
TypeDaily newspaper
FormatGeneral news
Founded22 December 1989 (1989-12-22)
Circulation192,467 (as of 2009) Edit this at Wikidata

Libertatea (Romanian pronunciation: [liberˈtate̯a]; "Freedom") is a Romanian daily newspaper and online news website covering current affairs, entertainment, sports and lifestyle. It was founded on December 22, 1989 (12:45 p.m.), by Octavian Andronic, as "the first independent newspaper of the Romanian Revolution of 1989".

History and profile

The paper was started in 1989.[1] The first edition was published at midday on 22 December 1989, being the first newspaper to announce that the communist ruler, President Nicolae Ceaușescu, had fled the capital in a helicopter. The former newspaper was named Informația Bucureștiului. Sorin Rosca Stanescu was a journalist at the former newspaper and worked with Octavian Andronic, the founder of the new newspaper Libertatea.

Nowadays, the first edition of Libertatea can be seen in museums, like Muzeul Presei Sever Bocu', from Jimbolia, Timiș.

The current editor-in-chief, Dan Duca, joined Libertatea in March 2020 and was appointed editor-in-chief[2] in August, the same year.

Ringier takeover

In 1994, it was bought by Ringier and went through a lot of changes, which resulted in Libertatea eventually becoming the most printed and sold newspaper in the country, growing from Bucharest only into a national printed publication. It also became the first Romanian newspaper to be printed in color.

Libertatea – tabloid

In 1999, most part of the newsroom leaves and starts another newspaper, Averea, Libertatea becomes a tabloid, following as a model the Swiss Ringier tabloid, Blick. The number of sold copies goes from some tens of thousands a day, to more than 250.000.

In 2002, Libertatea was the most distributed newspaper in Romania, with a monthly average of 151.409 sold copies, per edition. Its competitors were Adevărul, with 129.389 sold copies, and Evenimentul Zilei, with 106.297.[3]

The same year, Libertatea launches the Sunday edition.[4]

A SNA study shows from July 2008 – July 2009, shows that Libertatea is still the number one newspaper in the country, with 1.425.000 readers. Its tabloid competitor, Cancan, is second, with 981.000 readers and the third is also a tabloid, „Click”, with 938.000 readers.[5]

Page 5 Girl

"Page 5 girl" (Fata de la Pagina 5) appeared when Libertatea relaunched as a tabloid and it soon became a brand on its own. Some national celebrities became famous due to being "Page 5" girls. Among them, the most known are Laura Cosoi, Andreea Mantea, Nicoleta Luciu or Roxana Ionescu.

In 2001, a night club, Pub 21, launched a cocktail with the name of "Fata de la Pagina 5".[6]

After almost 20 years, in 2017, with a shift in editorial strategy, while rebranding as a popular newspaper, Libertatea cancels "Page 5 girl" section from its printed and online editions.[7]

From tabloid to general news

In 2014, Libertatea starts a rebranding process, by repositioning from tabloid to general news. The mix of content changes as well, shifting its accent from celebrities and content meant to shock and amaze, to general news, politics, features.[8]

In 2016, BRAT (Biroul Român de Audit Transmedia), voted to move Libertatea from its "tabloid" category, to "General news", so the change became official.[9]

Video also becomes an important part of the newsroom with a dedicated department.

A new relaunch

In 2018, after Ringier Romania took over Gazeta Sporturilor in a joint venture with Sportal,[10] Cătălin Tolontan became the editorial director of Libertatea.[11] The newsroom goes through changes, new journalists become part of the team in a process that took place over two years.

Libertatea becomes well known for the investigative pieces, features and human stories published both in print and in the online edition.

Circulation and format

Libertatea had a certified average daily circulation of 36.905 copies, in Q1 2020,[12] with 11.732 subscriptions and 15.598 sold copies

The newspaper relaunched in April 2016,[13] in general news format with a shift from tabloid journalism to more serious reporting, after a process which started in 2014. The decision was taken after a voting process in the directorial council of BRAT.

Libertatea is distributed Monday to Saturday, with daily content on its website. The Sunday edition was canceled starting April 2020. On Fridays, a free TV Guide is distributed with the printed edition. Also, both in print and online, readers can find, on Fridays, the weekly horoscope written by Urania.

Online media

Libertatea publishes all news online, with free access both to current news and an archive of 670.000 stories. is ranked in top 5 Romanian websites, as monthly number of unique users, according to BRAT.[12]

Libertatea features a Monday to Friday online live news format, broadcast twice per day on "Adriana Nedelea, la fix"

Also, Uranissima, a video horoscope, by Urania, can be followed weekly on a dedicated playlist on the Libertatea YouTube channel.

