United States Vice Presidents' tie-breaking votes

Under Article I, Section 3, Clause 4 of the Constitution of the United States, the vice president of the United States is the ex officio president of the Senate but may only cast a vote in the Senate to break a tie. As of December 5, 2023, vice presidents have cast a total of 301 tie-breaking votes in the Senate.[1] There are also two tie-breaking votes cast by Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase during the 1868 impeachment trial of President Andrew Johnson, although it is still debated whether he had the authority to do so.[2]

Constitutional basis

Article I, Section 3, Clause 4 of the Constitution of the United States states:

The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided.[3]


When there is a tie in the Senate, as seen here for the confirmation of Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education, the vice president (in this case, Mike Pence) has to step in to break the tie, or the motion fails by default.

John Adams, the first vice president of the United States, cast 29 tie-breaking votes during his tenure. His first vote was on July 18, 1789.[4] He used his votes to preserve the president's sole authority over the removal of appointees,[5] influence the location of the national capital,[6] and prevent war with Great Britain.[7] At times, he even convinced senators to vote against legislation that he opposed and often provided guidance on procedural and policy matters. Adams' political views and active role in the Senate made him a target for critics of the Washington administration. Toward the end of his first term, threatened by a resolution that would have silenced him on all but procedural and policy matters, he exercised more restraint, hoping to be elected president of the United States in his own right.[4]

John C. Calhoun was the only vice president to cast tie-breaking votes against his own president, Andrew Jackson. In 1832, Calhoun cast a tie-breaking vote to delay and later defeat the nomination of Martin Van Buren as United States Minister to the United Kingdom. Calhoun's supporters in the Senate allowed him to defy Jackson, where just enough of Calhoun's faction abstained to create a tie that he then broke.[8]

In the early 21st century, the threat of a filibuster increased the use of cloture to end debate in the Senate, especially on highly divisive issues,[9][10] making it rare for the vice president to have the opportunity to cast a decisive vote, as cloture requires a three-fifths majority. However, rules changes in 2013 and 2017[10] reduced the requirement for cloture on nominations to a simple majority, which led to the first use of a tie-breaking vote to confirm a Cabinet member when Vice President Mike Pence confirmed Betsy DeVos as secretary of education in 2017.[11] In 2018, Pence cast a tie-breaking vote to confirm Jonathan A. Kobes to the Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit, the first such vote to confirm a judicial nominee in U.S. history.[12]

Following the 2020 Senate elections, the Senate was divided 50-50 between Republicans and Democrats in the 117th Congress. Votes by Vice President Kamala Harris played a critical role in passing Democratic legislation, including the American Rescue Plan and the Inflation Reduction Act. In addition, Harris gave the Democratic Party majority-control of the Senate.[13] On July 20, 2021, Harris broke Pence's record for the most tie-breaking votes in the first year of a vice presidency, casting seven tie-breaking votes in her first six months.[14] She cast a total of 15 tie-breaking votes in her first year, setting a new record for the most tie-breaking votes in a single year in U.S. history, surpassing the 12 votes cast by John Adams in 1790.[15] On May 11, 2022, Harris set a new record for tie-breaking votes in a single day, casting four votes.[16] On July 13, 2023, Harris matched Calhoun's record for the most tie-breaking votes cast by a vice president in U.S history at 31 votes.[17] On December 5, 2023, Harris broke Calhoun's record.[18]

The recent dramatic rise in the frequency of vice presidential votes is due in part to the Senate often being equally divided on procedural votes, such as on invoking cloture, in addition to final votes on divisive issues, resulting in the vice president needing to vote multiple times on the same nominee or resolution.[19]

List of vice presidents by number of tie-breaking votes

Kamala Harris has cast the most tie-breaking votes of any vice president.[18]

As of December 5, 2023, there have been 301 tie-breaking votes cast by vice presidents.[15]

