Robert V, Count of Auvergne

This is a list of the various rulers of Auvergne.


In the 7th century Auvergne was disputed between the Franks and Aquitanians. It was later conquered by the Carolingians, and was integrated for a time into the kingdom of Aquitaine. The counts of Auvergne slowly became autonomous.

In the 10th century Auvergne became a disputed territory between the count of Poitiers and the counts of Toulouse.

In the Middle Ages Auvergne was broken into four feudal domains:

Auvergne was integrated in turn into the appanages of Alphonse, count of Poitou and Toulouse (1241–1271) and of John, duke of Berry and Auvergne and count of Poitiers and Montpensier (1360–1416).

During the Hundred Years' War Auvergne faced numerous raids and revolts, including the Tuchin Revolt.

In 1424 the Duchy of Auvergne passed to the House of Bourbon.

Quite contemporaneously, the County of Auvergne passed to the House of La Tour d'Auvergne, and upon its extinction in 1531 it passed to Catherine de' Medici before becoming a royal domain.

In 1434, the Dauphinate of Auvergne passed to the House of Bourbon-Montpensier.

Elected Counts of Auvergne (479-963)

Coat of arms of the counts and dukes of Auvergne.

Visigoth period

  • Victorius (479–488)
  • Apollonarus (506)

Frankish Merovingian period

  • Hortensius of Neustria (527)
  • Becco (532)
  • Sigivald (533)
  • Hortensius (534)
  • Evodius ?
  • Georgius ?
  • Britianus ?
  • Firminus (c. 555 or 558, deposed)
  • Sallustus (duke c. 555 or 558–560)
  • Firminus (restored, 560–571)
  • Venerandus (before 585)
  • Nicetius I (duke and count c. 585)
  • Nicetius II (c. 585)
  • Eulalius (duke 585–590)
    • part of Austrasia (592–595)
    • part of Burgundy (595–613)
    • part of Austrasia (612–639)
  • Bobon of Neustria (639–656)
  • Hector of Neustria (c. 655–675)
  • Bodilon of Austrasia (c. 675)
  • Calminius of Neustria (c. 670s)
  • Genesius (c. 680s)
  • Haribert of Neustria (c. 690s)
    • part of Neustria until 751

Frankish Carolingian period

  • Ithier (c. 758)
  • Blandin (760–763)
  • Chilping (763–765)
  • Bertmond (765–778)
  • Icterius (778–?)
  • Warin I (818-c.820)
  • Warin II (c.820–839), son of previous
  • Gerard (839–841), supposed brother of previous
  • William I (841–846)
  • Bernard I (846–868)
  • Bernard II Plantapilosa (864–886), married Ermengard, daughter of, Bernard I
  • William II the Pious (886–918), son of Bernard II, also duke of Aquitaine.
  • William III the Younger (restored, 918–926), son of Adelinda, daughter of Bernard Plantapilosa, also duke of Aquitaine.
  • Acfred of Aquitaine (926–927), brother of previous.

After the death of Acfred, who left the comital fisc completely diminished, there appeared no successor who could control the entire Auvergne, with Velay. Several relatives of surrounding regions made claims. Below are the dates of their effective control.

Hereditary Counts of Auvergne and the Dauphinate (963-1653/1693)

House of Auvergne

From the viscounty of Clermont, then vassal to the elective county of Auvergne, came the so-called House of Auvergne, a designation used by modern historians for the family that ruled consistently the Auvergne region from 963. After a period of comital vacancy, the viscounts of Clermont were elevated as successors of the elective counts: the county became hereditary.

Viscounts of Clermont

  • Armand of Clermont (?–?)
  • Robert I of Clermont (?–?)
  • Robert II of Clermont (?–?)
  • Robert III of Clermont (?–?), son of Robert II

The spliting of the county and the Dauphinate

Coat of arms of the dauphins of Auvergne.

In 1155, count William VII the Young was usurped by his uncle, count William VIII the Old. However, William VIII left a smaller portion for his nephew to rule. In 1209, the county of William VIII the Old would be made smaller after a partial confiscation by Philip II of France, later to be made in 1360 as the Duchy of Auvergne.

