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French Monarchy
Direct Capetians
Hugh Capet
Gisèle, Countess of Ponthieu
Hedwig, Countess of Mons
Robert II
Robert II
Hedwig, Countess of Nevers
Hugh Magnus, Rex Filius
Henry I
Adela, Countess of Flanders
Robert I, Duke of Burgundy
Henry I
Philip I
Hugh, Count of Vermandois
Philip I
Constance, Princess of Antioch
Louis VI
Cecile, Countess of Tripoli
Louis VI
Philip, Rex Filius
Louis VII
Henry, Archbishop of Reims
Robert I, Count of Dreux
Constance, Countess of Toulouse
Philip, Archdeacon of Paris
Peter I, Lord of Courtenay
Louis VII
Marie, Countess of Champagne
Alix, Countess of Blois
Marguerite, Queen of England and Hungary
Alys, Countess of the Vexin
Philip II
Agnes, Byzantine Empress
Philip II
Louis VIII
Marie, Duchess of Brabant
Philip I, Count of Boulogne
Louis VIII
Louis IX
Robert I, Count of Artois
Alphonse, Count of Poitou and Toulouse
Saint Isabelle
Charles I of Naples and Sicily
Louis IX
Isabella, Queen of Navarre
Louis of France
Philip III
John Tristan, Count of Valois
Peter, Count of Perche and Alençon
Blanche, Infanta of Castile
Marguerite, Duchess of Brabant
Robert, Count of Clermont
Agnes, Duchess of Burgundy
Philip III
Louis of France
Philip IV
Charles, Count of Valois
Louis, Count of Évreux
Blanche, Duchess of Austria
Margaret of France, Queen of England
Philip IV
Louis X
Philip V
Charles IV
Isabella, Queen of England
Edward III of England
Louis X
Joan II of Navarre
John I
John I
Philip V
Joan III, Countess of Burgundy
Margaret I, Countess of Burgundy
Isabella, Dauphine of Viennois
Charles IV
Marie of France
Blanche, Duchess of Orléans