Rank Number
Name Party Order in
Term of office President(s)
1 33 Kamala Harris Democratic 49 January 20, 2021 –
Joe Biden
2 31 John C. Calhoun Democratic-Republican 7 March 4, 1825 –
December 28, 1832
John Quincy Adams / Andrew Jackson
3 29 John Adams Federalist 1 April 21, 1789 –
March 4, 1797
George Washington
4 19 George M. Dallas Democratic 11 March 4, 1845 –
March 4, 1849
James K. Polk
5 18 Schuyler Colfax Republican 17 March 4, 1869 –
March 4, 1873
Ulysses S. Grant
14 George Clinton Democratic-Republican 4 March 4, 1805 –
April 20, 1812
Thomas Jefferson / James Madison
14 Richard Mentor Johnson Democratic 9 March 4, 1837 –
March 4, 1841
Martin Van Buren
8 13 Mike Pence Republican 48 January 20, 2017 –
January 20, 2021
Donald Trump
9 10 John C. Breckinridge Democratic 14 March 4, 1857 –
March 4, 1861
James Buchanan
9 Elbridge Gerry Democratic-Republican 5 March 4, 1813 –
November 23, 1814
James Madison
9 Thomas R. Marshall Democratic 28 March 4, 1913 –
March 4, 1921
Woodrow Wilson
8 Alben W. Barkley Democratic 35 January 20, 1949 –
January 20, 1953
Harry S. Truman
8 Richard Nixon Republican 36 January 20, 1953 –
January 20, 1961
Dwight D. Eisenhower
8 Dick Cheney Republican 46 January 20, 2001 –
January 20, 2009
George W. Bush
7 Hannibal Hamlin Republican 15 March 4, 1861 –
March 4, 1865
Abraham Lincoln
7 George H. W. Bush Republican 43 January 20, 1981 –
January 20, 1989
Ronald Reagan
6 Daniel D. Tompkins Democratic-Republican 6 March 4, 1817 –
March 4, 1825
James Monroe
6 William A. Wheeler Republican 19 March 4, 1877 –
March 4, 1881
Rutherford B. Hayes
4 Martin Van Buren Democratic 8 March 4, 1833 –
March 4, 1837
Andrew Jackson
4 Levi P. Morton Republican 22 March 4, 1889 –
March 4, 1893
Benjamin Harrison
4 James S. Sherman Republican 27 March 4, 1909 –
October 30, 1912
William Howard Taft
4 Henry A. Wallace Democratic 33 January 20, 1941 –
January 20, 1945
Franklin D. Roosevelt
4 Hubert Humphrey Democratic 38 January 20, 1965 –
January 20, 1969
Lyndon B. Johnson
4 Al Gore Democratic 45 January 20, 1993 –
January 20, 2001
Bill Clinton
3 Thomas Jefferson Democratic-Republican 2 March 4, 1797 –
March 4, 1801
John Adams
3 Aaron Burr Democratic-Republican 3 March 4, 1801 –
March 4, 1805
Thomas Jefferson
3 Millard Fillmore Whig 12 March 4, 1849 –
July 9, 1850
Zachary Taylor
3 Chester A. Arthur Republican 20 March 4, 1881 –
September 19, 1881
James A. Garfield
3 Charles Curtis Republican 31 March 4, 1929 –
March 4, 1933
Herbert Hoover
3 John Nance Garner Democratic 32 March 4, 1933 –
January 20, 1941
Franklin D. Roosevelt
2 Adlai Stevenson I Democratic 23 March 4, 1893 –
March 4, 1897
Grover Cleveland
2 Charles G. Dawes Republican 30 March 4, 1925 –
March 4, 1929
Calvin Coolidge
2 Spiro Agnew Republican 39 January 20, 1969 –
October 10, 1973
Richard Nixon
1 Henry Wilson Republican 18 March 4, 1873 –
November 22, 1875
Ulysses S. Grant
1 Garret Hobart Republican 24 March 4, 1897 –
November 21, 1899
William McKinley
1 Harry S. Truman Democratic 34 January 20, 1945 –
April 12, 1945
Franklin D. Roosevelt
1 Walter Mondale Democratic 42 January 20, 1977 –
January 20, 1981
Jimmy Carter
0 John Tyler Whig 10 March 4, 1841 –
April 4, 1841
William Henry Harrison
0 William R. King Democratic 13 March 4, 1853 –
April 18, 1853
Franklin Pierce
0 Andrew Johnson National Union 16 March 4, 1865 –
April 15, 1865
Abraham Lincoln
0 Thomas A. Hendricks Democratic 21 March 4, 1885 –
November 25, 1885
Grover Cleveland
0 Theodore Roosevelt Republican 25 March 4, 1901 –
September 14, 1901
William McKinley
0 Charles W. Fairbanks Republican 26 March 4, 1905 –
March 4, 1909
Theodore Roosevelt
0 Calvin Coolidge Republican 29 March 4, 1921 –
August 2, 1923
Warren G. Harding
0 Lyndon B. Johnson Democratic 37 January 20, 1961 –
November 22, 1963
John F. Kennedy
0 Gerald Ford Republican 40 December 6, 1973 –
August 9, 1974
Richard Nixon
0 Nelson Rockefeller Republican 41 December 19, 1974 –
January 20, 1977
Gerald Ford
0 Dan Quayle Republican 44 January 20, 1989 –
January 20, 1993
George H. W. Bush
0 Joe Biden Democratic 47 January 20, 2009 –
January 20, 2017
Barack Obama

