Martens I Government

The Martens I Government was the national government of Belgium from 3 April 1979 to 23 January 1980.

It was the first government headed by Wilfried Martens and comprised the Flemish Christian People's Party (CVP), the French-speaking Christian Social Party (PSC), the Flemish Belgian Socialist Party (BSP), the French-speaking Socialist Party (SP) and the Democratic Front of Francophones (FDF). It fell after nine months, when the FDF left the government.


Minister Name Party
Prime Minister Wilfried Martens CVP
Deputy Prime Minister - Budget Guy Spitaels PS
Deputy Prime Minister - Economic Affairs Willy Claes BSP
Deputy Prime Minister - Defence Paul Vanden Boeynants (to Oct. 1979)
José Desmarets (from Oct. 1979)
Communication Jos Chabert CVP
Justice Renaat Van Elslande CVP
Foreign Affairs Henri Simonet PS
Social Assistance and Pensions Alfred Califice PSC
Agriculture and Middle Classes Albert Lavens CVP
Education Jef Ramaekers BSP
Dutch-speaking Community Affairs Rika De Backer CVP
Public Health and Environment Luc Dhoore CVP
Finance Gaston Geens CVP
Walloon Affairs Jean-Maurice Dehousse PS
Public Works Guy Mathot PS
PTT Robert Urbain PS
Development Cooperation Mark Eyskens CVP
Employment and Labour Roger De Wulf BSP
Education Jacques Hoyaux PS
Interior and Institutional Reform Georges Gramme PSC
Flemish Affairs Marc Galle BSP
French-speaking Community Affairs Michel Hansenne PSC
Civil Service and Institutional Reform Willy Calewaert BSP
Brussels Affairs Léon Defosset FDF
Foreign Trade and Science Policy Lucien Outers FDF
Secretary of State Name Party
Brussels Affairs Guy Cudell PS
Flemish Affairs Paul Akkermans CVP
Dutch-speaking Community Affairs Rika Steyaert CVP
Brussels Affairs Lydia De Pauw BSP
Flemish Affairs Daniel Coens CVP
Walloon Affairs Bernard Anselme PS
Walloon Affairs Antoine Humblet PSC
French-speaking Community Affairs François Persoons FDF
