Roman Catholic Diocese of Faenza-Modigliana

Diocese of Faenza-Modigliana

Dioecesis Faventina-Mutilensis
Area1.044 km2 (0.403 sq mi)
- Total
- Catholics
(as of 2021)
140,270 (est.)
131,730 (guess)
Established3rd Century
CathedralBasilica Cattedrale di S. Pietro Apostolo (Faenza)
Co-cathedralConcattedrale di S. Stefano (Modigliana)
Secular priests57 (diocesan)
9 (Religious Orders)
15 Permanent Deacons
Current leadership
BishopMario Toso
Bishops emeritusClaudio Stagni
Diocesi di Faenza-Modigliana (in Italian)

The Diocese of Faenza-Modigliana (Latin: Dioecesis Faventina-Mutilensis) is a Latin Church diocese of the Catholic Church in Italy.[1][2] It was created in 1986 through a merger of the diocese of Faenza and the diocese of Modigliana.[2][1]

Originally the Diocese of Faenza (Faventia) was a suffragan (subordinate) of the Archbishop of Ravenna.[3] In 1582 the diocese of Bologna was raised to the status of a metropolitan archbishopric by Pope Gregory XIII in the bull Universi orbis of 10 December 1582, and Faenza was made a suffragan of the archdiocese of Bologna.[4]


In 740, according to the Chronicon Faventinum of Canon Tolosanus of Faenza,[5] the Lombard King Liutprand descended upon Faenza and put the town under siege. He was intent on seizing the Exarchate of Ravenna and expelling the last remaining Byzantine officials from northern Italy. Pope Gregory III, who was supporting the Exarch, and the people of Faenza who were supporting the Pope, were the object of the King's wrath. On Holy Saturday, in the evening, they broke into the Cathedral, where the annual solemn baptismal service was in progress, and killed or threw into chains nearly the entire population. The name and the fate of the bishop of Faenza are unknown.[6]

Pope Gregory wrote immediately to Charles Martel, complaining of the destruction and depredations of the Lombard kings, and seeking aid of the Franks. Either Gregory or his successor Zacharias (Gregory died in November 741) ordered the bishop of Faenza to move his episcopal seat from S. Maria foris portam ('outside the gate'), where the outrage had taken place, to the church of S. Peter inside the city.[7]

On 2 April 1787, Pope Pius VI transferred seven parishes from the jurisdiction of the bishop of Faenza to the jurisdiction of the Archbishop of Ravenna.[8]

On 7 July 1850, in the bull Ea quo licet immerito, Pope Pius IX created the new diocese of Modigliana from eight parishes in the territory of the diocese of Faenza.[9] This action was done at the repeated request of the Grand Duke of Tuscany, Leopold II, whose political domain included the lands that became the diocese of Modigliana. The Duke was unhappy to see persons under his temporal jurisdiction subject to an ecclesiastical authority (Faenza) which was outside of his domain.[10] The new diocese was assigned to the ecclesiastical province of Florence, and the Collegiate Church of S. Stefano de Mutilano became a cathedral. In 1853, when its first bishop was appointed, Modigliana was transferred to the ecclesiastical province of Bologna.[11] Ruggero Bovelli was appointed bishop of Modigliana on 5 August 1915, and when a vacancy occurred in the diocese of Faenza, he was also appointed Bishop of Faenza, on 24 March 1924, and on 1 May the decree was issued uniting the two dioceses in the person of Bishop Bovelli.[12] On 5 June 1970, Marino Bergonzini was named both Coadjutor Bishop of Faenza and Bishop of Modigliana.[13] Francesco Tarcisio Bertozzi was appointed Bishop of Faenza and Bishop of Modigliana on 6 August 1982.[14]

In compliance with a Constitution of the Second Vatican Council, and following norms established by Pope John XXIII, after extensive consultations with all interested parties, and with the consent of Pope John Paul II, the Vatican Congregation of Bishops issued a decree on 30 September 1986, uniting the two dioceses of Faenza and Modigliana under one bishop, with one Curia, and with one seat, and one Cathedral Chapter, in Faenza. The former cathedral of Modigliana was reduced to the rank of co-cathedral, and was allowed to keep its Chapter of Canons.[15]

Cathedral and Chapter

In 816, the Emperor Louis the Pious held a council at Aix, at which it was ordered that Canons and Canonesses live together according to a set of rules (canons, regulae). In the Roman synod of Pope Eugene II of November 826, it was ordered that Canons live together in a cloister next to the church. In 876, the Council of Pavia decreed in Canon X that the bishops should enclose the Canons: uti episcopi in civitatibus suis proximum ecclesiae claustrum instituant, in quo ipsi cum clero secundum canonicam regulam Deo militent, et sacerdotes suos ad hoc constringant, ut ecclesiam non relinquant et alibi habitare praesumant.[16]

The office of Archdeacon is older than the Chapter of Canons, being attested as early as 883.[17] In 1045 the dignities of Archdeacon and Provost are found combined in one person.[18] But, after 1179, there is no mention of the Archdeacon, until the office was restored on 14 May 1517 by Pope Leo X.[19]

According to tradition, the Canons and Canonry at Faenza were established by Bishop Paulus, a figure of the mid-tenth century.

In 1045, according to the Chronicon of Canon Tolosanus of Faenza,[20] a fire consumed Faenza, and the cathedral along with it. The scrinium, where the diocese's documents were kept, was severely damaged. An effort was made immediately to recover, repair, or restore the most important documents. On 23 April, a large public meeting took place next to the wall of the cathedral, Bishop Eutychius (Etico) presiding, and the constitutions of the Cathedral Chapter were reconstructed. The Chapter and the Canonica, it was remembered, had been instituted by Bishop Paulus, and had provided for thirty Canons.[21] The properties from which they derived their income included the cathedral parish, the parish of S. Pietro in luna, the monastery of S. Stephen Protomartyr in Faenza, the monastery of S. Vitale, and the monastery of S. Savini, along with numerous towns and estates.[22]

A note in the archives of the Cathedral Chapter indicates that Bishop Federico Manfredi (1471-1478) was the last bishop to be elected by the Chapter.[23]

In 1682, the Chapter was composed of three dignities and fifteen Canons.[24] In 1742, there were sixteen Canons.[25]


A diocesan synod was an irregularly held, but important, meeting of the bishop of a diocese and his clergy. Its purpose was (1) to proclaim generally the various decrees already issued by the bishop; (2) to discuss and ratify measures on which the bishop chose to consult with his clergy; (3) to publish statutes and decrees of the diocesan synod, of the provincial synod, and of the Holy See.[26]

Bishop Ugolinus, O.Min. (1311-1336) presided at a diocesan synod in 1312, probably in September; and at another in 1321.[27]

Bishop Giovanni Battista Sighicelli (1562–1575) presided over a diocesan synod in Faenza on 5 October 1569. This was the first diocesan held after the close of the Council of Trent.[28]

Cardinal Erminio Valenti (1605–1618), Bishop of Faenza, held a diocesan synod on 15 October 1615.[29] On 11 June 1620, Bishop Giulio Monterenzi (1618–1623) presided over a diocesan synod.[30] Cardinal Francesco Cennini, Bishop of Faenza (1623–1643), presided over a diocesan synod on 26 April 1629.[31] On 4–6 July 1647, Cardinal Carlo Rossetti, Bishop of Faenza (1643–1681), celebrated his first diocesan synod.[32] His second synod took place on 7 October 1649. The third synod was held on 1 June 1651.[33] The fourth took place on 15–16 October 1654.[34] The fifth was held on 18–19 October 1657; the sixth on 13–14 May 1660; the seventh on 18–19 October 1663; the eighth on 17–18 May 1668; and the ninth on 18–20 October 1674.[35] Cardinal Gianfrancesco Negroni, Bishop of Faenza (1687–1697) presided over a diocesan synod which began on 30 August 1694.[36]

