Ninth Seimas of Lithuania

Ninth Seimas of Lithuania
Eighth Seimas of Lithuania Tenth Seimas of Lithuania
Legislative bodySeimas
Jurisdiction Lithuania

The Ninth Seimas of Lithuania was a parliament (Seimas) elected in Lithuania. Elections took place on 10 October 2004, with the run-off on 24 October. The Seimas commenced its work on 15 November 2004 and served a four-year term, with the last session on 16 November 2008.


In the elections in 2004, 70 members of the parliament were elected on proportional party lists and 71 in single member constituencies. Elections took place on 10 October 2004. Run-off elections were held on 24 October in the single-seat constituencies where no candidate secured a seat in the first round.

Party or alliance Proportional Constituency Total
Votes % Seats Votes % Seats
Labour Party (DP) 340,035 28.4 22 21.4 17 39
Working for Lithuania (UDL) Social Democratic Party of Lithuania 246,852 20.7 16 17.6 15 20
New Union (Social Liberals) 11
Homeland Union (Lithuanian Conservatives) (TS) 176,409 14.8 11 14.4 14 25
For the Order and Justice (TT) Liberal Democratic Party 135,807 11.3 9 8.4 1 10
Lithuanian People's Union For a Fair Lithuania
Liberal and Centre Union (LiCS) 109,872 9.2 7 12.4 11 18
Peasants and New
Democratic Party Union (VNDPS)
Lithuanian Peasants Party 78,902 6.6 5 7.7 5 10
New Democracy Party
Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania (LLRA) 45,302 3.8 0 4.5 2 2
Christian Conservative Social Union 23,426 1.9 0 1.9 0 0
Lithuanian Christian Democrats 16,362 1.4 0 2.5 0 0
National Centre Party 5,989 0.5 0 0 0
Republican Party 4,326 0.4 0 0 0
Union of Lithuanian Socialists 3,977 0.3 0 0 0
Lithuanian Liberty Union 3,337 0.3 0 0.2 0 0
National Party Lithuanian Road 2,577 0.2 0 0.5 0 0
Lithuanian Nationalist Union 2,482 0.2 0 0 0
Young Lithuania 0.2 0 0
Lithuanian Russian Union 0.2 0 0
Independents 6 6
Invalid/blank votes 32,998 67,149
Total 1,228,653 100 70 1,227,648 100 71 141
Registered voters/turnout 2,666,196 46.1 2,666,199 46.1
Source: Nohlen & Stöver, Strathclyde University, VRK


Speaker of the Seimas
Artūras Paulauskas
Artūras Paulauskas (New Union (Social Liberals))
15 November 2004 - 11 April 2006
Česlovas Juršėnas
Česlovas Juršėnas (Social Democrats)
1 April 2008 - 17 November 2008

After the elections, Social Democrats led the coalition together with the New Union (Social Liberals), Labor and Peasants and New Democratic Party Union.[1] Artūras Paulauskas was reelected as the Speaker of the Ninth Seimas, having served as the Speaker in the previous term.

In April 2006 the parliament expressed no confidence in the Speaker and Paulauskas was forced to resign, taking New Union out of the coalition. He was replaced as the Speaker of the Seimas by Viktoras Muntianas of Labor Party, who soon left the party to form Civic Democratic Party.[1]

After another disagreement in May 2006, Labor Party joined the opposition. The decision was affected by the decision of the leader of the Party Viktor Uspaskich to resign as the Minister of the Economy after being accused of conflicts of interest. Opposition Liberal and Centre Union joined the minority government that ruled with some support of other opposition parties. At the beginning of 2008 New Union rejoined the coalition.[1] Viktoras Muntianas resigned as the Speaker of the Seimas after a corruption scandal in April 2008 and Česlovas Juršėnas was elected in his stead.[2]

This parliament passed legislation for possible introduction of euro.


Parliamentary groups

During the first session of the Seimas the following parliamentary groups were registered: Social Democratic Party of Lithuania (LSDPF), Labour Party (DPF), Liberal and Centre (LCSF), Liberal Democrats (LDF), New Union (NSF), Homeland Union (TSF), Peasant and New Democracy (VNDF, later VLF) and the Mixed Group of Members of the Seimas (MSNG).

