Pigeon Valley

Hikers in Pigeon Valley

Pigeon Valley is a Natural Heritage Park and formally declared municipal nature reserve in Durban, South Africa (29.8646° S, 30.9869° E). It is an unusual example of an urban reserve with very high levels of biodiversity. It was established to provide protection for the Natal elm (Celtis mildbraedii) and other forest giants of the coastal climax forest.[1] Another rare tree that occurs here is Natal forest loquat (Oxyanthus pyriformis), which is endemic to the Durban area and to oNgoye Forest.

In March 2020, a juvenile Crowned Eagle stands over its prey, a Red Duiker

Pigeon Valley is about 11 ha in extent, and is situated on the Berea, overlooking Durban Bay. Its unusual north-south orientation may contribute to the biodiversity, with the south-facing slope covered in canopy forest, while the north-facing slope has thorny thickets. An adjoining reservoir, previously part of the reserve, provides a patch of coastal grassland.


Red duiker at Pigeon Valley
Male buff-spotted flufftail in Pigeon Valley, January 2014

The park is home to red duiker and blue duiker. Other mammals include Cape genet, a troop of banded mongooses as well as slender and water mongooses. Blue vervet monkeys are constantly present. In July 2019, a side-striped jackal was seen in neighbouring roads and was apparently living in the reserve for a time. This may be the southernmost sighting of this species.

Various species of forest birds are found here including; red-capped robin-chat, green twinspot, Cape white-eye, southern boubou, spotted ground thrush, purple-crested turaco and African paradise flycatcher. The black sparrowhawk breeds here annually. There are increasingly common visits by the Crowned eagle, and it seems that two birds are now resident in the suburban area. Another bird that is seldom seen but that is generally present is buff-spotted flufftail.[2] Unusual sightings of note in recent years include European nightjar, Knysna warbler, lemon dove, mountain wagtail, black-throated wattle-eye, common scimitarbill, palm-nut vulture and Knysna turaco. The current bird list for Pigeon Valley includes 162[3] species. Now (Nov 2023) 167 species recorded out of 879 recorded by BLSA (List of birds of South Africa).

The Spotted ground thrush is of particular note, as Pigeon Valley is one of the places where this endangered bird can be most reliably found in winter. It arrives typically in late March or early April, and is present until August or September; earliest arrival date recorded has been 22 March and latest (in 2015) 5 October, apart from a single January sighting. Summer migrants include, occasionally, black cuckoo, red-chested cuckoo and red-backed shrike.