A diocesan synod was held by Bishop Antonio Cantoni (1742–1767) on 25–27 June 1748, and its Constitutions were published.[37]

Bishop Giuseppe Battaglia (1944–1976) held a diocesan synod in 1949.[38]

Bishops of Faenza

  • Leontius (attested 649)[41]
  • Romanus (attested 861)[42]
  • Paulus (c. 920 ?)[43]
  • Gerardus (attested 954–973)[44]
  • Ildeprandus (attested 998–1022)[45]
  • Eutychius (Etico) (attested 1032–1056)[46]
  • Petrus (1056–1063)[47]
  • Hugo (attested 1063)[48]
  • P[ - - ] (c. 1065 to 1067)[49]
  • Leo (attested 1076)[50]
  • Hugo (attested 1084)[51]
  • Robertus (attested 1086, 1104)[52]
  • Petrus (attested 1116)[53]
  • Jacobus (attested 1118, 1126, 1130)[54]
  • Rambertus[55]
  • Joannes[56]
  • Bernardus[57]
  • Theoderic Frasconi[58]

from 1200 to 1500

  • Ubaldus (1205–1208)[59]
  • Joachim (1209–1210)[60]
  • Orlandus (Rolando) (1210–1221)[61]
  • Albertus (1222– after 1239)[62]
  • Julianus (1242-1249)[63]
  • Gualtierius Poggi, O.S.A. (1251-1257)[64]
  • Giacomo Petrella (1258-1273)[65]
  • Theodericus, O.P. (1274-1281)[66]
  • Vivianus (1282-1287)[67]
  • Lottieri della Tosa (1287-1302)[68]
  • Matteo Eschini, O.S.A. (1302-1311)[69]
  • Ugolinus, O.Min. (1311-1336)[70]
  • Giovanni da Brusata, C.R.S.A. (1337-1342)[71]
  • Stephanus Benerii (1343–c. 1378)[72]
  • Francesco Uguccione (1378–1383)[73]
Lupus (1378–1390) (Avignon Obedience)
  • Angelo Ricasoli (1383-1391)[74]
  • Orso da Gubbio, O.S.B. (1391-1402)[75]
  • Niccolò Ubertini (1402-1406)[76]
  • Pietro de Pago, O.Min. (1406–1411)[77]
Sede vacante (1411–after 1414)[78]
[Antonio de Solarolo][79]
  • Silvestro de la Casa (1418?–1428)[80]
  • Giovanni da Faventia, O.Min. (1428–1438)[81]
  • Francesco Zanelli de Faventia, O.Serv. (1438–1454)[82]
Sede Vacante (1454–1455)[83]

from 1500 to 1800

from 1800 to 1986

  • Stefano Bonsignore (1807–1826 Died)[110]
  • Giovanni Niccolò Tanari (Tanara) (1827–1832 Resigned)[111]
  • Giovanni Benedetto Folicaldi (1832–1867)[112]
  • Angelo Pianori, O.F.M. (1871–1884 Died)[113]
  • Gioachino Cantagalli (1884–1912 Died)[114]
  • Vincenzo Bacchi (1912–1924 Died)
  • Ruggero Bovelli (1924–1929 Appointed Archbishop of Ferrara)
  • Antonio Scarante (1930–1944 Died)
  • Giuseppe Battaglia (1944–1976 Retired)
  • Marino Bergonzini (1976–1982 Retired)
  • Francesco Tarcisio Bertozzi (1982–1996 Died)

Bishops of Faenza-Modigliana

Parishes of the Diocese of Faenza

Outer-Northern Deanery

Pastoral Unit "Delle Alfonsine"

Parish Patron Saint Comune Borough/Frazione Population
Santa Maria in Alfonsine Saint Mary Alfonsine centre 4000
Sacro Cuore di Gesu Sacred Heart of Jesus Alfonsine centre 1500
San Giuseppe in Fiumazzo Saint Joseph Alfonsine Fiumazzo 1000
San Lorenzo al Taglio Corelli Saint Lawrence Alfonsine Taglio Corelli 417
Madonna del Bosco Saint Mary Alfonsine Madonna del Bosco 500
Santa Maria in Rossetta Saint Mary Fusignano Rossetta 560

Pastoral Unit "Fusignano"

Parish Patron Saint Comune Borough/Frazione Population
San Giovanni Battista in Fusignano Saint John the Baptist Fusignano centre 6082
Santa Maria del Pilar in Maiano Our Lady of Pilar Fusignano Maiano Monti 730
San Savino in Fusignano Saint Sabinus Fusignano San Savino 885
Sant'Antonio Abate in Masiera Anthony the Great Bagnacavallo Masiera 1100
Santa Maria Assunta in Bizzuno Assumption of Mary Lugo Bizzuno 1130

Pastoral Unit "Bagnacavallo

Parish Patron Saint Comune Borough/Frazione Population
San Michele Arcangelo e San Pietro Apostolo in Bagnacavallo Archangel Michael Bagnacavallo centre 8560
Santa Maria in Boncellino Mary (Mother of Jesus) Bagnacavallo Boncellino 500
Santa Maria Assunta in Traversara Assumption of Mary Bagnacavallo Traversara 1100
Sant'Apollinare in Villanova di Bagnacavallo Apollinaris of Ravenna Bagnacavallo Villanova 2386
San Francesco d'Assisi alle Glorie Francis of Assisi Bagnacavallo Glorie 1352
San Giuseppe in Villa Prati Saint Joseph Bagnacavallo Villa Prati 610
San Potito Potitus Lugo San Potito 800

Pastoral Unit "Sant'Agata

Parish Patron Saint Comune Borough/Frazione Population
Sant'Agata sul Santerno Saint Agatha Sant'Agata sul Santerno centre 2400
San Martino in Villa San Martino Saint Martin of Tours Lugo Villa San Martino 960

Outer-Eastern Deanery

Pastoral Unit "Unita' e Speranza

Parish Patron Saint Comune Borough/Frazione Population
Sant'Apollinare in Russi Apollinaris of Ravenna Russi centre 6138
Santa Maria in Pezzolo Mary (Mother of Jesus) Russi
Santa Maria in Prada Mary (Mother of Jesus) Faenza Reda 475

Pastoral Unit "Melograno"

Parish Patron Saint Comune Borough/Frazione Population
San Giovanni Evangelista in Granarolo Saint John the Evangelist Faenza Granarolo Faentino 1750
San Giovanni Battista in Pieve Cesato Saint John the Baptist Faenza Pieve Cesato 988
Sant'Andrea in Panigale Saint Andrew the Apostle Faenza Sant'Andrea 454
San Pietro in Vinculis di Fosso Saint Peter the Apostle Faenza Granarolo Faentino 330

Pastoral Unit "Reda, Albareda, La Pi, Curleda"

Parish Patron Saint Comune Borough/Frazione Population
San Martino in Reda Saint Martin of Tours Faenza Reda 1400
San Salvatore in Albareto Jesus Faenza Reda 275
San Barnaba Saint Barnabas Faenza Reda 215
San Giovannino Saint John the Baptist Faenza Borgo Durbecco 260
Santa Maria in Basiago Mary (Mother of Jesus) Faenza Reda 280
Santo Stefano in Pieve Corleto Saint Stephen Faenza Reda 335