Daily, Libertatea hosts different opinion pieces & editorial comments in a dedicated section, Opinii.


  • "The most read newspaper" Radar de Media Awards (2011)[14]
  • "Best news online platform" – Radar de Media Awards (2015)[15]
  • Libertatea – "Best newsroom of 2019" – Premiile Superscrieri[16]
  • Libertatea – "Best investigative journalism of 2019", for the serial articles about fake doctors. Award offered by Superscrieri.[17]
  • Libertatea – FreeEX award (2019)

Notable stories

  1. At the beginning of 2019, Libertatea documents the oldest case of a missing child in Romania.[18] The material, consisting of 2 parts [19] , tells about Țiți, Cristescu Dumitru Laurențiu, a 4-year-old boy, who disappeared on October 20, 1973, in Bucharest, near a factory. Libertatea also talks about the robot portrait of an adult[19] Ţiți, made by Florin Lăzău, the only Romanian policeman specialized in age progression.
  2. "Ana de 1 Decembrie"[20] is another case documented by Libertatea, about an 18-year-old young woman, named Ana Maria Tănasă, totally immobilized, with spastic tetraparesis, following an accident. Ana was trampled on the crosswalk by a car in Iași, in 2015, when she was paralyzed. When the article was published, prosecutors had not yet sent the perpetrator, Eugen Sandu, former head of the Iași Environmental Guard, to court. 3 years after the accident, Libertatea journalists visit the only eyewitness of the accident, Iulian Dumitru, settled in England. The witness admits to the journalists that they are the first to come to visit him. On December 28, 2018, almost a month after the publication of the material from Libertatea, the prosecutors from Iași sent Eugen Sandu,[21] the perpetrator of the accident, to court and suspended his right to drive the car.
  3. In July 2018, Libertatea publishes[22] an exclusive investigation about Cristi Borcea, former shareholder and executive president of the Dinamo Bucharest club. The material, consisting of 2 parts, talks about how Cristi got rich, during his detention in the Poarta Albă Penitentiary, following the sale of liquefied gas, LPG, to various state institutions, including the Penitentiary where he was imprisoned. Among the state clients are the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection Călărași, the Romanian Post and the National Railway Company "CFR" SA.
  4. The story of the plastic skate rink, from Carol Park, in Bucharest, is investigated by Libertatea in December 2018. The article lists and analyzes the contracts of the company that won the auction for the installation of the rink, a contract worth 80,000 Euros. The newspaper states that the company, Star Pro Center INTL, is promoted using photos with ice rinks that are sold on the Chinese trade site Alibaba.
  5. "Front Journal of Afghanistan"[23] is a series of reports and videos published in February 2018, made by Dragoș Sasu and Ionuț Iordăchescu. The two Libertatea journalists broadcast, for 2 weeks, from the war zone in Afghanistan.
  6. Libertatea published a material about false advertising in its own newspaper,[24] in the press, on TV and on the Internet. The report refers to the advertisement of a recommended supplement in oncological diseases, which contains a banned substance in the United States. Following the report, the newspaper's customers who promoted such supplements withdrew. Libertatea won a FreeEx award for this piece.
  7. On Monday, October 15, 2018, Libertatea published the story of a 13-year-old girl from Onești who was sexually assaulted by her father.[25] Then, continues a series of investigations and reports, which show that in Romania there are many cases in which pedophiles were found guilty and received sentences with suspension, or without execution.
  8. On Tuesday, February 5, 2019, Libertatea published the case of the fake doctor Matthew Mode, real name Matteo Politi, who operated in several private clinics in Romania for a year without having specialized studies. The news is taken over by the main television stations in Romania, but also by the New York Times, which, under the signature of Palko Karasz, presents in detail the case of Matteo Politi, citing Libertatea. For this series[26] about fake doctors, Libertatea won an award for "Best investigative journalism of 2019".