Bird list

Bird list for Pigeon Valley
Family Species Status Notes
Apalis Bar-throated Breeding resident
Apalis Yellow-breasted Breeding resident
Barbet Acacia Pied Rare visitor July 2021
Barbet Black-collared Breeding resident Recent decline in numbers
Barbet Crested Occasional visitor
Barbet White-eared Breeding resident Increasing in number
Batis Cape Breeding resident
Batis Chinspot Occasional visitor
Bee-eater Little Occasional visitor
Blackcap Black Rare visitor 22 August 2020
Boubou Southern Breeding resident
Brownbul Terrestrial Breeding resident
Bulbul Dark-capped Breeding resident
Bunting Golden-breasted Occasional visitor April 1992, 30 March 2013
Bush-Shrike Gorgeous Rare visitor 2007
Bush-Shrike Grey-headed Occasional visitor 2012; winter 2014, 2019-2020
Bush-Shrike Olive Winter and spring visitor
Bush-Shrike Orange-breasted Occasional visitor Last seen 2011
Buzzard Steppe Infrequent visitor March 2019
Camaroptera Green-backed Breeding resident
Canary Brimstone Regular visitor
Canary Yellow-fronted Regularly present
Chat Familiar Occasional visitor
Cisticola Zitting Rare visitor Pair present 2015; 2020
Coucal Burchell's Breeding resident First recent breeding 2021
Crested-Flycatcher Blue-mantled Rare visitor Female present 2014-6
Crow Pied Occasional visitor
Cuckoo-Hawk African Rare visitor Present June 2014
Cuckoo Black Occasional summer visitor
Cuckoo Common Rare visitor 1979; November 2018
Cuckoo Diederik Regular summer visitor
Cuckoo Emerald Occasional summer visitor
Cuckoo Jacobin Rare visitor October 2016
Cuckoo Klaas's Breeding resident Breeding 2014
Cuckoo Red-chested Occasional summer visitor 2015, 2017
Cuckooshrike Black Occasional visitor Mainly winter
Cuckooshrike Grey Rare visitor Mainly winter
Dove Laughing Breeding resident
Dove Lemon Rare visitor 2012, 2018
Dove Red-eyed Breeding resident
Dove Rock Occasional visitor
Dove Tambourine Breeding resident
Drongo Fork-tailed Breeding resident
Drongo Square-tailed Breeding resident
Duck White-faced Whistling Infrequent visitor November 2017
Eagle African Crowned Occasional visitor
Eagle-Owl Spotted Occasional visitor
Falcon Lanner Occasional visitor
Firefinch African Breeding resident
Firefinch Red-billed Breeding resident First sighting January 2015; now established
Fiscal Common Not seen in recent years
Flufftail Buff-spotted Breeding resident Seen regularly
Flycatcher African Paradise Breeding resident
Flycatcher Ashy Breeding resident
Flycatcher Dusky Breeding resident
Flycatcher Fiscal Regular winter visitor
Flycatcher Southern Black Breeding resident
Flycatcher Spotted Uncommon summer visitor Present late 2014
Goose Egyptian Breeding resident
Goshawk African Breeding resident
Greenbul Sombre Breeding resident
Greenbul Yellow-bellied Breeding resident First recent breeding 2021
Hamerkop Hamerkop Occasional visitor
Harrier-Hawk African Regular visitor
Heron Black-headed Occasional visitor
Hobby Eurasian Rare visitor March 2015
Honey-Buzzard European Rare visitor First sighting January 2015
Honeybird Brown-backed Occasional visitor
Honeyguide Greater Rare visitor Not seen in recent years
Honeyguide Lesser Usually present
Honeyguide Scaly-throated Occasional visitor
Hoopoe African Occasional visitor
Hornbill Crowned Rare visitor 2015
Hornbill Trumpeter Rare visitor 2011
Ibis Hadeda Breeding resident
Indigobird Village Uncertain as yet First sighted June 2019
Kingfisher African Pygmy Occasional visitor
Kingfisher Brown-hooded Breeding resident
Kingfisher Malachite Dry season Roberts VII
Kingfisher Mangrove Rare visitor 2011, March 2016, 8 October 2017
Kite Yellow-billed Breeding migrant
Malkoha Green Infrequent visitor 2010, 2017-8
