Peverell brothers

This is a list of characters in the Harry Potter series. They are all characters who have appeared in a Harry Potter-related book by J. K. Rowling.

Characters by surname





  • John Dawlish – an Auror.
  • Fleur Delacour – Participant in the Triwizard Tournament as a representative of wizarding school Beauxbatons. Later married Bill Weasley.
  • Gabrielle Delacour – Fleur's younger sister. Rescued by Harry during the Triwizard Tournament.
  • Dedalus Diggle – Member of the Order of the Phoenix who took the Dursleys into hiding.
  • Amos Diggory – Cedric Diggory's father. Employee of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures.
  • Cedric DiggoryHufflepuff student and prefect two years above Harry. Quidditch Seeker and captain, and co-winner of the Triwizard Tournament. Killed by Peter Pettigrew on Lord Voldemort's command.
  • Armando Dippet – Dumbledor's predecessor as headmaster of Hogwarts, during which time Tom Riddle first opened the Chamber of Secrets. Expelled Rubeus Hagrid, who was framed by Riddle.
  • Elphias Doge – A school friend of Albus Dumbledore.
  • Antonin Dolohov – Death Eater who killed Fabian Prewett, Gideon Prewett, and Remus Lupin.
  • Aberforth Dumbledore – Brother of Albus and Ariana Dumbledore. Owner of the Hog's Head tavern.
  • Albus Dumbledore – Transfiguration professor in Tom Riddle's time, and Hogwarts headmaster in Harry Potter's time. Founder of the Order of the Phoenix. Killed by Severus Snape on Dumbledore's request.
  • Ariana Dumbledore – Sister of Albus and Aberforth Dumbledore, killed in a three-way duel between her brothers and Gellert Grindelwald.
  • Kendra Dumbledore – Wife of Percival Dumbledore. Mother of Albus, Aberforth, and Ariana Dumbledore.
  • Percival Dumbledore – Husband of Kendra Dumbledore, father of Albus, Aberforth, and Ariana Dumbledore.
  • Dudley Dursley – Muggle son of Vernon Dursley and Petunia Evans, first cousin of Harry Potter. Rowling revealed on her website that many people have asked her to include an adult Dudley with a wizarding child in the epilogue of Deathly Hallows, and that she herself considered it, but decided upon reflection that any "latent wizarding genes would never survive contact with Uncle Vernon's DNA" and thus she did not do so. Rowling says that Harry and Dudley would "stay on Christmas card" terms for the rest of their lives,[5] and that Harry would take his family to visit Dudley's when they were in the neighbourhood, but it was something that James Sirius, Albus Severus and Lily Luna "would dread".[6] However, Dudley's kids and Harry's occasionally would "get together while the adults sat in awkward silence". In Harry Potter and the Cursed Child it is also mentioned that adult Dudley sent Harry his baby blanket, one of the two surviving possession of Harry's from his parents. Dudley is portrayed by Harry Melling in the Harry Potter films. Melling had to wear a fat suit, as he lost a considerable amount of weight as the films progressed.[7]
  • Marge Dursley – Muggle sister of Vernon Dursley. Pam Ferris played Marge in the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, in which she floats out of the house and into the sky after Harry inflates her.
  • Petunia Dursley – Harry's aunt, and his mother Lily's sister. Vernon's wife and Dudley's mother. In the film version of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1, she leaves Harry without showing any sentiment; however, in a deleted scene on the Blu-ray/DVD release, Petunia shows acknowledgment of the wizarding world, and ultimately deep sadness and remorse for the loss of her younger sister Lily, reminding Harry that she lost a sister as well.[8] Actress Fiona Shaw portrays Petunia in the films, with Ariella Paradise playing her as a child.
  • Vernon Dursley – Harry Potter's Muggle uncle. Petunia's husband and Dudley's father. Vernon is portrayed by Richard Griffiths in the films.




