Stefan Gandler

Stefan Gandler (2018)

Stefan Gandler (born 1964 in Munich) is a philosopher and social scientist. He studied at Frankfurt University and has lived in Mexico since 1993[1][2]


Gandler studied Philosophy, Latin American studies, Romance Languages and Literatures and Political science in Frankfurt/Main, among others with Alfred Schmidt, and he was the Chairman of the Frankfurt General Students' Committee (AStA) in 1989/90.[3]

1997 Stefan Gandler earned his doctorate with a study on Contemporary Social philosophy in Mexico,[4] which has been translated in two languages.[5] 1997 Gandler was tenured as professor for Social theory and Social Philosophy at the Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro (UAQ) and has this position until today, and since 2008 he is additionally permanent invited professor for philosophy at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.[6] Gandler is also, since 2001, member of the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores[7] (category 3)[8] and founded in 2012 the Research Project on Critical Theory from the Americas[9] of the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT). Gandler is since 2007 chair of the academic group Modernity, development and region[10] from the Mexican Federal Education Authority.[11] (SEP)[12] In his sabbatical years he researched und taught[13] at the Universität Frankfurt am Main (2001/2002), the University of California, Santa Cruz (2009/2010),[14][15] the Tulane University, New Orleans (2015/2016).[16] and the Universität Innsbruck (2021/2022).[17] The main research fields of Stefan Gandler are the Critical theory of the Frankfurt School, the critical western Marxism, philosophy in Latin America, Critique of ideology and Walter Benjamin.[18] He worked also as translator of philosophical texts between Spanish and German and published texts on Today's Germany and the National Socialism.[19] Gandler is working on a productive conceptual confrontation between the Critical theory of the Frankfurt School and its contemporary further developments in Latin America,[20] for example from the Ecuadorian-Mexican philosopher Bolívar Echeverría,[21] trying to overcome the limitations of both: the philosophical Eurocentrism in the first case, and the reduced Critique of ideology in the second.[22] In that context he uses also the non dogmatic interpretation of the works of Karl Marx made by the Spanish-Mexican philosopher Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez,[23] and that made by the Horkheimer-successor Alfred Schmidt.[24]

In 2021 Gandler received the Bolívar Echeverría Prize from the International Herbert Marcuse Society for his book Marxismo crítico en México. Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez y Bolívar Echeverría.[25]

Main works



Television lectures

Secondary literature (selection)

In English
In Spanish (book reviews)
In German (book reviews)

External links


  1. ^ Library of Congress Name Authority File.
  2. ^ Koninklijke Brill NV: Biographical note
  3. ^ Abschied vom Intellektuellen (Detlef zum Winkel in konkret, 2/1990, S. 59–61.)
  4. ^ Arturo Jiménez: Stefan Gandler publica en español libro que amplía su tesis doctoral contra el eurocentrismo. Reivindica estudioso el marxismo crítico de Sánchez Vázquez y Bolívar Echeverría. In: La Jornada. México, September 28, 2007, p. 6a.
  5. ^ Stefan Gandler: Marxismo crítico en México. Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez y Bolívar Echeverría. Fondo de Cultura Económica, México 2007, ISBN 978-968-16-8404-4; Stefan Gandler: Critical Marxism in Mexico. Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez and Bolívar Echeverría. (Historical Materialism Book Series). Brill Academic Press, Leiden 2015.
  6. ^ Gandler is PhD adviser in the UNAM doctorate program in philosophy in three areas: Political philosophy, Philosophy of culture and Aesthetics.
  7. ^ Sistema Nacional de Investigadores homepage
  8. ^ Sistema Nacional de Investigadores: Padrón de Benificiarios, Sistema Nacional de Investigadores: Resultados de la Convocatoria 2016, Ingreso o Permanencia
  9. ^ CONACYT, Resultados de la convocatoria
  10. ^ Cuerpo Académico Modernidad, Desarrollo y Región
  11. ^ Gandler/Serna/Palacios (eds.), Modernidad y diferencia. Reflexiones conceptuales y estudios empíricos en género y territorio. México, D.F./Querétaro, Miguel Ángel Porrúa /Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro/H. Cámara de Diputados, 2010, p. 123 and UAQ homepage This academic group has published five collective books.
  12. ^ Secretaría de Educación Pública, PRODE Archived 2016-01-19 at the Wayback Machine.
  13. ^ with the approval of the CONACYT: Resultados de la convocatoria
  14. ^ "... the Californian University professor Stefan Gandler" (Matthias Freiling, Eine Woche Bildungsstreik in Frankfurt. In: HLZ. Zeitschrift der GEW Hessen, Frankfurt/Main, year 63, no.1/2, jan.-feb. 2010, pp. 10-11.
  15. ^ Center for Cultural Studies, UCSC: announcement
  16. ^ Roger Thayer Stone Center For Latin American Studies, Tulane University: announcement
  17. ^ Forschungszentrum Social Theory, Universität Innsbruck: announcement
  18. ^ "With sixteen books and over 150 articles published on critical theory, German philosophy, and Marxism in the Americas, Stefan Gandler is certainly worthy of study by anyone interested in this complex philosophical tradition, especially as it has been encountered and furthered by philosophers south of the U.S.–Mexican border." (Carlos Alberto Sánchez: From the editor. In: APA Newsletter on Hispanic/Latino Issues in Philosophy, American Philosophical Association, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, vol. 14, no. 1, fall 2014, p. 1. ISSN 2155-9708.) Sánchez calls Gandler a exemplary, contemporary Latin American philosopher.
  19. ^ See for example: Alemania: antes y después de Shoah. In: La Jornada Semanal. Supplement of La Jornada. Mexico City, no. 589, June 18, 2006, p. 5.
  20. ^ Javier Laso: Palabra Suelta. Entrevista con Stefan Gandler. Archived 2016-01-05 at the Wayback Machine Interview in the public Ecuadorian Television Channel ECTV (Ecuador TV), July 14, 2010, 9:30pm to 10:15pm,.
  21. ^ Michael Löwy: Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez y Bolívar Echeverría. In: La Jornada. Mexico City, may 6, 2007 p. 4a.
  22. ^ Julio Boltvinik: Gandler critica a Bolívar Echeverría. Se presentó en el FCE Marxismo crítico en México. In: La Jornada. México, September 28, 2007, p. 32.
  23. ^ Arturo Jiménez: Reivindica estudioso el marxismo crítico de Sánchez Vázquez y Bolívar Echeverría. In: La Jornada. Mexico City, September 28, 2007, p. 6a.
  24. ^ Jordi Magnet Colomer: Fragmentos de Frankfurt. Ensayos sobre la Teoría crítica. In: Oxímora. Revista internacional de ética y política, Barcelona, spring 2014, pp. 126-132, here: p. 127.
  25. ^ International Herbert Marcuse Society: Prizes & Awards