List of tie-breaking votes

Senate President Date Action Vote Ultimate result
Chester A. Arthur March 18, 1881 The Republican minority in the Senate was attempting to secure their slate of standing committees. Senator Anthony moved to indefinitly postpone the resolution of Sen. Pendleton to appoint the Democratic slate standing committees of the Senate.[8][20] Yea: 38-37 Democratic resolution postponed.
Resolution to adopt the Republican organization of the standing committees.[8][20] Yea: 38-37 Republican resolution adopted.
March 24, 1881 Motion to proceed to executive session.[21] Nay: 32-33 Motion defeated.
Thomas A. Hendricks No Votes
Levi P. Morton January 14, 1891 Motion to proceed to consideration of H.R. 11045 (the Lodge Bill).[22][23] Yea: 34-33 The bill was laid before the Senate, but it never became law.
January 16, 1891 Motion to table Reagan amendment to H.R. 11045.[24] Yea: 31-30 Amendment tabled.
December 15, 1892 Motion that after adjourning that day, the Senate would meet on the following Monday.[25] Yea: 28-27 Motion agreed to.
February 9, 1893 Motion that after adjourning that day, the Senate would meet at noon the next day.[26] Yea: 31-30 Motion agreed to.
Adlai E. Stevenson February 15, 1894 Passage of H.R. 3606 ("to require railroad companies operating railroads in the Territories over a right of way granted by the Government to establish stations and depots at all town sites on the lines of said roads established by the Interior Department.")[27] Yea: 28-27 Bill passed.
August 11, 1894 Motion that the Senate proceed to executive session.[28] Yea: 36-35 Senate proceeded to executive session.
Garret Hobart February 14, 1899 Bacon amendment to joint resolution S.R. 240 (stating the intentions of the United States toward the Philippine Islands after the ratification of the treaty of peace with Spain) expanding the resolution to disclaim any intention of exercising permanent sovereignty over the islands.[29] Nay: 29-30 Amendment defeated. Joint resolution passed.
Theodore Roosevelt No Votes
Charles W. Fairbanks No Votes
James S. Sherman February 2, 1911 Gallinger amendment to S. 6708 (ocean mail subsidy bill[8]) authorizing the Postmaster General to pay for certain ocean mail services.[30] Yea: 40-39 Amendment passed.
Passage of S. 6708.[30] Yea: 40-39 Passed.
Adjournment for the day.[31] Yea: 38-37 Senate adjourned for the day.
June 12, 1911 Bristow amendment to H. J. Res. 39 (the Seventeenth Amendment) removing the "race rider" and retaining the power of the federal government to supervise senatorial elections.[32][8][33][34] Yea: 45-44 Amendment passed.
Thomas R. Marshall December 19, 1913 Brandegee amendment to a committee amendment to H.R. 7837 (Federal Reserve Act)[35] Nay: 43-44 Amendment defeated. H.R. 7837 passed and enacted.
March 19, 1914 Motion to consider S. J. Res. 41 ("authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to sell or lease certain public lands to the Republic Coal Co.")[36] Yea: 28-27 Motion agreed to. The Senate proceeded to consider S. J. Res. 41.
May 19, 1914 Motion to adjourn after the Sergeant at Arms was "directed to request the attendance of absent Senators" since a quorum was not present.[37] Nay: 17-18 The Senate did not adjourn at that time. A quorum was established when more senators arrived in the chamber.
August 17, 1914 Thomas amendment to H.R. 15657 (Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914)[38] Yea: 24-23 Amendment passed. H.R. 15657 passed and enacted.
February 12, 1915 Motion to consider the motion from Senator Reed to amend Senate rules to end debate[39] on S. 6856 ("to authorize the United States ... to purchase, construct, equip, maintain, and operate merchant vessels in the foreign trade of the United States"[40]) Yea: 48-47 The Senate considered the motion to limit debate. Cloture procedures were eventually established in 1917.
February 15, 1915 The vice president had ruled that Senator Reed was entitled to move to table a motion to amend Senate Rule XXII regarding limitation of debate and all the amendments to that motion. Senator Lodge appealed the ruling.[41] Yea: 46-45 The ruling of the vice president was sustained. The Senate proceeded to consider Senator Reed's motion.
Motion to table the motion to amend Senate Rule XXII regarding limitation of debate and all the amendments to that motion.[41] Yea: 46-45 Motion tabled.
February 2, 1916 Clarke amendment to S. 381 (Philippine Autonomy Act).[42] Yea: 42-41 Amendment passed. S. 381 passed and enacted.
