One Million Star, Season 1

One Million Star
Season 1
StarringMomoko Tao
Yuan Wei Jen
Kay Huang
Phil Chang
Roger Cheng
Country of originTaiwan
No. of episodes26
Original networkCTV
Original releaseJanuary 5 (2007-01-05) –
July 13, 2007 (2007-07-13)
Season chronology
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Season 2

The first season of One Million Star, a Taiwanese televised singing competition, began on January 5, 2007.


Date Chapter English Chinese Eliminations
1.12 01 Million Star Life-and-death Part 1 百萬巨星殊死戰(上) none
1.19 02 Million Star Life-and-death Part 2 百萬巨星殊死戰(下) none
1.26 03 Million Life-and-death Chapter 1: 20 from 50 百萬殊死戰Chapter 1:50人取20人 none
2.02 04 Tough battle: 20 from 50 艱難的戰役:50人取20人(下) none
2.09 05 Newcomers & Defeated Resurrection 新聲報到&敗部復活賽 none
2.16 06 群星開唱賀新春 none
2.23 07 Defeated Resurrection only 3 from 50 背水一戰:終極敗部復活 25人取3人 none
3.02 08 Survival: 1 vs 1 PK Part 1 適者生存:一對一PK賽(上) 劉馨雯 Líu Xīnwén
鄭宇辰 Zhèng Yǔchén
3.09 09 1 vs 1 PK Part 2 鹿死誰手:一對一PK賽(下) 吳婉君 Wú Wǎnjūn
袁明哲 Yúan Míngzhé
陶妍妏 Elleya Tao
3.16 10 Oldies Song 再見風華:老歌指定賽 鄭智文 Zhèng Zhèwén
林佩薇 Lín Pèiwéi
3.23 11 Designated Fast Song 石破天驚:快歌指定賽 巫宗翰 Wū Zōnghàn
林彥銘 Lín Yànmíng
3.30 12 16 Finalist Designated Duet 合唱歌曲:16強合唱指定賽 安琪 Ān Qí
4.16 13 15 Finalist Knockout 15強淘汰賽 Christine Chen 陳美裡
Irene Chen 陳亭慧
4.13 14 Salute to the idol:
Big Shock! Spot Test
向偶像致敬:大震撼!臨場狀況考驗淘汰賽 (Aska Birthday Celebration)
4.20 15 1 vs 1 PK Knockout 優勝劣敗:1對1PK賽 Eddie Cai 蔡政霖
Ophelia 蘇貝如
4.27 16 Designated Artists Duet 挑戰.試煉:藝人合唱指定賽 Cathy Shyu 徐凱希
5.04 17 Challenge Part I 機會.命運:踢館挑戰賽Part I none
5.11 18 Challenge Part II 隱藏的危機:踢館挑戰賽Part II Charks An 安伯政
5.18 19 Challenge Part III 心魔:踢館挑戰賽Part III Sharon Li 李宣榕
5.25 20 Designated Challenge 他山之石可以攻錯:終極版指名踢館賽 Kevin Hsieh 謝震廷
6.01 21 Unplug Knockout 險峰:不插電演唱淘汰賽 Stanly Hsu 許仁杰
6.08 22 Elegy vs High song 水能載舟:地獄悲歌 vs 天堂High歌 none
6.15 23 Tacit Duet Test 老戰友:默契合唱考驗賽 none
6.22 24 Compressive Idol Duet 星光依舊燦爛:偶像對唱抗壓戰 Aska Yang 楊宗緯 (withdrew)
6.29 25 The Courage to Persist:
Compete for the fifth place
堅持的勇氣:第五名決定賽 Miles Liu 劉明峰
7.06 26 Finals 總決賽 First place: Yoga Lin 林宥嘉
Second place: Judy Chou 周定緯
Third place: Peter Pan 潘裕文
Fourth place: Afalean Lu 盧學叡
7.13 Stars Presentation Ceremony 星光頒獎典禮 none


The ranking and score of each episodes.