The term of the Seimas was noted for particularly significant shifts among parliamentary groups.[1] For example, only 20 Social Democrats were elected to the Seimas, but Social Democratic Party political group in the Seimas had 38 members at the end of the term. Parliamentary groups formed during the term included Liberals (LF), Order and Justice Liberal Democrats (TTLDF), Civic Democratic (PDF), as well as Peasant Popular and Civic Democratic (VLPDF) groups.

By the end of the term of the Seimas, the following parliamentary groups were active.[1]

Composition of the Seimas at the end of 2004-2008 term.
Name Abbr. Members
Social Democratic Party of Lithuania LSDPF 38
Homeland Union TSF 26
Labor Party DPF 23
Peasant Popular Union VLF 14
Order and Justice TTLDF 11
Liberal and Center Union LCSF 10
New Union (Social Liberals) NSF 9
Liberal Movement LSF 9
Others MSNG 1


A total of 158 members served on the Ninth Seimas.[3]

Name, Surname Constituency Electoral list Parliamentary group Notes
Remigijus Ačas Nationwide TT LDF
TTLDF (from 23 May 2006)
Vilija Aleknaitė-Abramikienė Nationwide TS TSF
Petras Auštrevičius Senamiesčio LiCS LCSF
LF (from 20 October 2005)
LSF (from 26 April 2006)
Audronius Ažubalis Nationwide TS TSF
Petras Baguška Nationwide DP DPF
MSNG (from 22 December 2005)
PDF (from 2 May 2006)
VLPDF (from 8 May 2007)
PDF (from 17 January 2008)
LSDPF (from 4 April 2008)
From 21 December 2004
Zigmantas Balčytis Šilalės – Šilutės UDL LSDPF
Aldona Balsienė Nationwide TT LDF Until 17 March 2006
Virginija Baltraitienė Nationwide DP DPF From 13 December 2005
Dailis Alfonsas Barakauskas Nationwide TT LDF
TTLDF (from 23 May 2006)
From 18 March 2006
Andrius Baranauskas Nationwide DP DPF
PDF (from 2 May 2006)
VLPDF (from 8 May 2007)
PDF (from 17 January 2008)
LSDPF (from 4 April 2008)
Rimantas Bašys Saulės DP DPF
Rima Baškienė Šiaulių kaimiškoji VNDPS VNDF
VLF (from 13 December 2005)
VLPDF (from 8 May 2007)
VLF (18 January 2008)
Danutė Bekintienė Karoliniškių TS TSF
Juozas Bernatonis Nationwide UDL LSDPF From 16 April 2007
Vilija Blinkevičiūtė Šeškinės UDL NSF
LSDPF (from 25 May 2006)
Kazys Bobelis Nationwide VNDPS VNDF
VLF (from 13 December 2005)
LDF (from 20 April 2006)
TTLDF (from 23 May 2006)
Until 31 May 2006
Vytautas Bogušis Nationwide LiCS LCSF
Violeta Boreikienė Nationwide LiCS LCSF
MSNG (from 18 October 2005)
LSF (from 25 April 2006)
LSDPF (from 27 March 2007)
Antanas Bosas Baltijos DP DPF
Bronius Bradauskas Kaišiadorių – Elektrėnų UDL LSDPF
Saulius Bucevičius Akmenės – Joniškio DP DPF
Valentinas Bukauskas Telšių DP DPF
Algirdas Butkevičius Vilkaviškio UDL LSDPF
Gintautas Bužinskas Nationwide DP DPF Until 20 December 2004
Algis Čaplikas Žirmūnų LiCS LCSF
Jonas Čekuolis Nationwide LiCS LCSF From 16 November 2004
Vytautas Čepas Nationwide LiCS LCSF
LF (from 20 October 2005)
LSF (from 20 April 2006)
LSDPF (from 4 July 2007)
Vida Marija Čigriejienė Panemunės Independent TSF
Rimantas Jonas Dagys Šilainių TS TSF
