeria)
  • Department of State Security (DSS), VIP protection/counter terrorist


Norwegian Police Service

North Macedonia

Macedonian Police
  • Special Anti-Terrorism Unit - "Tigers" (Специјална Антитерористичка Единица —Тигар)
  • Unit for fast deployment (Единица за Брзо Распоредување)


Federal agencies
Provincial agencies



National Police of Peru
  • Tactical Action Sub-Unit - (Sub-Unidad de Acción Táctica) SUAT[74]
  • Sinchis


Philippine National Police
  • Special Action Force[75]
  • SWAT
  • Regional Mobile Force Battalions (RMFB) in each Regional Police Offices.
  • District Mobile Force Battalions (DMFB) in each Police District under the National Capital Region Police Office.
  • Provincial Mobile Force Companies (PMFC) in each Provincial Police Office.
  • City Mobile Force Companies (CMFC) in City Police Offices in Major cities outside Metro Manila.


Straż Graniczna (SG)


Public Security Police

  • Special Police Unit (UEP)
    • Intervention Corps - riot control unit
    • Special Operations Group (GOE) - special tactical assault unit
    • Personal Security Corps - VIP protection unit
    • Center for Explosive Disposal and Subsoil Security (CIESS) - EOD and subsoil security unit
    • Cino-technical Operational Group - K9 unit

National Republican Guard

  • Intervention Unit (UI)
    • Special Operations Intervention Group (GIOE) - special tactical assault unit
    • Public Order Intervention Group (GIOP) - riot control unit
    • Protection and Rescue Intervention Group (GIPS) - Rescue and firefighting unit
    • Center for Explosive Disposal and Subsoil Security (CIESS) - EOD and subsoil security unit
    • Cino-technical Intervention Group (GIC) - K9 unit

Prison Guard

  • Cino-technical Operational Group - K9 unit
  • Intervention and Prison Security Group (GISP) - tactical intervention unit

Maritime Police

  • Tactical Actions Group (GAT) - special boarding unit
  • Forensic Diving Group - underwater forensic investigation unit


Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reform
Romanian Gendarmerie
Romanian Secret Service (SRI)


Center of Special Operations of the FSB[76]
  • Directorate "A" (Spetsgruppa Alpha)
  • Directorate "V" (Spetsgruppa Vympel)
  • Directorate "S" (Spetsgruppa Smerch)
  • Directorate "K" (Kavkaz - formerly Special Purpose unit for the city of Yessentuki)
  • Directorate "T" (Spetsgruppa Tavrida) (Crimea, previously - 2nd service "SN" of FSB)
  • Special Arms Service
Foreign Intelligence Service[77][78][79]
  • Special Operations Department of Directorate Z (Zaslon)
Ministry of Internal Affairs[80]
National Guard of Russia

Ministry of Justice

  • Dozens of various independent detachments, such as OSN Saturn.

Federal Penitentiary Service OSNs:


Singapore Police Force
Singapore Prison Service
Police Coast Guard
  • Special Task Squadron (STS)[100]
  • Emergency Response Force


  • Specialna Enota Policije (SEP) - the principle counter-terrorist & hostage rescue unit,
  • Posebna Policijska Enota (PPE) - the principle public order & peace enforcement unit.



  • Útvar Osobitného Určenia (UOU) Lynx commando - Special Designation Unit of the Presidium of Police[101]

South Africa

South African Police Service
  • Special Task Force (STF)
  • National Intervention Unit (NIU) - This Unit of the South African Police Service respond to incidents of medium to high risk.
  • Tactical Response Team (TRT) a part of the South African Police Response services, respond to incidents medium to high risk situations. Tasked with follow up operations,Way-Lay Operations, Observation and Reconnaissance, battle craft rural and urban operations, support at ports of entry, cluster operations, land borne operations overt & covert ops.

Most of its members are now part of the parliamentary security team. They also provide escorts of dangerous prisoners.

  • South African Police Service Riot Squad/Anti-Riot Squad/ Public Order Policing/Internal Stability Unit (POP/ISU)

Its members are highly trained in advance crowd control both French & Belgium tactics, medium to high risk operations


Guardia Civil (Spanish gendarmerie)
  • Unidad Especial de Intervención (UEI, Special Intervention Unit) - "Tier 1" special forces unit for counter-terrorism and hostage rescue among other critical tasks.
  • Grupo de Acción Rápida (GAR, Rapid Action Group) - "Tier 2" special forces unit formerly focused on counter-terrorism in rural areas, now multipurpose.
National Police Corps of Spain
  • Grupo Especial de Operaciones (GEO, Special Operations Group) - "Tier 1" special forces unit for counter-terrorism and hostage rescue among other critical tasks.
  • Grupos Operativos Especiales de Seguridad (GOES, Special Operative Security Groups) - smaller SWAT-like teams throughout Spain.
Mossos d'Esquadra (Catalonian regional police)
  • Grup Especial d'Intervenció (GEI, Special Intervention Group) - Catalonian regional special unit similar to UEI and GEO.
Ertzaintza (Basque regional police)
  • Berrozi Berezi Taldea (BBT, Special Intervention Group) - Basque regional special unit similar to UEI and GEO.
Policía Foral (Navarrese regional police)
  • Grupo de Intervención Especial (GIE, Special Intervention Group) - Navarrese regional special unit similar to UEI and GEO.