Pastoral Unit "Beato Bonfadini"

Parish Patron Saint Comune Borough/Frazione Population
Santo Stefano in Cotignola Saint Stephen Cotignola centre 4367
San Severo in Serraglio Severus of Ravenna Cotignola San Severo 311
Santa Maria in Cassanigo Mary (Mother of Jesus) Faenza Granarolo Faentino 345

Pastoral Unit "Madonna della Salute"

Parish Patron Saint Comune Borough/Frazione Population
Santa Maria Assunta in Solarolo Assumption of Mary Solarolo centre 3100
Santa Maria in Casanola Saint Mary Solarolo Casanola 266
San Michele in Gaiano Archangel Michael Solarolo Gaiano 287
Santa Maria in Felisio Saint Mary Solarolo Felisio 290

Deanery of Faenza

Pastoral Unit of "Santa Chiara-Sant'Umilta

Parish Patron Saint Comune Borough/Frazione Population
San Terenzio in Cattedrale Saint Terence of Imola Faenza centre-north 2166
San Francesco d'Assisi Saint Francis of Assisi Faenza centre-north 1600
Santi Ippolito e Lorenzo Hippolytus of Rome and Saint Lawrence Faenza centre-north 1327
San Domenico Dominic of Guzmán Faenza centre-north 3200
San Pier Damiani in Santa Maria ad Nives Saint Peter Damian and Our Lady of Snow Faenza centre-south 1350
Santi Agostino e Margherita Augustine of Hippo and Margaret of Antioch Faenza centre-south 3550

Pastoral Unit "San Giuseppe Sposo della Beata Vergine Maria"

Parish Patron Saint Comune Borough/Frazione Population
San Marco Mark the Evangelist Faenza centre-north 3300
San Giuseppe Artigiano Saint Joseph Faenza centre-north 4495
Santa Margherita in Ronco Margaret of Antioch Faenza centre-north 270
San Martino in Formellino Saint Martin of Tours Faenza centre-north 540
San Silvestro Pope Sylvester I Faenza centre-north 396
San Pier Laguna Peter the Apostle Faenza centre-north 577
Santa Maria di Mezzeno-Merlaschio Mary (Mother of Jesus) Faenza centre-north 395

Pastoral Unit "Mater Ecclesiæ"

Parish Patron Saint Comune Borough/Frazione Population
San Savino Saint Sabinus Faenza centre-south 3200
Santo Crocifisso in Santa Cristina Crucifixion of Jesus and Saint Christine Faenza centre-south 8600
San Procolo alla Pieve Ponte Proculus of Bologna Faenza Pieve Ponte 426
Santa Maria della Pace Mary (Mother of Jesus) Castel Bolognese Pace 306
San Pietro Apostolo in Biancanigo Peter the Apostle Castel Bolognese Biancanigo 1446

Pastoral Unit of "Santa Maria Maddalena e Sant'Antonino in Faenza

Parish Patron Saint Comune Borough/Frazione Population
Santa Maria Maddalena Mary Magdalen Faenza Borgo Durbecco 5600
Sant'Antonino Antoninus of Apamea Faenza Borgo Durbecco 3050

Pastoral Unit "Santi Cristoforo and Macario"

Parish Patron Saint Comune Borough/Frazione Population
Santa Maria del Rosario in Errano Mary (Mother of Jesus) Faenza Errano 868
Sant'Apollinare in Castel Raniero Apollinaris of Ravenna Faenza Castel Raniero 134
San Giovanni Decollato delle Celle Saint John the Baptist Faenza Celle 751

Outer-Southern Deanery

Pastoral Unit "Madonna delle Grazie

Parish Patron Saint Comune Borough/Frazione Population
Santo Stefano in Modigliana Saint Stephen Modigliana centre 4093
San Michele Arcangelo in Tredozio Archangel Michael Tredozio centre 1090
San Pietro in Lutirano Peter the Apostle Marradi Lutirano 141

Pastoral Unit "Marzeno"

Parish Patron Saint Comune Borough/Frazione Population
Santa Lucia delle Spianate Lucy of Syracuse Faenza Santa Lucia 950
Santa Maria Assunta in Marzeno Assumption of Mary Faenza Marzeno 491
San Pietro in Scavignano Peter the Apostle Faenza centre-south 140
Santa Margherita in Rivalta Margaret of Antioch Faenza Rivalta 763
San Biagio in Cosina Blaise of Sebaste Faenza Cosina 529
Santi Apollinare e Mamante in Oriolo Apollinaris of Ravenna and Mammes of Caesarea Faenza Oriolo dei Fichi 105
Santa Maria degli Angeli in Sarna Assumption of Mary Faenza Sarna 474

Outer-Western Deanery

Pastoral Unit of "Marradi"

Parish Patron Saint Comune Borough/Frazione Population
San Lorenzo in Marradi Saint Lawrence Marradi centre 1550
Santa Maria Nascente in Crespino Nativity of Mary Marradi Crespino del Lamone 90
San Jacopo a Cardeto James the Great Marradi Biforco 977
Sant'Adriano Adrian of Caesarea Marradi Sant'Adriano 200
Santa Maria in Popolano Mary (Mother of Jesus) Marradi Popolano di Marradi 190
San Martino in Gattara Saint Martin of Tours Brisighella San Martino in Gattara 403

Pastoral Unit "Madonna del Monticino

Parish Patron Saint Comune Borough/Frazione Population
San Michele Arcangelo in Brisighella Archangel Michael Brisighella centre 2282
San Rufillo Saint Ruffillo of Forlimpopoli Brisighella San Rufillo 250
San Cassiano Cassian of Imola Brisighella San Cassiano 435
Santo Stefano in Casale Pistrino Saint Stephen Brisighella Casale Pistrino 190
Santa Maria in Poggiale Mary (Mother of Jesus) Brisighella Poggiale 195
San Pietro in Fognano Peter the Apostle Brisighella Fognano 1350
San Giovanni Battista in Ottavio Saint John the Baptist Brisighella Pieve Tho 480
Sacro Cuore di Gesu in Zattaglia Sacred Heart of Jesus Casola Valsenio Zattaglia 310
San Giorgio in Villa Vezzano Saint George Brisighella Villa Vezzano 300