February 14, 1919 Motion to table the motion from Senator Johnson to suspend consideration of H.R. 13462 ("making appropriations for the construction, repair, and preservation of certain public works on rivers and harbors") to consider S. Res. 411 (regarding withdrawing U.S. soldiers from Russia).[43] Yea: 34-33 Motion tabled. The Senate resumed consideration of H.R. 13462.
Calvin Coolidge No Votes
Charles G. Dawes May 21, 1928 Simmons amendment to H.R. 1 (Revenue Act of 1928[44]) "relating to graduated income taxes."[45] Nay: 33-34 Amendment defeated. H.R. 1 passed and enacted.
May 28, 1928 Concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 41) "to close the first session of the Seventieth Congress by adjourning" both houses on May 29.[46] Nay: 40-41 Resolution defeated. On May 29, the Senate voted on another resolution (S. Con. Res. 22) to adjourn later that day. The resolution passed, and the Senate adjourned at 5:30 pm,[47] ending the session of Congress.[48]
Charles Curtis March 12, 1930 Committee amendment to H.R. 2667 (Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act) to reduced proposed tariffs on plate glass.[49] Nay: 36-37 Amendment defeated.
March 13, 1930 Committee amendment to H.R. 2667 (Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act) to reduced proposed tariffs on spring clothespins.[50] Yea: 41-40 Amendment passed. H.R. 2667 passed and enacted.
May 19, 1930 On part of resolution S. 270, relieving the majority members of a conference committee of their promise in regard to the flexible provision of the tariff bill H.R. 2667.[51] Yea: 43-42 Majority members of the committee relieved of their promise.
John Nance Garner June 2, 1933 Trammell amendment, as amended by Sen. Connally, to H.R. 5389 (Independent Offices Appropriations) limiting potential reductions of war veterans' pensions and providing that "Spanish-American War veterans shall not be required to make proof of service-connected disability."[52] Yea: 43-42 Amendment passed.
April 17, 1934 Motion to proceed to the consideration of S. 2018 (relative to Members of Congress acting as attorneys in matters where the United States has an interest).[53] Yea: 32-31 Motion agreed to. The Senate proceeded to consider the bill.
February 6, 1940 Committee amendment to H.R. 7922 (Independent Offices Appropriations) to reduce the line item "general administration" for the Civil Aeronautics Authority budget from $1,659,191 to $1,543,932.[54] Yea: 35-34 Committee amendment passed.
Henry A. Wallace June 26, 1942 McCarran amendment to H.R. 7181 (appropriation bill for the Department of Labor and Federal Security Agency).[55] Yea: 33-32 Amendment passed.
Motion to table a motion to reconsider the vote by which the Senate agreed to the McCarran amendment to H.R. 7181.[56] Yea: 33-32 Motion to table agreed to.
July 16, 1942 Committee amendment to H. R. 7319 (making supplemental appropriations for the national defense for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1943).[57] Nay: 30-31 Committee amendment rejected.
July 17, 1942 Amendment to H.R. 6999 (Act authorizing the construction of a Florida Pipe Line and Barge Canal).[58] Nay: 30-31 Amendment defeated.
Harry S. Truman April 10, 1945 Taft amendment to H.R. 2013 (Lend-Lease Extension Act of 1945) to block the postwar delivery of Lend-Lease Act items contracted for during World War II.[59][60] Nay: 39–40 Amendment defeated.
Alben W. Barkley September 15, 1949 Motion to reconsider the vote by which the Senate agreed to the McCarthy amendment to H.R. 1211 (Trade Agreements Extension Act of 1949) to direct the president to establish import quotas on furs and fur products.[59] Yea: 42–41 Motion agreed to. The amendment was defeated in the re-vote.
September 15, 1949 Motion to table the motion to reconsider the vote by which the Senate agreed to the McCarthy amendment to H.R. 1211 (Trade Agreements Extension Act of 1949).[59] Nay: 41–42 Motion defeated. H.R. 1211 passed and enacted without amendments added. The reciprocal trade agreements program is extended to 1951.
October 4, 1949 Motion to table the motion to reconsider the vote by which the Senate rejected the Young-Russell amendment to H.R. 5345 (Agricultural Act of 1949) to make mandatory price support at 90% parity on cotton, wheat, corn, rice, peanuts.[59] Nay: 37–38 Motion defeated. The Young-Russell amendment is reconsidered for a new roll call vote.