  • Marvolo Gaunt – The pure-blood father of Merope and Morfin Gaunt, and grandfather of Tom Marvolo Riddle.
  • Merope Gaunt – Tom Riddle's mother who died in childbirth.
  • Morfin Gaunt – Marvolo's son and Merope's brother. Framed by his nephew Tom Riddle for Muggle killings, and died in Azkaban.
  • Anthony GoldsteinRavenclaw student in Harry's year. Member of Dumbledore's Army.
  • GoyleDeath Eater and father of Gregory Goyle.
  • Gregory Goyle – Slytherin student in Harry's year. Slytherin Quidditch Beater and member of the Inquisitorial Squad. Joshua Herdman played Goyle.
  • Hermione Granger – Muggle-born Gryffindor student in Harry's year and one of his best friends. Prefect and co-founder of Dumbledore's Army.
  • Astoria Greengrass – Draco Malfoy's wife. She died in 2019 due to her blood curse.[9] She is three years younger than Draco, and the younger sister of one of Draco's classmates from Slytherin. She is played by Jade Gordon in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2.
  • Gregorovitch – highly regarded Eastern European wandmaker.
  • Fenrir Greyback – Werewolf working for the Death Eaters.
  • Gellert Grindelwald (/ˈɡrɪndəlˌvɔːld, -ˌwɔːld/) – Dark wizard who was jailed after Albus Dumbledore defeated him in the 1940s. Rowling claimed at a Q&A session that she implied Dumbledore being once in love with Grindelwald, and thus he had 'lost his moral compass,' but she did not say whether those feelings were returned.[10][11] In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1, young Grindelwald is portrayed by Jamie Campbell Bower[12] while the older Grindelwald is played by Michael Byrne. Grindelwald appears in the Fantastic Beasts film series, portrayed by Johnny Depp in the first two films.[13] In the film series storyline, Grindelwald and Dumbledore have made a blood pact in their youth to never harm each other which Grindelwald sports in a vial while seeking a means to indirectly kill his former lover. He first appears in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, though he is disguised for most of the story as the American Auror Percival Graves, played by Colin Farrell, while seeking out an Obscurus whom he learned to be Credence Barebone. In Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, Grindelwald manages to manipulate both Credence and Queenie Goldstein to his side by promising the former he will tell him who he really is (supposedly Aurelius Dumbledore, a long lost brother to Albus and Aberforth) and the latter that she will be free to marry her No-Maj fiancé, Jacob Kowalski. Campbell Bower reprises his role as the teenaged version of the character in a brief flashback scene as well. In November 2020, Depp resigned from the role at the request of Warner Bros. due to his personal legal troubles.[14] Later that month, it was reported that Mads Mikkelsen was in early talks to replace Depp as Grindelwald for the third film.[15] On 25 November 2020, Warner Bros. officially announced that Mikkelsen would replace Depp.[16] On replacing Depp, Mikkelsen noted that it would be a "creative suicide" to copy Depp's "masterful" portrayal as Grindelwald, having developed his own take on the character, and admitted that a "bridge" should be needed between Depp's performance and his own,[17] having been a fan of Depp since his early films.[18]
  • Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank – Substitute Care of Magical Creatures professor during Harry's fourth and fifth years.
  • Godric Gryffindor – One of the four founders of Hogwarts. He was a very powerful wizard.


  • Rubeus Hagrid – Half-giant Hogwarts gamekeeper, and Care of Magical Creatures professor starting in Harry's third year. Member of the Order of the Phoenix. As a Hogwarts student, he was expelled in his third year.
  • Rolanda Hooch – Hogwarts flying instructor and Quidditch referee.
  • Mafalda Hopkirk – Witch who works in the Ministry of Magic. Impersonated by Hermione Granger.
  • Helga Hufflepuff- Founder of Hufflepuff House. Co-founder of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.


  • Angelina Johnson – Gryffindor student two years above Harry. Quidditch Chaser and later team captain.
  • Lee Jordan – Gryffindor student two years above Harry. Hogwarts Quidditch commentator and good friend of Fred and George Weasley.
  • Bertha Jorkins – Ministry of Magic employee that worked under the Department of Magical Games and Sports. Killed by Voldemort in order to create Nagini as the last horcrux.



