Thero (Greek mythology)

In Greek mythology, the name Thero (Ancient Greek: Θηρώ means "feral, beastly") may refer to:

  • Thero, reputed nurse of Ares. Local inhabitants of Therapne in Sparta believed that Theriates, a surname of Ares, had been derived from her name. Pausanias remarks that outside Therapne, Thero was completely unknown to the Greeks, and supposes that this mythological figure could have been of Colchian origin, considering the fact that the statue of Ares Theriates was believed to have been brought from Colchis by the Dioscuri.[1]
  • Thero, daughter of Phylas and Leipephilene, and sister of Hippotes. She was said to have been beautiful as the moonbeams. Falling in love with Apollo, Thero became the mother of Chaeron, eponym of Chaeronea.[2]
  • Thero, a follower of Artemis.[3]

See also


  1. ^ Pausanias, 3.19.8
  2. ^ Pausanias, 9.40.6; Stephanus of Byzantium, s.v. Khaironeia
  3. ^ Claudian, De consulatu Stilichonis 3.250 & 309
