Perry Index

The Perry Index is a widely used index of "Aesop's Fables" or "Aesopica", the fables credited to Aesop, the storyteller who lived in ancient Greece between 620 and 560 BC. The index was created by Ben Edwin Perry, a professor of classics at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

Modern scholarship takes the view that Aesop probably did not compose all of the fables attributed to him;[1] indeed, a few are known to have first been used before Aesop lived, while the first record of many others is from well over a millennium after his time. Traditionally, Aesop's fables were arranged alphabetically, which is not helpful to the reader.[2] Perry listed them by language (Greek then Latin), chronologically, by source, and then alphabetically; the Spanish scholar Francisco Rodríguez Adrados created a similar system.[2] This system also does not help the casual reader, but is the best for scholarly purposes.[2][3]


Perry 1–100

Perry 101–200

Perry 201–300

Perry 301–400

Perry 401–500

Perry 501–584

Extended Perry

Paulus Diaconus

585. Sick Lion, Fox and Bear. cf. 258

586. Calf and Stork

587. Flea and Gout

Odo of Cheriton

John of Schepey

644. Buzzard and hawk

645. Lion and unicorn


646. Capon and hawk

647. Merchant and wife


648. Vulture and eagle

Rhymed verse

649. Stag, hedgehog and boar

Robert's Romulus

650. Presumptuous beetle

651. Rustic and his wife

652. Cuckoo and birds

653. Farmer sold his horse

654. Eagle, hawk and crane

655. Wolf fasting for Lent

656. Swallow and sparrows

657. Cattle hauling dung

658. Hare wanted horns

659. Wolf and beetle



693. Unlucky Wolf, Fox and Mule (written on hoof)

694. Little Boar

695. He-Goat and Wolf

696. Wolf and Ass

697. Serpent as Adviser

698. Wolf as Fisherman

699. Wolf's Misfortune

700. Hunter and Ploughman

701. Dog and Wolf

702. The Dog in the Manger

703. Three Sons Dividing Inheritance

704. Little Fox under Wolf's Tutelage

705. Dog, Wolf and Ram

706. Lion's Son learns about Man

707. Knight and Mendacious Squire


708. Ape and Bear

709. Dog and Slain Master

710. Dog and Boy in River

711. Ram and Baldheaded Master

712. Wolf and Hungry Fox

713. Adulterous Stork

714. Ram and Wolf

715. Fox and Sick Ape

716. Mouse and Daughter

717. Rooster and Horse Talking about Master

718. Generous Fox and Wolf

719. Dog begging Bone from Master


720. Scarecrow

Poggio and Abstemius

721. Father, Son, and Donkey

722. Teaching Donkey to Read

723. Rustic Wanting to Cross River

724. Fly on Chariot

725. Fish from Frying Pan into Coals


  1. ^ D. L. Ashliman, “Introduction,” in George Stade (Consulting Editorial Director), Aesop’s Fables. New York: Barnes & Noble Classics, (2005). Produced and published in conjunction with Fine Creative Media, Inc. (New York) Michael J. Fine, President and Publisher. See pp. xiii–xv and xxv–xxvi.
  2. ^ a b c Aesop (2002). Aesop's Fables. Oxford University Press. pp. xxxii–xxxiii. ISBN 0-19-160628-6. Retrieved 2 May 2012.
  3. ^ Rodriguez-Adrados, Francisco. Historia de la fabula greco-latina. III: Inventario y documentacion de la fabula greco-latina. Madrid: Editorial de la Universidad Complutense, 1987.