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka Police Service


Swedish Police Authority
  • National Task Force (Nationella insatsstyrkan)
  • Reinforced Regional Task Force (Förstärkt Regional Insatsstyrka)
    • Reinforced Regional Task Force Stockholm (Förstärk Regional Insatsstyrka Stockholm)
    • Reinforced Regional Task Force South (Förstärkt Regional Insatsstyrka Syd)
    • Reinforced Regional Task Force West (Förstärkt Regional Insatsstyrka Väst)
  • Regional Task Force (Regional Insatsstyrka)
    • Regional Task Force East
    • Regional Task Force Bergslagen
    • Regional Task Force Middle
    • Regional Task Force North


Federal Office of Police (FedPol)
Cantonal (states) police
  • Basel State Police
    • Interventionseinheit Barracuda[102]
  • Bern State Police
    • Einsatzgruppe Enzian[104]
  • Central Switzerland Police
    • Interventionseinheit Lynx[102]
  • Fribourg State Police
    • Groupe d'intervention de la police cantonale fribourgeoise (GRIF)[102]
  • Geneva State Police
    • Groupe d'Intervention Police Genève (GIPG)[105]
  • Jura State Police
    • Groupe d'intervention et Tireurs d'Elite (GITE)[102]
  • Neuchatel State Police
  • Ticino State Police
    • Reparti Speciali-Gruppo d'Intervento (ReS-GI)[106]
  • Valais State Police
    • Groupe d'intervention "Edelweiss" (GI Edelweiss)[107]
  • Vaud State Police
  • Zürich State Police
    • Einsatzgruppe Diamant
    • Interventionseinheit Skorpion[102]


Royal Thai Police
  • Royal Thai Police Arintaraj 26 Special Operations Unit
  • Royal Thai Police Black Tiger Special Operations Unit
  • Royal Thai Police Burapa 491 Special Operations Unit
  • Royal Thai Police Counter Terrorism Special Operations Unit
  • Royal Thai Police Danthai 54 Special Operations Unit
  • Royal Thai Police Eagle 7 Special Operations Unit
  • Royal Thai Police Hanuman Special Operations Unit
  • Royal Thai Police Kumhang-Songkram Special Operations Unit
  • Royal Thai Police Long Range Surveillance Unit (LRSU)
  • Royal Thai Police Naresuan 261 Special Operation Unit
  • Royal Thai Police Pali 63 Special Operations Unit
  • Royal Thai Police Rajadej Special Operations Unit
  • Royal Thai Police Sayobpairee 43 Special Operations Unit aka NSB Commando
  • Royal Thai Police Siharaj 65 Special Operations Unit
  • Royal Thai Police SINGA Special Operations Unit
  • Royal Thai Police Thotsarot 491 Special Operations Unit
  • Royal Thai Police Yakkharajh 49 Special Operations Unit

Independent agencies

  • Court of Justice (COJ)
    • Office of Security (OOS)
      • Fugitive Unit (FU)


  • Ministry of Interior (MOI)
    • Department of Provincial Administration (DOPA)
      • Department of Provincial Administration Special Wisdom And Tactics (DOPA S.W.A.T.)


General Directorate of Security
Turkish Gendarmerie

United Arab Emirates

Dubai Police Force

United Kingdom

Firearms unit (with SFO or CTSFO)
Territorial police forces

United States

Federal Law Enforcement Agencies

The federal law enforcement agencies in the United States have tactical units.

Independent Federal Agencies
State Police/Highway Patrol Agencies

The state police (state troopers) and highway patrols of the United States have tactical units.

  • Alabama Police Departments,County Sheriff's Department or Office and DPS

(ASPD's,CSODO's,DPS) - Special Emergency Response S.W.A.T Team (SERT)

Local Police/County Sheriff Agencies

The police departments and sheriff's offices of thousands of towns, cities, and counties across the United States have tactical units, which are usually called Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT), Sheriff's Emergency Response Team, (SERT), or Emergency Response Team (ERT). Some examples are below.


Special Police Forces (Ukraine)
Security Service of Ukraine
National Guard of Ukraine
National Police of Ukraine

Special Tasks Patrol Police are the volunteer corps law enforcement units, part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.


Policía Nacional del Uruguay
  • Guardia Republicana


Policía Nacional Bolivariana
  • Unidad de Operaciones Tácticas Especiales (UOTE)


Vietnam People's Public Security

Bộ Tư lệnh Cảnh sát Cơ động K20 (K20 Police Headquarters)

  • Vietnam Rapid Response Police (Cảnh sát Phản ứng nhanh), also known as CS113 - Counter criminal police
  • Vietnam Special Criminal Investigation Police (Cảnh sát Hình sự Đặc nhiệm) - Investigation of special criminal cases[111]

See also


  1. ^ a b c d "Tactical Response and Operations Standard for Law Enforcement Agencies" (PDF). National Tactical Officers Association. September 2015. Retrieved 25 May 2017.
  2. ^ Alvaro, Sam. Tactical law enforcement in Canada; an exploratory survey of Canadian police agencies (PDF) (Thesis). Carleton University. ISBN 9780612484191. Retrieved 25 May 2017.
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