Order Ep 10 Ep 11 Ep 12 Ep 13 Ep 14 Ep 15 Ep 16 Ep 17 Ep 18 Ep 19 Ep 20 Ep 21 Ep 22 Ep 23 Ep 24 Ep 25 Ep 26
1. Aska (20) Miles (16) James (19) Aska (13) Afalean (20) Aska (20) James (20) James (20) Aska (19) James (20) James (25) James (20) Aska (20) James (23) James (23) James (23) James
2. Stanly (20) James (16) Ring (19) Judy (13) Judy (19) Judy (20) Aska (18) Stanly (20) Judy (16) Stanly (19) Aska (24) Aska (20) Peter (18) Afalean (21) Peter (22) Peter (19) Judy
3. Judy (17) Sharon (15) Charks (19) Afalean (12) James (19) Miles (20) Peter (17) Afalean (20) Peter (16) Miles (17) Stanly (17) Miles (18) Judy (18) Aska (19) Judy (21) Afalean (18) Peter
4. Ān Qí (15) Charks (14) Kevin (19) Miles (12) Miles (18) Peter (20) Kevin (17) Sharon (17) Stanly (16) Afalean (15) Peter (17) Judy (17) James (17) Judy (15) Stanly (18) Judy (18) Afalean
5. Ophelia (14) Afalean (14) Aska (18) Ring (12) Stanly (16) Sharon (18) Judy (16) Aska (17) Miles (15) Aska (14) Afalean (17) Peter (17) Miles (17) Peter (15) Miles (16) Miles (16)
6. Ring (13) Peter (13) Peter (18) Stanly (12) Ring (16) Stanly (17) Stanly (15) Miles (17) Charks (13) Sharon (13) Judy (16) Stanly (14) Afalean (15) Miles (14) Afalean (15)
7. Eddie (12) Lín Yànmíng (13) Judy (16) James (11) Sharon (15) Ring (16) Afalean (13) Kevin (17) Kevin (12) Judy (13) Miles (16) Afalean (13)
8. Lín Pèiwéi (11) Wū Zōnghàn (12) Sharon (16) Charks (11) Charks (14) Charks (20) Sharon (13) Peter (13) Sharon Kevin (13) Kevin (13)
9. Irene (10) Kevin (12) Afalean (16) Peter (11) Eddie (14) Afalean (20) Ring (12) Judy James Peter
10. Zhèng Zhèwén (10) Christine (12) Christine (16) Kevin (11) Peter (14) Kevin (19) Miles (11) Charks Afalean
11. Stanly (14) Eddie (10) Kevin (13) Eddie (17) Charks (9)
12. Irene (14) Sharon (10) Ophelia (13) James (16)
13. Eddie (11) Christine (9) Aska (11) Ophelia (16)
14. Ophelia (11) Ophelia (9)
15. Miles (11) Irene (9)
16. An Qi (11)
  The winning contestant.
  The contestants who scored higher than 20.
  The contestant who failed.
  The contestant who was eliminated.

The six finalists

Chapter James Lin Judy Chou Peter Pan Afalean Lu Miles Liu Aska Yang
Ep 22 17 18 18 15 17 20
Ep 23 23 15 15 21 14 19
Ep 24 23 21 22 15 16
Ep 25 23 18 19 18 16
Ep 26 25 21 21 18
Total 111 95 93 87 63 39
Average 23.6 20 19.8 17.7 -- --
  The contestant with the highest score.
  The contestant with the full score.

Million Star Gang

Members of Million Star Gang (星光幫)

  • James Lin (林宥嘉)
  • Judy Chou (周定緯)
  • Peter Pan (潘裕文)
  • Afalean Lu (盧學叡)
  • Miles Liu (劉明峰)
  • Stanly Xu (許仁杰)
  • Kevin Xie (謝震廷)
  • Sharon Li (李宣榕)
  • Charks An (安伯政)
  • Ring Hsu (徐宛鈴)
  • Aska Yang (楊宗緯)


Stars Reunion / 星光同學會

  1. Because I Believe (因為我相信) – (星光十強) 大合唱
  2. Hostage (人質) – Aska Yang (楊宗緯)
  3. The One I Love (我愛的人) – Yoga Lin (林宥嘉)
  4. Leave Me (離開我) – Afalean Lu (盧學叡)
  5. Love is Suspicion (愛是懷疑) – Judy Chou (周定緯)
  6. A Safe Feeling (安全感) – Peter Pan (潘裕文)
  7. Endless Love (無盡的愛)(自創曲) – Miles Liu (劉明峰)
  8. Betrayal (背叛) – Aska Yang (楊宗緯)
  9. Forever Love – Stanly Xu (許仁杰)
  10. Remember (記得) – Sharon Li (李宣榕)
  11. Bicycle (腳踏車) – Charks An (安伯政)
  12. When We Were Young (我們小時候) – Kevin Xie (謝震廷)

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow / 愛 星光精選 昨天 今天 明天

  1. Always by My Side (總在我身旁) – 大合唱 (Yoga Lin, Judy Chou, Peter Pan, Stanly Xu, Miles Liu, Kevin Xie, Sharon Li, Charks An, Ring Hsu)
  2. I Can't Sing (我不會唱歌) – Judy Chou (周定緯)
  3. That Very Song (那首歌) – Yoga Lin (林宥嘉)
  4. Redundant (多餘) – Aska Yang (楊宗緯)
  5. Dream Catcher (捕夢人) – Peter Pan (潘裕文)
  6. Not so Silent Night (不安静的夜) – Stanly Xu (許仁杰)
  7. Your Backpack (你的背包) – Charks An (安伯政)
  8. You Are My Guiding Eyes (你是我的眼) – Yoga Lin (林宥嘉)
  9. A Life an Angel Envies (天使忌妒的生活) – Stanly Xu (許仁杰)
  10. Lonely One (離人) – Peter Pan (潘裕文)
  11. Presentiment (from Winter Sonata) (預感) – Judy Chou (周定緯)
  12. In Love With A Street (愛上了一條街) – Sharon Li (李宣榕)
  13. I Can (我可以) – Kevin Xie (謝震廷)
  14. Man Walking on Tight Rope (走鋼索的人) – Yoga Lin (林宥嘉)
  15. Attachment (依戀) (自創曲) – Miles Liu (劉明峰)
  16. Star: Remix (星光閃耀組曲) (Yoga Lin: That Very Song, Aska Yang: Broken Wings, Judy Chou: I Can't Sing, Stanly Xu: Not so Silent Night, Peter Pan: Dream Catcher)


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