See also


  1. ^ a b "Diocese of Faenza-Modigliana" David M. Cheney. Retrieved October 7, 2016.[self-published source]
  2. ^ a b "Diocese of Faenza-Modigliana" Gabriel Chow. Retrieved October 7, 2016.[self-published source]
  3. ^ Kehr, p. 147.
  4. ^ Bullarum diplomatum et privilegiorum sanctorum Romanorum pontificum Taurinensis editio (in Latin). Vol. Tomus octavus (8). Turin: Franco et Dalmazzo. 1863. pp. 401–404, § 4.
  5. ^ Giuseppe Rossini (ed.), Magistri Tolosani Chronicon Faventinum Rerum Italicarum Scriptoresl Tomo XXVIII, pars 1 (Bologna: Nicola Zanichelli 1900), p. 6: Sub anno itaque dominice incarnationis DCC quadragesimo, parato exercitu magno, nominatus' rex maximis itineribu8 et occultis festinavit venire Favenciam, et sabbato sancto circa horam vespertinam pater per portam Emiliam, que dicitur Ymolensis, filius per Flamineam portam, que est super fluvium, in civitatem subito intraverunt, omnes viros et mulieres senes cum iunioribus, quos invenerunt, in ore gladii perimentes. Populus totus tunc aderat prò pueris baptizandis apud Sanctam Mariam foris portam, ubi sedis erat ep[iscopalis et unde] episcopatus delatus est in ecclesiam Sancti Petri intra civitatem' iubente Romano pontifice... Ex populo nempe pauci evaserunt, omnibus aliis interfectis seu vinculìs mancipatis....
  6. ^ Righi, Annali, pp. 23-24. Cappelletti, p. 245.
  7. ^ Rossini, Magistri Tolosani Chronicon Faventinum, p. 6, note 1. Monumenta Germaniae Historica: Epistolae (in Latin and German). Vol. Tomus III: Merowingici et Karolini Aevi I. Berlin: Weidmann. 1892. pp. 477–479. ISBN 9783447100748.
  8. ^ Bullarii Romani continuatio (in Latin). Vol. Tomus sextus, pars 2. Prati: typographia Aldina. 1848. pp. 1805–1807.
  9. ^ Cappelletti, Volume 17, pp. 349-354.
  10. ^ Giacomo Martina (1967). Pio IX e Leopoldo II (in Italian). Rome: Gregorian University. pp. 51–53. ISBN 978-88-7652-449-3.
  11. ^ Kehr, p. 147. Gaetano Moroni (1856). Dizionario di erudizione storico-ecclesiastica (in Italian). Vol. (Tor-Tos). Venice: Tipografia Emiliana. pp. 55–60.
  12. ^ Acta Apostolicae Sedis 16 (Città del Vaticano 1924), p. 301 (in Latin): 1 maii. — Cathedrali Ecclesiae Mutilanae, cum Ecclesia cathedrali Faventina ad personam unitae, E. P. D. Rogerium Bovelli, Episcopum Faventinum, qui posthac Episcopus Faventinus et Mutilanus appellabitur.
  13. ^ Acta Apostolicae Sedis 62 (Città del Vaticano 1970), pp. 540-541. (in Latin): die 6 iunii. — Cathedrali Ecclesiae Mutilensi Exc. P. D. Marinum Bergonzini, hactenus Episcopum Volaterranum, quem simul constituit Coadiutorem cum iure successionis Cathedralis Ecclesiae Faventinae.
  14. ^ Acta Apostolicae Sedis 74 (Città del Vaticano 1982), p. 1077: die 6 Augusti. — Cathedrali Ecclesiae Faventinae R. D. Franciscum Tharsicium Bertozzi, Vicarium Generalem dioecesis Caesenatensis. — Cathedrali Ecclesiae Mutilensi R. D. Franciscum Tharsicium Bertozzi, qui simul Episcopus Faventinus constitutus est.
  15. ^ Acta Apostolicae Sedis 79 (Città del Vaticano 1987), pp. 704-707: Vi criterii generalis, quo statuitur ut in unum coalescant circumscriptiones ecclesiasticae usque adhuc pastorali curae unius Episcopi commissae, etiam pro dioecesibus unitis Faventina et Mutilensi Congregatio pro Episcopis praesenti Decreto plenam earum unionem decernit.
  16. ^ Lupi, Mario (1784). Josephus Ronchetti (ed.). Codex diplomaticus civitatis, et ecclesiæ Bergomatis (in Latin). Vol. primum. Bergamo: Vincenzo Antoine. pp. 1064–1065. 'Bishops are to create a cloister next to their church, in which they serve God along with their clergy according to the rule of canons, and they should compel their priests not to leave the church and presume to live elsewhere.'
  17. ^ Strocchi, p. 70.
  18. ^ Tonduzzi, pp. 153, 155.
  19. ^ Strocchi, p. 71.
  20. ^ Giuseppe Rossini (ed.), Magistri Tolosani Chronicon Faventinum, p. 21: Anno MXLV conbusta est Faventia et maior ecclesia cum instrumentìs eiusdem destructa est turris magna que erat in Caminica [Canonica].
  21. ^ Tonduzzi, pp. 152-155: Necessarium duximus tradere memoria textam cartularum nostrae Canonicae quas scimus Iudicio Dei igne consumptas. Et maximè qualiter Domnus Paulus Religiosus Episcopus ordinavit Canonicam et Canonicos supradictae Fav(entinae) Ecclesiae num. xxx.
  22. ^ Tonduzzi, p. 153.
  23. ^ Messeri, p. 60, column 1: ultimus ad episcopatum electus a capitulo legitur canonicus Federicus de Manfredis.
  24. ^ Ritzler-Sefrin, V, p. 198, note 1.
  25. ^ Ritzler-Sefrin, VI, p. 213, note 1.
  26. ^ Benedictus XIV (1842). "Lib. I. caput secundum. De Synodi Dioecesanae utilitate". Benedicti XIV ... De Synodo dioecesana libri tredecim (in Latin). Vol. Tomus primus. Mechlin: Hanicq. pp. 42–49. John Paul II, Constitutio Apostolica de Synodis Dioecesanis Agendis (March 19, 1997): Acta Apostolicae Sedis 89 (1997), pp. 706-727.
  27. ^ Antonio Messeri, in: B. Azzurrini, Chronica breviora aliaque monumenta Faventina a Bernardino Azzurrinio collecta, p. 46 note.
  28. ^ Sighicelli, Giovanni Battista (1570). Constitutiones synodales ecclesiae Fauentinae, editae et promulgatae in Dioecesana synodo, habita et legitime congregata per ... D. Ioan. Baptistam Sighicellium episcopum Fauentinum. Anno Domini MDLXIX. die quinta Octobris (in Latin). Bologna: apud Alexandrum Benaccium. Strocchi, p. 153.
  29. ^ Constitutiones dioecesanae synodi Faventinae ab... Herminio... cardinali de Valentibus... Faventinae ecclesiae episcopo celebratae anno M.DC.XV. die 15 octobris (in Latin). Faenza: apud J. Symbonium. 1615.
  30. ^ Giulio Monterenzio (1620). Constitutiones dioecesanae synodi faventinae, à Julio Monterentio, ecclesiae faventinae episcopo, Celebratae, anno 1620 (in Latin). Faenza: Georgius Zarafagli.
  31. ^ Cennini, Francesco (1630). Synodi dioecesanae ab illustrissimo, & reuerendissimo D.D. Francisco tituli S. Marcelli S.R.E. card. ... episcopo celebratae decreta anno domini 1629. die 26. aprilis (in Latin). Bologna: ex typographia Georgij Zarafallij.
  32. ^ Rossetti, Carlo (1647). Constitutiones primae synodi dioecesanae ab eminentiss. et reuerendiss. D.D. Carolo Rossetto ... episcopo Fauentino celebratae in cath. eccl. 4. 3. & Prid. Nonas Iulij 1647 (in Latin). Bologna: typis Iacobi Montij.
  33. ^ Rossetti, Carlo (1651). Constitutiones tertiae Synodi dioecesanae ab eminentiss. et reuerendiss. d.d. Carolo Rossetto ... episcopo Fauentino celebratæ in Cathed. ecclesia Kalendis Iunij 1651 (in Latin). Bologna: typis Iacobi Montij.
  34. ^ Rossetti, Carlo (1655). Constitutiones quartae Synodi diocesanae ab... Carolo... Rossetto,... episcopo faventino, celebratae..., die decima quinta, & decima sexta octobris 1654 (in Latin). Faenza: apud G. Zarafallium.
  35. ^ J.D. Mansi (ed.), Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus XXXVIter (Arnhem and Leipzig: H. Welter 1924), p. 283-284.