October 4, 1949 Young-Russell amendment to H.R. 5345 (Agricultural Act of 1949) to make mandatory price support at 90% parity on cotton, wheat, corn, rice, peanuts. (This was a re-vote after the motion to reconsider the original defeat of the amendment was passed.)[59] Yea: 38–37 Amendment passed. This amendment was later changed in a compromise with the House version. H.R. 5345 was passed and enacted.
May 3, 1950 Motion to substitute the Senate Democratic Policy Committee amendment to S.Res. 202 (Nationwide Investigation into Organized Crime Act) to provide for an investigation into gambling and racketeering interstate crime by a special five-member committee called the "Special Committee to Investigate Crime in Interstate Commerce" who would be selected by the vice president. The group's composition would be three Democrats and two Republicans.[59] Yea: 36–35 Motion agreed to. The Senate Democratic Policy Committee plan replaced the original S.Res. 202 and S.Res. 202 was passed.
June 5, 1950 Conference bill of H.R. 5332 (Foreign-Trade Zones Amendment Act of 1950) to ease restrictions on assembling and processing of foreign goods in the "foreign-trade zones" which the original Act set up in major U.S. ports.[59] Yea: 31–30 H.R. 5332 passed and enacted.
June 26, 1950 Conference bill of H.R. 6567 (Commodity Credit Corporation Amendment Act of 1950) to increase the Commodity Credit Corporation's borrowing authority by $2 billion and other farm-related amendments.[59][61] Yea: 36–35 H.R. 6567 passed and enacted.
June 4, 1952 Ives amendment to S. 2954 (Defense Production Act Amendments of 1952) to maintain the same equal membership of the Wage Stabilization Board between labor, industry, and the public. The WSB would only be permitted to mediate only in wage disputes.[62][59] Yea: 42–41 Amendment passed. A later amendment during conference committee that was included in the final bill changed the composition of the WSB from equal representation between labor, industry, and the public to the board having more representation from the public.
Richard Nixon June 18, 1953 Motion to proceed to the consideration of the conference report of S. 1081 (Defense Production Act Amendments of 1953).[63][64][65] Yea: 40–39 Motion agreed to.
June 18, 1953 Motion to table the motion to reconsider the vote by which the Senate agreed to proceed with the consideration of the conference report of S. 1081 (Defense Production Act Amendments of 1953).[63][66][65] Yea: 42–41 Motion agreed to. The conference report of S. 1081 moves forward.
March 9, 1956 Aiken amendment to delete from H.R. 12 (Agricultural Act of 1956) 90% rigid mandatory price supports for millable varieties of wheat of 1956 crops.[59] Yea: 46–45 Amendment passed, but the final bill was unpalatable to everybody. Vetoed by President Eisenhower.
May 29, 1956 Knowland amendment to H.R. 10660 (Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956) to permit state agencies to determine prevailing wages for projects in the Interstate Highway System.[59] Yea: 40–39 Passed, but during conference committee the Knowland amendment wasn't included in the final bill.
March 12, 1958 Motion to table the motion to reconsider the vote on the Monroney amendment to delete the interest rate ceiling hike on American GI mortgages from 4.5% to 4.75% in S. 3418 (Emergency Housing Bill)[59] Yea: 48–47 Motion agreed to. GI mortgages now had an interest rate ceiling of 4.75%
April 22, 1959 Motion to table the motion to reconsider the vote on the McClellan amendment to S. 1555 (Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959) to add a bill of rights for union members to include guarantees of freedom of speech and periodic secret elections of officers.[67][59] Yea: 46–45 Motion agreed to. A bill of rights for union workers was included in the final bill that was passed and enacted.
February 3, 1960 Motion to table the motion to reconsider the vote on the Clark amendment to S. 8 (Emergency Federal Assistance for School Construction Act) to authorize $1.1 billion per year of federal funds for an indefinite period for school construction and teachers' salaries.[68] Yea: 45–44 Motion agreed to. A scaled-down version of the federal education funds passed later.
May 2, 1960 Gruening amendment to H.R. 11510 (Mutual Security Act of 1960) to prevent the president from using contingency funds to help replace cuts Congress may make later in other aid funds.[69][59] Nay: 44–45 Amendment defeated.
Lyndon B. Johnson No Votes
