Polish noble family
Banner of the family. The family coat of arms was Odrowąż .
Great Chancellor of the Crown Krzysztof Szydłowiecki .
Grand Teasurer of the Crown Jakub Szydłowiecki .
Grand Treasurer of the Crown Mikołaj Szydłowiecki.
The Szydłowiecki (plural: Szydłowieccy , feminine form: Szydłowiecka ) was a Polish szlachta (nobility) family. A branch of the House of Odrowąż . Magnates in the Kingdom of Poland and the First Republic of Poland .
Their family nest was Szydłowiec at the Korzeniówka river near Radom in Masovia .
Notable members
Coat of arms
The Szydłowiecki family used the Odrowąż coat of arms.
Genealogical tree
•1.NN Adwańcówna
•2.Zofia Łabędziówna
Stefan Rosiński (red.): Mikołaj i Krzysztof Szydłowieccy - patroni turnieju rycerskiego. Szydłowiec: Muzeum Ludowych Instrumentów Muzycznych, 2006.
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