As for William VII the Young, he was able to maintain his status in part of his county,[1] especially Beaumont, Chamalières, and Montferrand. From this smaller county raised, in 1302, the Dauphinate of Auvergne.

Based in the fact that William VII's wife was the daughter of the dauphin de Viennois, Guigues IV, and that William VII's descendants, in virtue of the Viennois blood, used the surname Dauphin, the majority of authors anticipate the formalization of the dauphinate in 1302 and choose to call William VII and his successors already as dauphins of Auvergne, for a clear distinction from the descendants of William VIII. Still others, out of convenience, choose to call these successors the counts-dauphins of Auvergne.

Partitions of Auvergne under Auvergne family

County of Auvergne
       Younger County
of Auvergne

Raised to:
of Auvergne

Part of the county
annexed to France (1209);
In 1360, emerged here the
Duchy of Auvergne
Elder County
of Auvergne

Inherited by
La Tour d'Auvergne
Inherited by

Table of rulers

Note: The parallel existence of the usurpers of the Elder County of Auvergne and of the usurped Younger County-Dauphinate, who often carried the same first names, also complicates things.[2] To avoid confusion, the numbering system used here is continuous, and Dauphin is used as part of the name where applicable.

Monarch Born Reign Ruling part Consort Death Notes
Guy I c.950?
Second son of Robert II, Viscount of Clermont and Ingelberga
963-989 County of Auvergne Ausenda
no children
aged 38-39?
He was the first of the family to use the comital title in Auvergne. However, he left no descendants and was succeeded by his brother.
William IV[3] c.950?
Third son of Robert II, Viscount of Clermont and Ingelberga
989-1016 County of Auvergne Humberge de Brioude[4]
five children
aged 65-66?
Robert I c.970?
First son of William IV and Humberge de Brioude
1016-1032 County of Auvergne Unknown or Ermengarde-Philippa[citation needed](?)
two children
aged 51-52?
William V c.1000
Only son of Robert I
1032-1064 County of Auvergne Philippa of Gévaudan
five children
aged 63-64?
Robert II c.1030?
First son of William V and Philippa of Gévaudan
1064-1095 County of Auvergne Bertha of Rouergue
no children

Judith de Melgueil
two children
aged 64-65?
William VI c.1069
Son of Robert II and Judith de Melgueil
1095 – 25 January 1136 County of Auvergne Emma of Sicily
two children
25 January 1136[6]
aged 66-67
Robert III c.1092?
First son of William VI and Emma of Sicily
25 January 1136 – 1147 County of Auvergne Unknown[7]
one child
aged 51-52?
William VII the Young 1102?
Only son of Robert III
1147-1155 County of Auvergne Marquise of Albon[8]
four children
aged 66-67?
In 1155, William VIII robbed William VII a great part of Auvergne.
1155-1169 Younger County of Auvergne
William VIII the Old c.1100?
Second son of William VI and Emma of Sicily
1155-1182 Elder County of Auvergne Anne of Nevers
four children
aged 81-82?
Robert IV Dauphin[9] c.1150
First son of William VII and Marquise of Albon
1169 – 22 May 1235 Younger County of Auvergne Guillemette de Comborn
(d.May 1199)
four children
22 May 1235
aged 84-85?
Held the surname Dauphin, after the title of his mother's family.
Robert IV c.1130
Son of William VIII and Anne of Nevers
1182-1194 Elder County of Auvergne Matilda of Burgundy
six children
aged 81-82?
William IX c.1150
First son of Robert IV and Matilda of Burgundy
1194-1199 Elder County of Auvergne Unmarried 1199
aged 48-49?
Guy II c.1165
Second son of Robert IV and Matilda of Burgundy
1199-1222 Elder County of Auvergne Petronilla of Chambon
eight children
aged 81-82?
William X c.1195
First son of Guy II and Petronilla of Chambon
1222-1246 Elder County of Auvergne Adelaide of Brabant
23 May 1225
six children
aged 81-82?
His wife was elected to succeed to the County of Boulogne, which then passed to her sons.
William VIII Dauphin[10] c.1175
First son of Robert IV Dauphin and Guillemette de Comborn
22 May 1235 – 19 November 1240 Younger County of Auvergne Huguette de Chamalières
one child