  36. ^ Negroni, Giovanni Francesco (1695). Faventina Synodus celebrata ab Eminentiss. ac Reverendiss. S. Caesarei Diacono Card. Nigrono episcopo Faventiae, atque oculis eminentissimorum, ac reverendiss. cardinalium Carpinei, Casanatae et Marescotti . (in Latin). Rome: Typis Joannis Jacobi Komarek Boemi.
  37. ^ Cantoni, Antonio (1748). Constitutiones dioecesanae Faventinae ab Illmo et Revmo Domino D. Antonio Cantoni Episcopo Faventino promulgatae in Synodo anni 1748, celebrata (in Latin). Faenza: Benedictus.
  38. ^ Sinodi diocesani italiani. Vol. VIII. Milan: Centro studi cappuccini lombardi. 1962. p. 80.
  39. ^ It was not until 1573 that the claim was made that Sabinus of Spoleto or of Assisi was bishop of Faenza. The claim is rejected by Lanzoni (1927), p. 770. Lanzoni (1906), pp. 20-21. Gams, p. 688 italicizes his name.
  40. ^ Messeri points out the complete absence of evidence concerning the period between 465 and 649: Dal 465 al 649 non si ha traccia alcuna dei vescovi faentini.
  41. ^ Bishop Leontius attended the Lateran synod of Pope Martin I in October 649. Ughelli, p. 492. J.-D. Mansi (ed.), Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus X (Florence: A. Zatta 1764), p. 867. Messeri, p. 23, note 3, rejects most of the patriotic fantasies of Strocchi and Valgimigli.
  42. ^ Bishop Romanus was present at the Roman synod of 18 November 861, held by Pope Nicholas I. Ughelli, p. 492. J.-D. Mansi (ed.), Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus XV (Venice: A. Zatta 1770), p. 603. In a letter dated April 881, Pope John VIII wrote to Archbishop Romano of Ravenna that, since Bishop Romanus of Faenza had recently died, he should look to consecrating the Archdeacon Dominicus without delay; the Pope had already judged that he was worthy of episcopal honors. Kehr, p. 148, no. 1.
  43. ^ Messeri (p. 27, note, column 1) points out that the earliest document that makes chronological reference to Bishop Paul is Bernardino Azzurrini's list of the bishops of Faenza, which was completed on 24 December 1609 (Messeri, p. 21). Bishop Paul is referred to in a document prepared under and signed by Bishop Eutychius (Etico) in 1045. Tonduzzi, pp. 153-155.
  44. ^ Gerardus attended the provincial synod of Ravenna in 954, and the synod of Ravenna held by Pope John XIII and the Emperor Otto in 967. He subscribed the report of the synod held by Archbishop Honestus of Ravenna at Marzalia in 973. Mansi, Tomus XVIII (Venice 1773), pp. 440, 442, 501; Tomus XIX (Venice 1774), pp. 41-42. Messeri, p. 27 note, column 2. Schwartz, p. 170.
  45. ^ On 30 April 1016, Bishop Ildeprandus attended a provincial synod of the province of Ravenna, and subscribed the acts. Valgimigli, pp. 358-359. Schwartz, p. 170.
  46. ^ Eutychius' earliest known document is signed on 16 March 1032; his latest known document is signed on 26 January 1056. Schwartz, p. 170. Messeri, p. 28 note, column 2.
  47. ^ Petrus may have been the Archdeacon and Praepositus of the Canonica, mentioned in a document of Bishop Eutychius in 1045. Petrus' earliest document is signed on 22 December 1056, and his latest known is on 6 May 1063. Schwartz, pp. 170-171.
  48. ^ Bishop Hugo is mentioned in a document of 21 June 1063. Schwartz, p. 171.
  49. ^ Only the initial is known. Schwartz, p. 171.
  50. ^ Leo: Schwartz, p. 171.
  51. ^ Hugo was Archpriest of Faenza (attested 1075, 1081). He is attested as bishop in 1084. Schwartz, p. 171.
  52. ^ Robertus is first attested in a document dated 9 March 1086. He followed Wibert of Ravenna into schism. Schwartz, p. 171.
  53. ^ Petrus: Schwartz, p. 172.
  54. ^ Jacobus was sent as Legate to Germany in 1130 by Innocent II. Schwartz, p. 172.
  55. ^ Rambertus: Gams, p. 688 column 2.
  56. ^ Joannes: Gams, p. 688 column 2.
  57. ^ Bernardus: Gams, p. 688 column 2.
  58. ^ Theodericus: Gams, p. 688 column 2.
  59. ^ Ubaldus: Eubel, I, p. 245.
  60. ^ Joachim: Eubel, I, p. 245.
  61. ^ Orlandus was elected in 1210, on 7 August according to Mittarelli. Bishop Orlandus died on 21 August 1221. Eubel, I, p. 245. Messeri, p. 37 with note 1.
  62. ^ Albertus was still Provost of the Cathedral Chapter on 15 November 1221, though there was a new Provost on 22 February 1222. Antonio Messeri, ed. (1905). Chronica breviora aliaque monumenta Faventina a Bernardino Azzurrinio collecta (in Latin and Italian). pp. 38–39 note.
  63. ^ Giuliano: On 15 November 1248 he was still bishop-elect. Messeri, p. 40, note column 1. Eubel, I, p. 245.
  64. ^ Gualterio's earliest known document is dated 7 September 1251. On 25 June 1257, Bishop Gualterius made a donation to the Canons of S. Prospero. Messeri, p. 40 note, column 1. Eubel, I, p. 246.
  65. ^ On 3 July 1257, Giacomo Petrella was still Provost of the Cathedral Chapter. He was Bishop-Elect of Faenza in a document of 7 July 1258. He took part in the provincial council of Ravenna on 28 March 1261. He was found dead in his bedroom on 27 December 1273, having been smothered by a servant who then robbed him. Messeri, p. 41. Eubel, I, p. 246.
  66. ^ Teoderico was already installed as bishop on 1 March 1274. His election, however, was labelled as due to simony by Fra Salimbene: quasi violenter et simoniace factus fuit et pretio et mediantibus minis. His date of death is unattested. Messeri, p. 42, note 1. Eubel, I, p. 246.
  67. ^ Vivianus had been Archdeacon of Arezzo. He was appointed Bishop of Faenza by Pope Martin IV on 25 January 1282. He took part in a provincial council that met at Forlì in 1286. He died on 7 August 1287. Ughelli, p. 500 (whose date of 1281 for Vivianus' appointment is wrong, since Martin IV was not elected until 22 February 1281). Scaletta, p. 41. Eubel, I, p. 246.
  68. ^ Lottieri had been Archdeacon of the Cathedral Chapter of Florence. He was named bishop on 18 August 1287. He was consecrated in Ravenna on 20 December 1287. He took possession of the diocese on 2 October 1288. His successor was appointed on 20 January 1302. He was transferred to the diocese of Florence by Pope Boniface VIII on 14 February 1303. Scaletta, p. 41. Cappelletti, p. 269. Gams, p. 688. Messeri, p. 43-44, note 3. Eubel, I, pp. 246, 250.
  69. ^ Eschini was a native of Spoleto. His election to the episcopal throne of Faenza was confirmed by Pope Boniface VIII on 18 January 1301, and he was consecrated in Faenza by Cardinal Matteo di Acquasparta. He died in May 1311. Messeri places the date between 16 April and the first half of June. Cappelletti, p. 270. Eubel, I, p. 246. Antonio Messeri, in: B. Azzurrini, Chronica breviora aliaque monumenta Faventina a Bernardino Azzurrinio collecta, p. 45 note, column 2.
  70. ^ A member of the Observant Franciscans, Ugolinus was present at the synod of Ravenna in June 1311 as Bishop-elect. By 3 July he had received consecration as a bishop. Bishop Ugolino presided at a diocesan synod in 1321. He was dead by May 1336. Cappelletti, p. 271-272. Eubel, I, p. 246. Messeri, p. 46 note, 47 note.