  • Bellatrix Lestrange – Cousin of Sirius Black. Death Eater who tortured Neville Longbottom's parents Frank and Alice into insanity. Killed by Molly Weasley during the Battle of Hogwarts.
  • Gilderoy Lockhart – Fraudulent celebrity author and Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Lost his memory after a memory charm backfired and resided in St. Mungo's afterwards.
  • Alice and Frank Longbottom – Neville Longbottom's parents. Aurors and members of the original Order of the Phoenix. Tortured into insanity by Bellatrix Lestrange.
  • Augusta Longbottom – Frank's mother and Neville's grandmother, who raises him after his parents are incapacitated. Augusta is portrayed by Leila Hoffman in the first film, appearing only in the background escorting Neville to the Hogwarts Express.
  • Neville Longbottom – Gryffindor student in Harry's year. Member of Dumbledore's Army.
  • Luna Lovegood – Xenophilius Lovegood's daughter and Ravenclaw student one year below Harry. Member of Dumbledore's Army and wife of Newt Scamander's grandson Rolf.
  • Xenophilius Lovegood – Luna's father. Editor of tabloid magazine The Quibbler. In Greek, his name means "one who likes that which is strange" (xeno meaning "strange" and philo meaning "liking" or "fondness").[19] Welsh actor and singer Rhys Ifans portrays Xenophilius in the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1.
  • Remus Lupin – Lycanthropic Gryffindor student before Harry's time who befriended Sirius Black and James Potter. Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts in Harry's third year, and member of the Order of the Phoenix. He and his wife Nymphadora Tonks gave birth to a son, Teddy, before dying in the Battle of Hogwarts.
  • Teddy Lupin – orphaned only son of Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks and godson of Harry Potter. He is named after Tonks' late father, Ted Tonks, and his own father, Remus. Teddy is a Metamorphmagus like his mother Nymphadora, and is not affected by his father's lycanthropy.[20][21] He is mentioned in the final chapter of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by Harry, who says that Teddy "comes round to dinner about four times a week".


  • Walden MacnairDeath Eater and Committee of Disposal of Dangerous Creatures' executioner. Injured badly by Hagrid during the Battle of Hogwarts.
  • Draco MalfoySlytherin student in Harry's year. Quidditch Seeker, prefect, and member of the Inquisitorial Squad.
  • Lucius Malfoy – Draco's father and an influential Death Eater. Governor of Hogwarts early in the series.
  • Narcissa Malfoy – Lucius' wife and Draco's mother. Sister of Bellatrix Lestrange and Andromeda Tonks. Narcissa is portrayed by Helen McCrory in the film series. McCrory was initially cast as Bellatrix Lestrange, but withdrew due to pregnancy; the role of Bellatrix went to Helena Bonham Carter.
  • Scorpius Malfoy – Son of Draco Malfoy and Astoria Greengrass. Sorted into Slytherin. Friends with Albus Potter. He is a kind-hearted boy who likes sweets and does not discriminate against non-pure-blood wizards.[9]
  • Madam Malkin – Clothing shop owner in Diagon Alley.
  • Griselda Marchbanks – Governor of the Wizarding Examinations Authority which ran the O.W.L, N.E.W.T., and W.O.M.B.A.T. exams. Wizengamot elder.
  • Olympe Maxime – Half-giantess. Headmistress of Beauxbatons. Frances de la Tour appeared as Madame Maxime in Goblet of Fire, and reprised the role in Deathly Hallows.[22]
  • Ernie MacmillanHufflepuff student in Harry's year. Prefect and member of Dumbledore's Army.
  • Minerva McGonagall – Hogwarts Transfiguration professor, Head of Gryffindor House, Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts, and member of the Order of the Phoenix. Assumes position of Hogwarts Headmaster for a time after Voldemort's death.
  • Eloise Midgen – Gryffindor student that accidentally removed her nose trying to get rid of her acne. Known for her bad case of acne.
  • Cormac McLaggen – Gryffindor student one year above Harry Potter. Quidditch Keeper and member of Horace Slughorn's Slug Club. Freddie Stroma played McLaggen in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1 and Part 2.
  • Graham Montague – Slytherin Quidditch Chaser who became trapped inside a Vanishing Cabinet for a day.
  • Alastor (Mad-Eye) Moody – Retired Auror and member of the Order of the Phoenix. Impersonated by Barty Crouch Jr. in his scheme to enter Harry into the Triwizard Tournament. Killed by Voldemort.