Isabelle de Montluçon
one child

Philippa de Baffie
no children
19 November 1240
aged 74-75?
Robert V Dauphin[11] c.1200
Only son of William VIII Dauphin and Huguette de Chamalières
19 November 1240 – 12 April 1262 Younger County of Auvergne Alix de Ventadour
six children
12 April 1262
aged 61-62
Robert V c.1225
Son of William X and Adelaide of Brabant
1246 – 17 January 1277 Elder County of Auvergne
(with County of Boulogne)
Éléonore de Baffie
six children
17 January 1277
aged 51-52
Also Count of Boulogne. From his reign, the remaining counts of Auvergne also had possession over the county of Boulogne.
Robert VI Dauphin c.1238
First son of Robert V Dauphin and Alix de Ventadour
12 April 1262 – 21 March 1282 Younger County of Auvergne Matilda of Elder Auvergne
(1230- 21 August 1280)
five children
21 March 1282
aged 43-44
William XI 1248
First son of Robert V and Éléonore de Baffie
17 January 1277 – 1277 Elder County of Auvergne
(with County of Boulogne)
Unmarried 1277[12]
aged 31-32
Robert VI 1250
Second son of Robert V and Éléonore de Baffie
1277-1317 Elder County of Auvergne
(with County of Boulogne)
Beatrice of Montgascon
14 June 1279
six children
aged 66-67
Robert VII Dauphin c.1255
First son of Robert VI Dauphin and Matilda of Elder Auvergne
21 March 1282 – 19 May 1324 Younger County of Auvergne
(until 1302)

Dauphinate of Auvergne
(from 1302)
Alixente de Mercoeur
(d.15 July 1286)
four children

Isabelle de Jaligny
(d.1 October 1297)
four children
19 May 1324
aged 68-69
During his reign the county was elevated to a dauphinate.
Robert VII the Great 1282
Son of Robert VI and Beatrice of Montgascon
1317 – 13 October 1325 Elder County of Auvergne
(with County of Boulogne)
Blanche of Bourbon
25 June 1303
one child

Marie of Termonde (de Dampierre)
one child
13 October 1325
aged 81-82?
John c.1280
First son of Robert VII Dauphin and Alixente de Mercoeur
19 Mary 1324 – 10 March 1351 Dauphinate of Auvergne Anne de Poitiers-Valentinois
(1289-17 August 1351)
27 May 1313
three children
10 March 1351
aged 70-71
Inherited also his mother's lordship of Mercoeur.
William XII 1303
Son of Robert VII and Blanche of Bourbon
13 October 1325 – 6 August 1332 Elder County of Auvergne
(with County of Boulogne)
Margaret of Évreux
one child
6 August 1332
aged 28-29
Children of Robert VII, divided the inheritance: William received the core county, and Godfrey the lordships of Montgascon and Roche-Savine.
Godfrey c.1315?
Second son of Robert VII and Marie of Termonde
13 October 1325 – 1387 Elder County of Auvergne
(at Montgascon and Roche-Savine)
Margaret of Younger Auvergne
no children

Jeanne de Ventadour
one child

Blanche de Senlis
no children
aged 71-72?
Regency of Margaret of Évreux (1332-1338) In virtue of her second marriage she became queen of France.
Joanna I 8 May 1326
Only daughter of William XII and Margaret of Évreux
6 August 1332 – 29 September 1360 Elder County of Auvergne
(with County of Boulogne)
Philip, heir of Burgundy
November 1338
three children

