Schism (disambiguation)

A schism is a division between people, usually belonging to an organization, movement, or religious denomination.

Schism may also refer to:


  • List of schisms in Christianity
    • Meletian schism (4th century), a split involving the Patriarch of Antioch
    • Nestorian Schism (431), a split between the Church in the Sassanid Empire and the Church in the Eastern Roman Empire, after the First Council of Ephesus
    • Non-Chalcedonian Christianity (5th century), a split between the church in Armenia, Syria and Egypt and the church in Asia Minor, the Balkan peninsula and Italy
    • Acacian schism (484–519), a split between the Eastern and Western Christian churches
    • Schism of the Three Chapters (553–698), a split within the Roman Catholic Church
    • Photian schism (863–867), a split between Eastern and Western Christianity
    • East–West Schism, (11th century; 1054), a split between the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church; sometimes called The Great Schism
    • Western Schism (1378–1417), a split within the Roman Catholic Church
    • Schism of 1552 (1552), a split within the Church of the East
    • Protestant Reformation (16th century; starting 1517), a split between the Catholic Church and early Protestants
      • Anglican Schism or English Reformation (16th century), a split between the Catholic Church and England
    • Great Russian Schism (mid-17th century), a split between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Old Believers movement
    • Nonjuring schism (1688), a split within the Anglican Churches of England, Scotland and Ireland
    • Crotty Schism (early 19th century), two priests split from the Catholic Church in Ireland
    • Bulgarian schism (1872), a split between the Orthodox Church and the Bulgarian Church
    • Aglipayan schism, a group of Filipino nationalists split during the early 20th century
    • Montaner Schism (1967–1969), a Catholic parish split from its diocese in northern Italy who eventually joined the Eastern Orthodox Church
    • 1996 Moscow–Constantinople schism , the break of communion between the patriarchates of Moscow and Constantinople over the dispute concerning the canonical jurisdiction over Estonia.
    • 2018 Moscow–Constantinople schism, the break of communion between the patriarchates of Moscow and Constantinople over the dispute concerning the canonical jurisdiction over Ukraine.
  • Muslim schism
    • Ahmadiyya schism (1914), a split of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement. Commonly known among the Ahmadis as just "The Split".
  • Jewish schisms, splits along cultural as well as religious bases
  • Baháʼí–Azali split (1866), a split between the Bábís and the Bahá'ís



Art and entertainment

See also