  • Theodore Nott – Slytherin student in the same year as Harry Potter, and son of a Death Eater.
  • Nott Sr – Theodore Nott's father. Death Eater.


  • Bob Ogden – Leader of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement Squad in the 1920s. Turned the Gaunt family over to the Wizengamot for using magic in front of a Muggle. Died before Harry Potter's sixth year.
  • Garrick Ollivander – Wandmaker and owner of the Ollivanders wand shop. Kidnapped by the Malfoy family for several months until freed by Harry, Ron, and Hermione. British actor John Hurt appeared as Ollivander in the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and reprised his role in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1 and Part 2. His first name was revealed in Pottermore. It was also revealed that he is married and has a son and a daughter (the latter deceased). Some of the names of his wandmaker ancestors were also revealed: Geraint Ollivander (ancestor), Gerbold Octavius Ollivander (paternal grandfather), Gervaise Ollivander (father).


  • Pansy Parkinson – Slytherin student in Harry's year. Prefect and member of the Inquisitorial Squad. Rowling said the character was based on real-life girls who teased her during her school days.[23]
  • Padma PatilRavenclaw student in Harry's year. Identical twin sister of Gryffindor student Parvati Patil, and a member of Dumbledore's Army.
  • Parvati PatilGryffindor student in Harry's year and Padma's identical twin sister. Member of Dumbledore's Army.
  • Peter Pettigrew – Death Eater and former school friend of James Potter, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. Betrays Harry's parents James and Lily Potter to Voldemort, resulting in their deaths. Pettigrew is first introduced in the series as Ron Weasley's pet rat Scabbers. He is strangled to death by his own metal prosthetic hand after his loyalty towards Voldemort wavers upon Harry confronting him about having previously spared Pettigrew's life.
  • Antioch, Cadmus, and Ignotus Peverell – Three brothers who were the original owners of the Elder Wand, the Resurrection Stone, and the Invisibility Cloak, respectively.
  • Irma Pince – Hogwarts librarian.
  • Sturgis Podmore – Member of the Order of the Phoenix.
  • Poppy Pomfrey – Hogwarts school nurse.
  • Harry Potter – The main character of the series. Orphaned son of James and Lily Potter. Gryffindor student at Hogwarts, and co-founder and first leader of Dumbledore's Army. The husband of Ginny Weasley, father of James Sirius, Albus Severus and Lily Luna Potter.
  • James Potter – Harry Potter's father and member of the Order of the Phoenix. Killed along with his wife Lily by Lord Voldemort prior to the start of the series.
  • Lily Potter – Harry Potter's mother and member of the Order of the Phoenix. Killed by Lord Voldemort.
  • Albus Severus Potter – Second child of Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley.
  • James Sirius Potter – Harry and Ginny's first child.
  • Lily Luna Potter – Harry and Ginny's third child. Her name honours two women important to her parents—her paternal grandmother Lily Potter, and her parents' friend Luna Lovegood.[24] Lily is portrayed by Daphne de Beistegui in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2.


  • Quirinus Quirrell – Defence Against the Dark Arts professor in Harry Potter's first year. Possessed by Lord Voldemort.


  • Helena Ravenclaw/The Grey Lady – Daughter of house founder Rowena Ravenclaw. Stole and hid her mother's diadem, and became Ravenclaw's house ghost after being killed by the Bloody Baron.
  • Rowena Ravenclaw – One of the four founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and founder of the Ravenclaw house.
  • Delphi Riddle – The main antagonist of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child and daughter of Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange who tries to bring Voldemort back to life by completing a prophecy. Currently imprisoned in Azkaban.
  • Mary Riddle – Muggle wife of Thomas Riddle, mother of Tom Riddle Sr. and grandmother of Tom Marvolo Riddle/Lord Voldemort. Killed by her grandson, Lord Voldemort.
  • Thomas Riddle – Muggle husband of Mary Riddle, father of Tom Riddle Sr. and grandfather of Tom Marvolo Riddle/Lord Voldemort. Killed by his grandson Lord Voldemort.
  • Tom Riddle Sr. – Muggle son of Thomas and Mary Riddle, husband of Merope Gaunt and father of Tom Marvolo Riddle/Lord Voldemort Killed by his son, Lord Voldemort.
  • Thomas Marvolo Riddle – Slytherin student who became Lord Voldemort.
  • Demelza Robins – Gryffindor student and Quidditch Chaser.
  • Augustus Rookwood – Death Eater and spy working in the Department of Mysteries.
  • Thorfinn Rowle – Death Eater.
  • Albert Runcorn – Ministry of Magic employee whose chief function was as an investigator of alleged Muggle-borns.