John II of France
9 February 1350
Saint-Gemme, Yvelines
two children
29 September 1360
aged 34
Beraud I c.1315
First son of John and Marquise of Albon
10 March 1351 – 27 August 1356 Dauphinate of Auvergne Marie de Villemur
(1315-28 September 1338)
14 March 1333
nine children
27 August 1356
aged 40-41
Beraud II the Great 1333
First son of Beraud I and Marie de Villemur
27 August 1356 – 17 January 1399 Dauphinate of Auvergne Joanna of Forez
22 June 1357
one child

Joanna of Elder Auvergne
(d.1 October 1373)
June 1371
no children

Margaret, Countess of Sancerre
27 June 1374
eight children
17 January 1399
aged 65-66
Philip of Rouvres 1346
Son of Philip, heir of Burgundy and Joanna I
29 September 1360 – 21 November 1361 Elder County of Auvergne
(with County of Boulogne)
Margaret III, Countess of Flanders
no children
21 November 1361
aged 14-15
From the Ducal/Capetian House of Burgundy. Left no descendants after a very short reign, and the county went to another son of Robert VII.
John I c.1310?
First son of Robert VII and Marie of Termonde
21 November 1361 – 24 March 1386 Elder County of Auvergne
(with County of Boulogne)
Joanna of Clermont
three children
24 March 1386
aged 39-40
John II c.1330
Son of John I and Joanna of Clermont
24 March 1386 – 28 September 1404 Elder County of Auvergne
(with County of Boulogne)
Aliénor of Comminges
11 August 1373
one child
28 September 1404
aged 73-74?
Beraud III 1380
First son of Beraud II and Margaret, Countess of Sancerre
17 January 1399 – 28 July 1426 Dauphinate of Auvergne Jeanne de La Tour
one child

Marguerite de Chauvigny
(d.23 July 1473)
14 July 1426
no children
28 July 1426
aged 45-46
Children of Beraud II, both titled Dauphin/Dauphine, inherited separately their possessions:
  • Anne inherited her deceased maternal uncle's possessions of Forez in 1372, as Dauphine de Forez. After her death this part was inherited by the Bourbons.
  • Beraud inherited, after their father's death in 1399, the Dauphinate itself, plus the county of Sancerre from his mother.
Anne 1358
Only daughter of Beraud II and Joanna of Forez
15 May 1372 – 22 September 1417 Dauphinate of Auvergne
(at Forez)
Louis II, Duke of Bourbon
19 August 1371
four children
22 September 1417
aged 58-59
Dauphinate of Forez inherited by Bourbon
Joanna II 1378
Daughter of John II and Aliénor of Comminges
28 September 1404 – 1424 Elder County of Auvergne
(with County of Boulogne)
John, Duke of Berry
5 June 1390
no children

Georges de La Trémoille
16 November 1416
no children
aged 45-46
Ruled alongside her husbands.
Maria September 1376
Daughter of Godfrey and Jeanne de Ventadour

1424 – 7 August 1437
Elder County of Auvergne
(at Montgascon and Roche-Savine until 1424; in all Auvergne and Boulogne from 1424)
Bertrand IV de La Tour
four children
7 August 1437
aged 60
Elder Auvergne inherited by La Tour d'Auvergne
Joanna 1414
Only daughter of Beraud III and Jeanne de La Tour
28 July 1426 – 26 May 1436 Dauphinate of Auvergne Louis I, Count of Montpensier
8 December 1426
no children
26 May 1436
aged 21-22
Heiress of her father and last of her family, her possessions were inherited by the Montpensier branch of the House of Bourbon.
Dauphinate of Auvergne inherited by Bourbon-Montpensier

The successors of the Auvergne family in the county and the dauphinate

County of Auvergne Dauphinate of Auvergne

As Appanage:

From 1525–1538 the dauphinate was confiscated by the king and united with the royal domain.

At her death in 1693, the title returned to the royal domain. It was later given to:

Became part of the royal domain upon the ascension of Louis XIII of France, son of Henry IV and Marie de'Medici Afterwards, the title returned to the royal domain and was claimed as a courtesy title by the dukes of Orléans, and the modern Orleanist pretenders

Bishops of Clermont

The title of bishop of Clermont is used from 1160 onwards. Before then they were called bishop of Arvernes.[citation needed] In 2002, the Bishopric of Clermont was incorporated into the Archbishopric of Clermont-Ferrand.

