Nikolay Kharitonov 2024 presidential campaign

Nikolay Kharitonov 2024 presidential campaign
Campaigned for2024 Russian presidential election
CandidateNikolay Kharitonov
Member of the State Duma
(1993–present day)
AffiliationCommunist Party
22 December 2023
23 December 2023
Key peopleChief of staff:
Gennady Zyuganov
SloganWe played at capitalism and that's enough!
(Поиграли в капитализм - и хватит!)
Nikolay Kharitonov in October 2023

The 2024 presidential campaign of Nikolay Kharitonov, member of the State Duma, was announced on 23 December 2023, during the Communist party's congress.

This is Nikolay Kharitonov's second presidential campaign. He had previously unsuccessfully run for President of Russia from the Communist Party in the 2004 election, in which he took 2nd place, receiving 13,8% of the vote.

At the age of 75, Kharitonov became the oldest Russian presidential candidate in history, breaking the record of 71-year-old Vladimir Zhirinovsky in the 2018 election. If elected, Kharitonov will become the oldest president of Russia in history, and by the end of his presidential term (in 2030) he will become one of the oldest world leaders.[1]

Shortly after his nomination, Kharitonov stated that he would not be criticising current president and possible candidate Vladimir Putin during the election campaign.[2]


Nikolay Kharitonov's candidacy for the presidential nomination from the Communist Party was proposed on 22 December 2023, during a meeting of the plenum of the Central Committee of the party.[3] Besides him, the regional branches of the party also proposed the party leader Gennady Zyuganov, Oryol Oblast Governor Andrey Klychkov and former Irkutsk Oblast Governor Sergey Levchenko.[4]

At the Congress of the Communist Party, held on 23 December 2023, Kharitonov was the only candidate for the presidential nomination. 175 out of 188 delegates of the congress voted for his nomination and 6 delegates voted against.[5]


On 16 January 2024, Kharitonov, arrived on a three-day visit to the Khabarovsk Krai. During the visit, Kharitonov met with local residents, university students and representatives of public organizations.[6]

On 18 January 2024, the Communist Party held a press conference at which Kharitonov's election campaign was presented.[7] According to the presented program, Kharitonov proposes a change in socio-economic policy, the development of industrial and agricultural sectors and new industrialization, which requires the nationalization of the mineral resource base. Kharitonov also advocates the introduction of a progressive scale of taxation.[8]

Campaign organizations

After Khartinov's nomination, Communist Party leader Gennady Zyuganov announced that he would head his staff. According to Zyuganov, he will coordinate all the work and perform the role of a person who ensures the election campaign.[9]


  1. ^ "В бой идут старики: почему КПРФ выдвинула в президенты 75-летнего Николая Харитонова". 23 December 2023. Retrieved 2024-01-03.
  2. ^ [1]
  3. ^ "Пленум КПРФ поддержал кандидатуру Харитонова на выборы президента". 22 December 2023. Retrieved 2024-01-03.
  4. ^ "Кандидат старой школы. КПРФ официально выдвинула в президенты депутата Госдумы Николая Харитонова". 23 December 2023. Retrieved 2024-01-03.
  5. ^ "Съезд КПРФ выдвинул Николая Харитонова кандидатом в президенты РФ". 23 December 2023. Retrieved 2024-01-03.
  6. ^ "Харитонов начал турне по Дальнему Востоку: какие заявления успел сделать". 16 January 2024. Retrieved 2024-01-21.
  7. ^ "КПРФ представила предвыборную программу Харитонова". 18 January 2024. Retrieved 2024-01-21.
  8. ^ "Николай Харитонов пойдет на выборы с антикапиталистическим лозунгом". 19 January 2024. Retrieved 2024-01-21.
  9. ^ "Зюганов уточнил, в каком качестве примет участие в выборах президента России". 23 December 2023. Retrieved 2024-01-03.