Musical Symbols (Unicode block)

Musical Symbols
(256 code points)
ScriptsCommon (211 char.)
Inherited (22 char.)
Symbol setsModern musical notation
Assigned233 code points
Unused23 reserved code points
Unicode version history
3.1 (2001)219 (+219)
5.1 (2008)220 (+1)
8.0 (2015)231 (+11)
14.0 (2021)233 (+2)
Unicode documentation
Code chartโ€ƒโˆฃโ€ƒWeb page
Note: [1][2]

Musical Symbols is a Unicode block containing characters for representing modern musical notation. Fonts that support it include Bravura, Euterpe, FreeSerif, Musica and Symbola. The Standard Music Font Layout (SMuFL), which is supported by the MusicXML format, expands on the Musical Symbols Unicode Block's 220 glyphs by using the Private Use Area in the Basic Multilingual Plane, permitting close to 2600 glyphs.[3]


Musical Symbols[1][2]
Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF)
ย  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
U+1D10x ๐„€ ๐„ ๐„‚ ๐„ƒ ๐„„ ๐„… ๐„† ๐„‡ ๐„ˆ ๐„‰ ๐„Š ๐„‹ ๐„Œ ๐„ ๐„Ž ๐„
U+1D11x ๐„ ๐„‘ ๐„’ ๐„“ ๐„” ๐„• ๐„– ๐„— ๐„˜ ๐„™ ๐„š ๐„› ๐„œ ๐„ ๐„ž ๐„Ÿ
U+1D12x ๐„  ๐„ก ๐„ข ๐„ฃ ๐„ค ๐„ฅ ๐„ฆ ๐„ฉ ๐„ช ๐„ซ ๐„ฌ ๐„ญ ๐„ฎ ๐„ฏ
U+1D13x ๐„ฐ ๐„ฑ ๐„ฒ ๐„ณ ๐„ด ๐„ต ๐„ถ ๐„ท ๐„ธ ๐„น ๐„บ ๐„ป ๐„ผ ๐„ฝ ๐„พ ๐„ฟ
U+1D14x ๐…€ ๐… ๐…‚ ๐…ƒ ๐…„ ๐…… ๐…† ๐…‡ ๐…ˆ ๐…‰ ๐…Š ๐…‹ ๐…Œ ๐… ๐…Ž ๐…
U+1D15x ๐… ๐…‘ ๐…’ ๐…“ ๐…” ๐…• ๐…– ๐…— ๐…˜ NULLNOTEย HEADย  ๐…š ๐…› ๐…œ ๐… ๐…ž ๐…Ÿ
U+1D16x ๐…  ๐…ก ๐…ข ๐…ฃ ๐…ค ๐…ฅ ๐…ฆ ๐…ง ๐…จ ๐…ฉ ๐…ช ๐…ซ ๐…ฌ ๐…ญ ๐…ฎ ๐…ฏ
U+1D17x ๐…ฐ ๐…ฑ ๐…ฒ ย BEGINย 
ย BEAMย 
ย TIEย 
ย SLURย 
ย PHR.ย 
๐…ป ๐…ผ ๐…ฝ ๐…พ ๐…ฟ
U+1D18x ๐†€ ๐† ๐†‚ ๐†ƒ ๐†„ ๐†… ๐†† ๐†‡ ๐†ˆ ๐†‰ ๐†Š ๐†‹ ๐†Œ ๐† ๐†Ž ๐†
U+1D19x ๐† ๐†‘ ๐†’ ๐†“ ๐†” ๐†• ๐†– ๐†— ๐†˜ ๐†™ ๐†š ๐†› ๐†œ ๐† ๐†ž ๐†Ÿ
U+1D1Ax ๐†  ๐†ก ๐†ข ๐†ฃ ๐†ค ๐†ฅ ๐†ฆ ๐†ง ๐†จ ๐†ฉ ๐†ช ๐†ซ ๐†ฌ ๐†ญ ๐†ฎ ๐†ฏ
U+1D1Bx ๐†ฐ ๐†ฑ ๐†ฒ ๐†ณ ๐†ด ๐†ต ๐†ถ ๐†ท ๐†ธ ๐†น ๐†บ ๐†ป ๐†ผ ๐†ฝ ๐†พ ๐†ฟ
U+1D1Cx ๐‡€ ๐‡ ๐‡‚ ๐‡ƒ ๐‡„ ๐‡… ๐‡† ๐‡‡ ๐‡ˆ ๐‡‰ ๐‡Š ๐‡‹ ๐‡Œ ๐‡ ๐‡Ž ๐‡
U+1D1Dx ๐‡ ๐‡‘ ๐‡’ ๐‡“ ๐‡” ๐‡• ๐‡– ๐‡— ๐‡˜ ๐‡™ ๐‡š ๐‡› ๐‡œ ๐‡ ๐‡ž ๐‡Ÿ
U+1D1Ex ๐‡  ๐‡ก ๐‡ข ๐‡ฃ ๐‡ค ๐‡ฅ ๐‡ฆ ๐‡ง ๐‡จ ๐‡ฉ ๐‡ช
1.^ As of Unicode version 16.0
2.^ Grey areas indicate non-assigned code points


The following Unicode-related documents record the purpose and process of defining specific characters in the Musical Symbols block:

See also


  1. ^ "Unicode character database". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2023-07-26.
  2. ^ "Enumerated Versions of The Unicode Standard". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2023-07-26.
  3. ^ "Standard Music Font Layout website". 7 February 2013. Retrieved 2018-02-24.