  • Newt Scamander – Magizoologist and author of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. Main character in the Fantastic Beasts film series. Expelled Hogwarts student who excels in curing different sicknesses.
  • Rufus Scrimgeour – Head of the Auror Office who replaces Cornelius Fudge as Minister for Magic. Killed by Death Eaters.
  • Kingsley ShackleboltAuror and member of the Order of the Phoenix. Replaces Pius Thicknesse as Minister for Magic.
  • Stan Shunpike – Conductor of the triple-decker Knight Bus. Jailed in Azkaban on suspicions of being a Death Eater. Stan was portrayed by Lee Ingleby in the film adaptation of Prisoner of Azkaban.
  • Aurora Sinistra – Astronomy professor at Hogwarts.
  • Rita Skeeter – Reporter and tabloid journalist for the Daily Prophet. It has been speculated that the fraught relationship between Rowling and the press was the inspiration for the author to develop the character. However, Rowling noted in 2000 that the character actually predates her rise to fame.[25] Rita was intended to be in Philosopher's Stone, as Rowling revealed in an interview: "you know when Harry walks into the Leaky Cauldron for the first time and everyone says, "Mr. Potter you're back!", I wanted to put a journalist in there. She wasn't called Rita then but she was a woman. And then I thought, as I looked at the plot overall, I thought, that's not really where she fits best, she fits best in Four when Harry's supposed to come to terms with his fame".[26] Miranda Richardson appeared as Rita in the film adaptation of Goblet of Fire as well as in Deathly Hallows.[27]
  • Horace Slughorn – Former Hogwarts Potions professor and Head of Slytherin House, whose charges included Tom Riddle. Returned to Hogwarts to teach Potions in Harry's sixth year.
  • Salazar Slytherin – One of the four founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and founder of the Slytherin house.
  • Zacharias SmithHufflepuff Quidditch Chaser in Harry's year. Member of Dumbledore's Army.
  • Severus Snape – Potions and later Defence Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts. Head of Slytherin House, and member of both the Death Eaters and the Order of the Phoenix as a double agent spying for Dumbledore.
  • Alicia Spinnet – Gryffindor student two years above Harry. Quidditch Chaser and member of Dumbledore's Army.
  • Pomona Sprout – Hogwarts Herbology professor and Head of Hufflepuff House.


  • Pius Thicknesse – Minister for Magic while under the Imperius Curse. Replaced by Kingsley Shacklebolt.
  • Dean ThomasGryffindor student in Harry's year. Member of Dumbledore's Army.
  • Andromeda Tonks – Sister of Bellatrix Lestrange and Narcissa Malfoy, and the mother of Nymphadora Tonks. Disowned by her family for marrying Muggle-born Ted Tonks.
  • Nymphadora Tonks – Ted and Andromeda's daughter. Auror and member of the Order of the Phoenix. She marries Remus Lupin and becomes the mother of a son, Teddy, before she and Remus are killed in the Battle of Hogwarts.
  • Ted Tonks – Andromeda's Muggle-born husband, and the father of Nymphadora Tonks. Killed by Snatchers.
  • Sybill Trelawney – Hogwarts Divination professor. Predicted the prophecy that prompted Lord Voldemort to go after the Potters.
  • Wilkie Twycross – Hogwarts Apparition instructor who works in the Department of Magical Transportation.


  • Dolores Umbridge – Senior Undersecretary to the Minister for Magic, Hogwarts High Inquisitor and temporary Headmistress of Hogwarts. She becomes Defence Against the Dark Arts professor in Harry Potter's fifth year, and joins in the persecution of half-bloods and Muggle-borns under Voldemort. Sentenced to life imprisonment in Azkaban.


