Walther Rathenau Institut

The institute's official logo

The Walther Rathenau Institut, Stiftung für internationale Politik is a non-party and non-profit foundation based in Berlin. It is named after Walther Rathenau, the German-Jewish foreign minister of the Weimar Republic.

Aims and purposes

The foundation celebrates the life and works of Walther Rathenau, a successful industrial, essayist, and foreign policymaker who was born in Berlin on September the 29th, 1867. The foundation’s goal is to make his dedication to democratic values, international understanding and tolerance widely known to the broad public. For this purpose the foundation fosters political education in remembrance of Walther Rathenau, especially by means of contributions and research projects in the field of foreign policy. Moreover, policy studies are performed on current Germany-related subjects that reflect the liberal spirit of Walther Rathenau.[1]


Rathenau Medal

The Walther Rathenau Institut annually awards the Walther-Rathenau-Preis acknowledging outstanding work in regard to foreign policy. The prize, a medal with Walther Rathenau’s portrait, is presented at a celebration in Berlin.

Award winners

History and structure

The Walther Rathenau Institut was founded in Berlin at the beginning of 2008 by and on initiative of the publicist and entrepreneur Michael Gotthelf.

Advisory board
  • Michael A. Gotthelf (founder and chairman of the advisory board)
  • Günther Nonnenmacher
  • Wolfgang Ischinger
  • Samuel Skoblo
  • Mikolaj Ciechanowicz[3]

See also


  1. ^ Walther Rathenau Institut auf rathenau-stiftung.de
  2. ^ Walther Rathenau Preis auf rathenau-stiftung.de
  3. ^ Organisation auf rathenau-stiftung.de

External links