Planet Punk
1995 studio album by Die Ärzte
Planet Punk is an album released by German rock band Die Ärzte on 18 September 1995. According to the band's autobiography, band guitarist Farin Urlaub considers it to be their best album.[citation needed ]
Track listing
Title Lyrics Music 1. "Super Drei" ("Super three") González, Felsenheimer, Urlaub González, Urlaub 2:15 2. "Schunder-Song " Urlaub Urlaub 3:06 3. "Hurra " ("Hooray") Urlaub Urlaub 3:26 4. "Geh mit mir" ("Date me", lit. "Go with me") Felsenheimer Felsenheimer 2:29 5. "Langweilig" ("Bored", lit. "Boring") Urlaub Urlaub 3:07 6. "Mein Freund Michael" ("My friend Michael ") Urlaub Urlaub 3:38 7. "Rod ♥ You" Felsenheimer, González Felsenheimer, González 3:26 8. "Der Misanthrop" ("The misanthrope") Urlaub Urlaub 3:22 9. "Vermissen, Baby" ("Miss[ing], baby" [from the line Du wirst mich vermissen, Baby - "You will miss me, baby"]) Felsenheimer González 3:37 10. "Nazareth (Blumen my ass)" Felsenheimer Felsenheimer 4:20 11. "Meine Ex(plodierte Freundin)" ("My ex(ploded girlfriend)") Urlaub Urlaub 3:39 12. "Die Banane " ("The banana") Felsenheimer Felsenheimer, González 4:33 13. "B.S.L." (Brutaler, schneller Lärm - "Brutal, rapid noise") Urlaub Urlaub 2:35 14. "Die traurige Ballade von Susi Spakowski" ("The sad ballad of Susi Spakowski") Felsenheimer Felsenheimer 4:01 15. "Red mit mir" ("Talk to me") Urlaub Urlaub 3:58 16. "Trick 17 m. S." (Trick 17 mit Selbstüberlistung - "...with self-circumvention") Urlaub Urlaub 3:04 17. "Opfer" ("Victim") Urlaub Urlaub 3:01
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