Pseudomonarchia Daemonum

Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, or False Monarchy of Demons, first appears as an Appendix to De praestigiis daemonum (1577) by Johann Weyer.[1] An abridgment of a grimoire similar in nature to the Ars Goetia (first book of The Lesser Key of Solomon), it contains a list of demons, and the appropriate hours and rituals to conjure them.

The Pseudomonarchia predates, and differs somewhat from, Ars Goetia. The Pseudomonarchia lists sixty-nine demons (in contrast to the later seventy-two), and their sequence varies, along with some of their characteristics. The demon Pruflas appears only in Pseudomonarchia,[note 1] and Pseudomonarchia does not attribute any sigils to the demons.[citation needed]

Weyer referred to his source manuscript as Liber officiorum spirituum, seu Liber dictus Empto. Salomonis, de principibus et regibus daemoniorum. (Book of the offices of spirits, or the book called 'Empto'. Solomon, concerning the princes and kings of demons.)[1] This work is likely related to a very similar 1583 manuscript titled The Office of Spirits,[2] both of which appear ultimately be an elaboration on a fifteenth-century manuscript titled Le Livre des Esperitz (of which 30 of its 47 spirits are nearly identical to spirits in the Ars Goetia).[3]

The 69 demons

  1. King Baël
  2. Duke Aguarès
  3. President Barbas
  4. Prince/Duke Pruflas
  5. Marquess Amon
  6. Duke/Count Barbatos
  7. President Buer
  8. Duke Gusoyn
  9. Count/President Botis
  10. Duke Bathym
  11. King Pursan
  12. Duke Eligos
  13. Marquess Loray
  14. Duke Valefor
  15. Count/President Morax
  16. Prince/Count Ipes
  17. President Glasya labolas
  18. Marquess Naberius
  19. Duke Zepar
  20. King Byleth
  21. Prince Sytry
  22. King Paimon
  23. King Bélial
  24. Duke Bune
  25. Marquess Forneus
  26. Marquess/Count Roneve
  27. Duke Berith
  28. Duke Astaroth
  29. President Forras
  30. Count Furfur
  31. Marquess Marchocias
  32. President Malphas
  33. Duke Vepar
  34. Marquess Sabnac
  35. King Sidonay
  36. Prince/President Gaap
  37. Duke/Marquess Chax
  38. Duke Pucel
  39. Knight Furcas
  40. Duke/Count Murmur
  41. President Caym
  42. Count Raum
  43. Count Halphas
  44. Duke Focalor
  45. King/Count Vine
  46. Count Bifrons
  47. Marquess Samigina
  48. King/President Zagan
  49. Marquess Orias
  50. President Volac
  51. Duke Gomory
  52. King/Count Decarabia
  53. Duke Amduscias
  54. Marquess Andras
  55. Marquess Andrealphus
  56. President Oze
  57. Duke Aym
  58. Prince Orobas
  59. Duke Vapula
  60. Marquess Cimeries
  61. President Amy
  62. Duke Flauros
  63. King Balam
  64. Duke Alocer
  65. Count Saleos
  66. Duke Vuall
  67. President Haagenti
  68. Marquess Phoenix
  69. Prince Stolas

See also


  1. ^ The Lesser Key of Solomon add the demons Vassago, Seere, Dantalion, and Andromalius.


  1. ^ a b Pseudomonarchia Daemonum (Liber officiorum spirituum); Johann Weyer, ed. Joseph Peterson; 2000. Available online at Esoteric Archives
  2. ^ A Book of the Office of Spirits; John Porter, Trans. Frederick Hockley, Ed. Colin D. Campbelll; Teitan Press, 2011. pp. xiii-xvii.
  3. ^ The Goetia of Dr Rudd; Thomas Rudd, Ed. Stephen Skinner & David Rankine; 2007, Golden Hoard Press. pp. 14-19, 399.

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