  71. ^ Fra Giovanni was a native of Faenza. He had been a monk at the Priory of S. Perpetua in Faenza. He was elected by the Chapter, probably on 8 May 1336; was approved by the Archbishop of Ravenna, and consecrated in Faenza by Bishop Ramboldus of Imola. But since his election had not been properly notified to Pope Benedict XII, he was compelled to freely resign his bishopric. The Pope then appointed (provided) him again on 6 May 1337. He died in 1342 (Eubel), in July (according to Cappelletti, followed by Gams) or 1339 (Ughelli). His successor was elected on 25 January 1343. Ughelli, p. 501. Cappelletti, p. 273. Eubel, I, p. 246. Messeri, p. 47 note; p. 48 note 1.
  72. ^ Stefano de Benerio (Benni, in Italian), Rector of the churches of Gaulegaro and Varmilaro in the diocese of Sarlat, was Vicar of Archbishop Stefano of Ravenna. He was appointed bishop by Pope Clement VI on 24 January 1343, and was made pontifical Rector of Emilia. Cappelletti, pp. 273-274. Eubel, I, p. 246.
  73. ^ A native of Urbino and a Doctor in utroque iure, Uguccione was appointed bishop of Faenza by Urban VI in 1378. In 1383 he was named Archbishop of Benevento by Urban VI, and on 28 August 1384 became Archbishop of Bordeaux. He became a cardinal in 1405, and participated in the Council of Pisa in 1409. He died on 14 July 1412. Eubel, I, pp. 26 no. 3; 133, 151, 246.
  74. ^ Ricasoli had previously been Bishop of Sora (1355–1370), and Bishop of Aversa (1357–1370). Ricasoli was bishop of Florence (1370–1383), when he was transferred to Faenza on 9 February 1383 by Urban VI. He was transferred to the diocese of Arezzo on 5 August 1391. Cappelletti, pp. 277-278. Eubel, I, pp. 104, 123, 242, 250, 458.
  75. ^ Orso was transferred to the diocese of Rossano in Sicily. Eubel, I, p. 246.
  76. ^ Ubertini was appointed on 26 June 1402 by Boniface IX (Roman Obedience). He was deposed by 15 June 1406, on the grounds that he was absent from his diocese. Valgimigli, Memorie istoriche di Faenza, Vol. IX, pp. 138-139. Messeri, p. 51 column 1. Cappelletti, p. 278. Gams, p. 689 column 1. Eubel, I, p. 246.
  77. ^ Pago was appointed bishop of Faenza by Pope Innocent VII on 15 June 1406. In 1409 he is recorded as commissarius ct esecutor litterarum D. Baldassarris Cossae, cardinalis legati de latere in civitate Bononiae et provinciae Romandiolae. He attended the Council of Pisa in 1409, at which the contending popes, Benedict XIII and Gregory XII, were deposed for heresy and schism. Pago was transferred to the metropolitan diocese of Spalato (Split, in Dalmatia) on 19 October 1411 by John XXIII (Baldassare Cossa). He died on 30 December 1426. Messeri, p. 51, note 2. Eubel, I, p. 460.
  78. ^ A document dated 3 March 1414 states that the See had been vacant for two years because of the schism, vacante episcopatu faventino episcopo et vacaverit iam duobus annis propter sisimam (sic) regnantem inter pastores Ecclesiae, quorum unus sufficeret gubernator. Messeri, p. 52 column 1.
  79. ^ Antonio was elected by the Cathedral Chapter, and in a document dated 14 July 1416, he is named as Rev. pater dominus, dominus Antonius de Solarolo Dei gratia faventinus ellectus, nec non commendatarius monasterii sancti Prosperi de Faventia. He never obtained papal confirmation of any of the contenders for the papal throne (Gregory XII, John XXIII, and Benedict XIII). Messeri, pp. 51-52, note 3.
  80. ^ Silvestro was a native of Florence. The earliest documentary evidence of his episcopacy is dated 4 April 1418. Reports that he was elected or appointed in 1412 (Ughelli and others), or 1415, are without foundation, as Messeri, p. 52 note 1, points out. There is a Bull of Pope Martin V dated 7 February 1418, that refers to a Bishop of Faenza, who is undoubtedly Bishop Silvestro, granting him powers to be used to found a new hospital in honor of S. Maria della Misericordia in Faenza. He died in 1428. Eubel, I, p. 246.
  81. ^ Giovanni was appointed bishop by Pope Martin V on 5 November 1428. He regularly signed his name, ordinis fratrum Minorum sancti Francisci, sacrae paginae professor, Dei gratia episc(opus) fav(entinus). In 1415 he joined the college of doctors of theology of the University of Bologna. He died on 15 September 1438. Messeri, p. 53, note 1. Eubel, I, p. 246.
  82. ^ Zanelli had been Prior of the convent of the Servites in Faenza. He was elected bishop of Faenza by the Chapter of the Cathedral on 16 September 1438, the day following the death of Bishop Giovanni. His election was confirmed by Pope Eugenius IV on 12 December 1438, who reserved the right to select the next bishop himself. In 1440 Bishop Zanelli transferred the remains of S. Savino from Selva Liba (near Fusignano) to the cathedral. On 6 July 1444, he presented the Observant Franciscans with the convent and church of S. Perpetua, which had been vacated by the Canons Regular of S. Marco of Mantua. He died in 1454. Messeri, p. 53, note 2. Eubel, II, p. 152 with note 1.
  83. ^ The vacancy in the episcopal seat began with the death of Bishop Giovanni, O.Min., and was still in progress according to a document dated 24 August 1555 naming the Vicar Capitular who was governing the diocese, Alexander de Stampittis decretorun doctor, nec non canonicus fav. et vicarius ven. dom. canonicorum et tocius capituli.... propter mortem Revmi in Christo patris d. Fratris Francisci olim episcopi faventini. Messeri, pp. 54-55. Eubel's date (p. 152) is therefore an error.
  84. ^ Giovanni was a native of Siena. On 16 May 1469, Bishop Giovanni's Vicar General, Canon Graziado de' Diaterni, stated that Bishop Giovanni was elected on 18 September 1455: de anno 1455 a decima octava septembris usque ad vigesimum diem decembris anni 1457 fuit et stetit episcopus faventinus rev. pater d. Iohannes de Senis, qui erat homo multum pinguis et grossus corpore et non aptus et habilis ad sese evercitandum, attento consueto suo otio et dicti corporis gravitate. He described Bishop Giovanni as large and fat, adverse to exercise and given to leisure. He was a master of theology and Doctor in utroque iure. He was often ill in 1456 and 1457; he wrote his Last Will and Testament on 5 October 1457, and died on 20 December 1457. Messeri, p. 54, column 2 note 1. Eubel, II, p. 152.
  85. ^ Alessandro di Taddeo Stampetti da Sarnano was a Doctor of Canon Law and Canon of the Cathedral Chapter. He had been Vicar Capitular during the Sede vacante of 1454–1455. He was provided as bishop of Faenza by Pope Calixtus III in a bull of 16 January 1458. He died in February 1463. His successor was elected by the Chapter on 20 February 1463. Messeri, p. 55, note 1. Eubel, II, p. 152.
  86. ^ On 20 February 1463, the Cathedral Chapter met and elected as its new bishop Federico Manfredi, the twenty-two year old son of Astorgio Manfredi, the Lord of Faenza. His name was submitted to Pope Pius II, who quashed the election because Federico was below the minimum canonical age. Instead the Pope conferred the bishopric on Bartolomeo Gandolfi, a Canon of the Cathedral and its iudex capituli. Gandolfi died in July 1470. Messeri, p. 55 note 1; p. 56 note 1.