  • Emmeline Vance – Member of the Order of the Phoenix. Killed by Death Eaters.
  • Romilda Vane – Gryffindor student who unsuccessfully tries to romance Harry.
  • Septima VectorArithmancy professor at Hogwarts.
  • Lord Voldemort (Tom Marvolo Riddle) – The villain of the series. Murderer of Harry Potter's parents and many others in his quest for immortality and absolute power.


  • Myrtle Warren/Moaning Myrtle[28] – Muggle-born Ravenclaw student during Tom Riddle's time at Hogwarts. Killed by the Basilisk in a girls' bathroom, which she continued to haunt after her death. Tom Riddle used her death to create his first Horcrux: his diary.[2] Rowling revealed on her website that Myrtle was in Ravenclaw House[29] and that her full name was Myrtle Elizabeth Warren.[30] She added that the inspiration for the character was "the frequent presence of a crying girl in communal bathrooms, especially at the parties and discos of my youth."[31] Shirley Henderson plays Myrtle in the film versions of Chamber of Secrets and Goblet of Fire. The character was omitted from Half-Blood Prince.
  • Arthur Weasley – Muggle-obsessed Ministry of Magic employee, and member of the Order of the Phoenix. Husband of Molly Weasley, father of Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny Weasley.
  • Bill Weasley – Oldest son of Arthur and Molly Weasley, and Gringotts employee. Marries Fleur Delacour.
  • Charlie Weasley – Second son of Arthur and Molly Weasley. Member of the Order of the Phoenix. Works with dragons in Romania.
  • Fred Weasley – Son of Arthur and Molly Weasley and identical twin brother of George Weasley. Gryffindor Quidditch Beater and member of Dumbledore's Army, later co-owner of joke shop Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. Killed in the Battle of Hogwarts.
  • George Weasley – Son of Arthur and Molly Weasley and identical twin brother of Fred Weasley. Gryffindor Quidditch Beater and member of Dumbledore's Army. Co-owner of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. Marries Angelina Johnson.
  • Ginny Weasley – Only daughter and youngest child of Arthur and Molly Weasley. Gryffindor student one year below Harry, Quidditch Seeker and Chaser, and member of Dumbledore's Army. Married to Harry Potter.
  • Hugo Granger-Weasley– Son of Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, brother of Rose Weasley. Hugo is portrayed by Ryan Turner in Deathly Hallows – Part 2.
  • Molly Weasley – Wife of Arthur Weasley and mother of Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny. Member of the Order of the Phoenix.
  • Percy Weasley – Third son of Arthur and Molly Weasley. Gryffindor prefect and Head Boy, then Ministry of Magic employee, during which he becomes estranged from his family before joining them in fighting the Death Eaters in the Battle of Hogwarts.
  • Ron Weasley – Youngest son of Arthur and Molly Weasley who is best friends with Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. Gryffindor Quidditch Keeper, prefect, and co-founder of Dumbledore's Army.
  • Oliver Wood – Gryffindor Quidditch Keeper and captain four years above Harry. Oliver Wood was portrayed by Sean Biggerstaff in the first two films and once again in the eighth film.
  • Rose Granger-Weasley – Daughter of Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. Sister of Hugo Weasley. Rose is portrayed by Helena Barlow in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2. She also featured in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child; she has been played in the West End production by Cherrelle Skeete and Helen Aluko.



  • Blaise Zabini – Slytherin student in Harry's year.

Characters with no or unknown surname




  • Sir Cadogan – Armored and somewhat mad knight occupying a painting in Hogwarts.
  • Crookshanks – Intelligent cat belonging to Hermione Granger.





  • Gornuk – Gringotts goblin who goes on the run from Death Eaters in Deathly Hallows along with fellow goblin Griphook, plus Dean Thomas, Ted Tonks, and Dirk Cresswell.
  • Grawp – Giant and Hagrid's half-brother.
  • Griphook – Gringotts Bank goblin who helps Harry and his friends steal Helga Hufflepuff's cup from within the Lestrange vault.


  • Hedwig – Harry Potter's pet owl. Killed during the Battle of the Seven Potters.
  • Hokey – House-elf belonging to Hepzibah Smith.