Kęstutis Daukšys Nationwide DP DPF
Julius Dautartas Nevėžio TS TSF
Irena Degutienė Naujamiesčio TS TSF
Virginijus Domarkas Kretingos DP DPF
VLF (from 19 July 2006)
VLPDF (from 8 May 2007)
VLF (from 18 January 2008)
Vytautas Sigitas Draugelis Suvalkijos DP DPF
Arimantas Dumčius Kalniečių TS TSF
Audrius Endzinas Šilutės – Pagėgių Independent LCSF
LF (from 20 October 2005)
LSF (from 20 April 2006)
Algirdas Gaižutis Nationwide VNDPS - 13 June 2006
Vytautas Galvonas Anykščių – Kupiškio TT LDF
TTLDF (from 23 May 2006)
Ramūnas Garbaravičius Nationwide TS TSF
Aidas Gedvilas Nationwide DP DPF Until 16 January 2005
Vydas Gedvilas Nationwide DP DPF
Saulius Girdauskas Nationwide DP DPF
Kęstutis Glaveckas Dainavos LiCS LCSF
LF (from 20 October 2005)
LSF (from 20 April 2006)
Loreta Graužinienė Nationwide DP DPF
Petras Gražulis Gargždų Independent MSNG
TTLDF (from 11 September 2007)
Vytautas Grubliauskas Danės LiCS LCSF
LF (from 20 October 2005)
LSF (from 20 April 2006)
Algirdas Ivanauskas Nationwide DP DPF
PDF (from 2 May 2006)
VLPDF (from 8 May 2007)
PDF (from 17 January 2008)
LSDPF (from 4 April 2008)
Jonas Jagminas Plungės – Rietavo DP DPF
LSDPF (from 14 September 2006)
Gediminas Jakavonis Nationwide UDL NSF
VLF (16 July 2008)
Povilas Jakučionis Nationwide TS TSF
Donatas Jankauskas Kauno kaimiškoji TS TSF
Juozas Jaruševičius Jonavos DP DPF
PDF (from 2 May 2006)
VLPDF (from 8 May 2007)
PDF (from 17 January 2008)
LSDPF (from 4 April 2008)
Rasa Juknevičienė Žaliakalnio TS TSF
Jonas Juozapaitis Pakruojo – Joniškio UDL LSDPF
Česlovas Juršėnas Ignalinos – Švenčionių UDL LSDPF
Vytautas Kamblevičius Nationwide DP DPF
TTDPF (from 10 March 2008)
From 17 January 2005
Vaclovas Karbauskis Tauragės UDL NSF
Justinas Karosas Lazdijų – Druskininkų UDL LSDPF
Etela Karpickienė Nationwide DP DPF From 13 April 2006
Algis Kašėta Varėnos – Eišiškių LiCS LCSF
LF (from 20 October 2005)
LSF (from 20 April 2006)
Gediminas Kirkilas Nationwide UDL LSDPF
Egidijus Klumbys Nationwide TT LDF
TTLDF (from 23 May 2006)
Romualda Kšanienė Nationwide DP DPF
Andrius Kubilius Antakalnio TS TSF
Rytas Kupčinskas Aleksoto – Vilijampolės TS TSF
Saulius Lapėnas Jurbarko LiCS LCSF
Arminas Lydeka Nationwide LiCS LCSF
Jonas Lionginas Nationwide DP DPF
PDF (from 2 May 2006)
LSDPF (from 3 May 2007)
Vincė Vaidevutė Margevičienė Centro TS TSF
Bronius Markauskas Nationwide VNDPS - 1 June 2006
Vilma Martinkaitienė Nationwide DP DPF
Eligijus Masiulis Nationwide LiCS LCSF
LF (from 20 October 2005)
LSF (from 20 April 2006)
Antanas Matulas Pasvalio – Panevėžio TS TSF
Algimantas Matulevičius Nationwide TT LDF
PDF (from 2 May 2006)
VLPDF (from 8 May 2007)
PDF (from 17 January 2008)
MSNG (from 4 April 2008)
Valentinas Mazuronis Nationwide TT LDF
TTLDF (from 23 May 2006)
Stasys Mikelis Nationwide DP DPF Until 23 March 2006
Gintautas Mikolaitis Raseinių UDL LSDPF
Dangutė Mikutienė Trakų – Elektrėnų Independent DPF
Zenonas Mikutis Kelmės DP DPF
Laima Mogenienė Nationwide VNDPS VNDPF