List of bishops of Arvernes

  • Saint Austromoine (3rd or 4th century)
  • Urbicus
  • Legonius
  • Saint Illidius (also called Allyre or Alyre) († 384)
  • Nepotianus
  • Artemius
  • Venerand
  • Rusticus
  • Namatius (also called Namacius or Namace)
  • Eparchius
  • Saint Apollinarius I (471–486)
  • Abrunculus
  • Euphrasius († 515)
  • Apollinarius II
  • Saint Quintien (about 523)
  • Gallus of Clermont (Gallus I) (about 486/525-551)
  • Cautin (about 554–572)
  • Saint Avitus (Avitus I) (572–594)
  • Caesarius (627)
  • Saint Gallus (Gallus II) (about 650)
  • Genesius († 662)
  • Gyroindus (660)
  • Felix
  • Garivaldus
  • Saint-Priest (also called Saint Prix) (666–676)
  • Avitus II (676–691)
  • Bonitus
  • Nordebertus
  • Proculus
  • Stephanus (Étienne I) (761)
  • Adebertus (785)
  • Bernouin (about 811)
  • Stabilis (823–860)
  • Sigon (about 863)
  • Egilmar of Clermont (875–891)
  • Adalard (910)
  • Arnold (about 912)
  • Bernard I
  • Étienne II of Clermont (about 945–976)
  • Begon (about 980–1010)
  • Étienne III of Clermont (about 1010–1014 / 1013)
  • Étienne IV (1014–1025)
  • Rencon (1030–1053)
  • Étienne V of Polignac (about 1053–1073)
  • Guillaume of Chamalières (Guillaume I) (1073–1076)
  • Durand (1077–1095)
  • Guillaume of Baffie (Guillaume II) (1096)
  • Pierre Roux (Pierre I) (1105–1111)
  • Aimeri (1111–1150)
  • Étienne VI of Mercœur (1151–1169)

List of bishops of Clermont

  • Ponce of Clairvaux (1170–1189)
  • Gilbert I (1190–1195)
  • Robert of Auvergne (1195–1227)
  • Hughes of la Tour du Pin (1227–1249)
  • Guy of la Tour du Pin (1250–1286)
  • Aimar of Cros (1286–1297)
  • Jean Aicelin (Jean I) (1298–1301)
  • Pierre of Cros (Pierre II) (1302–1304)
  • Aycelin of Montaigut (also called Aubert) (1307–1328)
  • Arnaud Roger of Comminges (1328–1336)
  • Raymond of Aspet (1336–1340)
  • Étienne Aubert (Étienne VII) (was also Pope Innocent VI from 1352–1362) (1340–1342)
  • Pierre André (Pierre III) (1342–1349)
  • Pierre of Aigrefeuille (Pierre IV) (1349–1357)
  • Jean de Mello (Jean II) (1357–1376)
  • Henri of La Tour (1376–1415)
  • Martin Gouge de Charpaignes (1415–1444)
  • Jacques of Comborn (Jacques I) (1445–1474)
  • Antoine Allemand (Antoine I) (1475–1476)
  • Cardinal Charles II, Duke of Bourbon (Charles I) (1476–1488)
  • Charles of Bourbon (Charles II) (1489–1504)
  • Jacques of Amboise (Jacques II) (1505–1516)
  • Thomas Duprat (1517–1528)
  • Guillaume Duprat (Guillaume III) (1529–1560)
  • Cardinal Bernard Saliviati (Bernard II) (1561–1567)
  • Antoine of Saint-Nectaire (Antoine II) (1567–1584)
  • Cardinal François de La Rochefoucauld (François I) (1585–1609)
  • Antoine Rose (Antoine III) (1609–1614)
  • Joachim of Estaing (1614–1650)
  • Louis of Estaing (Louis I) (1650–1664)
  • Gilbert of Veiny d'Arbouze (Gilbert II) (1664–1682)
    • Michel of Castagnet (is appointed but does not get his bull and returns)
  • Claude II of Saint-Georges (1684–1687)
  • François Bochart of Saron (François II) (1687–1715)
  • Louis of Balzac Illiers d'Entragues (Louis II) (1716–1717)
  • Jean-Baptiste Massillon (1717–1742)
  • François-Marie Le Maistre de La Garlaye (1743–1775)
  • François of Bonnal (François III) (1776–1800)
  • Charles-Antoine-Henri Du Valk de Dampierre (1802–1833)
  • Louis-Charles Féron (1833–1879)
  • Jean-Pierre Boyer (1879–1892)
  • Pierre-Marie Belmont (1893–1921)
  • Jean-François-Étienne Marnas (1921–1932)
  • Gabriel-Emmanuel-Joseph Piguet (1933–1952)
  • Pierre-Abel-Louis Chappot de la Chanonie (1953–1973)
  • Jean Louis Joseph Dardel (1974–1995)