  • Peeves – Hogwarts poltergeist, a mischievous magical being.
  • Pigwidgeon – A tiny mischievous owl belonging to Ron Weasley. Called "Pig" for short.



  • Scabbers – Ron Weasley's pet rat in the first three stories who is revealed to be a wizard in animal form: Peter Pettigrew.
  • Scabior – Snatcher who captures Harry, Ron and Hermione in Deathly Hallows.
  • Hepzibah Smith – an extremely wealthy, well-born old witch who enjoyed collecting antiques and collectibles; introduced within Dumbledore's Pensieve.


  • Tom - Bartender of the Leaky Cauldron.
  • Travers – Wizard and Death Eater who escapes from Azkaban after Lord Voldemort's return.
  • Trevor – Neville Longbottom's perpetually-misplaced pet toad.


  • The Weird Sisters – a wizarding rock band. They performed three songs (all composed by Cocker): "Do the Hippogriff", "This Is the Night" and "Magic Works".[34] A full music video of the band playing at the Yule Ball is included as an extended scene on the Goblet of Fire DVD. In 2005, Warner Bros., the international distributor of Goblet of Fire, was sued for trademark violations by members of a Canadian band named the Wyrd Sisters.[35][36] In the Goblet of Fire film, the band was played by the following musicians:
  • Winky – A female house-elf who belonged to Barty Crouch Sr until he sacked her, then worked in the Hogwarts kitchen.

See also


  1. ^ In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Chapter 18, it is revealed that Bathilda Bagshot was sent a copy of The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore accompanied by a note: "Dear Batty, Thanks for your help. Here's a copy of the book, hope you like it. You said everything, even if you don't remember it. Rita."
  2. ^ a b "Harry Potter at Bloomsbury". Archived from the original on 19 July 2009. Retrieved 31 May 2011.
  3. ^ "Jamie Waylett won't return for Deathly Hallows". Archived from the original on 14 October 2009. Retrieved 31 May 2011.
  4. ^ Joshua Herdman & Louis Cordice to reprise Goyle and Zabini roles for Deathly Hallows Archived 19 April 2010 at the Wayback Machine – Forums
  5. ^ Edward (19 October 2007). "J. K. Rowling Talks Marriage, Writing and More at Open Book Tour Stop in New York City – The Leaky Cauldron". Retrieved 31 May 2011.
  6. ^ "J.K.Rowling Official Site". Archived from the original on 30 April 2011. Retrieved 31 May 2011.
  7. ^ Nissen, Daniel (30 July 2015). "Harry Potter's Chubby Dudley Dursley Looks Way Different Now: See Harry Melling's Crazy Transformation!". E! Online. Archived from the original on 31 January 2018. Retrieved 16 May 2020.
  8. ^ Ricks, Hanako (24 March 2011). "Deleted scene from deathly hallows shows different side to disliked character". Hollywood News. Retrieved 28 March 2011.
  9. ^ a b Rowling, J. K. (2016). Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. Little, Brown and Company. ISBN 9780751565362.
  10. ^ "Rowling dubs Dumbledore of 'Harry Potter' books as gay". Daily News. 19 October 2007. Retrieved 20 October 2007.
  11. ^ "J.K. Rowling outs Hogwarts character". Associated Press. 20 October 2007. Archived from the original on 21 October 2007. Retrieved 22 October 2007.
  12. ^ sue (30 June 2009). "Jamie Campbell Bower Talks Role as Young Grindelwald in Deathly Hallows". Retrieved 31 May 2011.
  13. ^ Evans, Alan (2 November 2016). "Johnny Depp to co-star in JK Rowling's Fantastic Beasts sequel". The Guardian. London, England. Retrieved 30 November 2016.
  14. ^ "Johnny Depp 'Resigns' from Fantastic Beasts at Warner Bros.' Request". CBR. 6 November 2020. Retrieved 7 November 2020.
  15. ^ "Mads Mikkelsen in Early Talks to Replace Johnny Depp in 'Fantastic Beasts 3'". Variety. 10 November 2020. Retrieved 10 November 2020.
  16. ^ "Fantastic Beasts 3 Officially Casts Mads Mikkelsen To Replace Johnny Depp". ScreenRant. 25 November 2020.
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