Montserrat Cervera Rodon

Montserrat Cervera Rodon
Personal details
BornJuly 27, 1949
Barcelona, Spain
Alma materUniversity of Barcelona
Known for

Montserrat Cervera Rodon (Barcelona, July 27, 1949) is a Catalan anti-militarist, feminist, and women's health activist, involved in various feminist actions and campaigns such as the right to abortion.


Montserrat Cervera Rodon has a degree in Contemporary history from the University of Barcelona, specializing in the oral history of women. Her professional life has always been linked to feminist non-governmental spaces and groups, especially the Centro de Análisis y Programas Sanitarios (Caps) (Center for Analysis and Health Programs)[2] where she worked for 25 years, since 1997, focusing on women's health from a feminist perspective.

"Nosotras sabemos que la violencia, el militarismo y el patriarcado no llevan a la seguridad ni a la libertad, sino a la destrucción y la muerte."
(We know that violence, militarism and patriarchy do not lead to security or freedom, but to destruction and death.)
-Montserrat Cervera Rodon (5 March 2022)[3]

She was a member of the Revolutionary Communist League (LCR) during the years of anti-Francoist struggle through the university movements and the student union. She was imprisoned in Madrid for almost three years following her arrest during the preparation of a demonstration, which is why she was unable to attend the 1976 Jornadas Catalanas de la Mujer [es] (Catalan Women's Conference), although she continued to make an impact. She was released in November 1976 and joined a women's committee; since then, she has continued to be linked to feminist movements and the struggle for women's liberation.[4]

In 1985, around May 24, Dia Internacional de las Mujeres por la Paz y el Desarme [es] (International Women's Day for Peace and Disarmament), with Dones Antimilitaristes (DOAN) and having the support of many feminist groups, Cervera organized a line of women and a protest camp against the army and against the construction of a military academy for women in Tortosa.[5] The mobilization had a great impact in experiential and political spheres, provoking a crisis in the municipal government and causing the PP to go into opposition.[6][7]

In 1987, with the DOAN group, Cervera attended the Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp, an important event for the antimilitarist movement.[8]

Cervera participates in women's health networks RedCAPS and Xarxa de Dones per la Salut in Catalonia.[6][3] She is on the advisory board of the magazine Mujeres y Salud (MyS).[9] She participates in the feminist space of Ca la Dona [es],[10] in the antimilitarist group "Dones per Dones",[11][12] in the Xarxa Feminista de Catalunya network,[13] and in Novembre Feminista.9[14][15]

In June 1922, Cervera was a panelist at a Round Table of the Counter-Summit for Peace organized by the Platform for Peace Against Wars. NATO No Bases Outside.[16]

She has a son,[17] and daughter.[1]


  1. ^ a b Aguayo, Andrés (17 February 2018). "Jaume Roures, el hombre sin sombra". Vanity Fair (in European Spanish). Condé Nast. Retrieved 1 February 2023.
  2. ^ "CAPS - Centre d'Anàlisi i Programes Sanitaris". (in Spanish). Retrieved 31 January 2023.
  3. ^ a b Cervera i Rodon, Montserrat (5 March 2022). "Ni guerra que nos destruya, ni paz que oprima a las mujeres". (in Spanish). Retrieved 31 January 2023.
  4. ^ "Montserrat Cervera Rodón". (in Spanish). Arxiu Històric - Ajuntament de Barcelona. Retrieved 31 January 2023.
  5. ^ "Entrevista a Montserrat Cervera – Antimilitaristas Madrid". (in Spanish). Retrieved 1 February 2023.
  6. ^ a b Pérez Alonso, Edith; Gimena, Mar R. (8 March 2022). "Montserrat Cervera: "Si tienes una cosa clara en la cabeza, ve con tus amigas y hazla"". (in Spanish). Retrieved 31 January 2023.
  7. ^ "Acampada de mujeres en Tortosa" (PDF). Viento Sur (in Spanish). 1985.
  8. ^ "Las Mujeres de Greenham Common estamos en todas partes vindicando nuestra genealogía antimilitarista reciente". La Independent (in Catalan). Retrieved 1 February 2023.
  9. ^ "Nosotras". (in Spanish). Mujeres y Salud – Revista de comunicación científica para mujeres. Retrieved 31 January 2023.
  10. ^ "29/05:: Ciutats Relacionals, Ciutats Vivibles". Ca la Dona, un espai de dones i per a dones (in Catalan). 10 May 2017. Retrieved 31 January 2023.
  11. ^ Gusi, Tona (11 September 2010). "Què en pensa... Montserrat Cervera i Rodon. DONES X DONES". La Independent (in Catalan). Retrieved 31 January 2023.
  12. ^ Cervera, Montse. "Para una paz que sea la nuestra". Revista Por la Paz (in European Spanish). Retrieved 31 January 2023.
  13. ^ "Qui som". Xarxa Feminista de Catalunya (in Catalan). Retrieved 31 January 2023.
  14. ^ "Novembre Feminista". Novembre Feminista (in Catalan). Retrieved 1 February 2023.
  15. ^ "Tribunal Popular Feminista, contra la violència vicària y l'assetjament sexual en l'àmbit del treball - Coordinadora Feminista". Coordinadora Feminista - Federación Estatal de Organizaciones Feministas (in Spanish). Retrieved 1 February 2023.
  16. ^ "Visions del moviment feminista contra les guerres i l'OTAN. Propostes feministes de pau". Ca la Dona, un espai de dones i per a dones (in Catalan). Barcelona. 15 July 2022. Retrieved 1 February 2023.
  17. ^ "La Llibreria Pròleg deixa a contracor el local de Ciutat Vella". (in Catalan). 10 January 2023. Retrieved 1 February 2023.