List of archbishops of Clermont-Ferrand

Dukes of Auvergne

Coat of arms of the counts and dukes of Auvergne.

The Duchy of Auvergne was created in 1360 by John II of France, out of part of the Elder County of Auvergne, confiscated by Philip II of France in 1209.

List of dukes of Auvergne

After his death in 1527, the title was confiscated and passed to the royal domain.

Louise confronted Charles III's right to succession with the support of her son, King Francis I of France. After her death in 1531, the title passed to the royal domain.


  1. ^ Some authors have named William VII and his descendants counts of Clermont (after the viscounty from which the family emerged), as a way to mark them as the legitimate line. However, this risks confusion with the episcopal County of Clermont in Auvergne, and also with the unrelated County of Clermont-en-Beauvaisis.
  2. ^ Some authors create a new numbering starting with the first dauphins even though the dauphinate did not really begin until 1302. Others choose to reestablish, beginning with William the Young, the numbering of the viscounts of Clermont who became counts of Auvergne, particularly for the dauphins named Robert.
  3. ^ The numbering of the counts named William follows the one of the elective counts. However, the most traditional counting does not include William III, Duke of Aquitaine as a de facto count of Auvergne.
  4. ^ Sauxillanges, 402, p. 311.
  5. ^ According to Pontiari, E. (ed.) (1927-8), De rebus gestis Rogerii Calabriæ et Siciliæ comitis et Roberti Guiscardi ducis fratris eius, (Bologna) (“Malaterra”) IV.8, p. 90, Emma was intended to marry Philip I of France, but her father didn't know he was still married to Bertha of Holland, and it was Raymond IV, Count of Toulouse who arranged for her to marry William VI. This could only have happened in 1092, probably between the separation of the royal couple, and the beginning of the bigamous marriage of the king to Bertrade of Montfort.
  6. ^ Baluze (1708) Auvergne, Tome II, p. 59.
  7. ^ Baluze contests historians who consider Robert's wife to be Beatrice, daughter of Guigues III of Albon. See Baluze, Histoire généalogique de la maison d'Auvergne, tome 1, pag 60.
  8. ^ A previous marriage to Joanna of Calabria is mentioned in a spurious document. See Baluze (1708) Auvergne, Tome II, p. 62.
  9. ^ He is alternatively named Robert I Dauphin, thus restarting the numbering. In the present table the numbering will continue from the original county of Auvergne.
  10. ^ The numbering in the Dauphinate starts from where the division left it; He was the eighth William in this part of the county.
  11. ^ Somes sources state him as I or II, depending on whether his grandfather was named Robert or simply Dauphin For the reason of the numbering on the present table see footnote on Robert IV Dauphin.
  12. ^ Histoire généalogique de la maison d'Auvergne, Livre 1, pag. 103
  13. ^ Histoire généalogique de la maison d'Auvergne, Livre 1, pag. 110

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