Hubert Humphrey August 17, 1965 Motion to reconsider the vote rejecting the Fannin amendment to keep governors' full veto rights over three anti-poverty programs (work-training, community action and adult education) intact in H.R. 8283 (Economic Opportunity Amendments of 1965).[59][70][71] Nay: 45–46 Motion defeated. The Senate version of a full repeal of veto rights was rejected eventually. The House version's limited repeal of veto rights was included in the final bill.
September 13, 1965 Bass amendment to H.R. 9811 (Food and Agriculture Act of 1965)[72] to strike from the bill a provision transferring from the Secretary of Labor to the Secretary of Agriculture authority to determine whether foreign farm workers are required by U.S. farmers.[73] Yea: 46–45 H.R. 9811 was passed and enacted.
May 9, 1967 Gore-Williams amendment to H.R. 6950 (Restoring the Investment Tax Credit and the Allowance of Accelerated Depreciation in the Case of Certain Real Property Act)[74] to make the 1966 Presidential Election Campaign Fund Act inoperative after September 15, 1967.[59] Nay: 48–49 Eventually H.R. 6950 was passed and enacted but with an amendment to make the 1966 Presidential Election Campaign Fund Act inoperative.
March 11, 1968 Clark amendment to H.R. 15399 (Urgent Supplemental Appropriations Act) to appropriate $25 million for the Office of Economic Opportunity's Head Start Program.[75] Yea: 43–42 H.R. 15399 died in Congress. The $25 million funding for Head Start was approved in a different bill.[59]
Spiro Agnew August 6, 1969 Smith amendment to prohibit funding for the Safeguard anti-ballistic missile program[76][77][78] Nay: 50–51 The Safeguard anti-ballistic missile program was authorized and came into fruition.
July 17, 1973 Motion to table the motion to reconsider the Gravel-Stevens amendment to S. 1081 (Trans-Alaska Pipeline Authorization Act) that states that the Interior Department has met all the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act for the Trans-Alaska Pipeline project.[59][79][78] Yea: 50–49 Motion agreed to. The Trans-Alaska Pipeline Authorization Act was ultimately passed and enacted in November 1973. The act authorized construction of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline.
Gerald Ford No Votes
Nelson Rockefeller No Votes
Walter Mondale November 4, 1977 Motion to table the Curtis amendment to H.R. 9346 (Social Security Tax Act of 1977) to continue the tradition of employers and employees paying equal shares of Social Security taxes.[59][80] Yea: 42–41 Motion agreed to.
George H. W. Bush July 13, 1983 Motion to table Pryor Amdt.1468 on nerve gas Yea: 50–49 Motion agreed to.
November 8, 1983 Stevens/Tower/Goldwater Amdt.2517 on nerve gas Yea: 47–46 Agreed to.
June 14, 1984 Motion to table Moynihan Amdt.3208 on MX missiles Yea: 49–48 Motion agreed to.
May 10, 1985 Dole Amdt.93 on cutting deficit Yea: 50–49 Agreed to.
July 23, 1986 Motion to reconsider vote on Manion nomination Nay: 49–50 Motion defeated so Manion remained confirmed.
August 7, 1986 Pryor Amdt.2612 on nerve gas Nay: 50–51 Amendment defeated.
September 22, 1987 Motion to table Johnston Amdt.710 on SDI funding Yea: 51–50 Motion agreed to.
Dan Quayle No Votes
June 25, 1993 H.R. 2264 (Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993) Yea: 50–49 Conference Report (see below) enacted as Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 103–66.
August 6, 1993 H.R. 2264 (Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993) Conference Report Yea: 51–50 Enacted.
Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 103–66
August 3, 1994 Motion to table S.Amdt. 2446 (Johnston Ethanol Limitation Amendment) to H.R. 4624 (Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act of 1995) Yea: 51–50 S.Amdt. 2446 tabled.
May 20, 1999 S.Amdt. 362 (Lautenberg Gun Show Sales Amendment) to S. 254 (School Safety Act of 1999) Yea: 51–50 S. 254 returned to Senate by House via blue slip. Expired at end of session.
Dick Cheney April 3, 2001 S.Amdt. 173 (Grassley Prescription Drug Reserve Fund Amendment) to H.Con.Res. 83 (2002 budget) Yea: 51–50 Agreed to.
April 5, 2001 S.Amdt. 347 (Hutchison Marriage Penalty Tax Elimination Amendment) to H.Con.Res. 83 (2002 budget) Yea: 51–50 Agreed to.
May 21, 2002 Motion to table S.Amdt. 3406 (Allen Mortgage Loan Amendment) to H.R. 3009 (Trade Act of 2002) Yea: 50–49 Motion agreed to.
April 11, 2003 H.Con.Res. 95 (2004 budget) Yea: 51–50 Enacted.
May 15, 2003 S.Amdt. 664 (Nickles Dividend Exclusion Amendment) to S. 1054 (Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003) Yea: 51–50 S. 1054 incorporated into H.R. 2 (see below), which was enacted as Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 108–27 (text) (PDF).