  87. ^ Manfredi was the son of the ruler of Faenza, and a Protonotary Apostolic. He had been elected bishop of Faenza once before, in 1463, but on 20 February Pope Pius II rejected him, because he was below the minimum age. He is recorded as merely a Protonotary and Canon in a document of 19 July 1470, but as Bishop of Faenza on 21 December 1470 (Messeri, p. 56, column 2). In the popular uprising of November 1477 he was forced to flee the city. He died on 28 September 1478. Cappelletti, pp. 281-282. Eubel, II, p. 152 with notes 3 and 4.
  88. ^ On 30 September 1478, shortly after the death of Bishop Federico, the Chapter elected the Camaldolese monk, Rodolfo di Giacomino Missaroli of Ducenta, Prior of the Monastery of S. Giovanni Battista. For reasons unknown, Pope Sixtus IV quashed the election. A document of 30 March 1479 indicates that the See was still vacant, though on 11 September 1479 Bishop Battista de' Canonici is in office. Messeri, pp. 59-60, note. Eubel, II, p. 152, with note 5, states that Battista was entered on the Oblates Register on 5 October 1478. Bishop (Giovanni) Battista died on or before 1 April 1510.
  89. ^ Born in 1468 of the jurisconsult Bartolomeo Pasi of Faenza, Pasi had been ambassador of Faenza to the Papal Court. The Pope was the temporal overlord of the city. He was named Bishop of Faenza by Pope Julius II on 8 April 1510. His brother, Giovanni Pasi, took possession of the diocese as Giacomo's Procurator, on 26 May 1510. He took part in the Fifth Lateran Council in 1512. He died on 19 July 1528 of pestilence. Before he died, he attempted to resign the bishopric in favor of his nephew, Fabrizio Pasi, but the transaction was nullified by the pope. Messeri, p. 60, note, column 2. Eubel, Hierarchia catholica III, p. 194.
  90. ^ Gambari was born at Casal Fiumenense (Bologna) c. 1480. He took a doctorate in Civil Law in 1505 and in Canon Law (Bologna) in 1507, and was patronised by Cardinal Giulio de' Medici, who was then Legate of Bologna. He became an Auditor of the Sacred Palace in the Roman Curia, an Auditor of the Vicariate of Rome, and in 1526 Auditor of the Roman Rota. He was appointed bishop on 7 August 1528, but was overtaken by a fatal illness in September. Messeri, pp. 62, column 1, note. Eubel, III, p. 194.
  91. ^ Pio di Carpi de Sabaudia was born on the family fief of Carpi (near Modena) He was named Bishop of Faenza at the age of twenty-eight on 13 November 1528 by Pope Clement VII. In the summer of 1530 he was papal Nuncio in France. He was consecrated a bishop in Rome on 28 December 1532. In 1533 he was Nuncio to the Duke of Savoy. In 1535 he was Nuncio to the King of France. On 22 December 1536, he was named a cardinal, and on 23 July 1537 he was assigned the titular church of Santa Pudenziana. He resigned on 10 October 1544, in favor of his brother, an arrangement which was approved in Consistory by Pope Paul III; Rodolfo retained the administration of the temporalities of the diocese of Faenza, and Teodoro held the spiritualities. On the same day he was named Administrator of the diocese of Agrigento by the Emperor Charles V. Rodolfo Pio di Carpi died in Rome on 2 May 1565, as Bishop of Ostia and Dean of the College of Cardinals. Messeri, p. 62-63, note. Eubel, III, pp. 25, no. 16; 99; 194 with notes 3 and 4.
  92. ^ Teodoro was the illegitimate son of Cardinal Ridolfo's father. He was appointed bishop of Faenza by Paul III on 10 October 1544, though his bulls were not presented to the Chapter until 8 May 1546. Teodoro was consecrated on 10 May 1545 by his brother. On 7 May 1548, the Chapter had not yet turned over the Church and diocese of Faenza. He died at the age of forty-three in November 1561, at which time Cardinal Rodolfo exercised his right to return as Administrator of the diocese. Messeri, p. 63-64, note. Eubel, III, p. 194.
  93. ^ Sighicelli was appointed Bishop of Faenza by Pope Pius IV in the Consistory of 18 March 1562. He attended a session of the Council of Trent on 3 November 1562. He died on 12 July 1575. Eubel, III, p. 194 with note 7.
  94. ^ Annibale Grassi was a native of Bologna, the son of Senator Gian Antonio Grassi and Bianca Grati. He was appointed Rector of the Sapienza for life by Pope Gregory XIII on 12 June 1575. On 23 July 1575 he was named Bishop of Faenza. He resigned the office on 18 March 1585 in favor of his nephew, Gian Antonio Grassi. He died in Madrid, where he had been serving as papal Nuncio, on 24 June 1590. Renazzi, Filippo Maria (1804). Storia dell'Universita degli studi di Roma, detta comunemente la Sapienza (in Italian). Vol. II. Roma: Pagliarini. pp. 157–159, 269–271. Messeri, pp. 65-66. Eubel III, p. 194 with note 8.
  95. ^ Gian Antonio Grassi was the son of Senator Gaspare Grassi, and had been Canon of the Cathedral Chapter of Bologna. He was appointed Bishop of Faenza on 18 March 1585, upon the resignation of his uncle. He died on 30 July 1602. Messeri, pp. 66-67. Eubel, III, p. 194 with note 10.
  96. ^ Biandrate was named a cardinal on 5 June 1596 by Pope Clement VIII, and assigned the titular church of San Clemente. He was named Bishop of Acqui on 12 August 1585. He was appointed Bishop of Faenza on 16 April 1603. He died on 16 July 1605. Lorenzo Cardella, Memorie storiche de' cardinali della Santa Romana Chiesa, Tomo VI (Rome: Pagliarini 1793), pp. 27-29. Gauchat, Hierarchia catholica IV, p. 185 with note 2.
  97. ^ Ughelli, pp. 509-511. Gauchat, IV, p. 185 with note 3.
  98. ^ A native of Bologna, Monterenzi had been Vice-Chamberlain and Governor of the city of Rome. He was appointed Bishop of Faenza on 1 October 1618. He died on 23 May 1623. Ughelli, p. 511. Gauchat, IV, p. 185 with note 4.
  99. ^ Gozzadini: Gauchat, IV, p. 185 with note 5.
  100. ^ Cennini: Gauchat, IV, p. 185 with note 6/
  101. ^ Rossetti had been titular Archbishop of Tarsus (1641–1643). Gauchat, IV, p. 185 with note 7.
  102. ^ Pignatelli was appointed titular Archbishop of Larissa in Thessaly on 14 October 1652, and named pro-Nuncio to the Grand Duke of Tuscany. He was then Nuncio to the King of Poland (1660–1668). In May 1679, Pignatelli was named Prefect of the Papal Household. He was appointed bishop of Lecce on 4 May 1671, and on 1 September 1681 he was named a cardinal Cardinal Pignatelli was transferred to the diocese of Faenza in the consistory of 12 January 1682. On 2 October 1684 he was named papal Legate in Bologna. He was appointed Archbishop of Naples on 30 September 1686. He was elected Pope Innocent XII on 12 July 1691. Ughelli, p. 512. Gauchat, Hierarchia catholica IV, p. 216 with note 4. Ritzler-Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica V, pp. 11 no. 2; 198 with note 2; 244 with note 3.
