The Lawful and the Prohibited in Islam

The Lawful and the Prohibited in Islam is a book by Islamic scholar Yusuf al-Qaradawi,[1][2] originally published in 1960 under the Arabic title Al-Halal Wal-Haram Fil-Islam. Some translations into English of the work include those published by:

  • Ahl-al-bait, with annotations and commentary by Allamah Shaikh Hasan Muhammad Taqi al-Jawahiri.[1]
  • American Trust Publications published January 30, 1999.[3]
  • El Falah, in 1997.[4]
  • Islamic Book Trust, Malaysia.[5]

The book was briefly banned in France in 1995,[6] following a government order on 24 April 1995,[7] before the ban was repealed several weeks later on 9 May 1995.[8]

See also