May 23, 2003 H.R. 2 (Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003) Conference Report Yea: 51–50 Enacted.
Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 108–27 (text) (PDF)
December 21, 2005 Motion to concur in the House amendment to S. 1932 with an amendment (Personal Responsibility, Work, and Family Promotion Act of 2005) Yea:
Motion agreed to.
Bill enacted, Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 109–171 (text) (PDF).
March 13, 2008 Motion to reconsider S.Amdt. 4189 to S.Con.Res. 70 Yea:
Motion agreed to.
No Votes
Mike Pence February 7, 2017 PN37 (Nomination of Elisabeth Prince DeVos, of Michigan, to be Secretary of Education)[81][82] Yea:
Nomination confirmed.
March 30, 2017 Motion to proceed to H.J.Res. 43 Yea:
Motion agreed to.
H.J.Res. 43 (Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the final rule submitted by Secretary of Health and Human Services relating to compliance with Title X requirements by project recipients in selecting subrecipients) Yea:
Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 115–23 (text) (PDF)
July 25, 2017 Motion to proceed to H.R. 1628 (American Health Care Act of 2017)[83] Yea:
Motion agreed to.
October 24, 2017 H.J.Res. 111 (Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection relating to "Arbitration Agreements")[84] Yea:
Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 115–74 (text) (PDF)
December 2, 2017 S.Amdt. 1852 (Cruz 529 Savings Plan Amendment) to H.R. 1 (Tax Cuts and Jobs Act) Yea:
Agreed to.
January 24, 2018 Motion to invoke cloture on PN1341 (Nomination of Sam Brownback, of Kansas, to be United States Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom) Yea:
Motion agreed to.
PN1341 (Nomination of Sam Brownback, of Kansas, to be United States Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom) Yea:
Nomination confirmed.
February 28, 2018 PN367 (Nomination of Russell Vought, of Virginia, to be Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget) Yea:
Nomination confirmed.
November 28, 2018 Motion to invoke cloture on PN1412 (Nomination of Thomas Farr, of North Carolina, to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of North Carolina) Yea:
Motion agreed to.
November 29, 2018 Motion to invoke cloture on PN2117 (Nomination of Jonathan A. Kobes, of South Dakota, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Eighth Circuit) Yea:
Motion agreed to.
December 11, 2018 PN2117 (Nomination of Jonathan A. Kobes, of South Dakota, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Eighth Circuit) Yea:
Nomination confirmed.
December 21, 2018 Motion to proceed to the House Message to accompany H.R. 695 (Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2018; a legislative vehicle used to fund various government departments.) Yea:
Motion agreed to.
Kamala Harris February 5, 2021 S.Amdt. 888 (Schumer amendment, in the nature of a substitute) to S.Con.Res. 5 Yea:
Amendment agreed to.
S.Con.Res. 5 (as amended): a concurrent resolution setting forth the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2021 and setting forth the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2022 through 2030 Yea:
Concurrent resolution adopted.
March 4, 2021 Motion to proceed to H.R. 1319, the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Yea:
Motion agreed to.[85]
April 21, 2021 Motion to discharge PN79-6 (Nomination of Colin Hackett Kahl, of California, to be Under Secretary of Defense for Policy) Yea:
Motion agreed to.
June 22, 2021 Motion to invoke cloture on PN220 (Nomination of Kiran Arjandas Ahuja, of Massachusetts, to be Director of the Office of Personnel Management for a term of four years) Yea:
Motion agreed to.
PN220 (Nomination of Kiran Arjandas Ahuja, of Massachusetts, to be Director of the Office of Personnel Management for a term of four years) Yea:
Nomination confirmed.
July 20, 2021 Motion to invoke cloture on PN126 (Nomination of Jennifer Ann Abruzzo, of New York, to be General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board for a term of four years) Yea:
Motion agreed to.
July 21, 2021 PN126 (Nomination of Jennifer Ann Abruzzo, of New York, to be General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board for a term of four years) Yea:
Nomination confirmed.