VLF (13 December 2005)
VLPDF (from 8 May 2007)
VLF (from 18 January 2008)
Algirdas Monkevičius Nationwide UDL NSF
Viktoras Muntianas Kauno – Kėdainių DP DPF
PDF (from 17 January 2008)
LSDPF (from 4 April 2008)
Vytas Navickas Nationwide VNDPS VNDF
VLF (from 13 December 2005)
VLPDF (from 8 May 2007)
VLF (from 18 January 2008)
Juozas Olekas Nationwide UDL LSDPF
Vladimir Orechov Nationwide DP DPF
PDF (from 2 May 2006)
VLPDF (from 8 May 2007)
PDF (from 17 January 2008)
LSDPF (from 4 April 2008)
Skirmantas Pabedinskas Nationwide DP DPF
VLF (from 19 July 2006)
VLPDF (from 8 May 2007)
VLF (from 18 January 2008)
Žilvinas Padaiga Nationwide DP - Until 15 November 2004
Raimundas Palaitis Pajūrio LiCS LCSF
Algirdas Paleckis Nationwide UDL LSDPF Until 15 April 2007
Juozas Palionis Prienų UDL LSDPF
Artūras Paulauskas Nationwide UDL NSF
Bronius Pauža Nationwide DP DPF
LSDPF (from 26 September 2006)
Marija Aušrinė Pavilionienė Nationwide TT LDF
TTLDF (from 23 May 2006)
LSDPF (from 25 October 2007)
Rolandas Pavilionis Nationwide TT LDF Until 15 November 2004
Saulius Pečeliūnas Nationwide TS TSF
Alfredas Pekeliūnas Aukštaitijos VNDPS VNDF
VLF (from 13 December 2005)
VLPDF (from 8 May 2007)
VLF (18 January 2008)
Milda Petrauskienė Nationwide UDL LSDPF
Jonas Pinskus Nationwide DP DPF From 21 December 2004
Audronė Pitrėnienė Skuodo – Mažeikių DP DPF
Leokadija Počikovska Širvintų – Vilniaus LLRA VNDF
VLF (from 13 December 2005)
VLPDF (from 8 May 2007)
VLF (18 January 2008)
Vladimiras Prudnikovas Nationwide DP DPF Until 20 December 2004
Kazimira Danutė Prunskienė Molėtų – Švenčionių VNDPS VNDF
VLF (from 13 December 2005)
VLPDF (from 8 May 2007)
VLF (18 January 2008)
Edmundas Pupinis Utenos TS TSF
Jonas Ramonas Šakių VNDPS VNDF
VLF (from 13 December 2005)
MSNG (from 9 January 2006)
PDF (from 4 May 2006)
MSNG (from 8 May 2007)
LCSF (from 10 May 2007)
TTLDF (from 26 September 2007)
Jurgis Razma Nationwide TS TSF
Rimantas Remeika Justiniškių LiCS LCSF
Algis Rimas Marijampolės UDL LSDPF
Viktoras Rinkevičius Biržų – Kupiškio VNDPS VNDF
VLF (from 13 December 2005)
VLPDF (from 8 May 2007)
VLF (18 January 2008)
Bronis Ropė Nationwide VNDPS - Until 15 November 2004
Irina Rozova Nationwide VNDPS VLF
VLPDF (from 8 May 2007)
VLF (18 January 2008)
From 11 July 2006
Julius Sabatauskas Alytaus Independent LSDPF
Liudvikas Sabutis Nationwide TS TSF
Alvydas Sadeckas Nationwide UDL NSF
Algimantas Salamakinas Nationwide UDL LSDPF
Vytautas Saulis Rokiškio UDL LSDPF
Albertas Sereika Nationwide TT LDF
LSDPF (from 30 June 2005)
Valerijus Simulik Dainų UDL NSF
Kazys Sivickis Nationwide VNDPS - 29 June 2006
Algirdas Sysas Nationwide UDL LSDPF
Artūras Skardžius Nationwide UDL NSF
MSNG (from 20 July 2006)
VLF (from 17 October 2006)
VLPDF (from 8 May 2007)
VLF (18 January 2008)
Rimantas Smetona Nationwide VNDPS VNDF
MSNG (from 17 June 2005)
LDF (from 2 May 2006)
TTLDF (from 23 May 2006)
Vaclav Stankevič Marių UDL NSF
