
Shallum ("retribution") was the name of several people of the Old Testament.

Shallum of Israel

King of Israel.

Alternative name of Jehoahaz

King of Judah

Son of Tikvah

Keeper of the temple-wardrobe in the reign of Josiah (2 Kings 22:14) and husband of Huldah the Prophetess.

One of the posterity of Judah

(1 Chronicles 2:40, 41).

A descendant of Simeon

(1 Chr. 4:25).

A descendant of Levi

One of the line of the high priests (1 Chr. 6:13).

Israelite religious titles
Preceded by
According to I Chronicles 6:12
Preceded by
According to Josephus[1]
Preceded by
(According to the Seder 'Olam Zutta)
High Priest of Israel Succeeded by

Patrilineal descent
  1. Abraham
  2. Isaac
  3. Jacob
  4. Levi
  5. Kehath
  6. Amram
  7. Aaron
  8. Eleazar
  9. Phinehas
  10. Abishua
  11. Bukki
  12. Uzzi
  13. Zerahiah
  14. Meraioth
  15. Azariah
  16. Amariah
  17. Ahitub
  18. Zadok
  19. Ahimaaz
  20. Azariah
  21. Yohanan
  22. Azariah II
  23. Amariah
  24. Ahitub
  25. Zadok II

One of the sons of Naphtali

(1 Chr. 7:13).

A gatekeeper who lived in Jerusalem

(1 Chr. 9:17)

A Levite porter

(1 Chr. 9:19, 31; Jeremiah 35:4).

The uncle of the prophet Jeremiah

(Jer. 32:7).

Son of Hallohesh

Ruler of a half-district of Jerusalem, repaired a section of the wall of Jerusalem with the help of his daughters (Nehemiah 3:12).


  1. ^ Antiquities of the Jews 10:151–153 (10.8.6, in the order: book, chapter and verse.)