September 30, 2021 Motion to invoke cloture on PN116 (Nomination of Rohit Chopra, of Washington, D.C., to be Director of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection for a term of five years) Yea:
Motion agreed to.
October 20, 2021 Motion to invoke cloture on PN572 (Nomination of Catherine Elizabeth Lhamon, of California, to be Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, Department of Education) Yea:
Motion agreed to.
PN572 (Nomination of Catherine Elizabeth Lhamon, of California, to be Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, Department of Education) Yea:
Nomination confirmed.
November 3, 2021 Motion to discharge PN807 (Nomination of Jennifer Sung, of Oregon, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Ninth Circuit) Yea:
Motion agreed to.
November 17, 2021 Motion to invoke cloture on PN604 (Nomination of Brian Eddie Nelson, of California, to be Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Crimes) Yea:
Motion agreed to.
December 8, 2021 Motion to invoke cloture on PN930 (Nomination of Rachael S. Rollins, of Massachusetts, to be United States Attorney for the District of Massachusetts) Yea:
Motion agreed to.
PN930 (Nomination of Rachael S. Rollins, of Massachusetts, to be United States Attorney for the District of Massachusetts) Yea:
Nomination confirmed.
March 30, 2022 Motion to discharge PN1541 (Nomination of Alvaro M. Bedoya, of Maryland, to be Federal Trade Commissioner for the term of seven years from September 26, 2019) Yea:
Motion agreed to.
April 5, 2022 Motion to discharge PN1523 (Nomination of Julia Ruth Gordon, of Maryland, to be an Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development) Yea:
Motion agreed to.
May 10, 2022 PN1679 (Nomination of Lisa DeNell Cook, of Michigan, to be a Member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System for the unexpired term of fourteen years from February 1, 2010) Yea:
Nomination confirmed.
May 11, 2022 Motion to invoke cloture on PN1541 (Nomination of Alvaro M. Bedoya, of Maryland, to be Federal Trade Commissioner for the term of seven years from September 26, 2019) Yea:
Motion agreed to.
PN1541 (Nomination of Alvaro M. Bedoya, of Maryland, to be Federal Trade Commissioner for the term of seven years from September 26, 2019) Yea:
Nomination confirmed.
Motion to invoke cloture on PN1523 (Nomination of Julia Ruth Gordon, of Maryland, to be Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development) Yea:
Motion agreed to.
PN1523 (Nomination of Julia Ruth Gordon, of Maryland, to be Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development) Yea:
Nomination confirmed.
May 12, 2022 Motion to discharge PN1542 (Nomination of Mary T. Boyle, of Maryland, to be a Commissioner of the Consumer Product Safety Commission) Yea:
Motion agreed to.
August 6, 2022 Motion to proceed to H.R. 5376, the legislative vehicle for the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 Yea:
Motion agreed to.
August 7, 2022 S.Amdt. 5488 to H.R. 5376, the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 Yea:
Amendment agreed to.
H.R. 5376, the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 Yea:
H.R. 5376 passed, as amended.
February 28, 2023 PN76 (Nomination of Araceli Martínez-Olguín, of California, to be United States District Judge for the Northern District of California) Yea:
Nomination confirmed.
Motion to invoke cloture on PN77 (Nomination of Margaret R. Guzman, of Massachusetts, to be United States District Judge for the District of Massachusetts) Yea:
Motion agreed to.
March 1, 2023 PN77 (Nomination of Margaret R. Guzman, of Massachusetts, to be United States District Judge for the District of Massachusetts) Yea:
Nomination confirmed.
June 21, 2023 Motion to invoke cloture on PN82 (Nomination of Natasha C. Merle, of New York, to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of New York) Yea:
Motion agreed to.
July 12, 2023 Motion to invoke cloture on PN64 (Nomination of Kalpana Kotagal, of Ohio, to be a Member of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission for a term expiring July 1, 2027) Yea: 51–50 Motion agreed to. Kotagal was confirmed the next day (July 13).
December 5, 2023 Motion to invoke cloture on PN588 (Nomination of Loren L. AliKhan, of the District of Columbia, to be United States District Judge for the District of Columbia) Yea: 51–50 Motion agreed to.
PN588 (Nomination of Loren L. AliKhan, of the District of Columbia, to be United States District Judge for the District of Columbia) Yea: 51–50 Nomination confirmed.


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External links