Aldona Staponkienė Nationwide VNDPS VNDF
VLF (from 13 December 2005)
VLPDF (from 8 May 2007)
VLF (18 January 2008)
From 16 November 2004
Kazys Starkevičius Pramonės TS TSF
Antanas Napoleonas Stasiškis Nationwide TS TSF
Nijolė Steiblienė Nationwide UDL NSF
Gintaras Steponavičius Lazdynų LiCS LCSF
LF (from 20 October 2005)
LSF (from 20 April 2006)
Mindaugas Subačius Nationwide DP DPF
LSDPF (from 7 December 2007)
From 16 November 2004
Rytis Šatkauskas Nationwide DP - From 2 April 2006 until 4 April 2006
Irena Šiaulienė Nationwide UDL LSDPF
Gintaras Šileikis Vakarinė LiCS LCSF
LF (from 20 October 2005)
LSF (from 20 April 2006)
Viačeslav Škil Nationwide DP DPF
LSDPF (from 11 September 2007)
Raimondas Šukys Fabijoniškių LiCS LCSF
Dalia Teišerskytė Nationwide LiCS LCSF
LF (from 20 October 2005)
LSF (from 20 April 2006)
Valdemar Tomaševski Vilniaus – Šalčininkų LLRA VNDF
VLF (from 13 December 2005)
VLPDF (from 8 May 2007)
VLF (18 January 2008)
Rimvydas Turčinskas Nationwide DP DPF
PDF (from 2 May 2006)
LSDPF (from 3 May 2007)
Gema Umbrasienė Nationwide VNDPS - 22 June 2006
Viktor Uspaskich Kėdainių DP DPF Until 22 June 2005
Antanas Valionis Nationwide UDL NSF
Ona Valiukevičiūtė Nationwide TT LDF
TTLDF (from 23 May 2006)
Egidijus Vareikis Nationwide TS TSF
Romas Venclovas Mažeikių DP DPF
PDF (from 2 May 2006)
VLPDF (from 8 May 2007)
PDF (from 17 January 2008)
DPF (from 30 January 2008)
Vilija Vertelienė Nationwide DP DPF
LSDPF (14 September 2006)
Birutė Vėsaitė Nationwide UDL LSDPF
Julius Veselka Ukmergės TT LDF
TTLDF (from 23 May 2006)
MSNG (from 14 December 2006)
TTLDF (from 25 October 2007)
Pranas Vilkas Nationwide DP DPF
LSDPF (from 3 October 2006)
DPF (from 19 October 2006)
Ramunė Visockytė Nationwide DP DPF
Vladimiras Volčiok Vilniaus – Trakų DP DPF
LCSF (from 21 December 2007)
Algirdas Vrubliauskas Dzūkijos TS TSF Until 11 April 2007
Emanuelis Zingeris Nationwide TS TSF
Jadvyga Zinkevičiūtė Naujosios Vilnios DP DPF
Artūras Zuokas Nationwide LiCS - Until 15 November 2004
Edvardas Žakaris Aušros UDL LSDPF
Roma Žakaitienė Nationwide UDL LSDPF
Vidmantas Žiemelis Nationwide TS TSF
MSNG (from 19 October 2006)
TSF (from 27 June 2008)
Manfredas Žymantas Zarasų – Visagino DP DPF
Henrikas Žukauskas Nationwide TT DPF
MSNG (from 9 December 2004)
PDF (from 2 May 2006)
MSNG (from 8 May 2007)
LCSF (from 10 May 2007)
Zita Žvikienė Radviliškio DP DPF


  1. ^ a b c d e "Seimas 2004-2008 m.: valdantieji rūbą keitė kelis kartus" [2004-2008 Seimas: the governing coalition changed its clothes several times] (in Lithuanian). Verslo Žinios. 13 September 2008. Retrieved 21 December 2015.
  2. ^ "Šeši Seimo amžiai: nuo karalių rinkimų iki narių komunistų" [Six centuries of the Seimas: from royal elections to communist members] (in Lithuanian). 25 October 2008. Retrieved 9 December 2015.
  3. ^ "Seimo narių sąrašas" [List of members of the Seimas] (in Lithuanian). Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania. Retrieved 21 December 2015.