  1. ^ Central and South-Eastern Europe 2004. Psychology Press. 2003. p. 507. ISBN 978-1-85743-186-5. Retrieved 9 May 2016.
  2. ^ "Redactorul-șef al ziarului Libertatea și-a dat demisia. De ce? Cine preia atribuțiile?". (in Romanian). Retrieved 2021-02-08.
  3. ^ "Libertatea, ziarul cel mai citit din Romania". 16 October 2002.
  4. ^ "Ringier, publisher de succes pe piaţa românească - Life & Style - Radio România Actualităţi Online".
  5. ^ ""Libertatea", cel mai citit ziar din România".
  6. ^ "Fata de la pagina 5 e model pentru artisti". 23 June 2007.
  7. ^ "VIDEO. Finalul unei epoci. De ce a fost scoasă la pensie "Fata de la pagina 5" din Libertatea".
  8. ^ "Libertatea apartine oficial categoriei "Stiri generale", conform clasificarii BRAT".
  9. ^ "Libertatea nu se mai declară tabloid. La BRAT e ziar de "ştiri generale"".
  10. ^ "Ringier a cumpărat Gazeta sporturilor. Tranzacţia, anunţată oficial".
  11. ^ "Tolontan renunţă la conducerea editorială a Gazetei, pentru o altă funcţie în Ringier. Un alt Cătălin îi ia locul".
  12. ^ a b "Libertatea". Retrieved 2021-02-08.
  13. ^ "Libertatea aparține oficial categoriei "Știri generale", conform clasificării BRAT". Libertatea (in Romanian). 2016-04-14. Retrieved 2021-02-08.
  14. ^ "Libertatea, "Cel mai citit ziar" la premiile Online Radar de Media". Libertatea (in Romanian). 2011-02-14. Retrieved 2021-02-08.
  15. ^ "EDIȚIA 2015 – PREMIILE RADAR DE MEDIA". RADAR DE MEDIA (in Romanian). Retrieved 2021-02-08.
  16. ^ "VIDEO. Libertatea, și "Redacția anului" și premiul cel mare la Superscrieri. Pentru seria de anchete "Medici falși", semnată de echipa lui Tolontan". (in Romanian). Retrieved 2021-02-08.
  17. ^ "Superscrieri – Fundaţia Friends For Friends". Retrieved 2021-02-08.
  18. ^ "VIDEO / De 45 de ani își caută fiul pierdut! Cel mai vechi caz de copil dispărut din România: "Mi-am cântărit merele. Când m-am întors, nu mai era", își amintește mama lui Țiți". Libertatea (in Romanian). 2019-01-09. Retrieved 2021-02-08.
  19. ^ "VIDEO/ Durerea mamei care își caută băiatul dispărut acum 45 de ani: "Mă rog la Dumnezeu să mi-l arate în vis, viu sau mort. Dar eu cred că nu e mort"". Libertatea (in Romanian). 2019-01-10. Retrieved 2021-02-08.
  20. ^ "VIDEO/ Ana de 1 Decembrie – Fata paralizată pe trecerea de pietoni care răspunde la "Te iubim!" clipind din ochi. După trei ani, șoferul n-a fost trimis în judecată!". Libertatea (in Romanian). 2018-12-01. Retrieved 2021-02-08.
  21. ^ "Abia acum i-au luat carnetul și l-au trimis în judecată! La trei ani după ce a călcat-o pe Ana pe trecerea de pietoni și la o lună de la articolele din Libertatea, justiția s-a mișcat". Libertatea (in Romanian). 2019-01-16. Retrieved 2021-02-08.
  22. ^ "INVESTIGAȚIE EXCLUSIVĂ/Borcea s-a îmbogățit în închisoare. Culmea afacerilor: A vândut gaz lichefiat până și Penitenciarului Poarta Albă, unde a fost închis". Libertatea (in Romanian). 2018-07-09. Retrieved 2021-02-08.
  23. ^ "VIDEO 360°/ JURNAL DE FRONT DIN AFGANISTAN. Ziua 1: Drumul spre război". Libertatea (in Romanian). 2018-02-16. Retrieved 2021-02-08.
  24. ^ "Libertatea, despre publicitatea mincinoasă din propriul ziar, din presă, de pe TV și de pe internet! Afacerea suplimentelor alimentare care promit că te vindecă de cancer!". Libertatea (in Romanian). 2019-01-31. Retrieved 2021-02-08.
  25. ^ "INVESTIGAȚIE EXCLUSIVĂ/ Prădătorii de copii sunt liberi! – Tribunalele din România dau pedepse cu suspendare pentru tații care-și agresează sexual fetele minore și le dau posibilitatea să facă muncă în centrele de copii!". Libertatea (in Romanian). 2018-10-15. Retrieved 2021-02-08.
  26. ^ "Doctori Falși". Libertatea (in Romanian). Retrieved 2021-02-08.

External links