Morohoshi Sayaka

Sayaka Morohoshi
Born (1965-02-24) February 24, 1965 (age 59)
 Japan Kushiro city in Hokkaido prefecture
EducationTokyo University of Foreign -Studies
Wuhan University
Peking University
Occupation(s)a staff writer of the Hokkaido -Shimbun Press
a lecturer of Takaoka National College
a freelance journalist

Sayaka Morohoshi (諸星清佳, Morohoshi Sayaka, born 24 February 1965) is a Japanese journalist known for his books and articles on modern China.


Morohoshi was born in Kushiro city and spent young days in Sapporo city in Hokkaido prefecture. He studied Chinese modern literature at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies and his graduation thesis is "Liu Binyan and freedom of speech in China". He worked at the Hokkaido Shimbun Press for a while, and went on to a master's course of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies to major in historical and cultural studies of modern China.[1] He went abroad to Wuhan University (from September 1987 to February1989) and Peking University (from Sept.1991 to Jul.1992) to study Chinese modern literature.[2]He was a lecturer of Takaoka National College(currently known as faculty of art and design in University of Toyama)from Nov.1998 to Jan.2001.[3] When he was a university student, he wrote a feature story about San'ya (a slum in Tokyo) in the newspaper of the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.[4]

His points of view on contemporary China

He basically appreciates Chinese economic reform and regards Maoism, especially the Chinese Cultural Revolution, as fascism.[5][6] He gave severe criticism to a Japanese journalist Katsuichi Honda, whom he charges with concealing Honda's standpoint as a Maoist even though Honda admired the Chinese Cultural Revolution.[7][8] Although many China watchers in Japan expect Chinese economy (or China itself) will start to collapse around 2007, yet he consistently denies such opinions.[9][10][11] He early wanted to report Uyghur genocide in Xinjiang, but Katsuichi Honda――the chief editor of “Weekly Friday”――refused to carry the article.[12]


all written by Japanses

  • 『沈黙の国の記者――劉賓雁と中国共産党』A Journalist in the Silent Country:Liu Binyan and the Communist Party of China (1992.12)
  • 『ルポ中国』China Now (1996.7)
  • 『中国革命の夢が潰えたとき――毛沢東に裏切られた人々』Disillusion to the Communist Revolution of China:People Betrayed by Mao Zedong (2000.1)
  • 『チベットの現在』Tibet Now (2014.1)


all written by Japanses

  • 『劉賓雁ルポ作品集』The Selected Works of Liu Binyan (2004.7)

See also


  1. ^ Morohoshi,Tibet Now『チベットの現在』, a colophon.
  2. ^ Morohoshi,Disillusion to the Communist Revolution of China『中国革命の夢が潰えたとき』, a colophon.
  3. ^ Morohoshi,Disillusion to the Communist Revolution of China『中国革命の夢が潰えたとき』, a colophon.
  4. ^ Morohoshi,"A Feature Story about San'ya"「特別ルポ・山谷」the newspaper of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies『東京外国語大学新聞』, November 22, 1984 , p.14-39.
  5. ^ The Selected Works of Liu Binyan『劉賓雁ルポ作品集』, p.284-285.
  6. ^ Morohoshi,Tibet Now『チベットの現在』, p.191-192.
  7. ^ Morohoshi,China Now『ルポ中国』, p.354-360.
  8. ^ Morohoshi,"Katsuichi Honda's Indelible Past:a Journalist as Negative Example "「ジャーナリズムの反面教師 本多勝一の"消せない過去"」Bessatsu Seiron Extra.12『別冊正論Extra.12』,November 2009 , p.124-133.
  9. ^ Morohoshi,"Listen to the voice of Tibetan people who are still suffering under heavy security by China"「今も中国の厳戒下にあえぐチベットの声を聞け」Seiron『正論』,May 2009 , p. 114.
  10. ^ Morohoshi,book review "Communist Party of China"「中国共産党」Hokkaido Shimbun『北海道新聞』, July 24, 2011.
  11. ^ Morohoshi,Tibet Now『チベットの現在』,p.21refuse-23, p.34-37.
  12. ^ Morohoshi,"China has woken up from red dream――Uyghurs under economic reform"「赤い夢から覚めて――改革開放下のウイグル」Quarterly China №39『季刊中国』№39,December 1994,p.59.

External links