Mannikin Bronze Breeding resident
Mannikin Red-backed Breeding resident
Martin Rock Occasional visitor
Mousebird Red-faced Breeding resident
Mousebird Speckled Breeding resident
Myna Common Frequent visitor
Nightjar European Rare visitor 2013; 18 December 2014
Nightjar Fiery-necked Occasional visitor
Oriole Black-headed Breeding resident
Owl Southern White-faced Rare vagrant July 2018
Owl Western Barn Rare visitor Record from 1979, April 2023
Parakeet Rose-ringed Regular visitor
Pigeon African Green Record from 1979
Prinia Tawny-flanked Breeding resident
Puffback Black-backed Breeding resident
Quelea Red-billed Rare visitor December 2017
Robin White-starred Rare visitor Not seen in recent years
Robin-Chat Cape Occasional visitor Mainly winter
Robin-Chat Chorister Occasional visitor Mainly winter
Robin-Chat Red-capped Breeding resident
Saw-wing Black Regular visitor
Scimitarbill Common Rare visitor 11 November 2016
Scrub Robin White-browed Formerly breeding resident
Seedeater Streaky-headed Breeding resident
Shrike Red-backed Infrequent summer visitor Present Nov 2015
Sparrow House Occasional visitor
Sparrow Southern grey-headed Occasional visitor
Sparrowhawk Black Breeding resident
Sparrowhawk Little Occasional visitor
Spurfowl Natal Breeding resident
Starling Black-bellied Breeding resident
Starling Cape Glossy Breeding resident
Starling Red-winged Regularly present
Starling Violet-backed Occasional summer visitor
Stonechat African Rare visitor Not seen in recent years
Stork Woolly-necked Occasional visitor
Sunbird Amethyst Breeding resident
Sunbird Collared Breeding resident
Sunbird Grey Breeding resident
Sunbird Olive Breeding resident
Sunbird Purple-banded Regular visitor Winter
Sunbird White-bellied Breeding resident
Swallow Barn Regular visitor Summer
Swallow Lesser-striped Regular visitor
Swallow White-throated Occasional visitor
Swift African Palm Regularly present
Swift Alpine Rare visitor Not seen in recent years
Swift Black Rare visitor
Swift Little Regularly present
Swift White-rumped Occasional visitor
Tchagra Southern Rare visitor 2017, 2018
Thrush Kurrichane Breeding resident
Thrush Olive Winter visitor Present March 2014, 2018
Thrush Spotted Ground Regular migrant April to September; November 2014; January 2016
Tinkerbird Red-fronted Occasional visitor October 2017, July 2020
Tinkerbird Yellow-rumped Breeding resident
Tit Southern black Breeding resident
Trogon Narina Occasional visitor
Turaco Knysna Rare visitor September 1991; 1 October 2017
Turaco Purple-crested Breeding resident
Twinspot Green Regular visitor Breeding record 2014
Vulture Palm-nut Rare visitor 22 October 2017, May 2020
Wagtail Cape Occasional visitor
Wagtail Mountain Rare visitor Seen once in 1990s, again in 2013
Warbler Barratt's Infrequent winter visitor June 2014, 2017
Warbler Garden Rare visitor Present winter 2015
Warbler Knysna Rare visitor 20 August 2017, 2018
Warbler Marsh Summer visitor Several 2017-9
Warbler Willow Rare summer visitor December 2014
Warbler Yellow-throated Woodland Rare visitor, winter 13 August 2016
Wattle-eye Black-throated Rare visitor 2013; present in 2015
Waxbill Common Regular visitor
Waxbill Grey Breeding resident
Weaver Cape Breeding resident
Weaver Dark-backed Breeding resident
Weaver Spectacled Regularly present
Weaver Thick-billed Breeding resident
Weaver Village Breeding resident
Weaver Yellow Rare visitor Winter 2015
White-eye Cape Breeding resident
Wood-hoopoe Green Regular visitor
Woodpecker Cardinal Breeding resident
Woodpecker Golden-tailed Breeding resident
Woodpecker Olive Rare visitor 2009, 2017, 2018, 2019-2020
Whydah Pin-tailed Irregular visitor 2015, 2017


