Vlaamse Jeugdraad
The Flemish Youth Council (Dutch : Vlaamse Jeugdraad ) is the official advisory body of the Flemish government on all matters concerning children and young people. The VJR represents the children, young people and youth organisations in Flanders and promotes their interests and reinforces their voice so they are heard and can actively influence policy. The Flemish Ministers are required to consult VJR on any decision they make affecting children and/or young people but the VJR may also offer advice at its own discretion.[ 1]
The Flemish Youth Council is a full member of the European Youth Forum (YFJ).
International non- governmental youth organisations National youth councils
British Youth Council
Nationale Jeugdraad
Comité pour les Relations Nationales et Internationales des Associations de Jeunesse et d'Education Populaire
Eesti Noorteühenduste Liit
Conférence Générale de la Jeunesse Luxembourgoise
Consejo de la Juventud de España
Conselho Nacional de Juventude
Consell Nacional de la Joventut de Catalunya
Consiliul Național al Tineretului din Moldova
Comité pour les Relations Internationales de Jeunesse
National Youth Council of Switzerland
Cyprus Youth Council
Deutsches Nationalkomitee für Internationale Jugendarbeit
Dansk Ungdoms Fællesråd
National Youth Council of Greece
Forum Nazionale dei Giovani
Kunsill Nazzjonali Taz-Zghazagh
Lietuvos jaunimo organizacijų taryba
Latvijas Jaunatnes Padome
Landsrådet for Norske barne- og ungdomsorganisasjoner
Landsrådet för Sveriges ungdomsorganisationer
Landsamband æskulýðsfélaga
Mladinski Svet Slovenjie
Mreža Mladih Hrvatske
National Assembly of Youth Organisations of the Republic of Azerbaijan
National Council of Youth Organisations of Georgia
National Youth Council of Armenia
National Youth Council of Ireland
National Youth Council of Russia
Österreichische Kinder- und Jugendvertretung
Belarusian Union of Youth and Children's Public Associations
Rada Mládeže Slovenska
Česká rada dětí a mládeže
Vlaamse Jeugdraad
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