  103. ^ Negroni was named a cardinal on 2 September 1686, and assigned the titular church of San Cesareo in Palatio on 30 September. He was appointed Bishop of Faenza in the Consistory of 7 July 1687 by Pope Innocent XI. On 10 November 1687, Negroni was appointed Papal Legate in Bologna. He resigned before 11 November 1697. He died on 1 January 1713 at his palace in Rome at the age of eighty-four. Ritzler-Sefrin, V, pp. 14 no. 38; 199 with note 3.
  104. ^ A native of Genoa, Durazzo had been named titular Archbishop of Chalcedon and papal Nuncio to Spain. He was appointed a cardinal on 2 September 1686 by Pope Innocent XI, and assigned the titular church of San Pietro in Vincoli. Cardinal Durazzo was named Bishop of Faenza in the Consistory of 11 November 1697. He died on 27 April 1710. Ritzler-Sefrin, V, pp. 13 no. 22; 199 with note 4.
  105. ^ Born in Forlì in 1663, Piazza held the degree of Doctor in utroque iure, and was appointed Referendary of the Tribunal of the Two Signatures in 1688. He served as Internuncio to Bruxelles. In 1696 he became a Cleric of the Apostolic Camera (Treasury), and was consecrated a bishop in 1697. He was Nuncio to the Rhine region, and then to Poland. He was titular Archbishop of Rhodes (1697–1706), and then titular Archbishop of Nazareth (1706–1710). He was appointed Bishop of Faenza on 21 July 1710, and allowed to retain the title of Archbishop; he did not take possession of the diocese, however, until 1714. He was named a cardinal by Pope Innocent XI on 18 May 1712, and assigned the titular church of San Lorenzo in Panisperna. From 1714 to 1718 he was papal Legate in Ferrara. He held a diocesan synod in Ferrara in 1723. He died on 23 April 1726. Ritzler-Sefrin, V, pp. 27 no. 29; 199 with note 5; 282 with note 7; 333 with note 5.
  106. ^ Cervioni held the degree of master of theology, and had been secretary general, procurator general, vicar general and prior general of his Order. He was appointed Bishop of Faenza on 3 June 1726, and consecrated by Pope Benedict XIII on 23 June. He was transferred to the diocese of Lucca on 7 February 1729, though he was never installed. He was named titular bishop of Porphyriensis in 1731 instead. He died in Rome on 9 January 1742. Ritzler-Sefrin, V, pp. 199 with note 6; 247 with note 8.
  107. ^ Born in Faenza in 1709, Cantoni was a chamberlain of honor of the pope. He obtained the degree of Doctor in utroque iure from the Sapienza in Rome in 1742. He was appointed Bishop of Faenza on 17 December 1742 by Pope Benedict XIV, and was consecrated a bishop by the pope personally on 23 December. He was transferred to the diocese of Ravenna on 28 September 1767. Carlo Mazzotti, Mons. A. Cantoni faentino, Vescovo di Faenza, Faenza: Lega 1957 (in Italian). Ritzler-Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica VI, p. 213 with note 2.
  108. ^ Ritzler-Sefrin, VI, p. 213 with note 3.
  109. ^ Ritzler-Sefrin, VI, p. 213 with note 4.
  110. ^ A native of Milan, Bonsignore was a willing tool of the French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte. In 1811 Bonaparte named Bonsignore to the post of Patriarch of Venice, which Pope Pius VII refused to ratify. Nonethess Bonsignore took up the post; though after the withdrawal of the French, he was rejected by the cathedral Chapter and driven out of Venice. He returned to Faenza, but was bishop in name only; Pope Pius had appointed a Vicar Apostolic, the Provost of the Cathedral Chapter, Msgr. Boschi, to govern the diocese. Francesco Consolini (1884). Cronaca contemporanea di Brisighella dall'anno 1850 all'anno 1883 (in Italian). Firenza: C. Civelli. pp. 122–123. Carlo Mazzotti, "Il vescovo cesarista mons. Stefano Bonsignore a Faenza," Studi romagnoli 8 (1957), pp. 148-167. R. John Rath (1969). The Provisional Austrian Regime in Lombardy–Venetia, 1814–1815 (in Italian). Austin TX USA: University of Texas Press. p. 48. ISBN 978-0-292-74154-6. Ritzler-Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica VII, p. 192.
  111. ^ Tanari was Bolognese, a member of the family of the Marchesi of Tanari. He was a doctor of theology. He had been Archdeacon of Bologna. He was appointed Bishop of Faenza by Pope Leo XII on 21 May 1827, at the age of 32, and was consecrated a bishop by the Archbishop of Bologna, Cardinal Carlo Oppizoni, on 24 June 1827. On 14 August he made his solemn entry into his diocese. He resigned the diocese on 2 July 1832, and on the same day was appointed titular Archbishop of Nicosia in Cyprus. On 17 December 1832 he was named Archbishop of Urbino. He died on 3 December 1853. Cappelletti, p. 301. Ritzler-Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica VII, pp. 79, 192, 283, 384.
  112. ^ Born at Bagnacavallo in 1801, Folicaldi, a member of the family of the Counts Folicaldi di Bagnacavallo, was educated at the Collegio Tolomei in Siena, and then at the Accademia dei nobili ecclesiastici in Rome, from which he received the degree of Doctor in utroque iure. In 1823 he became a Privy Chamberlain of the Pope, and domestic prelate. He was named an Abbreviator del Parco Maggiore on 31 October 1823, and on 4 December Vice-Legate in Bologna. In 1826 he was named a Protonotary Apostolic. From 1827 to 1829 he was Delegate of the Province of Benevento, and then Delegate of Fermo and Ascoli. On 2 July 1832, the new pope, Gregory XVI named him Bishop of Faenza, and on 8 July Cardinal Carlo Odescalchi consecrated him a bishop. He made his solemn entry into Faenza on 15 August. He died on 28 May 1867. Giornale araldico-genealogico-diplomatico (in Italian). Vol. Tomo secondo. Pisa: Nabu Press. 1875. pp. 207–208. Ritzler-Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica VII, p. 192. Philippe Boutry (2002). Souverain et pontife: recherches prosopographiques sur la curie romaine à l'âge de la restauration (1814-1846) (in French). Rome and Paris: École française de Rome. p. 555. ISBN 978-2-7283-0666-4.
  113. ^ Carlo Mazzotti, "Il brisighellese mons. Angelo Pianori vescovo di Faenza (1871–1884)," in: Le campane di Monticino. Pubblicazione annuale in preparazione al settimo cinquantenario del culto alla Madonna di Monticino 91626–1976 no. 1 9settembre 1972 (Faenza: Lega 1972), pp. 25-28 (in Italian).
  114. ^ Cantigalli was born in Faenza in 1825. In 1851 he was named parish priest of S. Vitale in Faenza, and in 1860 he moved to Ss. Filippo e Giacomo. He taught dogmatic theology in the local seminary. In 1876 Pope Pius IX appointed him bishop of Cagli e Pergola, and on 10 November 1884 Pope Leo XIII transferred him to the diocese of Faenza. He took possession of the diocese on 27 March 1885. He died on 13 August 1912. Calendario d'oro annuario nobiliare diplomatico araldico (in Italian). Vol. Anno XVII (October 1905). Venezia: Istituto araldico italiano. 1905. p. 528. Ritzler-Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica VIII, pp. 172, 268.
  115. ^ Diocesi di Faenza–Modigliana, "Vescovo"; retrieved: 5 December 2018. (in Italian)


Reference works for bishops


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