The reserve is excellent for its butterflies, and the total listing is now 95 species. In September 2018 the first pupae of the short-barred sapphire were found on a Celtis mildbraedii tree. The host plant is the Oncocalyx quinquenervius mistletoe, which grows profusely on the tree. Subsequently a red-line sapphire was found at the same spot. The first forest queen was found in 2019.

Butterflies of Pigeon Valley
Family or subfamily Common name Scientific name
Monarch African Monarch Danaus chrysippus orientis
Novice Amauris ochlea ochlea
Layman Amauris albimaculata albimaculata
Browns African Ringlet Ypthima asterope
Common Bush Brown Bicyclus safitza safitza
Squinting Bush Brown Bicyclus anynana anynana
Twilight Brown Melanitis leda helena
Acraeas Blood-red Acraea Acraea petraea
Common Wanderer Acraea aganice aganice
Dancing Acraea Telchinia serena
Dusky Acraea Telchinia esebria esebria
Dusky-veined Acraea Telchinia igola
Natal Acraea Acraea natalica
White-barred Acraea Telchinia encedon encedon
Window Acraea Acraea oncaea
Yellow-banded Acraea Telchinia cabira
Leopards Blotched Leopard Lachnoptera ayresii
Forest Leopard Phalanta eurytis imitator
Emperors Blue-spotted Emperor Charaxes cithaeron cithaeron
Forest Queen Charaxes wakefieldi
Green-veined Emperor Charaxes candiope candiope
Pearl Emperor Charaxes varanes varanes
Satyr Emperor Charaxes ethalion ethalion
Silver-barred Emperor Charaxes druceanus druceanus
White-barred Emperor Charaxes brutus natalensis
Gliders/Sailers Blonde Glider Cymothoe coranus coranus
Boisduval's False Acraea Pseudacraea boisduvali trimeni
Boisduval's Tree Nymph Sevenia boisduvali
False Chief Pseudacraea lucretia tarquinia
False Wanderer Pseudacrea eurytus imitator
Golden Piper Eurytela dryope angulata
Natal Tree Nymph Sevenia natalensis
Pied Piper Eurytela hiarbas angustata
Spotted Joker Byblia ilithyia
Spotted Sailer Neptis saclava marpessa
Diadems/Pansies Blue Pansy Junonia oenone oenone
Brown Pansy Junonia natalica natalica
Clouded Mother-of-pearl Protogoniomorpha anacardii nebulosa
Common Diadem Hypolimnas misippus
Common Mother-of-Pearl Protogoniomorpha parhassus
Eyed Pansy Junonia orithya madagascariensis
Garden Inspector Precis archesia archesia
Painted Lady Vanessa cardui
Soldier Pansy Junonia terea elgiva
Variable Diadem Hypolimnas anthedon wahlbergi
Buff Spotted Buff Pentila tropicalis tropicalis
Sapphires Red-line Sapphire Iolaus sidus
Short-barred Sapphire Iolaus aemulus
Southern Sapphire Iolaus silas
Blues African Grass Blue Zizeeria knysna
Apricot Playboy Deudorix dinochare
Barker's Smoky Blue Euchrysops barkeri
Black Pie Tuxentius melaena melaena
Brown Playboy Deudorix antalus
Bush Bronze Cacyreus lingeus
Common Black-eye Leptomyrina gorgias gorgias
Common Blue group Leptotes sp.
Gaika Blue Zizula hylax
Geranium Bronze Cacyreus marshalli
Grass Jewel Chilades trochylus
Long-tailed Blue Lampides boeticus
Osiris Smoky Blue Euchrysops osiris
Purple-brown Hairstreak Hypolycaena philippus philippus
Rayed Blue Actizera lucida
Scarce Fig-tree Blue Myrina dermaptera dermaptera
Thorn-tree Blue Azanus moriqua
Twin-spot Blue Lepidochrysops plebeia
Vagrants Autumn-leaf Vagrant Afrodryas leda
Buquet's Vagrant/Green-eyed Monster Nepheronia buquetii
Vine-leaf Vagrant Eronia cleodora
Tips Coast Purple Tip Colotis erone
Smoky Orange Tip Colotis euippe omphale
Whites African Common White Belenois creona severina
African Migrant Catopsilia florella
African Wood White Leptosia alcesta inalcesta
Angled Grass Yellow Eurema desjardinsii marshalli
Ant-heap Small White Dixeia pigea
Broad-bordered Grass Yellow Eurema brigitta brigitta
Brown-veined White Belenois aurota aurota
Common Dotted Border Mylothris agathina
Common Grass Yellow Eurema hecabe senegalensis
Diverse White Appias epaphia contracta
False Dotted Border Belenois thysa thysa
Twin Dotted Border Mylothris rueppellii haemus
Swallowtails Citrus Swallowtail Papilio demodocus demodocus
Green-banded Swallowtail Papilio nireus lyaeus
Mocker Swallowtail Papilio dardanus cenea
Skippers Buff-tipped Natrobalane canopus
Clouded Flat Tagiades flesus
Common Hottentot Skipper Gegenes niso niso
Elfins Small Elfin Sarangesa phidyle
Sylphs Gold Spotted Sylph Metisella metis paris
Darts Macken's Dart Acleros mackenii
Swifts Long-horned Swift Borbo fatuellus fatuellus


A Natal elm, showing its extensive buttressing, Pigeon Valley, May 2013

There are over 110 species of trees occurring in Pigeon Valley, almost all of which are locally indigenous.[4] Pigeon Valley is also notable for large stands of buckweed (Isoglossa woodii), which grow in more open areas under the forest canopy and in forest glades. In recent years there have been a few discoveries of plants not previously identified.

Pigeon Valley is unique in having large numbers of the rare Natal elm, and of Natal forest loquat. A Cryptocarya specimen found adjacent to the main track has so far not been definitively identified; it may be a species seldom found in the area (C. liebertiana) or alternatively a hybrid (C. latifolia and C. woodii).

A spotted ground thrush in this urban reserve, where it is a winter visitor

Public access

The reserve is open from 07:30 to 16:00 daily throughout the year. The entrance is in Princess Alice Avenue, Glenwood, opposite Rhodes Avenue.


An active grouping, Friends of Pigeon Valley, undertakes clearing of invasive alien plants, ensuring that the park is unusually free of alien species. It also liaises with management to ensure the biodiversity of the reserve and the wellbeing of visitors. It also liaises with the municipal managers of the reserve to address relevant issues. The Friends operate a monthly walk open to the public on the second Saturday of each month, at 07h30. There is a Facebook page, Friends of Pigeon Valley, at https://www.facebook.com/FriendsOfPigeonValley/.

See also


  1. ^ Bodenstein, J. (2009)
  2. ^ Birds in Reserves, ADU
  3. ^ "BIRP Site summary | Pigeon Valley Park (149)". birp.adu.org.za. Archived from the original on 5 December 2010.
  4. ^ Hemson, C. (2014)


  • Pooley, T. and Player, I. (1995). KwaZulu-Natal Wildlife Destinations. ISBN 1-86812-487-8.

29°51′52″S 30°59′19″E / 29.86444°S 30.98861°E / -29.86444; 30.98861